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Last active July 30, 2019 13:46
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MySQL 8.0 config
pid-file = /var/run/mysqld/
socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
datadir = /var/lib/mysql
log-error = /var/log/mysql/error.log
default-authentication-plugin = mysql_native_password
performance_schema = Off
default-storage-engine = InnoDB
character-set-server = utf8mb4
collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci
init_connect='SET collation_connection = utf8mb4_unicode_ci'
init_connect='SET NAMES utf8mb4'
log-error = /var/log/mysql/error.log
log-error = /var/lib/mysql/mysql-error.log
log-queries-not-using-indexes = 1
slow-query-log = 1
slow-query-log-file = /var/lib/mysql/mysql-slow.log
binlog_expire_logs_seconds = 86400 # 1 day
max-binlog-cache-size = 4M
max-binlog-size = 128M
# MyISAM #
key-buffer-size = 16M
myisam-recover-options = FORCE,BACKUP
max-allowed-packet = 16M
max-connect-errors = 1000000
server-id = 4782375
log-bin = /var/lib/mysql/mysql-bin
expire-logs-days = 14
sync-binlog = 1
# MyISAM #
key-buffer-size = 16M
myisam-recover-options = FORCE,BACKUP
max-allowed-packet = 16M
max-connect-errors = 1000000
tmp-table-size = 16M
max-heap-table-size = 32M
max-connections = 100
thread-cache-size = 50
open-files-limit = 65535
table-definition-cache = 1024
table-open-cache = 524288
innodb-flush-method = O_DIRECT
innodb-log-files-in-group = 2
innodb-file-per-table = 1
innodb-buffer-pool-size = 16M
innodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit = 1
innodb-log-file-size = 64M
# Recommended in standard MySQL setup
# Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks
default-character-set = utf8mb4
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