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Last active May 27, 2021 05:30
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(* Helpers *)
let id x = x
let const x _ = x
let (>>) f g x = g (f x)
let string_of_list = List.to_seq >> String.of_seq
let list_of_string = String.to_seq >> List.of_seq
module CS = Set.Make (Char)
module Option = struct
let map f = function
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (f x)
let bind o f =
match o with
| Some x -> f x
| None -> None
let product o1 o2 =
match o1, o2 with
| Some x, Some y -> Some (x,y)
| _ -> None
module Syntax = struct
let (let+) x f = map f x
let (and+) o1 o2 = product o1 o2
let (let*) x f = bind x f
module Parser = struct
type 'a t =
| Fail : string -> 'a t
| Empty : unit t
| Return : 'a -> 'a t
| One_of : CS.t -> char t
| Forget : 'a t -> 'a t
| Map : ('a -> 'b) * 'a t -> 'b t
| Product : 'a t * 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
| Either : 'a t * 'a t -> 'a t
| Fix : ('a t -> 'a t) -> 'a t
| Raw : (char list -> ('a * char list) option) -> 'a t
let rec show : type a. a t -> string = function
| Fail msg ->
| Empty ->
| One_of _ ->
Printf.sprintf "one_of []"
| Forget p ->
Printf.sprintf "forget (%s)" (show p)
| Return x ->
"return ?"
| Map (f, p) ->
Printf.sprintf "map ? (%s)" (show p)
| Product (p,q) ->
Printf.sprintf "product (%s) (%s)" (show p) (show q)
| Either (p,q) ->
Printf.sprintf "either (%s) (%s)" (show p) (show q)
| Fix f ->
Printf.sprintf "let rec f () = %s) in f ()" @@ show (f (Fail "f ()"))
| Raw _ ->
failwith "Cannot show internal node"
let rec eval : type a. a t -> char list -> (a * char list) option = fun p ->
let open Option.Syntax in
match p with
| Fail _ ->
const None
| Empty ->
fun cs ->
( match cs with
| [] -> Some ((), [])
| _ -> None
| Return x ->
fun cs -> Some (x, cs)
| One_of s ->
fun cs ->
( match cs with
| c :: cs when CS.mem c s -> Some (c, cs)
| _ -> None
| Forget p ->
let ep = eval p in
fun cs ->
( match ep cs with
| Some (x, _) -> Some (x, cs)
| None -> None
| Map (f, p) ->
let ep = eval p in
fun cs ->
let+ (x, cs) = ep cs in
(f x, cs)
| Product (p, q) ->
let ep = eval p in
let eq = eval q in
fun cs ->
let* (x, cs) = ep cs in
let* (y, cs) = eq cs in
Some ((x,y), cs)
| Either (p, q) ->
let ep = eval p in
let eq = eval q in
fun cs ->
( match ep cs with
| Some r -> Some r
| None -> eq cs
| Fix f ->
let rec k = lazy (eval @@ f (Raw (fun cs -> Lazy.force k cs))) in
Lazy.force k
| Raw f ->
let eval' p = String.to_seq >> List.of_seq >> eval p
let eval p = String.to_seq >> List.of_seq >> eval p
let symbols p =
let rec aux : type a. a t -> CS.t = function
| Fail _ -> CS.empty
| Empty -> CS.empty
| Return _ -> CS.empty
| Map (_, p) -> aux p
| Product (p,q) -> CS.union (aux p) (aux q)
| Either (p,q) -> CS.union (aux p) (aux q)
| Fix f -> aux @@ f @@ Fix (const (Fail ""))
| Forget p -> aux p
| One_of s -> s
| Raw _ -> failwith "Internal function"
aux p |> CS.to_seq |> List.of_seq
let empty = Empty
let fix f = Fix f
let fail m = Fail m
let return x = Return x
let symbol t = One_of (CS.singleton t)
let forget p = Forget p
let map f x = Map (f, x)
let product p q = Product (p,q)
let either p q = Either (p,q)
let choice ps = List.fold_left either (fail "") ps
(* Syntax *)
module Syntax = struct
let (let+) p f = map f p
let (and+) p q = product p q
(* Infix operators *)
module Ops = struct
open Syntax
let ( <$> ) f p = map f p
let ( <|> ) p q = either p q
let ( <*> ) pf px = let+ f = pf and+ x = px in f x
let ( *> ) p q = (fun _ x -> x) <$> p <*> q
let ( <* ) p q = const <$> p <*> q
let one_of s = One_of ( CS.of_seq @@ String.to_seq s)
let many p =
let open Ops in
fix @@ fun many ->
either (List.cons <$> p <*> many) (return [])
let many_one p = Ops.(List.cons <$> p <*> many p)
let between ps pe p = Ops.(ps *> p <* pe)
module Parsers = struct
open Parser
open Parser.Ops
open Parser.Syntax
let string s =
let accum c p =
let+ x = symbol c
and+ xs = p in
Printf.sprintf "%c%s" x xs
List.fold_right accum (list_of_string s) (return "")
let digit = one_of "0123456789"
let int =
let+ ds = many_one digit in
int_of_string @@ string_of_list ds
let float =
let aux m1 s m2 =
let+ ds1 = m1 digit
and+ s = symbol s
and+ ds2 = m2 digit in
float_of_string @@
Printf.sprintf "%s%c%s" (string_of_list ds1) s (string_of_list ds2)
[ aux many_one 'e' many_one
; aux many_one '.' many
; aux many '.' many_one
let float =
(* Ex: 123. *)
let p1 =
let+ ds = many_one digit
and+ d = symbol '.' in
ds @ [d]
(* Ex: 123.45 *)
let p2 =
let+ ds1 = p1
and+ ds2 = many_one digit in
ds1 @ ds2
(* Ex: 12.34e56 or 12e34 *)
let p3 =
let+ ds1 = p2 <|> many_one digit
and+ e = symbol 'e'
and+ ds2 = many_one digit in
ds1 @ [e] @ ds2
let fol cs = float_of_string @@ string_of_list cs in
choice [ fol <$> p3 ; fol <$> p2 ; fol <$> p1 ]
module SExp = struct
open Parser
open Parser.Ops
open Parsers
type atom =
| Int of int
| Float of float
| String of string
| Symbol of string
type sexp = Atom of atom | List of sexp list
let space = one_of "\n\t\r "
let left_paren = symbol '('
let right_paren = symbol ')'
let regular_char =
let special_char = list_of_string "()\n\r\t\" " in
let is_regular c = not @@ List.mem c special_char in
List.init 256 Char.chr |> List.filter is_regular |> string_of_list |> one_of
let regular_string = string_of_list <$> many_one regular_char
let quoted_string =
let quote = symbol '\"' in
let string = many (regular_char <|> space <|> left_paren <|> right_paren) in
string_of_list <$> between quote quote string
let atom =
let end_num =
forget (empty <|> map ignore space <|> map ignore right_paren)
[ map (fun i -> Int i ) int <* end_num
; map (fun f -> Float f) float <* end_num
; map (fun s -> String s) quoted_string
; map (fun s -> Symbol s) regular_string
let sexpr =
fix @@ fun sexpr ->
let expr =
((fun es -> List es) <$> between left_paren right_paren (many sexpr))
((fun a -> Atom a ) <$> atom)
between (many space) (many space) expr
let parse s = fst @@ eval sexpr s
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