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Last active April 3, 2024 16:55
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Gets all External Users Assigned to a SPO/OD4B site in O365
#requires -modules "PnP.PowerShell"
[System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
# connect to the tenant
Connect-PnPOnline `
-Url [https://$]https://$ `
-ClientId $env:O365_CLIENTID `
-Thumbprint $env:O365_THUMBPRINT `
-Tenant $env:O365_TENANTID `
-ErrorAction Stop
# get all ODSP Urls in the tenant
$sites = Get-PnPTenantSite -IncludeOneDriveSites -Filter "LockState -ne 'NoAccess'"
# query each site for external users
$pageSize = 50
$guests = foreach( $site in $sites )
Write-Host "[$(Get-Date)] - Scanning site: $($site.Url)"
$externalUsers = Get-PnPExternalUser -SiteUrl $site.Url -Position $position -PageSize $pageSize
$externalUsers | Select-Object @{Name="SiteUrl"; E={$site.Url}}, AcceptedAs, DisplayName, UserPrincipalName, InvitedAs, InvitedBy, UniqueId, UserId, WhenCreated, IsCrossTenant
$position += $pageSize
while( $externalUsers.Count -eq $pageSize )
$position = 0
$timestamp = Get-Date -Format FileDateTime
$guests | Export-Csv -Path "C:\_temp\SPO ExternalUsers_$timestamp.csv" -NoTypeInformation
# collect some basic metrics on the results
$tenantSitesWithGuests = $externalUsers | Group-Object -Property "SiteUrl"
$spoSitesWithGuests = $tenantSitesWithGuests | Where-Object -Property "Name" -notmatch ""
$od4bSitesWithGuests = $tenantSitesWithGuests | Where-Object -Property "Name" -match ""
$od4bsites = $sites | Where-Object -Property "Template" -match "SPSPERS"
$sposites = $sites | Where-Object -Property "Template" -notmatch "SPSPERS"
$guestDomainGroups = $externalUsers | Select-Object @{ Name="Domain"; Expression={ $_.AcceptedAs -split "@" | Select-Object -Index 1 }} | Group-Object Domain
$od4bSiteCount = $od4bsites.Count
$spoSiteCount = $sposites.Count
# break out spo site guest accounts by domain type
$spodomaintypes = foreach( $group in $spoSitesWithGuests )
$x = [PSCustomObject] @{
SiteUrl = $group.Name
CorporateDomainCount = 0
PersonalDomainCount = 0
foreach( $user in $group.Group )
if( $user.AcceptedAs -match "|||||" )
# break out od4b site guest accounts by domain type
$od4bdomaintypes = foreach( $group in $od4bSitesWithGuests )
$x = [PSCustomObject] @{
SiteUrl = $group.Name
CorporateDomainCount = 0
PersonalDomainCount = 0
foreach( $user in $group.Group )
if( $user.AcceptedAs -match "|||||" )
$table1 = $externalUsers |
Group-Object -Property SiteUrl |
Select-Object Name, Count, @{ Name="Percent"; Expression={ ([Math]::Round( $_.Count / $sites.Count, 4)) * 100 }} |
Sort-Object Name |
Format-Table -AutoSize |
$table2 = [PSCustomObject] @{
TotalSitesWithGuests = $tenantSitesWithGuests.Count
TotalSites = $urls.Count
Percent = [Math]::Round( ($tenantSitesWithGuests.Count/$urls.Count), 4) * 100
} | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String
$table3 = $guestDomainGroups |
Select-Object Name, Count, @{ Name="Percent"; Expression={ ([Math]::Round( $_.Count / ($guestDomainGroups | Measure-Object -Property Count -Sum).Sum, 2)) * 100 }} |
Sort-Object Percent -Descending |
Format-Table -AutoSize |
$table4 = [PSCustomObject] @{
SiteType = "SharePoint"
SitesWithGuestsCount = $spoSitesWithGuests.Count
SitesWithCorpGuestsCount = @($spodomaintypes | Where-Object -Property "CorporateDomainCount" -gt 0).Count
SitesWithNonCorpGuestsCount = @($spodomaintypes | Where-Object -Property "PersonalDomainCount" -gt 0).Count
TotalSites = $spoSiteCount
PercentWithGuests = [Math]::Round( ($spoSitesWithGuests.Count / $sposites.Count), 4) * 100
PercentWithCorpGuests = [Math]::Round( ((($spodomaintypes | Where-Object -Property "CorporateDomainCount" -gt 0).Count) / $sposites.Count), 4) * 100
PercentWithNonCorpGuests = [Math]::Round( ((($spodomaintypes | Where-Object -Property "PersonalDomainCount" -gt 0).Count) / $sposites.Count), 4) * 100
[PSCustomObject] @{
SiteType = "OneDrive"
SitesWithGuestsCount = $od4bSitesWithGuests.Count
SitesWithCorpGuestsCount = @($od4bdomaintypes | Where-Object -Property "CorporateDomainCount" -gt 0).Count
SitesWithNonCorpGuestsCount = @($od4bdomaintypes | Where-Object -Property "PersonalDomainCount" -gt 0).Count
TotalSites = $od4bSiteCount
PercentWithGuests = [Math]::Round( ($od4bSitesWithGuests.Count / $sposites.Count), 4) * 100
PercentWithCorpGuests = [Math]::Round( ((($od4bdomaintypes | Where-Object -Property "CorporateDomainCount" -gt 0).Count) / $sposites.Count), 4) * 100
PercentWithNonCorpGuests = [Math]::Round( ((($od4bdomaintypes | Where-Object -Property "PersonalDomainCount" -gt 0).Count) / $sposites.Count), 4) * 100
} | Sort-Object SiteType -Descending | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String
$table5 = [PSCustomObject] @{
DomainType = "Corporate"
TotalDomains = $sposites.Count
Percent = [Math]::Round( ($spoSitesWithGuests.Count / $sposites.Count), 4) * 100
[PSCustomObject] @{
DomainType = "Personal"
TotalDomains = ($domaintypes | Measure-Object -Property "PersonalDomainCount" -Sum).Sum
Percent = [Math]::Round( ($spoSitesWithGuests.Count / $sposites.Count), 4) * 100
} | Sort-Object SiteType -Descending | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String
<# example output
Name Count Percent
---- ----- ------- 3 0.35 1 0.12 1 0.12 7 0.81 1 0.12
TotalSitesWithGuests TotalSites Percent
-------------------- ---------- -------
5 867 0.58
Name Count Percent
---- ----- ------- 3 23 2 15 2 15 2 15 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8
SiteType SitesWithGuestsCount SitesWithCorpGuestsCount SitesWithNonCorpGuestsCount TotalSites PercentWithGuests PercentWithCorpGuests PercentWithNonCorpGuests
-------- -------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------- ---------- ----------------- --------------------- ------------------------
SharePoint 4 4 2 847 0.47 0.47 0.24
OneDrive 1 0 1 20 0.12 0 0
DomainType TotalDomains Percent
---------- ------------ -------
Corporate 847 0.47
Personal 5 0.47
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