I hereby claim:
- I am jmar777 on github.
- I am jmar777 (https://keybase.io/jmar777) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 5159 0463 0A5F 35F7 0ECC B9FB B5AB 0119 5DC6 FB5E
To claim this, I am signing this object:
async function example() { | |
// you can catch rejected promises that you await on | |
try { | |
await Promise.reject('blargh'); | |
} catch (err) { | |
console.log(err); | |
} | |
// if you don't catch, then `example()` resolves to a rejected promise | |
await Promise.reject('blah') |
async function awaitsRejectection() { | |
await Promise.reject('blah'); | |
} | |
async function throwsStuff() { | |
throw new Error('blah'); | |
} |
async function awaitsRejectection() { | |
await Promise.reject('blah'); | |
} | |
async function throwsStuff() { | |
throw new Error('blah'); | |
} |
function Enum(names) { | |
let members = Object.create(null); | |
members.tryParse = name => { | |
if (!members[name]) { | |
throw new Error(`Unable to parse '${name}' as an Enum member.`); | |
} | |
return members[name]; | |
}; | |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
function getTestPersonaLoginCredentials(cb) { | |
http.get({ | |
host: 'personatestuser.org', | |
path: '/email' | |
}, function(res) { | |
// explicitly treat incoming data as utf8 (avoids issues with multi-byte chars) | |
res.setEncoding('utf8'); | |
// incrementally capture the incoming response body |
First, we need to figure out what the actual error is. This is obviously frustrating given that the error message is intentionally truncating it. | |
1) SSH in to your node (various guides available for this if you're not already familiar with this). | |
2) Run this command (basically an Elastic Beanstalk wrapper command for npm install I found in a blog post [1]): | |
$ sudo /opt/elasticbeanstalk/containerfiles/ebnode.py --action npm-install 2 | |
3) Find the actual error message in the output from the npm install. | |
Once you know the error, it should hopefully be fairly obvious how to fix it. I've run into two different errors over the last couple days on Elastic Beanstalk: | |
The first was a dependency that was using the new "^X.Y.Z" version syntax, which is only supported in Node >= v0.10.26 (whereas Elastic Beanstalk only supports up to v0.10.21 as of today). The solution here was easy: hardcode a dependency version *prior* to when that dependency adopted to the new syntax. |
var db = connect('localhost:27017/aggr-test'); | |
print('Dropping indexes...'); | |
db.events.dropIndexes(); | |
print('Creating index...'); | |
var indexStart = Date.now(); | |
db.events.ensureIndex({ ts: 1 }); | |
var indexDuration = ((Date.now() - indexStart) / 1000).toFixed(2); | |
print('Index created (' + indexDuration + ' seconds)'); |
jmar777:gaas-license-verification jeremymartin$ jitsu deploy | |
info: Welcome to Nodejitsu | |
info: It worked if it ends with Nodejitsu ok | |
info: Executing command deploy | |
info: Authenticated as jmar777 | |
info: Analyzing your application dependencies in app.js | |
warn: Local version appears to be old. | |
warn: Your package.json version will be incremented for you automatically. | |
warn: About to write /Users/jeremymartin/Projects/gaas-license-verification/package.json | |
data: |
jmar777:gaas-license-verification jeremymartin$ jitsu create | |
info: Welcome to Nodejitsu | |
info: It worked if it ends with Nodejitsu ok | |
info: Executing command create | |
info: Authenticated as jmar777 | |
warn: | |
warn: Your package.json file is missing required fields: | |
warn: | |
warn: scripts.start | |
warn: |