// http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js captured 2013-01-07
if (!window.__twttrlr) {
  (function (a, b) {
    function s(a) {
      for (var b = 1, c; c = arguments[b]; b++) for (var d in c) a[d] = c[d];
      return a

    function t(a) {
      return Array.prototype.slice.call(a)

    function v(a, b) {
      for (var c = 0, d; d = a[c]; c++) if (b == d) return c;
      return -1

    function w() {
      var a = t(arguments),
        b = [];
      for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) a[c].length > 0 && b.push(a[c].replace(/\/$/, ""));
      return b.join("/")

    function x(a, b, c) {
      var d = b.split("/"),
        e = a;
      while (d.length > 1) {
        var f = d.shift();
        e = e[f] = e[f] || {}
      e[d[0]] = c

    function y() {}

    function z(a, b) {
      this.id = this.path = a, this.force = !! b

    function A(a, b) {
      this.id = a, this.body = b, typeof b == "undefined" && (this.path = this.resolvePath(a))

    function B(a, b) {
      this.deps = a, this.collectResults = b, this.deps.length == 0 && this.complete()

    function C(a, b) {
      this.deps = a, this.collectResults = b

    function D() {
      for (var a in d) if (d[a].readyState == "interactive") return l[d[a].id]

    function E(a, b) {
      var d;
      return !a && c && (d = k || D()), d ? (delete l[d.scriptId], d.body = b, d.execute()) : (j = d = new A(a, b), i[d.id] = d), d

    function F() {
      var a = t(arguments),
        b, c;
      return typeof a[0] == "string" && (b = a.shift()), c = a.shift(), E(b, c)

    function G(a, b) {
      var c = b.id || "",
        d = c.split("/");
      var e = d.join("/");
      return a.replace(/^\./, e)

    function H(a, b) {
      function d(a) {
        return A.exports[G(a, b)]
      var c = [];
      for (var e = 0, f = a.length; e < f; e++) {
        if (a[e] == "require") {
        if (a[e] == "exports") {
          b.exports = b.exports || {}, c.push(b.exports);
      return c

    function I() {
      var a = t(arguments),
        b = [],
        c, d;
      return typeof a[0] == "string" && (c = a.shift()), u(a[0]) && (b = a.shift()), d = a.shift(), E(c, function (a) {
        function f() {
          var e = H(t(b), c),
          typeof d == "function" ? f = d.apply(c, e) : f = d, typeof f == "undefined" && (f = c.exports), a(f)
        var c = this,
          e = [];
        for (var g = 0, h = b.length; g < h; g++) {
          var i = b[g];
          v(["require", "exports"], i) == -1 && e.push(G(i, c))
        e.length > 0 ? J.apply(this, e.concat(f)) : f()

    function J() {
      var a = t(arguments),
        b, c;
      typeof a[a.length - 1] == "function" && (b = a.pop()), typeof a[a.length - 1] == "boolean" && (c = a.pop());
      var d = new B(K(a, c), c);
      return b && d.then(b), d

    function K(a, b) {
      var c = [];
      for (var d = 0, e; e = a[d]; d++) typeof e == "string" && (e = L(e)), u(e) && (e = new C(K(e, b), b)), c.push(e);
      return c

    function L(a) {
      var b, c;
      for (var d = 0, e; e = J.matchers[d]; d++) {
        var f = e[0],
          g = e[1];
        if (b = a.match(f)) return g(a)
      throw new Error(a + " was not recognised by loader")

    function N() {
      return a.using = m, a.provide = n, a.define = o, a.loadrunner = p, M

    function O(a) {
      for (var b = 0; b < J.bundles.length; b++) for (var c in J.bundles[b]) if (c != a && v(J.bundles[b][c], a) > -1) return c
    var c = a.attachEvent && !a.opera,
      d = b.getElementsByTagName("script"),
      e = 0,
      f, g = b.createElement("script"),
      h = {}, i = {}, j, k, l = {}, m = a.using,
      n = a.provide,
      o = a.define,
      p = a.loadrunner;
    for (var q = 0, r; r = d[q]; q++) if (r.src.match(/loadrunner\.js(\?|#|$)/)) {
      f = r;
    var u = Array.isArray || function (a) {
        return a.constructor == Array
    y.prototype.then = function (b) {
      var c = this;
      return this.started || (this.started = !0, this.start()), this.completed ? b.apply(a, this.results) : (this.callbacks = this.callbacks || [], this.callbacks.push(b)), this
    }, y.prototype.start = function () {}, y.prototype.complete = function () {
      if (!this.completed) {
        this.results = t(arguments), this.completed = !0;
        if (this.callbacks) for (var b = 0, c; c = this.callbacks[b]; b++) c.apply(a, this.results)
    }, z.loaded = [], z.prototype = new y, z.prototype.start = function () {
      var a = this,
        b, c, d;
      return (d = i[this.id]) ? (d.then(function () {
      }), this) : ((b = h[this.id]) ? b.then(function () {
      }) : !this.force && v(z.loaded, this.id) > -1 ? this.loaded() : (c = O(this.id)) ? J(c, function () {
      }) : this.load(), this)
    }, z.prototype.load = function () {
      var b = this;
      h[this.id] = b;
      var c = g.cloneNode(!1);
      this.scriptId = c.id = "LR" + ++e, c.type = "text/javascript", c.async = !0, c.onerror = function () {
        throw new Error(b.path + " not loaded")
      }, c.onreadystatechange = c.onload = function (c) {
        c = a.event || c;
        if (c.type == "load" || v(["loaded", "complete"], this.readyState) > -1) this.onreadystatechange = null, b.loaded()
      }, c.src = this.path, k = this, d[0].parentNode.insertBefore(c, d[0]), k = null, l[c.id] = this
    }, z.prototype.loaded = function () {
    }, z.prototype.complete = function () {
      v(z.loaded, this.id) == -1 && z.loaded.push(this.id), delete h[this.id], y.prototype.complete.apply(this, arguments)
    }, A.exports = {}, A.prototype = new z, A.prototype.resolvePath = function (a) {
      return w(J.path, a + ".js")
    }, A.prototype.start = function () {
      var a, b, c = this,
      this.body ? this.execute() : (a = A.exports[this.id]) ? this.exp(a) : (b = i[this.id]) ? b.then(function (a) {
      }) : (bundle = O(this.id)) ? J(bundle, function () {
      }) : (i[this.id] = this, this.load())
    }, A.prototype.loaded = function () {
      var a, b, d = this;
      c ? (b = A.exports[this.id]) ? this.exp(b) : (a = i[this.id]) && a.then(function (a) {
      }) : (a = j, j = null, a.id = a.id || this.id, a.then(function (a) {
    }, A.prototype.complete = function () {
      delete i[this.id], z.prototype.complete.apply(this, arguments)
    }, A.prototype.execute = function () {
      var a = this;
      typeof this.body == "object" ? this.exp(this.body) : typeof this.body == "function" && this.body.apply(window, [function (b) {
    }, A.prototype.exp = function (a) {
      this.complete(this.exports = A.exports[this.id] = a || {})
    }, B.prototype = new y, B.prototype.start = function () {
      function b() {
        var b = [];
        a.collectResults && (b[0] = {});
        for (var c = 0, d; d = a.deps[c]; c++) {
          if (!d.completed) return;
          d.results.length > 0 && (a.collectResults ? d instanceof C ? s(b[0], d.results[0]) : x(b[0], d.id, d.results[0]) : b = b.concat(d.results))
        a.complete.apply(a, b)
      var a = this;
      for (var c = 0, d; d = this.deps[c]; c++) d.then(b);
      return this
    }, C.prototype = new y, C.prototype.start = function () {
      var a = this,
        b = 0,
        c = [];
      return a.collectResults && (c[0] = {}),

      function d() {
        var e = a.deps[b++];
        e ? e.then(function (b) {
          e.results.length > 0 && (a.collectResults ? e instanceof C ? s(c[0], e.results[0]) : x(c[0], e.id, e.results[0]) : c.push(e.results[0])), d()
        }) : a.complete.apply(a, c)
      }(), this
    }, I.amd = {};
    var M = function (a) {
      return a(J, F, M, define)
    M.Script = z, M.Module = A, M.Collection = B, M.Sequence = C, M.Dependency = y, M.noConflict = N, a.loadrunner = M, a.using = J, a.provide = F, a.define = I, J.path = "", J.matchers = [], J.matchers.add = function (a, b) {
      this.unshift([a, b])
    }, J.matchers.add(/(^script!|\.js$)/, function (a) {
      var b = new z(a.replace(/^\$/, J.path.replace(/\/$/, "") + "/").replace(/^script!/, ""), !1);
      return b.id = a, b
    }), J.matchers.add(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\/]+$/, function (a) {
      return new A(a)
    }), J.bundles = [], f && (J.path = f.getAttribute("data-path") || f.src.split(/loadrunner\.js/)[0] || "", (main = f.getAttribute("data-main")) && J.apply(a, main.split(/\s*,\s*/)).then(function () {}))
  })(this, document);
  (window.__twttrlr = loadrunner.noConflict());
__twttrlr(function (using, provide, loadrunner, define) {
  provide("util/iframe", function (a) {
    a(function (a) {
      var b = (a.replace && a.replace.ownerDocument || document).createElement("div"),
      b.innerHTML = "<iframe allowtransparency='true' frameBorder='0' scrolling='no'></iframe>", c = b.firstChild, c.src = a.url, c.className = a.className || "";
      if (a.css) for (var d in a.css) c.style[d] = a.css[d];
      if (a.attributes) for (var e in a.attributes) c.setAttribute(e, a.attributes[e]);
      return a.replace && a.replace.parentNode.replaceChild(c, a.replace), c
  provide("util/querystring", function (a) {
    function b(a) {
      return encodeURIComponent(a).replace(/\+/g, "%2B")

    function c(a) {
      return decodeURIComponent(a)

    function d(a) {
      var c = [],
      for (d in a) a[d] !== null && typeof a[d] != "undefined" && c.push(b(d) + "=" + b(a[d]));
      return c.sort().join("&")

    function e(a) {
      var b = {}, d, e, f, g;
      if (a) {
        d = a.split("&");
        for (g = 0; f = d[g]; g++) e = f.split("="), e.length == 2 && (b[c(e[0])] = c(e[1]))
      return b

    function f(a, b) {
      var c = d(b);
      return c.length > 0 ? a.indexOf("?") >= 0 ? a + "&" + d(b) : a + "?" + d(b) : a

    function g(a) {
      var b = a && a.split("?");
      return b.length == 2 ? e(b[1]) : {}
      url: f,
      decodeURL: g,
      decode: e,
      encode: d,
      encodePart: b,
      decodePart: c
  provide("util/util", function (a) {
    function b(a) {
      var b = 1,
        c, d;
      for (; c = arguments[b]; b++) for (d in c) a[d] = c[d];
      return a

    function c(a) {
      return b([], a)

    function d(a) {
      for (var b in a) a.hasOwnProperty(b) && !a[b] && a[b] !== !1 && a[b] !== 0 && delete a[b]

    function e(a, b) {
      var c = 0,
      for (; d = a[c]; c++) if (b == d) return c;
      return -1

    function f(a, b) {
      if (!a) return null;
      if (a.filter) return a.filter.apply(a, [b]);
      if (!b) return a;
      var c = [],
        d = 0,
      for (; e = a[d]; d++) b(e) && c.push(e);
      return c

    function g(a, b) {
      if (!a) return null;
      if (a.map) return a.map.apply(a, [b]);
      if (!b) return a;
      var c = [],
        d = 0,
      for (; e = a[d]; d++) c.push(b(e));
      return c

    function h(a) {
      return a && a.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, "")

    function i(a) {
      return {}.toString.call(a).match(/\s([a-zA-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase()

    function j(a) {
      return a && String(a).toLowerCase().indexOf("[native code]") > -1

    function k(a, b) {
      if (a.contains) return a.contains(b);
      var c = b.parentNode;
      while (c) {
        if (c === a) return !0;
        c = c.parentNode
      return !1

    function l(a) {
      return a === Object(a)
      array: c,
      aug: b,
      compact: d,
      containsElement: k,
      filter: f,
      map: g,
      trim: h,
      indexOf: e,
      isNative: j,
      isObject: l,
      toType: i
  provide("dom/get", function (a) {
    using("util/util", function (b) {
      function c(a, c, d, e) {
        var f, g, h = [],
          i, j, k, l, m, n;
        c = c || document;
        if (b.isNative(c.getElementsByClassName)) return h = b.filter(c.getElementsByClassName(a), function (a) {
          return !d || a.tagName.toLowerCase() == d.toLowerCase()
        }), [].slice.call(h, 0, e || h.length);
        i = a.split(" "), l = i.length, f = c.getElementsByTagName(d || "*"), n = f.length;
        for (k = 0; k < l && n > 0; k++) {
          h = [], j = i[k];
          for (m = 0; m < n; m++) {
            g = f[m], ~b.indexOf(g.className.split(" "), j) && h.push(g);
            if (k + 1 == l && h.length === e) break
          f = h, n = f.length
        return h

      function d(a, b, d) {
        return c(a, b, d, 1)[0]

      function e(a, c, d) {
        var f = c && c.parentNode,
        if (!f || f === d) return;
        return f.tagName == a ? f : (g = f.className.split(" "), 0 === a.indexOf(".") && ~b.indexOf(g, a.slice(1)) ? f : e(a, f, d))
        all: c,
        one: d,
        ancestor: e
  provide("$vendor/domready/ready.js", function (exports) {
    ! function (a) {
      function k() {
        b = 1;
        for (var a = 0, d = c.length; a < d; a++) c[a]()
      var b = 0,
        c = [],
        d, e, f = !1,
        g = a.createElement("a"),
        h = "DOMContentLoaded",
        i = "addEventListener",
        j = "onreadystatechange";
      /^loade|c/.test(a.readyState) && (b = 1), a[i] && a[i](h, e = function () {
        a.removeEventListener(h, e, f), k()
      }, f), g.doScroll && a.attachEvent(j, d = function () {
        /^c/.test(a.readyState) && (a.detachEvent(j, d), k())
      var l = g.doScroll ? function (a) {
          self != top ? b ? a() : c.push(a) : ! function () {
            try {
            } catch (b) {
              return setTimeout(function () {
              }, 50)
        } : function (a) {
          b ? a() : c.push(a)
      typeof module != "undefined" && module.exports ? module.exports = {
        domReady: l
      } : window.domReady = l
  provide("util/domready", function (a) {
    using("$vendor/domready/ready.js", function () {
  provide("tfw/widget/base", function (a) {
    using("util/util", "util/domready", "dom/get", "util/querystring", "util/iframe", function (b, c, d, e, f) {
      function l(a) {
        var b;
        if (!a) return;
        a.ownerDocument ? (this.srcEl = a, this.classAttr = a.className.split(" ")) : (this.srcOb = a, this.classAttr = []), b = this.params(), this.id = o(), this.setLanguage(), this.related = b.related || this.dataAttr("related"), this.partner = b.partner || this.dataAttr("partner"), this.dnt = b.dnt || this.dataAttr("dnt") || "", this.styleAttr = []

      function m(a) {
        if (!a) return;
        return a.lang ? a.lang : m(a.parentNode)

      function n(a) {
        var b = i.widgets,
          c, e, f, g, h, k;
        a = a || document;
        for (f in b) {
          f.match(/\./) ? (g = f.split("."), c = d.all(g[1], a, g[0])) : c = a.getElementsByTagName(f);
          for (h = 0; k = c[h]; h++) {
            if (k.getAttribute("data-twttr-rendered")) continue;
            k.setAttribute("data-twttr-rendered", "true"), e = new b[f](k), j.list.push(e), j.byId[e.id] = e, e.render(i)

      function o() {
        return this.srcEl && this.srcEl.id || "twitter-widget-" + g++

      function p(a) {
        i = a

      function q(a) {
        return a && j.byId[a] ? j.byId[a].element : null
      var g = 0,
        h, i, j = {
          list: [],
          byId: {}
        }, k = {
          hi: {
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            Follow: "फ़ॉलो",
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          fil: {
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          sv: {
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            "Tweet to %{name}": "Tweeta till %{name}",
            "Twitter Stream": "Twitterflöde"
          fi: {
            "%{followers_count} followers": "%{followers_count} seuraajaa",
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            "10k unit": "10 000 yksikköä",
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            "Tweet to %{name}": "Twiittaa käyttäjälle %{name}",
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          pl: {
            "%{followers_count} followers": "%{followers_count} obserwujących",
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            "10k unit": "10 tys.",
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            "Tweet to %{name}": "Tweetnij do %{name}",
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          ja: {
            "%{followers_count} followers": "%{followers_count}人のフォロワー",
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            "10k unit": "万",
            Follow: "フォローする",
            "Follow %{screen_name}": "%{screen_name}さんをフォロー",
            K: "K",
            M: "M",
            Tweet: "ツイート",
            "Tweet %{hashtag}": "%{hashtag} をツイートする",
            "Tweet to %{name}": "%{name}さんへツイートする",
            "Twitter Stream": "Twitterストリーム"
          ko: {
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            "100K+": "100만 이상",
            "10k unit": "만 단위",
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            "Follow %{screen_name}": "%{screen_name} 팔로우하기",
            K: "천",
            M: "백만",
            Tweet: "트윗",
            "Tweet %{hashtag}": "%{hashtag} 관련 트윗하기",
            "Tweet to %{name}": "%{name}님에게 트윗하기",
            "Twitter Stream": "트위터 스트림"
          de: {
            "%{followers_count} followers": "%{followers_count} Follower",
            "100K+": "100Tsd+",
            "10k unit": "10tsd-Einheit",
            Follow: "Folgen",
            "Follow %{screen_name}": "%{screen_name} folgen",
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            M: " mln.",
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            "%{followers_count} followers": "%{followers_count} követő",
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            "%{followers_count} followers": "عدد المتابعين %{followers_count}",
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            "10k unit": "10 آلاف وحدة",
            Follow: "تابِع",
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            K: "ألف",
            M: "مليون",
            Tweet: "غرِّد",
            "Tweet %{hashtag}": "غرِّد %{hashtag}",
            "Tweet to %{name}": "غرِّد لـ %{name}",
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          fa: {
            "%{followers_count} followers": "%{followers_count} دنبال‌کننده",
            "100K+": ">۱۰۰هزار",
            "10k unit": "۱۰هزار واحد",
            Follow: "دنبال کردن",
            "Follow %{screen_name}": "دنبال کردن %{screen_name}",
            K: "هزار",
            M: "میلیون",
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          ur: {
            "%{followers_count} followers": "%{followers_count} فالورز",
            "100K+": "1 لاکھ+",
            "10k unit": "دس ہزار یونٹ",
            Follow: "فالو کریں",
            "Follow %{screen_name}": "%{screen_name} کو فالو کریں",
            K: "ہزار",
            M: "ملین",
            Tweet: "ٹویٹ کریں",
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            "Twitter Stream": "ٹوئٹر سٹریم"
          th: {
            "%{followers_count} followers": "%{followers_count} ผู้ติดตาม",
            "100K+": "100พัน+",
            "10k unit": "หน่วย 10พัน",
            Follow: "ติดตาม",
            "Follow %{screen_name}": "ติดตาม %{screen_name}",
            K: "พัน",
            M: "ล้าน",
            Tweet: "ทวีต",
            "Tweet %{hashtag}": "ทวีต %{hashtag}",
            "Tweet to %{name}": "ทวีตถึง %{name}"
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            "%{followers_count} followers": "%{followers_count} עוקבים",
            "100K+": "מאות אלפים",
            "10k unit": "עשרות אלפים",
            Follow: "מעקב",
            "Follow %{screen_name}": "לעקוב אחר %{screen_name}",
            K: "אלף",
            M: "מיליון",
            Tweet: "ציוץ",
            "Tweet %{hashtag}": "צייצו %{hashtag}",
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            return b[c] !== undefined ? b[c] : a
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          g, h, i;
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          h = k.getAttribute("rel"), i = k.getAttribute("href");
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        j > i && (c = Math.round(j / 2 - i / 2)), window.open(a, "intent", g + ",width=" + h + ",height=" + i + ",left=" + b + ",top=" + c)

      function n(a, b) {
        using("tfw/widget/hubclient", function (c) {
          c.openIntent(a, b)

      function o(a) {
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      function p(a, b) {
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      function r(a, b) {
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            target: b,
            region: "intent",
            type: "click",
            data: {}
        } else m(a)

      function s(a) {
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        j = screen.height,
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          new e(a, c, d, f)
      var c = 0;
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      present: e
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      function f(a, b, c) {
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      function g(a, b, c) {
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          i, j = e.length;
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          addEventListener(a, b, c[g]);
        c[g][b][d] = c[g][b][d] || [];

      function j(a, b, d) {
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        g.call(b, {
          target: d
        }, h[a])

      function k(a) {
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    using("util/querystring", function (b) {
      function f(a) {
        return typeof a == "string" && c.test(a) && RegExp.$1.length <= 20

      function g(a) {
        return f(a) && RegExp.$1

      function h(a) {
        var c = b.decodeURL(a);
        c.screen_name = g(a);
        if (c.screen_name) return b.url("https://twitter.com/intent/user", c)

      function i(a) {
        return typeof a == "string" && !/\W/.test(a)

      function j(a) {
        return i(a) ? "#" + a : ""

      function k(a) {
        return typeof a == "string" && d.test(a)

      function l(a) {
        return k(a) && RegExp.$1

      function m(a) {
        return e.test(a)
      var c = /(?:^|(?:https?\:)?\/\/(?:www\.)?twitter\.com(?:\:\d+)?(?:\/intent\/(?:follow|user)\/?\?screen_name=|(?:\/#!)?\/))@?([\w]+)(?:\?|&|$)/i,
        d = /(?:^|(?:https?\:)?\/\/(?:www\.)?twitter\.com(?:\:\d+)?\/(?:#!\/)?[\w_]+\/status(?:es)?\/)(\d+)/i,
        e = /^http(s?):\/\/((www\.)?)twitter.com\//;
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        screenName: g,
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        status: l,
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        isTwitterURL: m,
        regexen: {
          profile: c
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      return a
  provide("util/datetime", function (a) {
    using("util/util", function (b) {
      function n(a) {
        var e = a || "",
          h = e.toString(),
          i, j;
        return i = function () {
          var a;
          if (f.test(h)) return parseInt(h, 10);
          if (a = h.match(d)) return Date.UTC(a[7], b.indexOf(g, a[1]), a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5]);
          if (a = h.match(c)) return Date.UTC(a[1], a[2] - 1, a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6])
        }(), i ? (j = new Date(i), !isNaN(j.getTime()) && j) : !1

      function o(a, b) {
        function q(a, b) {
          return p && p[a] && (a = p[a]), a.replace(/%\{([\w_]+)\}/g, function (a, c) {
            return b[c] !== undefined ? b[c] : a
        var c = n(a),
          d = +(new Date),
          e = d - c,
          f, l = b && b.months || g,
          o = b && b.formats || {
            abbr: "%{number}%{symbol}",
            shortdate: "%{day} %{month}",
            longdate: "%{day} %{month} %{year}"
          }, p = b && b.phrases;
        return c ? isNaN(e) || e < h * 2 ? q("now") : e < i ? (f = Math.floor(e / h), q(o.abbr, {
          number: f,
          symbol: q(m, {
            abbr: q("s"),
            expanded: f > 1 ? q("seconds") : q("second")
        })) : e < j ? (f = Math.floor(e / i), q(o.abbr, {
          number: f,
          symbol: q(m, {
            abbr: q("m"),
            expanded: f > 1 ? q("minutes") : q("minute")
        })) : e < k ? (f = Math.floor(e / j), q(o.abbr, {
          number: f,
          symbol: q(m, {
            abbr: q("h"),
            expanded: f > 1 ? q("hours") : q("hour")
        })) : e < k * 365 ? q(o.shortdate, {
          day: c.getDate(),
          month: q(l[c.getMonth()])
        }) : q(o.longtime, {
          day: c.getDate(),
          month: q(l[c.getMonth()]),
          year: c.getFullYear().toString().slice(2)
        }) : ""
      var c = /(\d{4})-?(\d{2})-?(\d{2})T(\d{2}):?(\d{2}):?(\d{2})(Z|[\+\-]\d{2}:?\d{2})/,
        d = /[a-z]{3,4} ([a-z]{3}) (\d{1,2}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) ([\+\-]\d{2}:?\d{2}) (\d{4})/i,
        e = /[a-z]{3,4}, (\d{1,2}) ([a-z]{3}) (\d{4}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) ([\+\-]\d{2}:?\d{2})/i,
        f = /^\d+$/,
        g = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
        h = 1e3,
        i = h * 60,
        j = i * 60,
        k = j * 24,
        l = k * 7,
        m = '<abbr title="%{expanded}">%{abbr}</abbr>';
        parse: n,
        timeAgo: o
  provide("util/css", function (a) {
    using("util/util", function (b) {
        sanitize: function (a, c) {
          var d = /^[\w ,%\/"'\-_#]+$/,
            e = a && b.map(a.split(";"), function (a) {
              return b.map(a.split(":").slice(0, 2), function (a) {
                return b.trim(a)
            f = 0,
            g, h = [];
          c = c || /^(font\-|text\-|letter\-|color)[\w\-]*$/;
          for (; e && (g = e[f]); f++) g[0].match(c) && g[1].match(d) && h.push(g.join(":"));
          return h.join(";")
  provide("tfw/widget/params", function (a) {
    using("util/querystring", "util/twitter", function (b, c) {
      a(function (a, d) {
        return function (e) {
          var f, g = "data-tw-params",
            h, i = e.innerHTML;
          if (!e) return;
          if (!c.isTwitterURL(e.href)) return;
          if (e.getAttribute(g)) return;
          e.setAttribute(g, !0);
          if (typeof d == "function") {
            f = d.call(this, e);
            for (h in f) f.hasOwnProperty(h) && (a[h] = f[h])
          e.href = b.url(e.href, a), e.innerHTML = i
  provide("$xd/json2.js", function (exports) {
    window.JSON || (window.JSON = {}),

    function () {
      function f(a) {
        return a < 10 ? "0" + a : a

      function quote(a) {
        return escapable.lastIndex = 0, escapable.test(a) ? '"' + a.replace(escapable, function (a) {
          var b = meta[a];
          return typeof b == "string" ? b : "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)
        }) + '"' : '"' + a + '"'

      function str(a, b) {
        var c, d, e, f, g = gap,
          h, i = b[a];
        i && typeof i == "object" && typeof i.toJSON == "function" && (i = i.toJSON(a)), typeof rep == "function" && (i = rep.call(b, a, i));
        switch (typeof i) {
          case "string":
            return quote(i);
          case "number":
            return isFinite(i) ? String(i) : "null";
          case "boolean":
          case "null":
            return String(i);
          case "object":
            if (!i) return "null";
            gap += indent, h = [];
            if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(i) === "[object Array]") {
              f = i.length;
              for (c = 0; c < f; c += 1) h[c] = str(c, i) || "null";
              return e = h.length === 0 ? "[]" : gap ? "[\n" + gap + h.join(",\n" + gap) + "\n" + g + "]" : "[" + h.join(",") + "]", gap = g, e
            if (rep && typeof rep == "object") {
              f = rep.length;
              for (c = 0; c < f; c += 1) d = rep[c], typeof d == "string" && (e = str(d, i), e && h.push(quote(d) + (gap ? ": " : ":") + e))
            } else for (d in i) Object.hasOwnProperty.call(i, d) && (e = str(d, i), e && h.push(quote(d) + (gap ? ": " : ":") + e));
            return e = h.length === 0 ? "{}" : gap ? "{\n" + gap + h.join(",\n" + gap) + "\n" + g + "}" : "{" + h.join(",") + "}", gap = g, e
      typeof Date.prototype.toJSON != "function" && (Date.prototype.toJSON = function (a) {
        return isFinite(this.valueOf()) ? this.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + f(this.getUTCDate()) + "T" + f(this.getUTCHours()) + ":" + f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + "Z" : null
      }, String.prototype.toJSON = Number.prototype.toJSON = Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function (a) {
        return this.valueOf()
      var cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
        escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
        gap, indent, meta = {
          "\b": "\\b",
          "\t": "\\t",
          "\n": "\\n",
          "\f": "\\f",
          "\r": "\\r",
          '"': '\\"',
          "\\": "\\\\"
        }, rep;
      typeof JSON.stringify != "function" && (JSON.stringify = function (a, b, c) {
        var d;
        gap = "", indent = "";
        if (typeof c == "number") for (d = 0; d < c; d += 1) indent += " ";
        else typeof c == "string" && (indent = c);
        rep = b;
        if (!b || typeof b == "function" || typeof b == "object" && typeof b.length == "number") return str("", {
          "": a
        throw new Error("JSON.stringify")
      }), typeof JSON.parse != "function" && (JSON.parse = function (text, reviver) {
        function walk(a, b) {
          var c, d, e = a[b];
          if (e && typeof e == "object") for (c in e) Object.hasOwnProperty.call(e, c) && (d = walk(e, c), d !== undefined ? e[c] = d : delete e[c]);
          return reviver.call(a, b, e)
        var j;
        cx.lastIndex = 0, cx.test(text) && (text = text.replace(cx, function (a) {
          return "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)
        if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, "@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ""))) return j = eval("(" + text + ")"), typeof reviver == "function" ? walk({
          "": j
        }, "") : j;
        throw new SyntaxError("JSON.parse")
  provide("util/params", function (a) {
    using("util/querystring", function (b) {
      var c = function (a) {
        var c = a.search.substr(1);
        return b.decode(c)
      }, d = function (a) {
        var c = a.href,
          d = c.indexOf("#"),
          e = d < 0 ? "" : c.substring(d + 1);
        return b.decode(e)
      }, e = function (a) {
        var b = {}, e = c(a),
          f = d(a);
        for (var g in e) e.hasOwnProperty(g) && (b[g] = e[g]);
        for (var g in f) f.hasOwnProperty(g) && (b[g] = f[g]);
        return b
        combined: e,
        fromQuery: c,
        fromFragment: d
  provide("tfw/widget/env", function (a) {
    using("util/params", function (b) {
      function d() {
        var a = 36e5,
          d = b.combined(document.location)._;
        return c !== undefined ? c : (c = !1, d && /^\d+$/.test(d) && (c = +(new Date) - parseInt(d) < a), c)
      var c;
        isDynamicWidget: d
  provide("util/decider", function (a) {
    function c(a) {
      var c = b[a] || !1;
      if (!c) return !1;
      if (c === !0 || c === 100) return !0;
      var d = Math.random() * 100,
        e = c >= d;
      return b[a] = e, e
    var b = {
      force_new_cookie: 100,
      rufous_pixel: 100,
      decider_fixture: 12.34
      isAvailable: c
  provide("dom/cookie", function (a) {
    using("util/util", function (b) {
      a(function (a, c, d) {
        var e = b.aug({}, d);
        if (arguments.length > 1 && String(c) !== "[object Object]") {
          if (c === null || c === undefined) e.expires = -1;
          if (typeof e.expires == "number") {
            var f = e.expires,
              g = new Date((new Date).getTime() + f * 60 * 1e3);
            e.expires = g
          return c = String(c), document.cookie = [encodeURIComponent(a), "=", e.raw ? c : encodeURIComponent(c), e.expires ? "; expires=" + e.expires.toUTCString() : "", e.path ? "; path=" + e.path : "", e.domain ? "; domain=" + e.domain : "", e.secure ? "; secure" : ""].join("")
        e = c || {};
        var h, i = e.raw ? function (a) {
            return a
          } : decodeURIComponent;
        return (h = (new RegExp("(?:^|; )" + encodeURIComponent(a) + "=([^;]*)")).exec(document.cookie)) ? i(h[1]) : null
  provide("util/donottrack", function (a) {
    using("dom/cookie", function (b) {
      a(function (a) {
        var c = /\.(gov|mil)(:\d+)?$/i,
          d = /https?:\/\/([^\/]+).*/i;
        return a = a || document.referrer, a = d.test(a) && d.exec(a)[1], b("dnt") ? !0 : c.test(document.location.host) ? !0 : a && c.test(a) ? !0 : document.navigator ? document.navigator["doNotTrack"] == 1 : navigator ? navigator["doNotTrack"] == 1 || navigator["msDoNotTrack"] == 1 : !1
  provide("tfw/widget/guest_cookie", function (a) {
    using("dom/cookie", "util/donottrack", "util/decider", function (b, c, d) {
      function f() {
        var a = b(e) || !1;
        if (!a) return;
        a.match(/^v3\:/) || g()

      function g() {
        b(e) && b(e, null, {
          domain: ".twitter.com",
          path: "/"

      function h() {
        c() && g()
      var e = "pid";
        set: h,
        destroy: g,
        forceNewCookie: f,
        guest_id_cookie: e
  provide("tfw/widget/tracking", function (a) {
    using("dom/cookie", "dom/sandbox", "util/donottrack", "tfw/widget/guest_cookie", "tfw/widget/env", "util/util", "$xd/json2.js", function (b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
      function u() {
        function a(a) {
          s = a.frame, r = a.doc, q = a.doc.body, m = F(), n = G();
          while (o[0]) z.apply(this, o.shift());
          p && A()
        s = document.getElementById("rufous-sandbox"), s ? (r = s.contentWindow.document, q = r.body) : c(a, {
          id: "rufous-sandbox"
        }, {
          display: "none"

      function v(a, b, c, d) {
        var e = !g.isObject(a),
          f = b ? !g.isObject(b) : !1,
          h, i;
        if (e || f) return;
        if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) return;
        h = C(a), i = D(b, !! c, !! d), y(h, i, !0)

      function w(a, c, h, i) {
        var k = j[c],
          l, m, n = e.guest_id_cookie;
        if (!k) return;
        a = a || {}, i = !! i, h = !! h, m = a.original_redirect_referrer || document.referrer, i = i || d(m), l = g.aug({}, a), h || (x(l, "referrer", m), x(l, "widget", +f.isDynamicWidget()), x(l, "hask", + !! b("k")), x(l, "li", + !! b("twid")), x(l, n, b(n) || "")), i && (x(l, "dnt", 1), I(l)), H(k + "?" + E(l))

      function x(a, b, c) {
        var d = i + b;
        if (!a) return;
        return a[d] = c, a

      function y(a, b, c) {
        var d, e, f, h, i, j = "https://twitter.com/i/jot?";
        if (!g.isObject(a) || !g.isObject(b)) return;
        if (Math.random() > t) return;
        f = g.aug({}, b, {
          event_namespace: a
        }), c ? (j += E({
          l: J(f)
        }), H(j)) : (d = m.firstChild, d.value = +d.value || +f.dnt, h = J(f), e = r.createElement("input"), e.type = "hidden", e.name = "l", e.value = h, m.appendChild(e))

      function z(a, b, c, d) {
        var e = !g.isObject(a),
          f = b ? !g.isObject(b) : !1,
          h, i;
        if (e || f) return;
        if (!q) {
          o.push([a, b, c, d]);
        h = C(a), i = D(b, !! c, !! d), y(h, i)

      function A() {
        if (!m) {
          p = !0;
        if (m.children.length <= 1) return;
        q.appendChild(m), q.appendChild(n), m.submit(), window.setTimeout(B(m, n), 6e4), m = F(), n = G()

      function B(a, b) {
        return function () {
          var c = a.parentNode;
          c.removeChild(a), c.removeChild(b)

      function C(a) {
        var b = {
          client: "tfw"
        }, c, d;
        return c = g.aug(b, a || {}), c

      function D(a, b, c) {
        var e = {
          _category_: "tfw_client_event"
        }, f, h, i;
        return b = !! b, c = !! c, f = g.aug(e, a || {}), h = f.widget_origin || document.referrer, f.format_version = 1, f.dnt = c = c || d(h), f.triggered_on = f.triggered_on || +(new Date), b || (f.widget_origin = h), c && I(f), f

      function E(a) {
        var b = [],
          c, d, e;
        for (c in a) a.hasOwnProperty(c) && (d = encodeURIComponent(c), e = encodeURIComponent(a[c]), e = e.replace(/'/g, "%27"), b.push(d + "=" + e));
        return b.join("&")

      function F() {
        var a = r.createElement("form"),
          b = r.createElement("input");
        return l++, a.action = "https://twitter.com/i/jot", a.method = "POST", a.target = "rufous-frame-" + l, a.id = "rufous-form-" + l, b.type = "hidden", b.name = "dnt", b.value = 0, a.appendChild(b), a

      function G() {
        var a, b = "rufous-frame-" + l,
          c = 0;
        try {
          a = r.createElement("<iframe name=" + b + ">")
        } catch (d) {
          a = r.createElement("iframe"), a.name = b
        return a.id = b, a.style.display = "none", a.width = 0, a.height = 0, a.border = 0, a

      function H(a) {
        var b = document.createElement("img");
        b.src = a, b.alt = "", b.style.position = "absolute", b.style.height = "1px", b.style.width = "1px", b.style.top = "-9999px", b.style.left = "-9999px", document.body.appendChild(b)

      function I(a) {
        var b;
        for (b in a)~g.indexOf(k, b) && delete a[b]

      function J(a) {
        var b = Array.prototype.toJSON,
        return delete Array.prototype.toJSON, c = JSON.stringify(a), Array.prototype.toJSON = b, c
      var i = "twttr_",
        j = {
          tweetbutton: "//p.twitter.com/t.gif",
          followbutton: "//p.twitter.com/f.gif",
          tweetembed: "//p.twitter.com/e.gif"
        }, k = ["hask", "li", "logged_in", "pid", "user_id", e.guest_id_cookie, i + "hask", i + "li", i + e.guest_id_cookie],
        l = 0,
        m, n, o = [],
        p, q, r, s, t = .25;
      e.forceNewCookie(), a({
        enqueue: z,
        flush: A,
        initPostLogging: u,
        addPixel: v,
        addLegacyPixel: w,
        addVar: x
  provide("tfw/assets", function (a) {
    using("util/env", function (b) {
      function d(a, d) {
        var e = c[a],
        return b.retina() ? f = "2x" : b.ie6() || b.ie7() ? f = "gif" : f = "default", d && (f += ".rtl"), e[f]
      var c = {
        "embed/timeline.css": {
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        "embed/embed.ff268cb1fe83dd17c1ba606826968a3a.css": {
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          "2x.rtl": "embed/embed.2x.rtl.css",
          "gif.rtl": "embed/embed.gif.rtl.css"
  provide("util/logger", function (a) {
    function c(a) {
      window[b] && window[b].log && window[b].log(a)

    function d(a) {
      window[b] && window[b].warn && window[b].warn(a)

    function e(a) {
      window[b] && window[b].error && window[b].error(a)
    var b = ["con", "sole"].join("");
      info: c,
      warn: d,
      error: e
  provide("tfw/data", function (a) {
    using("util/logger", "util/util", "util/querystring", function (b, c, d) {
      function l(a, b) {
        return a == {}.toString.call(b).match(/\s([a-zA-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase()

      function m(a) {
        return function (c) {
          c.error ? a.error && a.error(c) : c.headers && c.headers.status != 200 ? (a.error && a.error(c), b.warn(c.headers.message)) : a.success && a.success(c), a.complete && a.complete(c), n(a)

      function n(a) {
        var b = a.script;
        b && (b.onload = b.onreadystatechange = null, b.parentNode && b.parentNode.removeChild(b), a.script = undefined, b = undefined), a.callbackName && twttr.tfw.callbacks[a.callbackName] && delete twttr.tfw.callbacks[a.callbackName]

      function o(a) {
        var b = {};
        return a.success && l("function", a.success) && (b.success = a.success), a.error && l("function", a.error) && (b.error = a.error), a.complete && l("function", a.complete) && (b.complete = a.complete), b

      function p(a, b, c) {
        var d = a.length,
          e = [],
          f = {}, g = 0;
        return function (e) {
          var h, i = [],
            j = [],
            k = [],
            l, m;
          h = c(e), f[h] = e;
          if (++g === d) {
            for (l = 0; l < d; l++) m = f[a[l]], i.push(m), m.error ? k.push(m) : j.push(m);
            b.error && k.length > 0 && b.error(k), b.success && j.length > 0 && b.success(j), b.complete && b.complete(i)
      twttr = twttr || {}, twttr.tfw = twttr.tfw || {}, twttr.tfw.callbacks = twttr.tfw.callbacks || {};
      var e = "twttr.tfw.callbacks",
        f = twttr.tfw.callbacks,
        g = "cb",
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        i = !1,
        j = {}, k = {
          userLookup: "//api.twitter.com/1/users/lookup.json",
          userShow: "//cdn.api.twitter.com/1/users/show.json",
          status: "//cdn.api.twitter.com/1/statuses/show.json",
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          friendship: "//cdn.api.twitter.com/1/friendships/exists.json",
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          timelinePreview: "//syndication.twimg.com/widgets/timelines/preview/"
      twttr.widgets && twttr.widgets.endpoints && c.aug(k, twttr.widgets.endpoints), j.jsonp = function (a, b, c) {
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        f[j] = m(b);
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      }, j.config = function (a) {
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      }, j.user = function () {
        var a, b = {}, c, e, f;
        arguments.length === 1 ? (a = arguments[0].screenName, b = o(arguments[0])) : (a = arguments[0], b.success = arguments[1]), c = l("array", a) ? k.userLookup : k.userShow, a = l("array", a) ? a.join(",") : a, e = {
          screen_name: a
        }, f = d.url(c, e), this.jsonp(f, b)
      }, j.userById = function (a) {
        var b, c = {}, e, f, g;
        arguments.length === 1 ? (b = arguments[0].ids, c = o(arguments[0])) : (b = arguments[0], c.success = arguments[1]), e = l("array", b) ? k.userLookup : k.userShow, b = l("array", b) ? b.join(",") : b, f = {
          user_id: b
        }, g = d.url(e, f), this.jsonp(g, c)
      }, j.status = function () {
        var a, b = {}, c, e, f, g;
        arguments.length === 1 ? (a = arguments[0].id, b = o(arguments[0])) : (a = arguments[0], b.success = arguments[1]);
        if (!l("array", a)) c = {
          id: a,
          include_entities: !0
        }, e = d.url(k.status, c), this.jsonp(e, b);
        else {
          f = p(a, b, function (a) {
            return a.error ? a.request.split("id=")[1].split("&")[0] : a.id_str
          for (g = 0; g < a.length; g++) c = {
            id: a[g],
            include_entities: !0
          }, e = d.url(k.status, c), this.jsonp(e, {
            success: f,
            error: f
      }, j.tweet = j.status, j.count = function () {
        var a = "",
          b, c, e = {};
        arguments.length === 1 ? (a = arguments[0].url, e = o(arguments[0])) : arguments.length === 2 && (a = arguments[0], e.success = arguments[1]), c = {
          url: a
        }, b = d.url(k.count, c), this.jsonp(b, e)
      }, j.friendshipExists = function (a) {
        var b = arguments[0],
          c = o(arguments[0]),
          e = {
            screen_name_a: a.screenNameA,
            screen_name_b: a.screenNameB
          }, f = d.url(k.friendship, e);
        this.jsonp(f, c)
      }, j.timeline = function (a) {
        var b = arguments[0],
          c = o(b),
          e, f = 9e5,
          g = Math.floor(+(new Date) / f),
          h = {
            lang: a.lang,
            t: g,
            domain: window.location.host
        a.dnt && (h.dnt = a.dnt), a.screenName && (h.screen_name = a.screenName), a.userId && (h.user_id = a.userId), a.withReplies && (h.with_replies = a.withReplies), e = d.url(k.timeline + a.id, h), this.jsonp(e, c, "tl_" + a.id)
      }, j.timelinePoll = function (a) {
        var b = arguments[0],
          c = o(b),
          e = {
            lang: a.lang,
            since_id: a.sinceId,
            max_id: a.maxId,
            domain: window.location.host
          }, f;
        a.dnt && (e.dnt = a.dnt), a.screenName && (e.screen_name = a.screenName), a.userId && (e.user_id = a.userId), a.withReplies && (e.with_replies = a.withReplies), f = d.url(k.timelinePoll + a.id, e), this.jsonp(f, c, "tlPoll_" + a.id + "_" + (a.sinceId || a.maxId))
      }, j.timelinePreview = function (a) {
        var b = arguments[0],
          c = o(b),
          e = a.params,
          f = d.url(k.timelinePreview, e);
        this.jsonp(f, c)
      }, a(j)
  provide("anim/transition", function (a) {
    function b(a, b) {
      var c;
      return b = b || window, c = b.requestAnimationFrame || b.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || b.mozRequestAnimationFrame || b.msRequestAnimationFrame || b.oRequestAnimationFrame || function (c) {
        b.setTimeout(function () {
          a(+(new Date))
        }, 1e3 / 60)
      }, c(a)

    function c(a, b) {
      return Math.sin(Math.PI / 2 * b) * a

    function d(a, c, d, e, f) {
      function i(h) {
        var j = h - g,
          k = Math.min(j / d, 1),
          l = e ? e(c, k) : c * k;
        if (k == 1) return;
        b(i, f)
      var g = +(new Date),
      animate: d,
      requestAnimationFrame: b,
      easeOut: c
  provide("tfw/widget/timeline", function (a) {
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        }, {
          "class": "twitter-timeline twitter-timeline-rendered",
          id: this.id
        }, {
          width: "1px",
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          border: "none",
          position: "absolute"
        }, function (a) {
          g.srcEl ? g.targetEl.insertBefore(a, g.srcEl) : g.targetEl.appendChild(a)

      function bc(a, b) {
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          d = s.one(Q, a, "DIV"),
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          g, h = 0,
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          r.remove(a, P), d.style.cssText = "";
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        return b > a && b > d ? (a *= d / b, b = d) : a > c && (b *= c / a, a = c), {
          width: Math.ceil(a),
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      var u = "1.0",
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        w = /^(#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}|[0-9a-f]{6}))$/i,
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          CLIENT_SIDE_USER: 0,
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        }, F = [".customisable", ".customisable:link", ".customisable:visited", ".customisable:hover", ".customisable:active", ".customisable-highlight:hover", "a:hover .customisable-highlight", "a:focus .customisable-highlight"],
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        H = [".timeline-header h1.summary", ".timeline-header h1.summary a:link", ".timeline-header h1.summary a:visited"],
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        O = "tweet",
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        X = "pending-scroll-in",
        Y = "pending-new-tweet",
        Z = "show-new-tweet",
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        create: function (a) {
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            e, f, h, i = [],
            j, k;
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            widget_id: this.widgetId,
            item_ids: i,
            item_details: j,
            client_version: u,
            message: this.partner,
            query: this.searchQuery,
            profile_id: this.profileId
          }, !0, this.dnt), g.flush(), this.ariaPolite == "assertive" && (f = s.one(J, c, "DIV"), f.setAttribute("aria-polite", "assertive")), c.id = this.id, c.className += " " + this.classAttr.join(" "), c.lang = this.lang, twttr.widgets.load(c), h = function () {
            d.sandbox.body.appendChild(c), d.sandbox.win.setTimeout(function () {
              var a = s.one(K, c, "DIV"),
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              b ? e = a.offsetHeight + b.offsetHeight : e = a.offsetHeight, f.style.cssText = "height:" + (d.height - e - 2) + "px"
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        render: function (a, b) {
          function j() {
            d.success = function (a) {
              c.element = c.create(a), c.readTranslations(), c.bindEvents(), b && b(c.sandbox.frame);
            }, d.error = function (a) {
              a && a.headers && b && b(a.headers.status)
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              screenName: c.widgetScreenName,
              userId: c.widgetUserId,
              withReplies: c.widgetShowReplies,
              dnt: c.dnt,
              lang: c.lang,
              success: function (a) {
                c.element = c.create(a), c.readTranslations(), c.bindEvents(), a.headers.xPolling && /\d/.test(a.headers.xPolling) && (c.pollInterval = a.headers.xPolling * 1e3), c.updateTimeStamps(), c.schedulePolling(), b && b(c.sandbox.frame);
              error: function (a) {
                a && a.headers && b && b(a.headers.status)
          var c = this,
            d = {}, f, h, i;
          if (!this.preview && !this.widgetId) {
            b && b(400);
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        reconfigure: function (a) {
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        getTweetDetails: function (a) {
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              TWEET: 0,
              RETWEET: 10
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            item_type: h.TWEET
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            item_type: h.RETWEET,
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              return (b.theme == "dark" ? ".thm-dark " : "") + a
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            a.addUrlParams(this), d.open(this.href), q.preventDefault(b)
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            bc(s.ancestor("." + O, this, b), a.contentWidth()), q.stop(c)
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            a.mouseOverNotifier = !1, window.setTimeout(function () {
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        loadMore: function () {
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        forceLoad: function () {
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        schedulePolling: function (a) {
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            this.isUpdating = !1
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              if (a.headers.status == "404") {
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                d.pollInterval *= 1.5;
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              i, j;
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                event_initiator: b ? E.CLIENT_SIDE_APP : E.CLIENT_SIDE_USER
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          }, 5e3)
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            r.remove(b.element, Y)
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