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Created September 20, 2022 13:19
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# Default values for the generator
# this file can be used as a template for a custom configuration
# or to know about the different variables available for the generator
platform-name: 'demo-platform'
platform-stack: 'trivadis/platys-modern-data-platform'
#platform-stack-version: '1.15.0'
platform-stack-version: '1.16.0-preview'
structure: 'flat'
# ========================================================================
# Global configuration, valid for all or a group of services
# ========================================================================
# Timezone, use a Linux string such as Europe/Zurich or America/New_York
use_timezone: ''
# the name of the repository to use for private images, which are not on docker hub (currently only Oracle images)
private_docker_repository_name: 'trivadis'
# the UID to use when using the "user" property in a service to override the user inside the container
uid: '1000'
data_centers: 'dc1,dc2'
data_center_to_use: 0
copy_cookbook_data_folder: true
# ========================================================================
# External Services
# ========================================================================
KAFKA_enable: false
SCHEMA_REGISTRY_enable: false
S3_enable: false
S3_path_style_access: false
ADLS_enable: false
# ========================================================================
# Platys Services
# ========================================================================
# ===== Apache Zookeeper ========
ZOOKEEPER_enable: false
ZOOKEEPER_volume_map_data: false
ZOOKEEPER_nodes: 1 # either 1 or 3
ZOOKEEPER_node_first_port: 2181
# ===== Apache Zookeeper Navigator ========
# ===== Apache Kafka ========
KAFKA_enable: false
# one of enterprise, community
KAFKA_edition: 'community'
KAFKA_volume_map_data: false
KAFKA_use_standard_port_for_external_interface: true
KAFKA_datacenters: 1
KAFKA_broker_nodes: 3
KAFKA_broker_first_port: 9092
KAFKA_use_kraft_mode: false
KAFKA_internal_replication_factor: 3
KAFKA_delete_topic_enable: true
KAFKA_auto_create_topics_enable: false
KAFKA_message_timestamp_type: CreateTime
KAFKA_jmx_monitoring_prometheus_enable: false
# KAFKA_log_segment_bytes:
# KAFKA_log_retention_ms:
# KAFKA_log_retention_hours:
# KAFKA_log_retention_bytes:
# KAFKA_compression_type:
# KAFKA_min_insync_replicas:
# KAFKA_replica_selector_class: org.apache.kafka.common.replica.RackAwareReplicaSelector
KAFKA_confluent_tier_feature: false
KAFKA_confluent_tier_enable: false
KAFKA_confluent_tier_backend: S3
KAFKA_confluent_tier_s3_bucket: kafka-logs
KAFKA_confluent_tier_s3_region: us-east-1
KAFKA_confluent_tier_s3_force_path_style_access: false
KAFKA_confluent_tier_metadata_replication_factor: 1
KAFKA_log4j_root_level: 'INFO'
KAFKA_log4j_loggers: ''
KAFKA_tools_log4j_level: 'INFO'
# ===== Kafka Connect ========
KAFKA_CONNECT_enable: false
KAFKA_CONNECT_config_providers: 'file'
KAFKA_CONNECT_config_providers_classes: 'org.apache.kafka.common.config.provider.FileConfigProvider'
KAFKA_CONNECT_map_settings_file: false
# ===== Confluent ksqlDB ========
KAFKA_KSQLDB_enable: false
# either 'cp' or 'oss'
KAFKA_KSQLDB_edition: 'oss'
KAFKA_KSQLDB_internal_replication_factor: 1
KAFKA_KSQLDB_suppress_enabled: false
KAFKA_KSQLDB_suppress_buffer_size_bytes: -1
KAFKA_KSQLDB_query_pull_table_scan_enabled: false
KAFKA_KSQLDB_queries_file: ''
KAFKA_KSQLDB_response_http_headers_config: ''
KAFKA_KSQLDB_use_embedded_connect: false
KAFKA_KSQLDB_persistence_default_format_key: 'KAFKA'
KAFKA_KSQLDB_persistence_default_format_value: ''
# ===== Materialize ========
MATERIALIZE_enable: false
MATERIALIZE_CLI_enable: false
# ===== Azkarra Streams ========
AZKARRA_enable: false
# ===== Confluent Control Center ========
KAFKA_CCC_enable: false
# ===== Confluent Replicator ========
KAFKA_REPLICATOR_enable: false
# ===== Kafka Mirror Maker 2 ========
KAFKA_MM2_enable: false
# ===== Schema Registry ========
SCHEMA_REGISTRY_enable: false
# either "confluent", "apicurio"
SCHEMA_REGISTRY_flavour: confluent
# ===== Confluent Schema Registry ========
CONFLUENT_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_use_zookeeper_election: false
CONFLUENT_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_group_id: schema-registry
CONFLUENT_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_replication_factor: 1
CONFLUENT_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_leader_eligibility: true
CONFLUENT_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_mode_mutability: true
# One of "none", "backward", "backward_transitive", "forward", "forward_transitive", "full" or "full_transitive".
CONFLUENT_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_schema_compatibility_level: backward
CONFLUENT_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_log4j_root_loglevel: info
# ===== Apicurio Schema Registry ========
# either "mem","sql","kafkasql"
APICURIO_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_sql_storage_database: apicuriodb
APICURIO_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_sql_storage_user: apicurio
APICURIO_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_sql_storage_password: abc123!
APICURIO_auth_enabled: false
APICURIO_auth_anonymous_read_access_enabled: false
APICURIO_auth_import_default_users: false
APICURIO_basic_auth_enabled: false
APICURIO_eventsourcing_enabled: false
# either 'http' or 'kafka'
APICURIO_eventsourcing_protocol: 'kafka'
APICURIO_eventsourcing_kafka_topic: 'registry-events'
APICURIO_eventsourcing_http_endpoint: ''
# ===== Schema Registry UI ========
SCHEMA_REGISTRY_UI_enable: false
SCHEMA_REGISTRY_UI_use_public_ip: true
SCHEMA_REGISTRY_UI_map_resolv_conf: true
# ===== Confluent Rest Proxy ========
KAFKA_RESTPROXY_enable: false
# ===== Confluent MQTT Proxy ========
KAFKA_MQTTPROXY_enable: false
# ===== Zilla ========
ZILLA_enable: false
# ===== Lenses ========
LENSES_BOX_enable: false
LENSES_BOX_license: ''
# ===== kcat (used to be kafkacat) ========
KCAT_enable: false
# ===== kafkactl ========
KAFKACTL_enable: false
# ===== jikkou ========
JIKKOU_enable: false
JIKKOU_use_verbose_option: false
JIKKOU_use_delete_config_orphans_option: false
JIKKOU_use_delete_topic_orphans_option: false
JIKKOU_use_exclude_internals_option: true
JIKKOU_exclude_resources_regexp: ''
JIKKOU_include_resources_regexp: ''
JIKKOU_set_labels: ''
JIKKOU_set_variables: ''
# ===== Various Kafka UIs ========
KAFKA_TOPICS_UI_enable: false
KAFKA_TOPICS_UI_map_resolv_conf: true
KAFKA_CONNECT_UI_enable: false
# KAFKA_CONNECT_UI_use_public_ip: true
KAFKA_CONNECT_UI_map_resolv_conf: true
# ===== Cluster Manager for Apache Kafka ========
KAFKA_CMAK_enable: false
KAFKA_CMAK_auth_enabled: "'false'"
KAFKA_CMAK_username: admin
KAFKA_CMAK_password: abc123!
# ===== Kafdrop ========
KAFKA_KAFDROP_enable: false
# ===== KAdmin ========
KAFKA_KADMIN_enable: false
# ===== Apache Kafka HQ ========
KAFKA_AKHQ_enable: false
# ===== Kafka UI ========
KAFKA_UI_enable: false
# ===== EFAK (previously Kafka Eagle) ========
KAFKA_EFAK_enable: false
# ===== kowl ========
KOWL_enable: false
# ===== kouncil ========
KOUNCIL_enable: false
# ===== kafka magic ========
KAFKA_MAGIC_enable: false
# ===== kafka webview ========
KAFKA_WEBVIEW_enable: false
# ===== Streams Explorer UI ========
STREAMS_EXPLORER_enable: false
# ===== Kafka Lag Exporter ========
KAFKA_LAG_EXPORTER_enable: false
# ===== Remora ========
REMORA_enable: false
# ===== Linkedin Burrow ========
BURROW_enable: false
BURROW_UI_enable: false
BURROW_DASHBOARD_enable: false
# ===== Debezium Server ========
DEBEZIUM_SERVER_enable: false
DEBEZIUM_SERVER_volume_map_data: false
# ===== Debezium UI ========
DEBEZIUM_UI_enable: false
# ===== Apache Hadoop ========
HADOOP_enable: false
HADOOP_datanodes: 2
# ===== Apache Spark ========
SPARK_enable: true
# either 2.4 or 3.1 or 3.2
SPARK_base_version: 3.1
#SPARK_major_version: 2 # has been replaced by SPARK_base_version
# "hive" or "in-memory"
SPARK_catalog: in-memory
SPARK_workers: 2
# to restrict the default cores, use '-Dspark.deploy.defaultCores=6'
SPARK_master_opts: ''
SPARK_worker_opts: '-Dspark.worker.cleanup.enabled=true'
SPARK_jars_repositories: ''
SPARK_jars_packages: ''
SPARK_jars_excludes: ''
SPARK_jars: ''
SPARK_jars_ivySettings: ''
SPARK_driver_extraJavaOptions: ''
SPARK_executor_extraJavaOptions: ''
# misc spark 'addons'
SPARK_HISTORY_enable: false
SPARK_THRIFT_enable: false
# ===== Apache Livy ========
LIVY_enable: true
# ===== Apache Flink ========
FLINK_enable: false
FLINK_taskmanagers: 1
FLINK_SQL_CLI_enable: false
# ===== Apache Tika ========
TIKA_enable: false
# 'minimal' or 'full'
TIKA_edition: 'minimal'
# ===== Apache Hive ========
HIVE_SERVER_enable: false
# ===== Apache Hive Metastore ========
HIVE_METASTORE_enable: false
# ===== Apache Avro Tools ========
AVRO_TOOLS_enable: false
# ===== Apache Ranger ========
RANGER_enable: false
RANGER_postgresql_volume_map_data: false
# ===== Apache Atlas ========
ATLAS_enable: false
ATLAS_provision_atlas_sample_data: false
ATLAS_provision_amundsen_sample_data: false
ATLAS_install_hive_hook: false
# ===== Data Hub ========
DATAHUB_enable: false
DATAHUB_volume_map_data: false
DATAHUB_use_ember_ui: false
DATAHUB_use_react_ui: true
DATAHUB_mce_consumer_standalone: false
DATAHUB_mae_consumer_standalone: false
DATAHUB_auth_policies_enabled: true
# one of "neo4j" or "elasticsearch"
DATAHUB_graph_service_impl: neo4j
DATAHUB_use_analytics: false
DATAHUB_use_kibana: false
DATAHUB_provision_sample_data: false
DATAHUB_ACTIONS_enable: true
#===== Amundsen ========
AMUNDSEN_enable: false
# one of 'amundsen' or 'atlas'
AMUNDSEN_metastore: 'amundsen'
#===== Marquez ========
MARQUEZ_enable: false
MARQUEZ_volume_map_data: false
MARQUEZ_provision_marquez_sample_data: false
# ===== Hue ========
HUE_enable: false
# ===== Streamsets Data Collector ========
STREAMSETS_enable: false
STREAMSETS_volume_map_data: false
STREAMSETS_volume_map_logs: false
STREAMSETS_volume_map_security_policy: false
STREAMSETS_activate_https: false
STREAMSETS_additional_port_mappings: 0
STREAMSETS_kafka_support: false
STREAMSETS_aws_support: false
STREAMSETS_google_support: false
STREAMSETS_azure_support: false
STREAMSETS_nosql_support: false
# some values for stage libs: 'streamsets-datacollector-apache-kafka_2_6-lib,streamsets-datacollector-aws-lib,streamsets-datacollector-azure-lib,streamsets-datacollector-groovy_2_4-lib,streamsets-datacollector-jdbc-lib'
STREAMSETS_stage_libs: ''
STREAMSETS_enterprise_stage_libs: ''
STREAMSETS_jdbc_jars: ''
STREAMSETS_install_pipelines: false
# one of 'none', 'basic', 'digest', 'form' or 'aster'
STREAMSETS_http_authentication: form
STREAMSETS_sdc_id: ''
STREAMSETS_use_external_conf_file: false
# ===== Streamsets Transformer ========
STREAMSETS_TRANSFORMER_volume_map_data: false
# ===== Streamsets Edge ========
STREAMSETS_EDGE_enable: false
STREAMSETS_EDGE_volume_map_data: false
# ===== Streamsets DataOps Platform (Cloud) ========
STREAMSETS_DATAOPS_deployment_sch_url: ''
# ===== Apache NiFi ========
NIFI_enable: false
NIFI_run_secure: true
NIFI_username: nifi
# password must be 12 chars minimum, otherwise a random user and password is generated
NIFI_password: 1234567890ACD
NIFI_nodes: 1
NIFI_create_cluster: false
NIFI_election_max_wait: '1 min'
NIFI_volume_map_data: false
NIFI_volume_map_logs: false
# ===== Apache NiFi Registry ========
NIFI_REGISTRY_enable: false
NIFI_REGISTRY_volume_map_data: false
# ===== Apache NiFi Toolkit ========
NIFI_TOOLKIT_enable: false
# ===== MonitoFi ========
MONITOFI_enable: false
# ===== Apache StreamPipes ========
STREAMPIPES_enable: false
# ===== Conduit ========
CONDUIT_enable: false
# ===== Node Red ========
NODERED_enable: false
NODERED_volume_map_data: false
# ===== Streamsheets ========
STREAMSHEETS_enable: false
# ===== Spring Cloud DataFlow ========
SPRING_DATAFLOW_enable: false
# ===== Airbyte ========
AIRBYTE_enable: false
AIRBYTE_volume_map_data: false
AIRBYTE_database_user: airbyte
AIRBYTE_database_password: abc123!
AIRBYTE_database_db: airbyte
AIRBYTE_database_host: airbyte-db
AIRBYTE_database_port: 5432
AIRBYTE_log_level: INFO
# ===== Sqoop ========
SQOOP_enable: false
# ===== Apache Airflow ========
AIRFLOW_enable: true
# "celery" or "sequential" or "local"
AIRFLOW_executor: local
AIRFLOW_volume_map_python: false
AIRFLOW_provision_examples: true
# ===== Zeppelin ========
ZEPPELIN_enable: false
ZEPPELIN_volume_map_data: false
ZEPPELIN_admin_username: admin
ZEPPELIN_admin_password: changeme
ZEPPELIN_user_username: zeppelin
ZEPPELIN_user_password: changeme
ZEPPELIN_notebook_dir: 'notebook'
ZEPPELIN_notebook_cron_enable: true
ZEPPELIN_spark_submit_options: ""
ZEPPELIN_use_local_spark: false
# ===== Jupyter ========
JUPYTER_enable: true
# one of 'minimal', 'r', 'scipy', 'tensorflow', 'datascience', 'all-spark'
JUPYTER_edition: 'all-spark'
JUPYTER_volume_map_data: false
JUPYTER_python_packages: 'psycopg2 koalas Optimus optimuspyspark handyspark arcgis mca rpy2 thrift-sasl language-tool-python' #as space separated list
# ===== RStudio ========
RSTUDIO_enable: false
RSTUDIO_password: rstudio
RSTUDIO_run_as_root: false
RSTUDIO_disable_auth: false
# ===== Shiny Server ========
SHINY_SERVER_enable: false
# one of: 'base' or 'verse'
SHINY_SERVER_edition: base
SHINY_SERVER_volume_map_apps: false
# ===== MLflow Server ========
MLFLOW_SERVER_enable: false
MLFLOW_SERVER_volume_map_data: false
# one of 'file', 'postgresql', 'mysql'
MLFLOW_SERVER_backend: 'file'
MLFLOW_SERVER_db_user: mlflow
MLFLOW_SERVER_db_password: abc123!
MLFOW_SERVER_artifact_root: '/mlruns'
# ===== Optuna Server ========
OPTUNA_enable: false
OPTUNA_dev_edition: false
OPTUNA_DASHBOARD_enable: false
# ===== Dataiku Data Science Studio ========
DATAIKU_DSS_enable: false
DATAIKU_DSS_volume_map_data: false
# ===== Drools KIE Server ========
KIE_SERVER_enable: false
# ===== OpenTelemetry Collector ========
OTEL_COLLECTOR_enable: false
OTEL_COLLECTOR_use_custom_conf: false
# ===== Zipkin ========
ZIPKIN_enable: false
# one of 'mem', 'mysql', 'cassandra3', 'elasticsearch'
ZIPKIN_storage_type: 'mem'
ZIPKIN_collect_kafka: false
ZIPKIN_debug: false
# ===== Jaeger ========
JAEGER_enable: false
JAEGER_zipkin_port: 9412
# ===== Pitchfork ========
PITCHFORK_enable: false
PITCHFORK_server_port: 9413
PITCHFORK_use_logging: false
PITCHFORK_use_zipkin_http: false
PITCHFORK_use_haystack_kafka: false
PITCHFORK_haystack_kafka_topic: 'proto-spans'
# ===== Promtail ========
PROMTAIL_enable: false
# ===== Loki ========
LOKI_enable: false
LOKI_collect_docker_logs: false
# ===== Tempo ========
TEMPO_enable: false
TEMPO_volume_map_data: false
TEMPO_with_tempo_query: false
TEMPO_use_custom_conf: false
# ===== Grafana ========
GRAFANA_enable: false
# list of preview features to enable (tempoSearch, tempoServiceGraph, ... see
GRAFANA_feature_toggles: ''
# list of plugins to install (see here:
GRAFANA_install_plugins: 'grafana-piechart-panel'
# ===== Elastic Kibana ========
KIBANA_enable: false #needs to have elasticsearch enabled to work
# one of 'oss', 'elastic',
KIBANA_edition: 'oss'
# ===== Metabase ========
METABASE_enable: false
METABASE_volume_map_data: false
# either h2 or postgres
METABASE_db_type: h2
METABASE_postgres_dbname: 'metabasedb'
METABASE_postgres_user: 'metabase'
METABASE_postgres_password: 'abc123!'
# ===== Superset ========
SUPERSET_enable: false
SUPERSET_provision_examples: false
# ===== Redash ========
REDASH_enable: false
# ===== Smashing Dashboard ========
SMASHING_enable: false
SMASHING_volume_map_dashboards: false
SMASHING_volume_map_jobs: false
SMASHING_volume_map_widgets: false
SMASHING_install_gems: ''
SMASHING_install_widgets: ''
# ===== Tipboard Dashboard ========
TIPBOARD_enable: false
TIPBOARD_volume_map_dashboards: false
TIPBOARD_project_name: sample
TIPBOARD_api_key: e2c3275d0e1a4bc0da360dd225d74a43
TIPBOARD_port: 7272
TIPBOARD_redis_host: redis-1
TIPBOARD_redis_port: 6379
TIPBOARD_redis_db: 4
TIPBOARD_flipboard_interval: 0
TIPBOARD_flipboard_sequence: ''
# ===== Chartboard Dashboard ========
CHARTBOARD_enable: false
CHARTBOARD_volume_map_dashboards: false
# ===== ReTool ========
RETOOL_enable: false
# ===== Memcached ========
MEMCACHED_enable: false
# ===== Redis ========
REDIS_enable: false
REDIS_replicasets: 0
REDIS_allow_empty_password: yes
REDIS_password: abc123!
REDIS_aof_enabled: no
REDIS_volume_map_data: false
# ===== Redis Insight ========
REDIS_INSIGHT_enable: false
# ===== Redis Commander ========
REDIS_COMMANDER_enable: false
# ===== Apache Casandra ========
CASSANDRA_enable: true
# either 3 or 4
CASSANDRA_major_version: 4
CASSANDRA_volume_map_data: false
CASSANDRA_nodes: 3
REAPER_enable: false
# ===== DataStax ========
DATASTAX_enable: false
DATASTAX_nodes: 3
# ===== MongoDB ========
MONGO_enable: false
MONGO_nodes: 1
# ===== SolR ========
SOLR_enable: false
# ===== Elasticsearch ========
ELASTICSEARCH_enable: false
# one of 'oss', 'elastic',
ELASTICSEARCH_edition: 'oss'
# ===== OpenSearch ========
OPENSEARCH_enable: false
OPENSEARCH_volume_map_data: false
# ===== Various UIs for Elasticsearch & OpenSearch ========
DEJAVU_enable: false
CEREBRO_enable: false
ELASTICHQ_enable: false
ELASTICVUE_enable: false
# ===== Quine ========
QUINE_enable: false
# ===== Neo4J ========
NEO4J_enable: false
# either "community" or "enterprise"
NEO4J_edition: community
NEO4J_dbms_memory_pagecache_size: ''
NEO4J_dbms_memory_heap_max_size: ''
NEO4J_volume_map_data: false
NEO4J_volume_map_logs: false
NEO4J_extension_script: ''
NEO4J_plugins: ''
NEO4J_dbms_logs_debug_level: 'INFO'
# Neo4J Streams Source (Neo4J -> Kafka)
NEO4J_source_enabled: true
NEO4J_topic_name: neo4j
NEO4J_streams_source_topic_nodes: ''
NEO4J_streams_source_topic_relationships: ''
NEO4J_kafka_acks: 1
NEO4J_kafka_transactional_id: ''
# ===== DGraph ========
DGRAPH_enable: false
# ===== Stardog ========
STARDOG_enable: false
STARDOG_volume_map_data: false
STARDOG_STUDIO_enable: false
# ===== GraphDB ========
GRAPHDB_enable: false
# one of 'free', 'se', 'ee'
GRAPHDB_edition: 'free'
GRAPHDB_heap_size: 2G
GRAPHDB_volume_map_data: false
GRAPHDB_workbench_import_dir: '/opt/graphdb/examples'
# ===== Influx DB 1.x ========
INFLUXDB_enable: false
INFLUXDB_volume_map_data: false
INFLUXDB_CHRONOGRAF_volume_map_data: false
INFLUXDB_KAPACITOR_volume_map_data: false
# ===== Influx DB 2.x ========
INFLUXDB2_enable: false
INFLUXDB2_volume_map_config: false
INFLUXDB2_volume_map_data: false
INFLUXDB2_username: influx
INFLUXDB2_password: abc123abc123!
INFLUXDB2_org: demo
INFLUXDB2_bucket: demo-bucket
# ===== QuestDB ========
QUESTDB_enable: false
QUESTDB_volume_map_data: false
# ===== Kudo ========
KUDO_enable: false
# ===== Druid ========
DRUID_enable: false
# one of 'oss-sandbox', 'oss-cluster'
DRUID_edition: 'oss-sandbox'
DRUID_volume_map_data: false
# ===== Pinot ========
PINOT_enable: false
PINOT_servers: 1
PINOT_volume_map_data: false
# ===== NoSQL - Prometeus ========
PROMETHEUS_enable: false
PROMETHEUS_volume_map_data: false
# ===== NoSQL - Tile38 ========
TILE38_enable: false
# ===== Yugabyte ========
YUGABYTE_enable: false
# ===== Oracle XE RDBMS ========
ORACLE_XE_enable: false
# one of 'slim', 'regular', 'full'
ORACLE_XE_edition: 'regular'
ORACLE_XE_volume_map_data: false
# For Oracle 18 and higher, specify the name of the pluggable database
ORACLE_XE_database: ''
ORACLE_XE_password: 'EAo4KsTfRR'
# set to true, if a random password should be generated
ORACLE_XE_random_password: ''
ORACLE_XE_app_user: ''
ORACLE_XE_app_user_password: ''
ORACLE_XE_target_pdb: 'XEPDB1'
# ===== Oracle RDBMS ========
ORACLE_EE_enable: false
ORACLE_EE_volume_map_data: false
ORACLE_EE_container_enable: false
ORACLE_EE_password: 'EAo4KsTfRR'
# ===== Oracle SQLcl ========
ORACLE_SQLCL_enable: false
# ===== Oracle REST Data Service ========
# ===== MySQL ========
MYSQL_enable: false
# ===== SQL Server ========
SQLSERVER_enable: false
SQLSERVER_provision_adventure_works: false
# either oltp, datawarehouse or light
SQLSERVER_provision_adventure_works_edition: oltp
# ===== PostgreSQL ========
POSTGRESQL_enable: false
POSTGRESQL_volume_map_data: false
POSTGRESQL_database: postgres
POSTGRESQL_multiple_databases: 'demodb'
POSTGRESQL_multiple_users: 'demo'
POSTGRESQL_multiple_passwords: 'abc123!'
POSTGRESQL_user: postgres
POSTGRESQL_password: abc123!
POSTGRESQL_schema: demo
# one of the valid Postgresql wal_levels: "replica", "minimal", "logical". Use logical if you want to work with Debezium.
#POSTGRESQL_anon_role: appuser
# ===== Posgrest ========
POSTGREST_enable: false
# ===== pgAdmin ========
PGADMIN_enable: false
# ===== TimeScale DB ========
TIMESCALEDB_enable: false
TIMESCALEDB_volume_map_data: false
# ===== Adminer DB UI ========
ADMINER_enable: false
# ===== Cloudbeaver DB UI ========
CLOUDBEAVER_enable: false
CLOUDBEAVER_volume_map_workspace: false
# ===== SQLPad UI ========
SQLPAD_enable: false
# ===== NocoDB UI ========
NOCODB_enable: false
NOCODB_volume_map_data: false
# ===== Quix Presto UI ========
QUIX_enable: false
# ===== Hazelcast IMDG ========
HAZELCAST_enable: false
HAZELCAST_nodes: 1
HAZELCAST_volume_map_custom_config: false
HAZELCAST_use_jet: true
HAZELCAST_MC_enable: true
# ===== Apache Ignite IMDG ========
IGNITE_enable: false
IGNITE_servers: 1
# A list of modules to enable such as: 'ignite-rest-http,ignite-cassandra-store,ignite-cassandra-serializers'
IGNITE_option_libs: 'ignite-rest-http'
# ===== Axon Event Store ========
AXON_enable: false
# ===== Event Store ========
EVENTSTORE_enable: false
# ===== Trino ========
TRINO_enable: false
# "single" or "cluster" install
TRINO_install: single
TRINO_workers: 3
# either starburstdata or oss
TRINO_edition: 'starburstdata'
TRINO_kafka_table_names: ''
TRINO_event_listener: ''
TRINO_oracle_user: ''
TRINO_oracle_password: ''
# Trino-CLI is enabled by default
TRINO_CLI_enable: true
# ===== Presto ========
PRESTO_enable: false
# "single" or "cluster" install
PRESTO_install: single
PRESTO_workers: 3
# either prestodb or ahana
PRESTO_edition: 'ahana'
# Presto-CLI is enabled by default
PRESTO_CLI_enable: true
# ===== Dremio ========
DREMIO_enable: false
# ===== Apache Drill ========
DRILL_enable: false
# ===== Hasura ========
HASURA_enable: false
# ===== GraphQL Mesh ========
GRAPHQL_MESH_enable: false
# ===== Nuclio FaaS ========
NUCLIO_enable: false
# ===== MQTT Mosquitto ========
MOSQUITTO_enable: false
MOSQUITTO_nodes: 1
MOSQUITTO_volume_map_data: false
# ===== MQTT HiveMQ ========
HIVEMQ3_enable: false
HIVEMQ4_enable: false
# ===== MQTT EMQ ========
EMQX_enable: false
# either "oss" or "enterpirse"
EMQX_edition: oss
# ===== MQTT UIs ========
MQTT_UI_enable: false
# ===== Thingsboard ========
THINGSBOARD_enable: false
THINGSBOARD_volume_map_data: false
THINGSBOARD_volume_map_log: false
# ===== ActiveMQ ========
ACTIVEMQ_enable: false
ACTIVEMQ_volume_map_data: false
# ===== RabbitMQ ========
RABBITMQ_enable: false
RABBITMQ_volume_map_data: false
RABBITMQ_volume_map_logs: false
#===== MinIO Object Storage ========
MINIO_enable: false
MINIO_volume_map_data: false
MINIO_datacenters: 1
# "single" or "cluster"
MINIO_install: 'single'
MINIO_nodes: 1
MINIO_secret_key: bKhWxVF3kQoLY9kFmt91l+tDrEoZjqnWXzY9Eza
# add additional buckets, comma separated, admin-bucket will be created by default
MINIO_default_buckets: ''
MINIO_browser_enable: true
#===== Object Storage UIs ========
MINIO_CONSOLE_enable: false
ADMINIO_UI_enable: false
FILESTASH_enable: false
S3MANAGER_enable: false
AWSCLI_enable: false
AZURECLI_enable: false
#===== LakeFS ========
LAKEFS_enable: false
LAKEFS_blockstore_type: s3
LAKEFS_logging_level: 'INFO'
# ===== FTP ========
FTP_enable: false
FTP_username: ftp
FTP_password: abc123!
# ===== Camunda ========
CAMUNDA_OPTIMIZE_enable: false
CAMUNDA_ZEEBE_enable: false
CAMUNDA_ZEEBE_volume_map_data: false
CAMUNDA_OPERATE_enable: false
CAMUNDA_ZEEQS_enable: false
# ===== Penthao Webspoon ========
PENTHAO_enable: false
# ===== DBT CLI (Data Build Tool) ========
DBT_enable: false
DBT_flavour: 'spark-trino'
DBT_repository_name: trivadis
DBT_volume_map_data: false
# ===== Code Server ========
CODE_SERVER_enable: false
CODE_SERVER_volume_map_platform_root: false
# ===== MockServer ========
MOCK_SERVER_enable: false
MOCK_SERVER_persist_expectations: false
MOCK_SERVER_persisted_expecations_path: ''
MOCK_SERVER_initialization_json_path: ''
# ===== Excalidraw ========
EXCALIDRAW_enable: false
# ===== Firefox Browser ========
FIREFOX_enable: false
FIREFOX_use_port_80: false
# ===== File Browser ========
FILE_BROWSER_enable: false
# ===== Vault ========
VAULT_enable: false
VAULT_use_dev_mode: false
VAULT_volume_map_data: false
# ===== Keycloak ========
KEYCLOAK_enable: false
KEYCLOAK_db_vendor: 'h2'
KEYCLOAK_import_realms: '/tmp/apicurio-realm.json'
KEYCLOAK_loglevel: 'INFO'
# ===== Swagger API Management ========
SWAGGER_EDITOR_enable: false
SWAGGER_UI_enable: false
# ===== Podman ========
POSTMAN_enable: false
# ===== Microcks ========
MICROCKS_enable: false
# ===== Portainer Container UI ========
PORTAINER_enable: false
# ===== Cadvisor Container Mgmt UI ========
CADVISOR_enable: false
# ===== Hawtio ========
HAWTIO_enable: false
# ===== Wetty ========
WETTY_enable: true
# ===== Markdown Viewer ========
MARKDOWN_VIEWER_enable: true
MARKDOWN_VIEWER_use_port_80: true
MARKDOWN_VIEWER_use_public_ip: true
# ===== Log4Brains Architectural Decision Records (ADR) ========
LOG4BRAINS_enable: false
LOG4BRAINS_repository_name: 'trivadis'
LOG4BRAINS_image_name: 'log4brains'
LOG4BRAINS_adr_source_dir: ''
LOG4BRAINS_command: 'preview'
# ===== Watchtower ========
WATCHTOWER_enable: false
WATCHTOWER_map_config_json: false
# ===== Python image ========
PYTHON_enable: false
PYTHON_image: 'python'
PYTHON_artefacts_folder: ''
PYTHON_script_file: ''
PYTHON_requirements_file: ''
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