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Created March 29, 2019 14:17
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func positionsOfZeroNetForce(_ magnetPositions: [Double]) -> [Double] {
let threshold = 0.0000000000001
// Utility function to give 1/fn(m0) + 1/fn(m1) + ... + 1/fn(mn)
// Used for working out the force at x, and its derivitive
func sumReciprocals(_ fn: (Double)->(Double)) -> Double {
return {
guard $0 != 0 else { return Double.nan }
return 1.0/$0
}.reduce(0, +)
let pairsOfMagnetPositions = (0..<(magnetPositions.count-1)).map {
(m0: magnetPositions[$0], m1: magnetPositions[$0+1])
return {
// Newton's method for successively approximating roots of a function
var x = $0.0+($0.1-$0.0)/2 // Initial approximation = halfway between positions
var accuracy = threshold*2
repeat {
let forceAtX = sumReciprocals { $0-x }
let derivitiveOfForceAtX = sumReciprocals { ($0-x)*($0-x) }
let xn = x - forceAtX/derivitiveOfForceAtX
accuracy = abs(xn - x)
x = xn
} while threshold < accuracy
return x
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