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Last active April 7, 2020 11:19
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Multi-repo software dependency updater - for projects using node, npm, and github
## Software Dependency Updater
A self contained multi-repo software dependency updater script - for projects using node, npm, and github.
## Prerequisites
- node > 10
- npm > 6
- hub > 2.14 with a github personal access token set on your env, e.g. GITHUB_TOKEN="xyz"
## Usage
1. Save this file to a temp directory, e.g. ~/workspace/software-updater/run.js
2. Modify the const repos = [] array to include all the node/package.json repos you want to target
3. Run `node run.js`
4. Hub should open PRs in your default web browser - check the diffs and merge as aproprirately
5. Check the logs/ file for per-repo reports
/* Embedded promisified exec */
const execSync = require('child_process').exec
const exec = (command, options) => {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
execSync(command, options, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
stdout: (stdout || '').trim(),
stderr: (stderr || '').trim(),
} else {
stdout: (stdout || '').trim(),
stderr: (stderr || '').trim()
/* Embedded promisified fs operations */
const { read, write, mkdir, stat, rename, safeCreateDirectory } = (() => {
const fs = require('fs')
const { promisify } = require('util')
const read = promisify(fs.readFile)
const write = promisify(fs.writeFile)
const mkdir = promisify(fs.mkdir)
const stat = promisify(fs.stat)
const rename = promisify(fs.rename)
const report = (...messages) => console.log('[Async FS]', ...messages)
const exists = async (itemPath) => {
try {
await stat(itemPath)
return true
} catch (err) {
return false
const safeCreateDirectory = async (directoryPath) => {
try {
await mkdir(directoryPath, { recursive: true })
} catch (err) {
if (err && err.code === 'EEXIST') {
report(`Directory: ${directoryPath} already exists`)
} else {
const readJson = async (jsonFilePath) => {
const jsonFile = await read(jsonFilePath, 'utf-8')
return JSON.parse(jsonFile)
return {
/* Start of software updater script */
console.log('Software Dependency Updater')
const repos = [
console.log('Running against:')
console.log(, i) => `\t[${i}] ${repo}`).join('\n'))
const startwd = process.cwd()
function reportResults(results) {
results.forEach((result, i) => {
const error = result.error || {}
const stringError = (typeof error === 'string') ? error : false
const formats = [`[${i}] ${result.repo}`, error.message, error.stdout, error.stderr, stringError, 'Completed OK'].filter(n => n)
async function updateRepo(repo, i) {
console.log(`[${i}]`, 'Starting some work:', repo)
const ticketId = 'UPDATER'
const branchName = 'software-update'
const commitMessage = 'Automatated software update\n\nUpdate all package and package-lock dependencies'
const seeMoreLink = ''
const logs = []
function report(...messages) {
const now = new Date()
const format = [`[${now}] [${repo}]`].concat(messages).filter(n => n)
logs.push(format.join(' '))
function quietReport(...messages) {
const now = new Date()
const format = [`[${now}] [${repo}]`].concat(messages).filter(n => n)
logs.push(format.join(' '))
const cwd = `${startwd}/repos/${repo}`
let commandSteps = [
{ command: `npm -v`, cwd: startwd },
{ command: `git clone${repo}.git repos/${repo}`, cwd: startwd },
{ command: `pwd`, cwd },
{ command: `git push --delete origin ${branchName}`, cwd, optionalSuccess: true },
{ command: `git checkout -b ${branchName}`, cwd },
{ command: `npm outdated -l`, cwd, optionalSuccess: true },
{ command: `rm package-lock.json`, cwd },
{ command: `rm -rf node_modules`, cwd },
{ command: `npm install`, cwd },
{ command: `npm update`, cwd },
{ command: `npm audit fix`, cwd },
{ command: `npm outdated -l`, cwd, optionalSuccess: true },
{ command: `git add package.json`, cwd },
{ command: `git add package-lock.json`, cwd },
{ command: `git commit -m "${ticketId} ${commitMessage}"`, cwd },
{ command: `git status`, cwd },
{ command: `git push --set-upstream origin ${branchName}`, cwd },
{ command: `hub pull-request -m "${ticketId} ${commitMessage}\n\n${seeMoreLink}"`, cwd},
{ command: `git status`, cwd },
{ command: `hub pr show`, cwd }
async function executeCommand (item) {
let result = false
if (typeof item.command === 'string') {
report(item.command, 'from', item.cwd)
result = await exec(item.command, item)
report(result.stdout || result.stderr)
else if (typeof item.command === 'function') {
result = await item.command(item)
else {
throw new Error('Unknown command type', item, 'for', repo)
return result
let error = false
let result = false
try {
// run each command in sequence
while (commandSteps.length > 0) {
let nextCommand = commandSteps.shift()
if (nextCommand.optionalSuccess) {
try {
result = await executeCommand(nextCommand)
catch (ex) {
quietReport('Optional command failed, continuing:', ex.stderr, ex.stdout, ex.error, ex.message)
} else {
result = await executeCommand(nextCommand)
} catch (ex) {
report('Caught exception:', ex.stderr, ex.stdout, ex.error, ex.message)
error = ex
const logFile = `${repo.replace(/\//g, '-')}.log`
report('Writing log file to', logFile)
await write(`logs/${logFile}`, logs.join('\n'))
// Return the results
return {
async function run() {
await exec(`rm -rf repos`)
await exec(`mkdir -p repos`)
await exec(`rm -rf logs`)
await exec(`mkdir -p logs`)
const pendingWork =
results = await Promise.all(pendingWork)
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