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Joel Jacobs joeljacobs

  • Perfect Pitch Tehnologies
  • Utah
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joeljacobs /
Last active March 3, 2017 23:48
Bash Timing Function. Takes <start_time> <title> [<timezone}]
# <title> Start: 4:30:01pm End: 4:33:05pm Elapsed: 0:03:04
# Script behaves same as function. i.e. you can copy the function out.
timezone=${3-"America/Denver"} #Defaults to Mountain Time
joeljacobs / puppet_notes.txt
Last active May 4, 2017 23:34
Puppet Zero Padding sprintf each split match
#$pp_num_raw = split($::hostname, 'pp')[1]
#$pp_num = sprintf("%0#2i", $pp_num_raw)
#$pp_num = split($::hostname, 'pp')[1].sprintf"%0#2i"
#$pp_num = sprintf("%0#2i", "${::hostname}".split('pp')[1])
$pp_num = sprintf("%0#2i", "${::hostname}".match(/(pp)([0-9]+)([^[0-9]]*)/)[2])
["api", "live", "upload"].each|$local_suffix|{
file { "/etc/nginx/conf.d/ppcc.local.$local_suffix":
content => template("pp_nginx_manager/conf.d/ppcc.local.${local_suffix}.erb"),
ensure => present,
# du with only 1 filesystem
du -achxd1 |sort -h
# Ubuntu14 Service Management
update-rc.d -f <service> remove
service --status-all
joeljacobs / Swarm docker ps format
Last active August 17, 2017 02:36
Ridiculous docker ps format for Swarm
docker ps --format 'table {{.ID}}|{{.Image}}|{{.Command}}|{{.RunningFor}}|{{.Status}}|{{.Ports}}|{{.Names}}'|sed -e 's/dev\.perfectpitchtech\.com:4567\/service\///' -e 's/\(^.*|.*|.*|.*|.*|\)\(.*\)\(|[^|]*$\)/\1+\2+\3/' -e 's/\(\|[a-z0-9]\{3\}[^\.]+\)\(\.[^|]\{4\}\)[^|]*$/\1\2\.\.\./'|(while read jerk; do ports=$(echo "$jerk"|sed 's/\(^.*+\)\(.*\)\(+.*$\)/\2/');newports=$(echo $ports|sed -e 's/\/[ut][dc]p\(,\)* */\1/g'|cut -c 1-12); echo $jerk|sed "s/+.*+/${newports}.../"; done)|column -tns "|"
if [[ ! $2 =~ [0-9] ]]; then echo must specify disk num as 2nd arg;return 1;fi
SIZE=$(( (2 * 1024 *1024) - ($SKIP * 1024) ))
gnumfmt --format=%.3f --to=iec --from=iec ${SIZE}M\
case $1 in
joeljacobs /
Created September 16, 2017 00:07
Bash threaded parallel with getopt example
OPTS=`getopt -o vhns: --long service:,sha:,server: -n 'parse-options' -- "$@"`
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Failed parsing options." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
eval set -- "$OPTS"
while true; do
joeljacobs / - instructions
Last active November 30, 2024 03:36
Rico SP C250DN Toner Reset on Raspberry Pi
Below are single-line commands to run in BASH on a Raspberry Pi to rewrite the toner chips to "full" for a Ricoh SP C250DN Printer.
You will need to have the 4 files below in the same directory: "black" "cyan" "magenta" and "yellow".
The chip is near one edge of the cartridge. The pad closest to the edge is GND, followed by VCC, DATA, and Clock.
On the Pi, connect VCC and GND to +3.3V and GND. Connect Data to (physical numbering) 3 and 5. They are the I2C Data and Clock pins.
Be sure i2c is enabled and installed.
modprobe -r i2c_bcm2708 ;modprobe i2c_bcm2708 baudrate=9600
joeljacobs /
Created February 7, 2018 20:15
External IP script (from Jon)
## Get my external IP
timeout=2 # seconds to wait for a reply before trying next server
#verbose=1 # prints which server was used to STDERR
"dig +short"
"dig +short"
joeljacobs / pibackup
Last active December 22, 2020 06:56
Modified Script to Backup All partitions of a RaspberryPi. Added incremental rsync.
if [[ $1 == "" ]]
echo "You must specify the copy-to device as the first argument"
echo "You may also specify a source device as the 2nd argument. Default= mmcblk0"
echo "If you want no prompts and incremental, specify -a as the last argument"
echo "i.e.: backup sda [nbd0] [-a]"
joeljacobs / zfsswap
Created April 17, 2018 22:02
Add ZFS swap
function zfsswap { pool=${1-rpool}; gigs=${2-50};zfs create -V ${gigs}G -b $(getconf PAGESIZE) -o compression=zle -o logbias=throughput -o sync=always -o primarycache=metadata -o secondarycache=none -o com.sun:auto-snapshot=false $pool/swap && mkswap -f /dev/zvol/$pool/swap && echo /dev/zvol/$pool/swap none swap defaults 0 0 >> /etc/fstab && swapon -av ; }