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Last active February 2, 2016 21:05
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Perl 6 versioning guidelines


This gist contains three documents:

  1. Proposed Perl 6 versioning and compatibility guidelines, which describe how the Perl 6 language can be versioned and changed over time. It describes some things that implementations must do, should do, and may do.
  2. Proposed Rakudo versioning guidelines, which describes how Rakudo will handle versioning.
  3. Proposed MoarVM versioning guidelines, which describes how MoarVM will handle versioning.

These should all be considered as living documents - that is to say, they are expected to evolve over time to reflect the situation "on the ground". What serves a language well as it goes from little adoption to medium levels of adoption may not serve it well as it goes from medium to high levels of adoption.

A few notes:

  • There's no "obvious right way" to handle these topics, just a bunch of difficult trade-offs. It's entirely possible - and fairly likely - that the proposals here will be met with both "it allows too much change" and "it allows too little change".
  • Chatter is easy, but concrete suggestions are harder to come up with in this area. Since there's a risk this topic will face plentiful bikeshedding, there's a protocol for suggesting change: please fork this gist, do the changes in your fork, and leave a comment linking to and explaining it.
  • Various language features are used as examples. However, just because a feature is used to discuss, for example, how its deprecation might be handled, does not mean we plan to deprecate it! :-)

Perl 6 versioning and compatibility guidelines

All programming languages face the challenge of balancing language improvement against keeping user's existing code working during language and compiler upgrades. The easiest way to remain backward-compatible is to never fix bugs or make improvements. Clearly, this is not desirable. At the other end of the spectrum, the easiest way to be able to keep improving and fixing a language and its implementations is to disregard backward compatibility. This also doesn't really work for a language aiming to achieve wider adoption; it leaves few users feeling comfortable using the language, and/or results in those that do use it having a strong dependency on the precise versions of the language and compiler they used (and so unable to cheaply upgrade).

As a language developed in the open, Perl 6 started out with very loose backward compatibility. The small number of early adopters were expected to cope with regular breaking changes, as the language was improved and various alternatives explored. The 6.c release marked a change to this, offering users a more stable experience through tighter backward compatibility. This document provides guidelines for both language developers and language users with regard to this backward compatibility, and also with regards to forward compatibility. For language developers, it outlines how improvements and fixes should be incorporated into the language in an appropriate way. For language users, it provides an indication of what can and cannot be safely relied upon.

Just as a language and its implementations need room to evolve, so will this set of guidelines. The 6.c release did not mark a switch from one binary option to another, but rather a shift along the compatibility spectrum. These guidelines try to place Perl 6 at a point where adoption will not be hindered by excessively loose backward compatibility, while at the same time allowing a little more "wiggle room" than we can expect to have in the longer term thanks to adoption still being at an early stage. Thus, expect these guidelines to be adapted over time to reflect the situation "on the ground" - which will likely call for increasingly tight backward compatibility as adoption grows, but also come to prescribe a range of wise ways to achieve it in conjunction with taking the language forward.

Version scheme

A version of the Perl 6 language is defined by its test suite. Therefore, an implementation can be said to provide a certain version of Perl 6 so long as it passes the test suite for that version.

Major Perl 6 language versions are named 6.c, 6.d, 6.e, etc. They also carry a marketing name that matches the version letter: "Christmas", "Diwali", etc. Generally, major language version releases will be centered around one or more "headline" features, and will most likely be declared primarily for marketing purposes. These are not time-based in nature, and usually there will be at least a year between them.

There may also be minor language versions released. These are numbered with an extra ascending integer, starting from 1. Thus, the minor language version releases following 6.c would be numbered 6.c.1, 6.c.2, etc. These will tend to focus around tweaks and fixes rather than features. At present, a minor version can likely be expected every 2-3 months. Minor versions exist so that programs have a way of declaring a dependency on a certain tweak or fix being present, without having to wait for the next major (lettered) release. (This is to help avoid cases where programs feel a need to take a dependency on a certain compiler and/or compiler version.)

Implementations may support draft versions of future Perl 6 major releases. These are expressed with an extra letter after the version, so 6.d.a is the first draft of 6.d ("alpha"), 6.d.b is the second ("beta"), etc. Such drafts are exempted from backward compatibility. To provide freedom to compiler implementors, they may branch from any minor language release of the previous major version (that is, 6.d.a may lack things from 6.c.3 even if that is supported).

Perl 6 programs and modules may declare a language version they require:

use v6.c.1;

For now, they should do so at the start of the compilation unit only (with simple line comments and whitespace being the only thing acceptable before the version declaration). An implementation seeing a version declaration later than this may report an error. This is to enable implementations to support different language versions by loading different CORE.setting versions or even to use a simple "version detection" parser to find the version in effect, and delegate to a full parser for the chosen version. Since the scope of an EVAL forms the setting of the evaluated code, it is forbidden to have a use version directive in code passed to EVAL.

Any Perl 6 program or module that does not declare a language version will be interpreted as expecting to run on the latest non-draft version supported by the implementation (for example, it could get 6.c, 6.c.1, 6.d, or 6.d.1 - but never 6.d.a, 6.e.b, etc.) For now, a plain:

use v6;

Will imply the same as not declaring a language version. However, the Perl 6 language designers reserve the right to nail it down more tightly in the future if there is good cause to do so.

While scripts and modules are not required to declare a version, module directories or installers may choose to warn about, or even refuse to process, modules or scripts that fail to do so. Module directories or installers may also choose to treat modules of scripts depending on a draft version (such as 6.d.a) differently also.

Implementations must refuse to compile code requesting a version of Perl 6 higher than the maximum version it knows it supports. Implementations must refuse to compile code requesting a version of Perl 6 lower than the minimum version it knows it supports. Implementations supporting versions prior to the latest they support should provide compatibility support of that version as described in the compatibility guidelines specified below.


Specification, errata specification, and bug compatibility

Since Perl 6 language versions are defined by their test suite, then any implementation that passes the test suite of a particular language release can claim to have specification compatibility with that release.

For better or worse, the specification test suite is defined by humans, and humans make mistakes. Now and then, there will be cases where tests end up being wrong in various small ways. In rare cases, there may be errata for the tests of an existing language release. Any implementation that fails to pass the test suite of the language release, but does pass it with the errata considered, can claim to have errata specification compatibility. An implementation must not accept a program requesting a particular language version unless it provides specification compatibility or errata specification compatibility with that language version. Since errata specification compatiblity is considered sufficient for this purpose, language designers should consider carefully what errata is reasonable, preferably by analyzing the impact on code in the module ecosystem. Compilers should document the language versions they provide, and note when they are providing errata specification compatibility.

Compilers are not obligated to implement use v6.d style directives by running the exact version of the compiler, nor CORE.setting, that they shipped when first delivering an implementation of version 6.d. Compliance with the test suite is the standard that is to be met.

Some may feel that language test suite does not have sufficient coverage. This, at the time of authoring these guidelines, is no doubt true. However, places that are poorly covered will tend to be those that had least issues reported (because fixed bugs have consistently resulted in test coverage being added over the course of many years of Perl 6 development), and so are likely to be either the lowest risk, or the least used, corners of the language. The holes are also likely to reflect the areas most in need of refinement, where the room for manoeuvre is valuable. It is also reasonable to expect that test coverage will greatly increase over time, and so as adoption (and the need for stronger backward compatibility) grows the test suite will be defining the language increasingly precisely. Finally, whatever weaknesses using a test suite as a language specification may have, it's the most precise option realistically on offer to the Perl 6 development team; a natural language specification will typically be less precise and, critically, hard to ensure compliance with, and we lack the expertise to effectively apply formal semantic methods (such as operational and denotational semantics).

Language implementors may also choose to make compiler bug compatible releases. These provide very close compatibility with a particular compiler release, to the degree that they can be expected to contain most of its bugs and quirks that were not considered by the language specification tests. These releases will typically only contain security and build patches. Their purpose is primarily to allow expedient deployment of security fixes. Their release names should always make clear that they are made relative to a particular compiler release.

Language syntax change guidelines

Any additions to the grammar should be guarded by the current effective language version. For example, suppose a new phaser DONE was to be added in 6.e. Rather than simply adding:

token statement_prefix:sym<DONE> { <sym><.kok> <blorst> }

It would need to be:

token statement_prefix:sym<DONE> {
    <sym><.kok> <!!since_version('e')> <blorst>

This check has two purposes:

  1. Ensuring that programs that declare an earlier language version are not broken by the syntax change. For example, any calling a listop named DONE would be broken by the above addition.
  2. Aiding correct use of use v6.x by not making the new syntax accidentally available to programs written in a Perl 6 version that did not support it.

Syntax that is to no longer be supported should go through a deprecation period (see the section on deprecation below). After that, it can be marked as not being available. For example, suppose the QUIT phaser was not going to be supported in 6.e and later. It would be annotated:

token statement_prefix:sym<QUIT> {
    <sym><.kok> <!!until_version('e')> <blorst>

If in the future the implementation decides to no longer offer compatibility back to before 6.e, then it can remove the code completely (and should complain upon a use 6.d that it does not support that language version).

CORE.setting changes that are exempt from compatibility concerns

The following set of changes can be made in CORE.setting without having to consider compatibility, provided the resulting changes preserve behavior. Preserving behavior means regressing no specification tests from released versions of the Perl 6 language (with eratta considered).

  1. Implementation changes to any routine or block body.
  2. Changing the names of positional parameters.
  3. Changing a parameter from a scalar binding to a raw binding ($a to \a), or changing an array, hash, or code parameter binding to a raw binding provided the appropriate type constraint (Positional, Associative, or Callable) is added.
  4. Any change to the non-public attributes of a class (for example, renaming attributes, adding/removing attributes, changing the type of an attribute). For any change of public interface attributes, see the section on OO compatibility below.
  5. Any change involving the private methods of a class (renaming, adding, removing, refactoring).
  6. Changing a sub or method from only to multi.
  7. Splitting an only sub up into several multi candidates, where the same set of arguments are accepted and the same processing performed after the refactor.
  8. Any change to anything within a package designated for compiler internals (for example, Rakudo::Internals in Rakudo).

CORE.setting lexical change guidelines

The following changes are covered by these guidelines:

  1. Adding new subroutines (this includes adding new operator impelementations).
  2. Adding a new multi sub candidate.
  3. Changing the signature of a subroutine or multi candidate in a way that affects the set of arguments that would bind (changes that do not affect binding are covered in the section above).
  4. Changing the behavior of a subroutine (including multis and operators). This includes fixing bugs.
  5. Changing a multi sub (or series of them) into an only sub.
  6. Adding a new class, role, module, constant, or other symbol. Since these are in the CORE.setting, they are only visible lexically.

In Perl 6, current lexical scope is the very definition of current language. Naturally, then, lexically scoped things are the easiest to deal with when it comes to backward compatibility.

All of the above changes should be handled by making them in an alternative setting. Implementations may thus have a CORE.c.2.setting that has CORE.c.1.setting as its setting, with that in turn having some base CORE.setting as its setting. However, this is not required, since it would doom an implementation to ever-increasing load times due to having an ever longer chain of settings to load. Therefore, implementations may choose to "flatten" the chain. Perl 6 users must not rely on how implementations choose to structure this, however the CORE:: and SETTING:: pseudo-packages should always give a "flat" view of the symbols when iterated or indexed.

CORE.setting object change guidelines

Changes to methods within roles, classes, and grammars are more difficult to manage, since by definition a method call is to be interpreted by its receiver, and that inherently means it will be executed in the receiver's language. Put another way, every method call we make potentially crosses a language boundary. Trying to "defeat" this will likely be futile, since it's very much the nature of object orientation.

Therefore, the rules for changes to code in classes, roles, and grammars is as follows.

  1. All changes to method and rule bodies that do not cause a regression (as judged by spectests in the latest supported language release) are allowed. This includes fixes, optimizations, and added functionality.
  2. All changes to method and rule signatures that make them accept a wider range of input arguments are allowed.
  3. Methods starting to pay attention to previously disregarded named parameters is allowed.
  4. Adding new methods to existing classes, roles, and grammars is allowed.
  5. Changes to the set of public attributes need a lot of care, so as not to break destructuring (for example, naively adding public attributes to Complex would break my (:$re, :$im) := $complex). Therefore, changes must be made in a way that does not break said destructuring. This can be most easily handled by explicitly implemented a method Capture { ... } in the class.
  6. Any desired changed of behavior that cannot be made while meeting the above rules should be handled by instead providing a new method, or a new type, that provides the desired new behavior.
  7. Removal of existing methods, classes, roles, and grammars must go through the deprecation process.

The key difference compared to lexical changes is that no attempt is made by the Perl 6 language to prevent changes being visible to a caller using an earlier version of the language. This requires an addition-only backward compatibility policy (which is largely like the Liskov Substitution Principle: the class, after changes, should be usable in place of an earlier version of itself).

It also means that callers declaring an earlier language version will be able to "see" functionality from later versions. While it may seem desirable to try and address this, the various possible "solutions" evaluated to date are worse than the "problem".

  • Having nested settings that augment or supercede existing types is not a solution, since the effects of these monkey-patching operations are global. Thus, as soon as something, somewhere, opts in to a later version of the language, then the changes will be globally visible. Such an approach would also create pre-compilation complications (multiple monkey patches to the same target already break the precompilation contract, and it is likely that use MONKEY-TYPING will end up implying no precompilation, which will be unacceptable for CORE.setting for startup performance reasons).
  • Having different versions of classes, as proposed for handling multiple versions of modules, is ineffective for most of what is in CORE.setting. The assumption in the "multiple version" strategy is that code strongly encapsulates its use of a dependency. However, the types in CORE.setting are primarily used for interchange of data (Int, Str, Array, Hash), as base types to be derived from (Mu, Any, Cool), or as common interfaces (Seq, IO::Handle, Promise, Supply), meaning any program using modules written in different language versions of Perl 6 would end up passing around a medley of versions. This is most clearly problematic when considering the use of CORE.setting types as constraints. Should an Array:ver<6.d> refuse to bind to a parameter expecting Array:ver<6.c> (noting that in both cases the programmer would not have added the version, but rather referred to the one in scope)? In the general case of module versioning, it would seem useful for the answer to be "refuse" - totally fine for encapsulated dependencies. But for Array, used for interchange, that would lead to massive breakage when even upgrading modules that happen to have upgraded the language version they use - totally counterproductive to improving backward compatibility! As if that wasn't enough, consider how adding a method to Any would be handled. Would it imply a new version of all the subclasses of Any - that is, nearly every class - in the CORE.setting?
  • Having different versions of classes, with the addition of automatic coercion between versions whenever crossing language version boundaries, has also been suggested. This is fairly easy to implement for immutable types such as Int. For mutable types, it's more difficult (consider mutual recursion between routines in different versions of the language, passing an Array down and mutating it at each level). For concurrent types, it's likely even harder. Then there's the performance profile. Such coercions would not be free, and would typically result in further allocations. Imagine 6.d were to add a new method on Num. Consider 6.c code iterating through an array of Num, passing them into a routine from a module written in 6.d. Coercion at the boundary would result in an extra allocation per call. Upgrading language version, or upgrading a module that happens to also bump its chosen language version, could thus have surprising performance effects.
  • A mechanism whereby a method could switch on the caller's version might also be considered. This is also a little fraught, though stands a higher chance of working than any of the preceding things. To see why "check the version of the caller" is not sufficient, consider the implementation of the .+ dispatcher, which is in CORE.setting. The interesting caller, is the caller of the .+ dispatcher. So, CLIENT::<$?PERL>.version or so may be better. That, however, would still be highly vulnerable in the face of MOP modules, such as OO::Monitors.

Since method calls are inherently late bound, it's not too surprising that late bound solutions will be most practical for identifying code that uses object behaviors "not yet available" in the declared language version. For example, module release tooling could be developed to automatically build a compiler known to have support for no language version higher than the one used by the module, and run its tests. After all, the problem being addressed here is not one of keeping existing code running. It's about supporting those developers wishing to author modules that target a range of language versions.

Dynamic (and thus PROCESS) variable change guidelines

Various dynamic variables are provided by Perl 6. Many of them from the PROCESS pseudopackage, which is used as a fallback when searching for dynamic variables. Examples include $*OUT, $*REPO, and @*ARGS. These may be overridden. For example, it's fairly common to declare a my $*OUT for the purpose of capturing output.

Dynamic variables are, by definition, not lexical, and so need a similar approach to compatibility as objects. Of note:

  1. The type of a dynamic variable may only change to a subclass of the type in a previous language version, in order that assignents of the dynamic to typed variables are not broken. This type change restriction taken together with the object change guidelines above provides interface compatibility.
  2. PROCESS variables may be added. Implementations are not expected to try and restrict their availability to code in a previous language version, due to the global nature of PROCESS. Language designers should, however, be cautious when introducing new functionality that depends on resolving these new symbols through dynamic variables, since user code that happened to use that name may block correct resolution. Note that existing functionality should not come to resolve new dynamic variables (unless said new functionality is only exposed in a version-sensitive way).
  3. PROCESS variables are nearly impossible to deprecate in an elegant way. If this must happen, the best bet is probably to have the compiler statically spot uses of it when parsing the language version(s) in which it is deprecated.


The existing is DEPRECATED trait and its related mechanisms will be used for handling deprecation. A deprecation must be introduced in a particular language version, and an implementation should not report it for code using a previous language version. For example, suppose 6.e were to deprecate feed operators. Code that declared itself as version 6.e or above, or that declared no version, would see the warning if it uses feed operators. Code that declared itself as being in version 6.c, 6.d, 6.d.2, etc. should also not see the deprecation warning.

This is relatively straightforward to deliver on for changes to the grammar and changes to lexical things in CORE.setting, since the current effective language is clear. For methods, however, it is more difficult - as discussed earlier in these guidelines. Therefore, is DEPRECATED on methods in the Perl 6 CORE.setting should:

  1. Always specify a "since" version (when the deprecation became effective).
  2. Check CLIENT::<$?PERL>.version against it, and only issue the deprecation warning if that is at least as high as the deprecation's "since" version.

This is an approximation, but hopefully close enough to provide sufficiently useful warnings of upcoming deprecations.

In general, deprecation warnings should be in place for a whole major language version. For example, if feed operators were deprecated in 6.e, then they may be removed in 6.f at the earliest. It's undesirable to deprecate features in minor language versions, though if that happens then it is advisable they remain in place with the warning in the next major language version also.

Rakudo versioning guidelines

As a Perl 6 implementation, Rakudo will work to meet all that must and, usually, should be done with regard to backward compatibility as laid out in the Perl 6 compatibility guidelines.

Rakudo will continue to have releases each month, named as YYYY.MM (such as 2016.01). A subset of Rakudo releases will be retroactively classified as "long term support" releases. These may be main monthly releases or patch releases. A long term support release will typically be identified within 1-2 months of Rakudo providing support for a new Perl 6 language release. By declaring LTS releases retroactively, it means that releases classified as such will have had at least some time "in the wild". An LTS release will be declared on, along with the number of months/years it will be "supported".

The Perl 6 guidelines indicate that implementations may produce compiler bug compatible releases. Rakudo will use this strategy for maintaining LTS releases. For example, suppose in March 2016 we declare 2016.01 as an LTS release that provides Perl 6.c, on the basis that 2016.01 is generally well received, and that it will be supported for 1 year. If a security bug were to be discovered and patched in July 2016, then a 2016.01.1 release would be made that includes the fix. It would be produced as a branch from the 2016.01 release tag, and most likely cherry-pick the patch in question.

Rakudo will not be making per-language version maintenance branches. That is, there will not be a series of "6.c" releases along with "6.c.1" or "6.d" preview releases. Each Rakudo monthly release will contain the latest work towards future Perl 6 language versions, exposed as described in the Perl 6 versioning and compatibility guidelines, along with performance and other improvements that cross-cut the support for all supported language versions.

MoarVM versioning guidelines

MoarVM's key interface is its opcode set. MoarVM will provide strong backward compatibility on its opcode set over a number of years. Of note, it will support Rakudo by ensuring that it remains backward compatible enough to run and pass the errata spectests for all LTS releases of Rakudo still under support.

MoarVM will have monthly releases, as now, and named YYYY.MM (example: 2016.01). If any more urgent security fix releases are needed, they will be made as, for example, 2016.01.1.

Note that while this covers MoarVM bytecode files, it only extends to source compatibility of any MoarVM extensions (such as extension ops) at this time.

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