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Created April 11, 2020 18:43
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token generation through purchase using oracle
contract UsdContract:
def read() -> bytes32: constant
contract Ophir:
def mint(_to : address, _value : uint256): modifying
ChangePrice: event({_value: uint256})
TokenPurchase: event({_to: indexed(address), _value: uint256})
TokenUpdate: event({_to: indexed(address)})
usdPrice : uint256
ophirContract : Ophir
usdSource : UsdContract
locked : bool
operator : address
def __init__(_sourceAddress : address, _tokenAddress : address, _salePrice: uint256, _saleDecimal : uint256):
@dev connect crowdsale contract to eth/usd price and token
@param _sourceAddress ETH/USD feed source
@param _tokenAddress token contract address
@param _salePrice initial sales price in USD
assert _saleDecimal <= 18
self.usdPrice = _salePrice * 10 ** (18 - _saleDecimal)
self.usdSource = UsdContract(_sourceAddress)
self.ophirContract = Ophir(_tokenAddress)
self.locked = False
self.operator = msg.sender
def displayPrice() -> uint256:
@dev returns USD sale price, 18 decimals
return self.usdPrice
def _priceDivide(_x : uint256, _y : uint256) -> uint256:
numerator : uint256 = _x * 10 ** 3
result : uint256 = (numerator / _y)
assert result > 1
result = result
return result
def _priceMultiply(_x : uint256, _y : uint256) -> uint256:
factorX : uint256 = _x
factorY : uint256 = _y
result : uint256 = factorX * factorY * (10 ** -3)
return result
def isLocked() -> bool:
@dev displays if smart contract is locked or otherwise
return self.locked
def setPrice(_price : uint256, _decimals : uint256):
@dev sets new USD sale price, logs event
@param _price price in USD, from values $1-$999999
@param _decimals decimals in the _price param
assert msg.sender == self.operator
assert _decimals <= 18
amtDecimal : uint256 = 18 - _decimals
self.usdPrice = _price * 10 ** amtDecimal
def lockToggle() -> bool:
@dev locks or unlocks the smart contract from new purchases
assert msg.sender == self.operator
self.locked = False
return False
if(self.locked == False):
self.locked = True
return False
def modifyToken(_tokenAddress : address):
@dev changes token contract address in an event of contract modification
@param _tokenAddress token contract address
assert msg.sender == self.operator
self.ophirSource = Ophir(_tokenAddress)
def modifyFeed(_sourceAddress : address):
@dev changes feed contract address in an event of contract modification
@param _sourceAddress feed contract address
assert msg.sender == self.operator
self.usdSource = UsdContract(_sourceAddress)
def tokenPurchase():
@dev executes the purchase and generation of new ophir tokens
1. Reads ETHUSD Oracle
2. Parse into uint256
3. Calculate rate for OPR/ETH
4. Calculate token amount rate * amount
5. Send/Mint Tokens to Buyer
assert msg.value > 0
recv : bytes32 =
ethusd : uint256 = convert(recv, uint256)
opreth : uint256 = self._priceDivide(ethusd, self.usdPrice)
amtTok : uint256 = self._priceMultiply(opreth, msg.value), amtTok)
log.TokenPurchase(msg.sender, amtTok)
def destroyContract():
assert msg.sender == self.operator
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