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Based on the transcript provided, here is a list of Power BI tasks mentioned, along with their corresponding start timecodes:

  1. [00:00:05] Share the updated Power BI report link in the chat.

  2. [00:00:56] Configure commas in the amount format for the current portfolio section.

  3. [00:01:19] Configure the expected long-term profitability and associated volatility for the current portfolio.


Based on the transcript provided, here is a list of Power BI related tasks with their corresponding start timecodes:

  1. [00:01:58] Share the Power BI screen to show the dashboard under construction.

  2. [00:02:03] Explain that the current portfolio part is empty, while the reference portfolio has a list of customer groups and customers. Demonstrate the ability to filter customers by typing 3-4 characters.

  3. [00:06:26] Investigate why the asset type values in the chart are displaying in an incorrect format (e.g. The values should be in millions.


Based on the transcript provided, here is a list of Power BI tasks with their corresponding start timecodes:

  1. [00:04:21] Change the current portfolio and reference portfolio headings to have the first letter capitalized (e.g. "Current Portfolio", "Reference Portfolio").

  2. [00:04:45] In the reference portfolio section, change the order to show active type first and then product below.

  3. [00:06:48] Add a tilde to the "o" in "distribution" in the "Distribution by Type of Active" heading.


Based on the transcript, here are the detailed Power BI tasks extracted:

  1. [00:01:41] Create a report section in the center that shows the reference portfolio. For the client view, paint the reference portfolio data, but without any amounts since it is not a real balance.

  2. [00:03:18] When a group is selected, update the report to show the group level information instead of client information.

  3. [00:11:40] For painting the group level current balance in the first query (portfolio-group), take the economic group field directly. The name logic is calculated the same way as for client - take fund name if it's from funds, take name if it's from titles, put current account in front if applicable.


Based on the conversation in the provided transcript, here is a list of detailed Power BI tasks with their corresponding begin timecodes:

  1. [00:05:28] Create a query to retrieve data for the client portfolio report, including the following fields:
    • Client identification
    • Unique identifier
    • Client name
    • Product name (calculated based on the source)
  • Balance amount

A continuación se presenta una tabla comparativa de las versiones y precios de HCL AppScan:

Versión Precio Características Clave
HCL AppScan Standard $2,550/año - Escaneo automatizado de vulnerabilidades web y móvil
- Integración con pipelines de CI/CD
- Generación de informes detallados
HU35: Construcción de staging BD
HU35: Construcción de tablas H/S/L en BD
HU35: Construcción del dataflow para cumplir con mapeo
HU35: Construcción de procedures para cumplir con dataflow
HU35 Ejecución pruebas y documentación
	Evidencia carga Stage
	Evidencia carga UDV
Reglas de calidad
Nuevo metodo ADF para duplicados
Verificar en el archivo sqlproject que todos los objetos esten incluidos en la seccion BUILD que ninguno aparezca en la seccion NON INCLUDE
17 consultas están bloqueadas por los siguientes errores:
Consulta 'Vector' (paso 'Changed Type') hace referencia a otras consultas o pasos, por lo que no puede acceder al origen de datos directamente. Vuelva a generar esta combinación de datos.
Error de EvaluateNativeQueryUnpermitted: la consulta "SELECT Identificacion_Cliente ,Identificador_Unico ,Nombres_Cliente ,Nombre_Fondo ,Monto_Saldo ,Porcentaje_Participacion FROM ddv_saldos_co.RPT_LS_Saldo_Portafolio_Cliente WHERE Fecha_Saldo IN (SELECT MAX(Fecha_Saldo) FROM ddv_saldos_co.RPT_LS_Saldo_Portafolio_Cliente) ORDER BY 1,2,3,4" no está aprobada para su ejecución.
Error de EvaluateNativeQueryUnpermitted: la consulta "SELECT Nombre_Perfil_Inversion_Cliente_CO ,Nombre_Fondo ,Porcentaje_Inversion AS Porcentaje_Participacion FROM ddv_saldos_co.RPT_LS_Saldo_Portafolio_Referencia ORDER BY 1,2" no está aprobada para su ejecución.
Error de EvaluateNativeQueryUnpermitted: la consulta "SELECT DISTINCT Identificacion_

Both Bitbucket and GitHub provide various features and integrations for code review, but they do not have built-in plugins or pipelines specifically designed for code plagiarism review. However, there are third-party tools and services that can be integrated with Bitbucket or GitHub to perform code plagiarism checks.

Here are some options for code plagiarism review:

  1. Code similarity detection tools: There are several code similarity detection tools available that can be integrated with Bitbucket or GitHub. These tools analyze the code and compare it against a large database of existing code to identify similarities. Some popular code similarity detection tools include Moss, JPlag, and Plagiarism Checker X.

  2. Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines: You can set up CI pipelines in Bitbucket or GitHub to automatically run code plagiarism checks as part of the code review process. CI tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, or CircleCI can be configured to execute code plagiarism detection scripts or tools dur

johnfelipe /
Created March 11, 2024 15:59
preview table RCA
Section Total UHES Generic SAESA RCA
Total Documents 8 7 1
Step 1: Define the problem
- Identify the team 6 6 0
- Clearly state the problem 6 6 0
- Understand the problem 6 6 0
- Define S.M.A.R.T. objectives 4 4 0
Step 2: Contain the problem 6 6 0
Step 3: Root Cause Analysis (RCA) - Establish Root Cause (or causes)