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Last active December 17, 2015 11:59
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String, MultiByteToWideChar & WideCharToMultiByte
#include "W32String.h"
#define _BufSize 1024
using std::wcout;
using std::endl;
void Pause(void);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
_wsetlocale(LC_ALL, L"cht");
W32String a, b("ansi臺灣中文(zh-tw)"), c(L"unicode臺灣中文(zh-tw)");
wcout << "a == b: " << ((a == b)?L"true":L"false") << endl;
wcout << "b != c: " << ((b != c)?L"true":L"false") << endl;
wcout << "a = " << ((a.empty())?L"empty":L"not empty") << endl;
a = b.GetString();
wcout << "a = b.GetString(), a = " << a.GetStringW() << endl;
a = c.GetStringW();
wcout << "a = c.GetStringW(), a = " << a.GetStringW() << endl;
W32String d(a);
wcout << "d(a), a = " << a.GetStringW() << endl;
d = b;
wcout << "d = b, a = " << a.GetStringW() << endl;
a = a + b;
a += c;
wcout << "a = " << a.GetStringW() << endl;
return 0;
void Pause(void)
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
cout << "press any key to continue...";
cin.ignore(_BufSize, '\n');
#include "W32String.h"
this->m_string = NULL;
this->m_wstring = NULL;
this->m_temp = NULL;
this->m_size = 0;
W32String::W32String(const char* s)
if (this->m_string == s)
if (s == NULL)
unsigned int _count = 0;
for (; s[_count] != NULL; _count ++);
_count ++;
this->m_string = NULL;
this->m_string = new char[_count];
memcpy(this->m_string, s, _count);
int _wcount = MultiByteToWideChar(_CodePage, 0x00000000, this->m_string, -1, NULL, 0);
if (_wcount == 0)
delete [] this->m_string;
this->m_string = NULL;
this->m_wstring = new wchar_t[_wcount];
MultiByteToWideChar(_CodePage, 0x00000000, this->m_string, -1, this->m_wstring, _wcount);
this->m_size = this->size(this->m_wstring);
this->m_temp = NULL;
W32String::W32String(const wchar_t* s)
if (this->m_wstring == s)
if (s == NULL)
unsigned int _wcount = 0;
for (; s[_wcount] != NULL; _wcount ++);
_wcount ++;
this->m_string = NULL;
this->m_wstring = new wchar_t[_wcount];
wmemcpy(this->m_wstring, s, _wcount);
int _count = WideCharToMultiByte(_CodePage, 0x00000000, this->m_wstring, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (_count == 0)
delete [] this->m_wstring;
this->m_wstring = NULL;
this->m_string = new char[_count];
WideCharToMultiByte(_CodePage, 0x00000000, this->m_wstring, -1, this->m_string, _count, NULL, NULL);
this->m_size = this->size(this->m_wstring);
this->m_temp = NULL;
W32String::W32String(const W32String& c)
if (this == &c)
this->m_temp = NULL;
this->m_size = c.size();
if (this->m_size == 0)
this->m_string = NULL;
this->m_wstring = NULL;
unsigned int _count = 0;
for (; c.m_string[_count] != NULL; _count ++);
_count ++;
unsigned int _wcount = 0;
for (; c.m_wstring[_wcount] != NULL; _wcount ++);
_wcount ++;
this->m_string = new char[_count];
this->m_wstring = new wchar_t[_wcount];
memcpy(this->m_string, c.m_string, _count);
wmemcpy(this->m_wstring, c.m_wstring, _wcount);
if (this->m_string != NULL)
delete [] this->m_string;
this->m_string = NULL;
if (this->m_wstring != NULL)
delete [] this->m_wstring;
this->m_wstring = NULL;
if (this->m_temp != NULL)
delete this->m_temp;
this->m_temp = NULL;
this->m_size = 0;
W32String& W32String::operator=(const W32String& c)
if (this == &c)
return *this;
if (this->m_string != NULL)
delete [] this->m_string;
if (this->m_wstring != NULL)
delete [] this->m_wstring;
this->m_size = c.size();
if (this->m_size == 0)
this->m_string = NULL;
this->m_wstring = NULL;
this->m_size = 0;
return *this;
unsigned int _count = 0;
for (; c.m_string[_count] != NULL; _count ++);
_count ++;
unsigned int _wcount = 0;
for (; c.m_wstring[_wcount] != NULL; _wcount ++);
_wcount ++;
this->m_string = new char[_count];
this->m_wstring = new wchar_t[_wcount];
memcpy(this->m_string, c.m_string, _count);
wmemcpy(this->m_wstring, c.m_wstring, _wcount);
return *this;
W32String& W32String::operator=(const char* s)
if (this->m_string == s)
return *this;
if (s == NULL)
return *this;
if (this->m_string != NULL)
delete [] this->m_string;
if (this->m_wstring != NULL)
delete [] this->m_wstring;
unsigned int _count = 0;
for (; s[_count] != NULL; _count ++);
_count ++;
this->m_string = NULL;
this->m_string = new char[_count];
memcpy(this->m_string, s, _count);
int _wcount = MultiByteToWideChar(_CodePage, 0x00000000, this->m_string, -1, NULL, 0);
if (_wcount == 0)
delete [] this->m_string;
this->m_string = NULL;
return *this;
this->m_wstring = new wchar_t[_wcount];
MultiByteToWideChar(_CodePage, 0x00000000, this->m_string, -1, this->m_wstring, _wcount);
this->m_size = this->size(this->m_wstring);
return *this;
W32String& W32String::operator=(const wchar_t* s)
if (this->m_wstring == s)
return *this;
if (s == NULL)
return *this;
if (this->m_string != NULL)
delete [] this->m_string;
if (this->m_wstring != NULL)
delete [] this->m_wstring;
unsigned int _wcount = 0;
for (; s[_wcount] != NULL; _wcount ++);
_wcount ++;
this->m_string = NULL;
this->m_wstring = new wchar_t[_wcount];
wmemcpy(this->m_wstring, s, _wcount);
int _count = WideCharToMultiByte(_CodePage, 0x00000000, this->m_wstring, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (_count == 0)
delete [] this->m_wstring;
this->m_wstring = NULL;
return *this;
this->m_string = new char[_count];
WideCharToMultiByte(_CodePage, 0x00000000, this->m_wstring, -1, this->m_string, _count, NULL, NULL);
this->m_size = this->size(this->m_wstring);
return *this;
W32String& W32String::operator+(const char* s)
if (this->m_string == s)
return *this;
if (s == NULL)
return *this;
if (this->m_temp == NULL)
this->m_temp = new W32String;
*(this->m_temp) = s;
unsigned int _wcount = 1, _wci = 0, _wcj = 0;
for (; this->m_wstring[_wci] != NULL; _wci ++);
for (; this->m_temp->m_wstring[_wcj] != NULL; _wcj ++);
_wcount += _wci + _wcj;
wchar_t* _wstr = new wchar_t[_wcount];
wmemcpy(_wstr, this->m_wstring, _wci);
wmemcpy((_wstr + _wci), this->m_temp->m_wstring, (_wcj + 1));
*(this->m_temp) = _wstr;
return *(this->m_temp);
W32String& W32String::operator+(const wchar_t* s)
if (this->m_wstring == s)
return *this;
if (s == NULL)
return *this;
if (this->m_temp == NULL)
this->m_temp = new W32String;
unsigned int _wcount = 1, _wci = 0, _wcj = 0;
for (; this->m_wstring[_wci] != NULL; _wci ++);
for (; s[_wcj] != NULL; _wcj ++);
_wcount += _wci + _wcj;
wchar_t* _wstr = new wchar_t[_wcount];
wmemcpy(_wstr, this->m_wstring, _wci);
wmemcpy((_wstr + _wci), s, (_wcj + 1));
*(this->m_temp) = _wstr;
return *(this->m_temp);
W32String& W32String::operator+(const W32String& c)
if (this == &c)
return *this;
if (this->m_temp == NULL)
this->m_temp = new W32String;
unsigned int _wcount = 1, _wci = 0, _wcj = 0;
for (; this->m_wstring[_wci] != NULL; _wci ++);
for (; c.m_wstring[_wcj] != NULL; _wcj ++);
_wcount += _wci + _wcj;
wchar_t* _wstr = new wchar_t[_wcount];
wmemcpy(_wstr, this->m_wstring, _wci);
wmemcpy((_wstr + _wci), c.m_wstring, (_wcj + 1));
*(this->m_temp) = _wstr;
return *(this->m_temp);
W32String& W32String::operator+=(const char* s)
if (this->m_string == s)
return *this;
if (s == NULL)
return *this;
if (this->m_size == 0)
*this = s;
return *this;
W32String _this = *this;
*this = _this + s;
return *this;
W32String& W32String::operator+=(const wchar_t* s)
if (this->m_wstring == s)
return *this;
if (s == NULL)
return *this;
if (this->m_size == 0)
*this = s;
return *this;
W32String _this = *this;
*this = _this + s;
return *this;
W32String& W32String::operator+=(const W32String& c)
if (this == &c)
return *this;
if (this->m_size == 0)
*this = c;
return *this;
W32String _this = *this;
*this = _this + c;
return *this;
bool W32String::operator==(const char* s)
if (this->m_string == s)
return true;
if (this->m_size == 0)
return false;
if (s == NULL)
return false;
for (unsigned int _i = 0; this->m_string[_i] != NULL; _i ++)
if (this->m_string[_i] != s[_i])
return false;
return true;
bool W32String::operator==(const wchar_t* s)
if (this->m_wstring == s)
return true;
if (this->m_size == 0)
return false;
if (s == NULL)
return false;
for (unsigned int _i = 0; this->m_wstring[_i] != NULL; _i ++)
if (this->m_wstring[_i] != s[_i])
return false;
return true;
bool W32String::operator==(const W32String& c)
if (this == &c)
return true;
if (this->m_size != c.m_size)
return false;
if (this->m_size == 0)
return false;
for (unsigned int _i = 0; this->m_wstring[_i] != NULL; _i ++)
if (this->m_wstring[_i] != c.m_wstring[_i])
return false;
return true;
bool W32String::operator!=(const char* s)
if (this->m_string == s)
return !true;
if (this->m_size == 0)
return !false;
if (s == NULL)
return !false;
for (unsigned int _i = 0; this->m_string[_i] != NULL; _i ++)
if (this->m_string[_i] != s[_i])
return !false;
return !true;
bool W32String::operator!=(const wchar_t* s)
if (this->m_wstring == s)
return !true;
if (this->m_size == 0)
return !false;
if (s == NULL)
return !false;
for (unsigned int _i = 0; this->m_wstring[_i] != NULL; _i ++)
if (this->m_wstring[_i] != s[_i])
return !false;
return !true;
bool W32String::operator!=(const W32String& c)
if (this == &c)
return !true;
if (this->m_size != c.m_size)
return !false;
if (this->m_size == 0)
return !false;
for (unsigned int _i = 0; this->m_wstring[_i] != NULL; _i ++)
if (this->m_wstring[_i] != c.m_wstring[_i])
return !false;
return !true;
char* W32String::GetString(void) const
return this->m_string;
wchar_t* W32String::GetStringW(void) const
return this->m_wstring;
unsigned int W32String::size(void) const
return this->m_size;
bool W32String::empty(void) const
if (this->m_size == 0)
return true;
return false;
unsigned int W32String::size(const wchar_t* s)
if (s == NULL)
return 0;
unsigned int _size = 0;
for (; s[_size] != NULL; _size ++);
return _size;
void W32String::clear(void)
if (this->m_string != NULL)
delete [] this->m_string;
this->m_string = NULL;
if (this->m_wstring != NULL)
delete [] this->m_wstring;
this->m_wstring = NULL;
if (this->m_temp != NULL)
delete this->m_temp;
this->m_temp = NULL;
this->m_size = 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#ifndef _W32STRING_H_
#define _W32STRING_H_
#define _CodePage CP_ACP
// String class
class W32String
virtual ~W32String();
W32String(const char* s);
W32String(const wchar_t* s);
W32String(const W32String& c);
W32String& operator=(const char* s);
W32String& operator=(const wchar_t* s);
W32String& operator=(const W32String& c);
W32String& operator+(const char* s);
W32String& operator+(const wchar_t* s);
W32String& operator+(const W32String& c);
W32String& operator+=(const char* s);
W32String& operator+=(const wchar_t* s);
W32String& operator+=(const W32String& c);
bool operator==(const char* s);
bool operator==(const wchar_t* s);
bool operator==(const W32String& c);
bool operator!=(const char* s);
bool operator!=(const wchar_t* s);
bool operator!=(const W32String& c);
char* GetString(void) const;
wchar_t* GetStringW(void) const;
unsigned int size(void) const;
bool empty(void) const;
void clear(void);
char* m_string;
wchar_t* m_wstring;
unsigned int m_size;
unsigned int size(const wchar_t* s);
W32String* m_temp;
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