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Created June 17, 2014 18:08
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%include lhs2TeX.sty
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\title{Lazily Computing the \\Singular
Function of Bold Play}
\author{Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya}
A Haskell program showing how laziness
allows the elegant calculation of functions defined by
recursive relations.
\section{Introduction} For a given value of $p \in [0,1]$
and $p \ne 1/2$, the so-called "Singular Function of Bold
Play" is the function on $[0,1]$ descibed by the relation:
\[F(x) =
0 & x=0\\
1 & x=1\\
pF(2x) &
p+(1-p)F(2x-1) & 1/2<x<1
\end{cases} \]
See Billingsley, ``The Singular Function of Bold Play''
(\textit{American Scientist}, 71(4), 392--397) for the
probabilistic context in which this function arises. In
particular this function is interesting because it is an
example of a function arising out of a natural problem which
is everywhere continuous and strictly increasing, has a
derivative at ``almost every'' point, and yet $F'(x)=0$
wherever the derivative exists.
We present here a program in the programming language Haskell
to calculate the value of this function on a grid of dyadic
rationals (i.e. points of the form $k2^{-n}$).
Haskell is a language characterised by ``lazy evaluation'':
expressions are evaluated only when their values are needed.
This allows us to define potentially infinite data
structures in this language. A program definining such a
data structure does not go into an endless loop as long as
it is careful to use only a finite part of this infinite
structure. This allows us to separate the production of an
potentially infinite stream of data from the details of how
much of it is to be consumed and how.
In our program we produce the values of $F(k2^{-n})$ for
$0<k<2^n$ for $n=1,2,\ldots$ without end and then separately
choose how many of these values to use depending on a
command-line argument provided by the user.
This program also illustrates how the idioms of functional
programming can be used to naturally express the recursive
definition of a function like $F$.
>module Main where
>import Text.Printf (printf)
>import Control.Monad (forM_)
>import System.Environment (getArgs)
\section{The data types}
We represent the value $y=F(k/2^n)$ by constructor
$FValue$ whose arguments are $(n,k,y)$. This
facilitates the iterative calculation. The function
$toXY$ converts to the $(k2^{-n},y)$
representation. $depth$ is a simple predicate used later in choosing which of the computed values to keep.
>data FValue = FValue !Int !Int !Double
> deriving Show
>toXY::FValue -> (Double,Double)
>toXY (FValue n k y) = ((fromIntegral k)*(2.0 ^^ (-n)),y)
>depth::FValue -> Int
>depth (FValue n _ _) = n
\section{Computing the values of $F$}
The function $fvalues$ computes the values of $F$ given the probability parameter $p$. This is the crux of the program. Note how $fvalues$ is defined in terms of itself, thus expressing the natural recursion in the definition of $F$ where value of $F(k2^{-n})$ allows us to calculate $F(k2^{-(n+1)})$ and $F(1/2+k2^{-(n+1)})$.
To start off the calculation we provide the value $F(1/2) = p$.
>fvalues p = start:(concatMap next $ fvalues p)
> where
> start = FValue 1 1 p
> next (FValue n k y) = [left,right]
> where
> left = FValue (n+1) k (p*y)
> right = FValue (n+1) ((2^n) + k) (p+(1-p)*y)
\section{The Driver}
We want to invoke the command as $singular n p$ where $p$ is the probability parameter and $n$ is the maximum value of $n$ for which $x$ values of the form $k2^{-n}$ are considered.
The program prints the $x$ and $F(x)$ values separated by tabs. Warning: a total of $2^n$ lines of output are printed, so be careful with your choice of $n$.
>parseArgs::[String] -> (Int,Double)
>parseArgs (n:p:[]) = (read n,read p)
>parseArgs _ = error "Usage: singular n p"
>main = do
> args <- getArgs
> let (n,p) = parseArgs args
> let tuples = (map toXY) . (takeWhile ((<= n) . depth)) . fvalues $ p
> let printtuple(x,y) = printf "%g\t%g\n" x y
> forM_ tuples printtuple
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