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Forked from AllanLRH/
Created April 18, 2017 11:16
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Disable Spotify autoupdate on Mac OS X (testet on Yosemite).
# This script prevents Spotifys Autoupdating on OS X (testet on Yosemite)
# Based on this tutorial:
# This script must be run as root:
# sudo sh
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
echo "This script must be run as root"
echo "-------------------------------------------"
echo "This is what you should type into terminal:"
echo "sudo sh"
exit 1
filepath1="/Users/$SUDO_USER/Library/Application Support/Spotify/Spotify_new.archive"
filepath2="/Users/$SUDO_USER/Library/Application Support/Spotify/Spotify_new.archive.sig"
[[ -f "$filepath1" ]] && rm -f "$filepath1"
[[ -f "$filepath2" ]] && rm -f "$filepath2"
touch "$filepath1"
touch "$filepath2"
chflags uchg "$filepath1" # Lock file in which the downloaded update is stored, thus preventing an update
chflags uchg "$filepath2"
echo "---------------------------------------"
echo "| Spotify will no longer be updated |"
echo "---------------------------------------"
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