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Created November 12, 2015 22:51
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# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (revocationCodes).Len() int
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (revocationCodes).Less(i int, j int) bool
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (revocationCodes).Swap(i int, j int)
# return value 'certChecker' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func newChecker(saDbMap *, paDbMap *, clk, enforceWhitelist bool, challengeTypes map[string]bool) certChecker
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (durationSlice).Len() int
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (durationSlice).Less(a int, b int) bool
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (durationSlice).Swap(a int, b int)
# return value 'RateLimitConfig' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func LoadRateLimitPolicies(filename string) (RateLimitConfig, error)
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (PAConfig).CheckChallenges() error
# parameter 'statConf' at index 0, and parameter 'logConf' at index 1 should be made into pointers
func StatsAndLogging(statConf StatsdConfig, logConf SyslogConfig) (, *
# return value 'PKCS11Config' at index 4 should be made into a pointer
func readFiles(c * (issuer *crypto/x509.Certificate, responder *crypto/x509.Certificate, target *crypto/x509.Certificate, template, pkcs11 PKCS11Config, err error)
# return value 'Challenge' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func newChallenge(challengeType string, accountKey * Challenge
# return value 'Challenge' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func SimpleHTTPChallenge(accountKey * Challenge
# return value 'Challenge' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func DvsniChallenge(accountKey * Challenge
# return value 'Challenge' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func HTTPChallenge01(accountKey * Challenge
# return value 'Challenge' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func TLSSNIChallenge01(accountKey * Challenge
# return value 'Challenge' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func DNSChallenge01(accountKey * Challenge
# parameter at index 0, and return value 'Registration' at index 0 should be made into pointers
func (RegistrationAuthority).NewRegistration(Registration) (Registration, error)
# parameter at index 0, and return value 'Authorization' at index 0 should be made into pointers
func (RegistrationAuthority).NewAuthorization(Authorization, int64) (Authorization, error)
# parameter at index 0, and return value 'Certificate' at index 0 should be made into pointers
func (RegistrationAuthority).NewCertificate(CertificateRequest, int64) (Certificate, error)
# parameter at index 0, parameter at index 1, and return value 'Registration' at index 0 should be made into pointers
func (RegistrationAuthority).UpdateRegistration(Registration, Registration) (Registration, error)
# parameter at index 0, parameter at index 2, and return value 'Authorization' at index 0 should be made into pointers
func (RegistrationAuthority).UpdateAuthorization(Authorization, int, Challenge) (Authorization, error)
# parameter at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (RegistrationAuthority).RevokeCertificateWithReg(crypto/x509.Certificate, RevocationCode, int64) error
# parameter at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (RegistrationAuthority).AdministrativelyRevokeCertificate(crypto/x509.Certificate, RevocationCode, string) error
# parameter at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (RegistrationAuthority).OnValidationUpdate(Authorization) error
# parameter at index 0, and return value 'Certificate' at index 0 should be made into pointers
func (CertificateAuthority).IssueCertificate(crypto/x509.CertificateRequest, int64) (Certificate, error)
# parameter at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (CertificateAuthority).GenerateOCSP(OCSPSigningRequest) ([]byte, error)
# parameter 'id' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (PolicyAuthority).WillingToIssue(id AcmeIdentifier, regID int64) error
# parameter at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (PolicyAuthority).ChallengesFor(AcmeIdentifier, * ([]Challenge, [][]int, error)
# return value 'Registration' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (StorageGetter).GetRegistration(int64) (Registration, error)
# return value 'Registration' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (StorageGetter).GetRegistrationByKey( (Registration, error)
# return value 'Authorization' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (StorageGetter).GetAuthorization(string) (Authorization, error)
# parameter at index 1, and return value 'Authorization' at index 0 should be made into pointers
func (StorageGetter).GetLatestValidAuthorization(int64, AcmeIdentifier) (Authorization, error)
# return value 'Certificate' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (StorageGetter).GetCertificate(string) (Certificate, error)
# return value 'CertificateStatus' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (StorageGetter).GetCertificateStatus(string) (CertificateStatus, error)
# return value 'SignedCertificateTimestamp' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (StorageGetter).GetSCTReceipt(string, string) (SignedCertificateTimestamp, error)
# parameter at index 0, and return value 'Registration' at index 0 should be made into pointers
func (StorageAdder).NewRegistration(Registration) (Registration, error)
# parameter at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (StorageAdder).UpdateRegistration(Registration) error
# parameter at index 0, and return value 'Authorization' at index 0 should be made into pointers
func (StorageAdder).NewPendingAuthorization(Authorization) (Authorization, error)
# parameter at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (StorageAdder).UpdatePendingAuthorization(Authorization) error
# parameter at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (StorageAdder).FinalizeAuthorization(Authorization) error
# parameter at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (StorageAdder).AddSCTReceipt(SignedCertificateTimestamp) error
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (CertificateRequest).MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
# parameter 'input' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (*Registration).MergeUpdate(input Registration)
# return value 'KeyAuthorization' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func NewKeyAuthorization(token string, key * (KeyAuthorization, error)
# return value 'KeyAuthorization' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func NewKeyAuthorizationFromString(input string) (ka KeyAuthorization, err error)
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (KeyAuthorization).String() string
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (KeyAuthorization).Match(token string, key * bool
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (KeyAuthorization).MarshalJSON() (result []byte, err error)
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (Challenge).RecordsSane() bool
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (Challenge).isLegacy() bool
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (Challenge).legacyIsSane(completed bool) bool
# receiver, parameter 'resp' at index 0, and return value 'Challenge' at index 0 should be made into pointers
func (Challenge).legacyMergeResponse(resp Challenge) Challenge
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (Challenge).IsSane(completed bool) bool
# receiver, parameter 'resp' at index 0, and return value 'Challenge' at index 0 should be made into pointers
func (Challenge).MergeResponse(resp Challenge) Challenge
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (JSONBuffer).MarshalJSON() (result []byte, err error)
# parameter at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (ValidationAuthority).UpdateValidations(Authorization, int) error
# parameter at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (ValidationAuthority).CheckCAARecords(AcmeIdentifier) (bool, bool, error)
# return value 'MailerImpl' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func New(server string, port string, username string, password string) MailerImpl
# return value 'HTTPMonitor' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func NewHTTPMonitor(stats, handler net/http.Handler, prefix string) HTTPMonitor
# return value 'FBAdapter' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func NewFBAdapter(stats, prefix string, clock FBAdapter
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (FBAdapter).BumpAvg(key string, val float64)
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (FBAdapter).BumpSum(key string, val float64)
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (btHolder).End()
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (FBAdapter).BumpTime(key string) interface{End()}
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (FBAdapter).BumpHistogram(_ string, _ float64)
# return value 'Statter' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func NewStatter() Statter
# parameter 'rs' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (*PolicyAuthorityDatabaseImpl).LoadRules(rs RuleSet) error
# return value 'RuleSet' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (*PolicyAuthorityDatabaseImpl).DumpRules() (rs RuleSet, err error)
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (PolicyAuthorityImpl).WillingToIssue(id, regID int64) error
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (PolicyAuthorityImpl).ChallengesFor(identifier, accountKey * (challenges [], combinations [][]int, err error)
# parameter 'ctConfig' at index 0, and return value 'PublisherImpl' at index 0 should be made into pointers
func NewPublisherImpl(ctConfig CTConfig) (pub PublisherImpl, err error)
# parameter 'log' at index 2 should be made into a pointer
func (*PublisherImpl).submitToCTLog(serial string, jsonSubmission []byte, log LogDescription) error
# return value 'PublisherImpl' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func setup(t *testing.T, port int, retries int) (PublisherImpl, *crypto/x509.Certificate)
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (mockSAWithNameCounts).CountCertificatesByNames(names []string, earliest time.Time, latest time.Time) (ret map[string]int, err error)
# return value 'rpcError' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func wrapError(err error) (rpcError rpcError)
# parameter 'rpcError' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func unwrapError(rpcError rpcError) (err error)
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (ValidationAuthorityImpl).getAddr(hostname string) (addr net.IP, addrs []net.IP, problem *
# return value 'dialer' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func (*ValidationAuthorityImpl).resolveAndConstructDialer(name string, port int) (dialer, *
# receiver should be made into a pointer
func (CAASet).criticalUnknown() bool
# return value 'WebFrontEndImpl' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func NewWebFrontEndImpl(stats, clk (WebFrontEndImpl, error)
# return value 'WebFrontEndImpl' at index 0 should be made into a pointer
func setupWFE(t *testing.T) (WebFrontEndImpl,
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