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Created October 22, 2019 04:57
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Shortcode to create a linked list of site policies.
* Site policies shortcode.
* This shortcode creates a linked list of site policies. Any page that uses the
* word "policy" in the title or slug is deemed a policy to be listed. Using the
* shortcode [site-policies] in any post or page (or anywhere shortcodes work on
* your particular site,) will output a linked list the site policies.
* The following attributes are supported; include as many or as few as you like
* to get the desired result. The default behavior is to display all policies in
* an unordered list that has a class name of "policy-list". The default sorting
* is by policy title, ascending.
* Supported attributes:
* orderby: post_title or post_date; default is post_title
* sort: asc or desc; default is asc
* format: ul, ol, span, p, div; default is ul
* class: additional class to add to the container
* divider: the divider between links; for p, span, div formats
* exclude: comma-separated list of page slugs to exclude
* Examples:
* List all policies, sorted by title/asc, in an unordered list.
* [site-policies]
* List all policies, except those with slugs policy-one and policy-two.
* [site-policies exclude="policy-one,policy-two"]
* List all policies, sorted by date/desc, in an ordered list.
* [site-policies format="ol" orderby="post_date" sort="desc"]
* List all policies in a <div> with pipes dividing the links.
* [site-policies format="div" divider="|"]
* List all policies in a <p> and pass in an extra class.
* [site-policies format="p" class="my-class-name"]
* ...or any combinations of the above.
* @author John Alarcon
* @since 1.0.0
* @param array $atts
* @return void|string Marked up list of site policies.
function codepotent_policies_shortcode($atts) {
// Bring database object into scope.
global $wpdb;
// SQL order.
$orderby = 'post_title';
if (!empty($atts['orderby']) && $atts['orderby'] !== 'post_title') {
$orderby = 'post_date';
// SQL sort.
$sort = 'ASC';
if (!empty($atts['sort'])) {
if (strtolower($atts['sort']) !== 'asc') {
$sort = 'DESC';
// Page slugs to exclude, if any.
$exclude = (!empty($atts['exclude'])) ? explode(',', $atts['exclude']) : [];
// SQL query to grab pages with "policy" in the title or slug.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts
WHERE ($wpdb->posts.post_title LIKE %s OR $wpdb->posts.post_name LIKE %s)
AND $wpdb->posts.post_type = 'page'
AND $wpdb->posts.post_status = 'publish'
ORDER BY $wpdb->posts.$orderby $sort";
// Execute the query.
$result = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($sql, '%policy%', '%policy%'));
// Nothing to show? Return.
if (is_wp_error($result) || empty($result)) {
// Output format.
$format = 'ul';
$formats = ['ul', 'ol', 'span', 'div', 'p'];
if (!empty($atts['format']) && in_array($atts['format'], $formats, true)) {
$format = $atts['format'];
// Container.
$markup = '<'.$format.' class="policy-list'.(!empty($atts['class']) ? ' '.sanitize_title($atts['class']) : '').'">'."\n";
// Policy links.
switch($format) {
case 'ul':
case 'ol':
foreach ($result as $policy) {
if (!in_array($policy->post_name, $exclude)) {
$markup .= '<li><a href="'.get_permalink($policy->ID).'">'.$policy->post_title.'</a></li>'."\n";
case 'span':
case 'p':
case 'div':
$divider = (!empty($atts['divider'])) ? esc_html($atts['divider']) : '|';
$str = '';
foreach ($result as $policy) {
if (!in_array($policy->post_name, $exclude)) {
$str .= '<a href="'.get_permalink($policy->ID).'">'.$policy->post_title.'</a>';
$str .= ' '.$divider.' ';
$markup .= rtrim($str, ' '.$divider.' ');
// Container.
$markup .= '</'.$format.'><!-- .policy-list'.(!empty($atts['class']) ? '.'.sanitize_title($atts['class']) : '').' -->'."\n";
// Return the markup.
return $markup;
// Add the shortcode.
add_shortcode('site-policies', 'codepotent_policies_shortcode');
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