- Prerequisites
- Install Brinq
- Pull the latest version
- Reset to Factory Defaults
- Troubleshooting
- Additional Links
Your device must be running an astra-synaptics OS with docker and docker-compose support. The recommended image can be found here.
Instructions for flashing the image onto your board can be found here.
Sets up Brinq for the first time.
curl -fsSL https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hmahadik/cc609cb71d6df9e97a398c12190eb0ea/raw/ -o install_brinq_sl1680.sh
sh install_brinq_sl1680.sh
Brinq Edge AI can then be accessed at http://ip-address-of-device.
Upgrades an existing Brinq installation to the latest version of the stack.
cd ~/streamproc
docker-compose down -t 0
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
If you run into any issues after pulling the latest, try factory resetting.
Removes all configuration changes, events, and videos, and restores default configuration.
cd ~/streamproc
docker-compose down -t 0 -v
rm -rf ~/streamproc
docker rm -f streamproc &> /dev/null
docker create --name streamproc arcturusnetworks/sl1680:alpha
docker cp streamproc:/usr/share/streamproc ~
cd ~/streamproc
docker-compose up -d
Removes all downloaded images, containers, volumes, and networks created by Brinq.
cd ~/streamproc
docker-compose down -t 0 -v --rmi all --remove-orphans &> /dev/null
docker rmi -f $(docker images -q arcturusnetworks/*)
Removes all configuration changes and videos.
cd ~/streamproc
docker-compose down -t 0 -v
cd ~
rm -rf ~/streamproc
Sometimes you may run into the following error when bringing up the stack:
Creating influxdb ... done
Creating mediamtx ... done
Creating postgresql ... done
Creating watchman-server ... done
Creating watchman-client ... done
Creating manager ... done
Creating telegraf ... done
Creating grafana ... done
ERROR: for worker Container "e1f18556d618" is unhealthy.
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
Wait a few seconds and retry bringing up the stack
root@sl1680.local:~/streamproc$ docker-compose up -d
influxdb is up-to-date
postgresql is up-to-date
mediamtx is up-to-date
watchman-server is up-to-date
telegraf is up-to-date
manager is up-to-date
grafana is up-to-date
watchman-client is up-to-date
Creating worker ... done
View timestamped logs of the docker containers
cd ~/streamproc
docker-compose logs --timestamps --tail 10000
View system logs
journalctl -ef
dmesg -wH
The following resources and links are available to support development using the Synaptics SL1680.