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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Couldn't match type `XMLType (ServerPartT IO)' with `XML'
Expected type: XMLGenT (ServerPartT IO) XML
Actual type: XMLGenT (ServerPartT IO) (XMLType (ServerPartT IO))
In the return type of a call of `genElement'
In the first argument of `unXMLGenT', namely
(Nothing, fromStringLit "html")
(Nothing, fromStringLit "head")
((genElement (Nothing, fromStringLit "title") [] [...]))])),
(Nothing, fromStringLit "body")
[asChild ((asChild (body)))]))])'
In the expression:
(Nothing, fromStringLit "html")
(Nothing, fromStringLit "head")
((genElement (Nothing, fromStringLit "title") [] [...]))])),
(Nothing, fromStringLit "body") [] [asChild ((asChild (body)))]))])
Couldn't match type `StringType (ServerPartT IO)'
with `Data.Text.Internal.Lazy.Text'
Expected type: Maybe (StringType (ServerPartT IO))
Actual type: Maybe Data.Text.Internal.Lazy.Text
In the expression: Nothing
In the first argument of `genElement', namely
`(Nothing, fromStringLit "html")'
In the first argument of `unXMLGenT', namely
(Nothing, fromStringLit "html")
(Nothing, fromStringLit "head")
((genElement (Nothing, fromStringLit "title") [] [...]))])),
(Nothing, fromStringLit "body")
[asChild ((asChild (body)))]))])'
Couldn't match type `Data.Text.Internal.Lazy.Text' with `XML'
In the expression: asChild (fromStringLit "Hello, HSP!")
In the third argument of `genElement', namely
`[asChild (fromStringLit "Hello, HSP!")]'
In the first argument of `asChild', namely
(Nothing, fromStringLit "title")
[asChild (fromStringLit "Hello, HSP!")]))'
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmFhsx2hs #-}
import HSP
import HSP.Monad
import Happstack.Server.HSP.HTML
import Happstack.Server.XMLGenT
import Data.Functor
import Happstack.Server
( Happstack, HasRqData, Method(GET, POST), Request(rqMethod)
, Response
, ServerPartT(..), ServerPart, WebMonad, FilterMonad, ServerMonad
, askRq, decodeBody, dir, defaultBodyPolicy, lookText
, mapServerPartT, nullConf, nullDir, ok, simpleHTTP
, seeOther, method
, toResponse
main :: IO ()
main = simpleHTTP nullConf $ hello
template :: (XMLGenerator m, EmbedAsChild m body) => body -> ServerPartT IO XML
template body = unXMLGenT
<title>Hello, HSP!</title>
<% body %>
hello :: ServerPartT IO XML
hello = template $ unXMLGenT
<h1>Hello HSP!</h1>
<p>We can insert Haskell expression such as this:
<% show $ sum [1 .. (10 :: Int)] %></p>
<p>We can use the ServerPartT monad too.
Your request method was: <% getMethod %></p>
<p>We don't have to escape & or >. Isn't that nice?</p>
<p>If we want <% "<" %> then we have to do something funny.</p>
<p>But we don't have to worry about
escaping <% "<p>a string like this</p>" %></p>
<p>We can also nest <% <span>like <% "this." %> </span> %></p>
getMethod :: XMLGenT (HSPT XML (ServerPartT IO)) String
getMethod = show . rqMethod <$> askRq
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