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public static class Build
public static OrderBuilder Order(Cutomer customer)
return new OrderBuilder(customer);
public static CustomerBuilder Customer(string name)
return new CustomerBuilder(name);
jmhdez / gist:6669478
Last active December 23, 2015 17:29
Enumerators y Dispose
Una consulta básica usando Linq-to-NHibernate (con EF supongo que sería parecido)
var dbQuery = session.Query<Product>();
El IEnumerable que devuelve, internamente tiene un Enumerator parecido a esto:
IEnumerator<Product> GetEnumerator() {
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
jmhdez / console.js
Last active August 13, 2023 01:16
Javascript console replacement
(function(window, document) {
// Create the DOM structure to hold the console messages
var div = document.createElement("div"); = "position: absolute; " +
"top: 5px; left: 5px; right: 5px; bottom: 5px; " +
"padding: 10px; " +
"overflow-y: auto; " +
"display: none; " +
jmhdez / AsDict.cs
Last active December 22, 2015 00:28
Extension Method para convertir un objeto anónimo en un IDictinary
public static class Extensions
public IDictionary<string, object> AsDict(this object obj)
return obj.GetType().GetProperties().ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.GetValue(obj, null))
var obj = new { Name = "Lucas", Age = 14 }.AsDict();
jmhdez / Elements.cs
Last active December 20, 2015 11:19
Compartiendo elementos en posiciones dependientes del contenedor
public interface IElement
IEnumerable<ChildElement> Children { get; }
public class ChildElement
public readonly IElement Value;
public readonly Point Point;
jmhdez / Sample.cs
Last active December 19, 2015 19:29
Unas cuantas opciones para refactorizar un método a la hora de testearlo
// Situación inicial
public class OrderStatsCalculator
// Inyectado por constructor. En todos los casos lo hago igual.
private IOrderRepository repository;
// Esto se puede testear con un mock/stub/fake/etc. que inyectes por
// el constructor
public int Calculate()
jmhdez / Id.cs
Created April 14, 2013 08:48
Id implementation using phantom types
public struct Id<T>
public readonly int Value;
public Id(int value)
this.value = value;
public static implicit operator Id<T>(int value)
jmhdez / DuckType.cs
Created December 16, 2012 16:32
Duck typing con C# preparado para realizar implementaciones de interfaces con objetos anónimos
// Required libs
// - NUnit
// - Castle.DynamicProxy
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using Castle.DynamicProxy;
using NUnit.Framework;
jmhdez / DuckType.cs
Created December 8, 2012 10:46
Duck Typing con C#
// Required libs
// - NUnit
// - Castle.DynamicProxy
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using Castle.DynamicProxy;
using NUnit.Framework;
jmhdez /
Created June 22, 2012 07:03
Sample Cordova Plugin for Android
package koalite.cordova;
import org.apache.cordova.api.Plugin;
import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult;
import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult.Status;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import android.content.Intent;
public class GoToPlugin extends Plugin {