<!doctype html> |
<html lang=""> |
<head> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<title>Spirograph effect in HTML canvas</title> |
<meta name="description" content=""> |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> |
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://unpkg.com/d3'></script> |
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://unpkg.com/d3-selection-multi'></script> |
<style> |
body{ |
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; |
} |
#canvasHolder, input{ |
position: relative; |
} |
#circle{ |
position: relative; |
background: black; |
} |
#spiro{ |
position: absolute; |
left: 0; |
} |
#image{ |
position: absolute; |
display: none; |
} |
#sliders div{ |
display: inline-block; |
padding: 10px 5px 5px 0px; |
} |
button{ |
margin: 10px 5px 0 0; |
padding: 5px; |
border-radius: 3px; |
} |
#draw{ |
background: #419BF9; |
color: white; |
} |
#draw[disabled]{ |
background: #97c8fc; |
color: white; |
} |
input[type=checkbox], button{ |
cursor: pointer; |
} |
input[type=range]{ |
cursor: ew-resize; |
} |
input[type=checkbox][disabled], button[disabled], input[type=range][disabled]{ |
cursor: not-allowed; |
} |
#note{ |
opacity: 0.6; |
font: 400 11px system-ui; |
} |
</style> |
</head> |
<body> |
<div id=canvasHolder> |
<canvas id=circle></canvas> |
<canvas id=spiro></canvas> |
<canvas id=image></canvas> |
</div> |
Show circles <input type=checkbox id=showCircles checked> |
<div id=sliders> |
<div> |
<span>Set outer circle size</span><br> |
<input type=range min=50 max=190 value=150 id=bigCircle> |
</div> |
<div> |
<span>Set inner circle size</span><br> |
<input type=range min=-100 max=100 value=52 id=smallCircle> |
</div> |
<div> |
<span>Set pen position</span><br> |
<input type=range min=0 max=1 value=0.6 step=any id=p> |
</div> |
<div> |
<span>Set duration of one circuit</span><br> |
<input type=range min=1000 max=5000 value=2000 id=loopTime> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<button id=draw>Draw</button> |
<a id=save><button>Save image*</button></a> |
<button id=reset>Reset</button> |
<br><br> |
<span id=note>* Saved image removes outer and inner grey circles, keeping only the spirograph drawing</span> |
<script type='text/javascript'> |
let width = 400, |
height = 400, |
PR = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, |
scaledWidth = width*PR, |
scaledHeight = height*PR, |
showCircles = true, |
loopTime = 2000, |
tickTime = 10, |
R = 150, r = 52, l = 0.6, |
p = l*r, |
k = r/R, |
t; |
let backContext = d3.select('canvas#circle') |
.attrs({ |
width: scaledWidth, |
height: scaledHeight, |
}) |
.styles({ |
width: `${width}px`, |
height: `${height}px` |
}) |
.node().getContext("2d"); |
let context = d3.select('canvas#spiro') |
.attrs({ |
width: scaledWidth, |
height: scaledHeight, |
}) |
.styles({ |
width: `${width}px`, |
height: `${height}px` |
}) |
.node().getContext("2d"); |
let contextIMG = d3.select('canvas#image') |
.attrs({ |
width: scaledWidth, |
height: scaledHeight, |
}) |
.styles({ |
width: `${width}px`, |
height: `${height}px` |
}) |
.node().getContext("2d"); |
backContext.scale(PR, PR); |
context.scale(PR, PR); |
contextIMG.scale(PR, PR); |
function pinPoint(angle){ |
return [ |
(R*( ((1-k)*(Math.cos(angle))) + (l*k*Math.cos(((1-k)/k)*angle)) )) + (width/2), |
(R*( ((1-k)*(Math.sin(angle))) - (l*k*Math.sin(((1-k)/k)*angle)) )) + (height/2) |
] |
} |
let p0 = [(width/2)+(R-r)+p,height/2]; |
backContext.strokeStyle = 'gray'; |
backContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)'; |
context.strokeStyle = 'gold'; |
function initCircles(){ |
p = l*r; |
k = r/R; |
p0 = [(width/2)+(R-r)+p,height/2]; |
backContext.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); |
backContext.beginPath(); |
backContext.arc(width/2, height/2, R, 0, Math.PI * 2); |
backContext.stroke(); |
backContext.beginPath(); |
backContext.arc((R-r)*Math.cos(0) + (width/2), (R-r)*Math.sin(0) + (height/2), Math.abs(r), 0, Math.PI * 2); |
backContext.fill(); |
backContext.fillStyle = 'gold'; |
backContext.beginPath(); |
backContext.arc(...p0, 3, 0, Math.PI * 2); |
backContext.fill(); |
backContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)'; |
} |
d3.select('#bigCircle').on('input', () => { |
R = d3.select('#bigCircle').node().value; |
initCircles(); |
}); |
d3.select('#smallCircle').on('input', () => { |
r = d3.select('#smallCircle').node().value; |
initCircles(); |
}); |
d3.select('#p').on('input', () => { |
l = d3.select('#p').node().value; |
initCircles(); |
}); |
d3.select('#loopTime').on('input', () => { |
loopTime = d3.select('#loopTime').node().value; |
}); |
d3.select('#showCircles').on('click', () => { |
showCircles = d3.select('#showCircles').node().checked; |
initCircles(); |
if(showCircles == false) backContext.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); |
}); |
initCircles(); |
d3.select('#draw').on('click', () => { |
d3.selectAll('#draw, #showCircles, #sliders input').attr('disabled', 1); |
t = d3.interval((e) => { |
let a = (e/loopTime) * Math.PI * 2; |
let xy = pinPoint(a); |
if(showCircles == true){ |
backContext.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); |
backContext.beginPath(); |
backContext.arc(width/2, height/2, R, 0, Math.PI * 2); |
backContext.stroke(); |
backContext.beginPath(); |
backContext.arc((R-r)*Math.cos(a) + (width/2), (R-r)*Math.sin(a) + (height/2), Math.abs(r), 0, Math.PI * 2); |
backContext.fill(); |
backContext.fillStyle = 'gold'; |
backContext.beginPath(); |
backContext.arc(...xy, 3, 0, Math.PI * 2); |
backContext.fill(); |
backContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)'; |
} |
context.beginPath(); |
context.moveTo(...p0); |
context.lineTo(...xy); |
context.stroke(); |
p0 = xy; |
},tickTime); |
}); |
d3.select('#save').on('click', () => { |
t.stop(); |
d3.select('#save button').attr('disabled', 1); |
contextIMG.fillStyle = 'black'; |
contextIMG.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); |
contextIMG.drawImage(d3.select('#spiro').node(), 0, 0, width, height); |
let image = d3.select('#image').node().toDataURL(); |
d3.select('#save').node().href = image; |
d3.select('#save').node().download = "spiro.png"; |
}); |
d3.select('#reset').on('click', () => { |
if(typeof(t) == 'object') t.stop(); |
showCircles = true; |
R = 150; r = 52; l = 0.6; |
p = l*r; |
k = r/R; |
loopTime = 2000; |
p0 = [(width/2)+(R-r)+p,height/2]; |
backContext.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); |
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); |
initCircles(); |
d3.selectAll('#draw, #showCircles, #save button, #sliders input').attr('disabled', null); |
showCircles = d3.select('#showCircles').node().checked = true; |
d3.select('#bigCircle').node().value = 150; |
d3.select('#smallCircle').node().value = 52; |
d3.select('#p').node().value = 0.6; |
d3.select('#loopTime').node().value = 2000; |
}); |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |