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Last active May 4, 2021 17:24
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modified ttymidi for passing sysex info; very hacky and can be cleaned up lots!!
This file is part of ttymidi.
ttymidi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
ttymidi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with ttymidi. If not, see <>.
Additional Info
This is a slightly modified version of ttymidi, designed for a very
specific purpose: to create a sysex bridge between a microcontroller
that communicates sensor data via a USB serial port, and software
running the same computer that communicates. It was designed to work with
Infusion's ICubeX digitizers which can be configured and operated via sysex data
The original ttymidi application only expected to parse and send MIDI data,
and does not do anything when it receives sysex data. This version, on the other
hand, *only* passes sysex messages back and forth between the serial and virtual midi ports
The other change from original ttymidi code is that the MIDI por type being created:
the bit SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_MIDI_GENERIC was added so that the virtual port
shows up when searching for ports in ofxMidi
to compile: gcc ttymidi.c -o ttymidi -lasound -pthread
Created December 2014 by Johnty Wang []
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <argp.h>
#include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <pthread.h>
// Linux-specific
#include <linux/serial.h>
#include <linux/ioctl.h>
#include <asm/ioctls.h>
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#define MAX_DEV_STR_LEN 32
#define MAX_MSG_SIZE 1024
/* change this definition for the correct port */
//#define _POSIX_SOURCE 1 /* POSIX compliant source */
int run;
int serial;
int port_out_id;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Program options
static struct argp_option options[] =
{"serialdevice" , 's', "DEV" , 0, "Serial device to use. Default = /dev/ttyUSB0" },
{"baudrate" , 'b', "BAUD", 0, "Serial port baud rate. Default = 115200" },
{"verbose" , 'v', 0 , 0, "For debugging: Produce verbose output" },
{"printonly" , 'p', 0 , 0, "Super debugging: Print values read from serial -- and do nothing else" },
{"quiet" , 'q', 0 , 0, "Don't produce any output, even when the print command is sent" },
{"name" , 'n', "NAME", 0, "Name of the Alsa MIDI client. Default = ttymidi" },
{ 0 }
typedef struct _arguments
int silent, verbose, printonly;
char serialdevice[MAX_DEV_STR_LEN];
int baudrate;
char name[MAX_DEV_STR_LEN];
} arguments_t;
void exit_cli(int sig)
run = FALSE;
printf("\rttymidi closing down ... ");
static error_t parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
/* Get the input argument from argp_parse, which we
know is a pointer to our arguments structure. */
arguments_t *arguments = state->input;
int baud_temp;
switch (key)
case 'p':
arguments->printonly = 1;
printf("print only\n");
case 'q':
arguments->silent = 1;
case 'v':
arguments->verbose = 1;
printf("verbose on\n");
case 's':
if (arg == NULL) break;
strncpy(arguments->serialdevice, arg, MAX_DEV_STR_LEN);
case 'n':
if (arg == NULL) break;
strncpy(arguments->name, arg, MAX_DEV_STR_LEN);
case 'b':
if (arg == NULL) break;
baud_temp = strtol(arg, NULL, 0);
if (baud_temp != EINVAL && baud_temp != ERANGE)
switch (baud_temp)
case 1200 : arguments->baudrate = B1200 ; break;
case 2400 : arguments->baudrate = B2400 ; break;
case 4800 : arguments->baudrate = B4800 ; break;
case 9600 : arguments->baudrate = B9600 ; break;
case 19200 : arguments->baudrate = B19200 ; break;
case 38400 : arguments->baudrate = B38400 ; break;
case 57600 : arguments->baudrate = B57600 ; break;
case 115200 : arguments->baudrate = B115200; break;
default: printf("Baud rate %i is not supported.\n",baud_temp); exit(1);
return 0;
void arg_set_defaults(arguments_t *arguments)
char *serialdevice_temp = "/dev/ttyUSB0";
arguments->printonly = 0;
arguments->silent = 0;
arguments->verbose = 0;
arguments->baudrate = B115200;
char *name_tmp = (char *)"ICubeX Connect";
strncpy(arguments->serialdevice, serialdevice_temp, MAX_DEV_STR_LEN);
strncpy(arguments->name, name_tmp, MAX_DEV_STR_LEN);
const char *argp_program_version = "ttymidi 0.60";
const char *argp_program_bug_address = "";
static char doc[] = "ttymidi - Connect serial port devices to ALSA MIDI programs!";
static struct argp argp = { options, parse_opt, 0, doc };
arguments_t arguments;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// MIDI stuff
int open_seq(snd_seq_t** seq)
int port_out_id, port_in_id; // actually port_in_id is not needed nor used anywhere
if (snd_seq_open(seq, "default", SND_SEQ_OPEN_DUPLEX, 0) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "Error opening ALSA sequencer.\n");
if ((port_out_id = snd_seq_create_simple_port(*seq, "from ser MIDI out",
fprintf(stderr, "Error creating sequencer port.\n");
if ((port_in_id = snd_seq_create_simple_port(*seq, "to ser MIDI in",
fprintf(stderr, "Error creating sequencer port.\n");
return port_out_id;
void parse_midi_command(snd_seq_t* seq, int port_out_id, char *buf)
name status param 1 param 2
note off 0x80+C key # velocity
note on 0x90+C key # velocity
poly key pressure 0xA0+C key # pressure value
control change 0xB0+C control # control value
program change 0xC0+C program # --
mono key pressure 0xD0+C pressure value --
pitch bend 0xE0+C range (LSB) range (MSB)
system 0xF0+C manufacturer model
C is the channel number, from 0 to 15;
In this program the pitch bend range will be transmitter as
one single 8-bit number. So the end result is that MIDI commands
will be transmitted as 3 bytes, starting with the operation byte:
buf[0] --> operation/channel
buf[1] --> param1
buf[2] --> param2 (param2 not transmitted on program change or key press)
snd_seq_event_t ev;
snd_seq_ev_set_source(&ev, port_out_id);
int operation, channel, param1, param2;
operation = buf[0] & 0xF0;
channel = buf[0] & 0x0F;
param1 = buf[1];
param2 = buf[2];
switch (operation)
case 0x80:
if (!arguments.silent && arguments.verbose)
printf("Serial 0x%x Note off %03u %03u %03u\n", operation, channel, param1, param2);
snd_seq_ev_set_noteoff(&ev, channel, param1, param2);
case 0x90:
if (!arguments.silent && arguments.verbose)
printf("Serial 0x%x Note on %03u %03u %03u\n", operation, channel, param1, param2);
snd_seq_ev_set_noteon(&ev, channel, param1, param2);
case 0xA0:
if (!arguments.silent && arguments.verbose)
printf("Serial 0x%x Pressure change %03u %03u %03u\n", operation, channel, param1, param2);
snd_seq_ev_set_keypress(&ev, channel, param1, param2);
case 0xB0:
if (!arguments.silent && arguments.verbose)
printf("Serial 0x%x Controller change %03u %03u %03u\n", operation, channel, param1, param2);
snd_seq_ev_set_controller(&ev, channel, param1, param2);
case 0xC0:
if (!arguments.silent && arguments.verbose)
printf("Serial 0x%x Program change %03u %03u\n", operation, channel, param1);
snd_seq_ev_set_pgmchange(&ev, channel, param1);
case 0xD0:
if (!arguments.silent && arguments.verbose)
printf("Serial 0x%x Channel change %03u %03u\n", operation, channel, param1);
snd_seq_ev_set_chanpress(&ev, channel, param1);
case 0xE0:
param1 = (param1 & 0x7F) + ((param2 & 0x7F) << 7);
if (!arguments.silent && arguments.verbose)
printf("Serial 0x%x Pitch bend %03u %05i\n", operation, channel, param1);
snd_seq_ev_set_pitchbend(&ev, channel, param1 - 8192); // in alsa MIDI we want signed int
/* Not implementing system commands (0xF0) */
//sysex: handled directly by serial input parser.
case 0xF0:
if (!arguments.silent)
printf("0x%x Unknown MIDI cmd %03u %03u %03u\n", operation, channel, param1, param2);
snd_seq_event_output_direct(seq, &ev);
void write_midi_action_to_serial_port(snd_seq_t* seq_handle)
snd_seq_event_t* ev;
char bytes[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0xFF};
char sysex_data[256];
int sysex_len = 0;
snd_seq_event_input(seq_handle, &ev);
switch (ev->type)
bytes[0] = 0x80 + ev->;
bytes[1] = ev->data.note.note;
bytes[2] = ev->data.note.velocity;
if (!arguments.silent && arguments.verbose)
printf("Alsa 0x%x Note off %03u %03u %03u\n", bytes[0]&0xF0, bytes[0]&0xF, bytes[1], bytes[2]);
bytes[0] = 0x90 + ev->;
bytes[1] = ev->data.note.note;
bytes[2] = ev->data.note.velocity;
if (!arguments.silent && arguments.verbose)
printf("Alsa 0x%x Note on %03u %03u %03u\n", bytes[0]&0xF0, bytes[0]&0xF, bytes[1], bytes[2]);
bytes[0] = 0x90 + ev->;
bytes[1] = ev->data.note.note;
bytes[2] = ev->data.note.velocity;
if (!arguments.silent && arguments.verbose)
printf("Alsa 0x%x Pressure change %03u %03u %03u\n", bytes[0]&0xF0, bytes[0]&0xF, bytes[1], bytes[2]);
bytes[0] = 0xB0 + ev->;
bytes[1] = ev->data.control.param;
bytes[2] = ev->data.control.value;
if (!arguments.silent && arguments.verbose)
printf("Alsa 0x%x Controller change %03u %03u %03u\n", bytes[0]&0xF0, bytes[0]&0xF, bytes[1], bytes[2]);
bytes[0] = 0xC0 + ev->;
bytes[1] = ev->data.control.value;
if (!arguments.silent && arguments.verbose)
printf("Alsa 0x%x Program change %03u %03u %03u\n", bytes[0]&0xF0, bytes[0]&0xF, bytes[1], bytes[2]);
bytes[0] = 0xD0 + ev->;
bytes[1] = ev->data.control.value;
if (!arguments.silent && arguments.verbose)
printf("Alsa 0x%x Channel change %03u %03u %03u\n", bytes[0]&0xF0, bytes[0]&0xF, bytes[1], bytes[2]);
bytes[0] = 0xE0 + ev->;
ev->data.control.value += 8192;
bytes[1] = (int)ev->data.control.value & 0x7F;
bytes[2] = (int)ev->data.control.value >> 7;
if (!arguments.silent && arguments.verbose)
printf("Alsa 0x%x Pitch bend %03u %5d\n", bytes[0]&0xF0, bytes[0]&0xF, ev->data.control.value);
sysex_len = ev->data.ext.len;
printf("sysex len = %i:", sysex_len);
int i;
for (i=0; i<sysex_len; i++) {
char* valPtr = (char*)ev->data.ext.ptr;
char val = valPtr[i];
printf("0x%x ", (unsigned char) val);
sysex_data[i] = val;
if (!arguments.verbose)
printf("Unknown/Unsupported command!\n");
//sysex addition:
if (sysex_len >0) {
write(serial, sysex_data, sysex_len);
if (!arguments.verbose)
printf("->serial port.\n");
if (bytes[0]!=0x00)
bytes[1] = (bytes[1] & 0x7F); // just to be sure that one bit is really zero
if (bytes[2]==0xFF) {
write(serial, bytes, 2);
} else {
bytes[2] = (bytes[2] & 0x7F);
write(serial, bytes, 3);
} while (snd_seq_event_input_pending(seq_handle, 0) > 0);
void* read_midi_from_alsa(void* seq)
int npfd;
struct pollfd* pfd;
snd_seq_t* seq_handle;
seq_handle = seq;
npfd = snd_seq_poll_descriptors_count(seq_handle, POLLIN);
pfd = (struct pollfd*) alloca(npfd * sizeof(struct pollfd));
snd_seq_poll_descriptors(seq_handle, pfd, npfd, POLLIN);
while (run)
if (poll(pfd,npfd, 100) > 0)
printf("\nStopping [PC]->[Hardware] communication...");
void* read_midi_from_serial_port(void* seq)
char buf[3], msg[MAX_MSG_SIZE];
int i, msglen;
/* Lets first fast forward to first status byte... */
if (!arguments.printonly) {
printf("not print only...\n");
do read(serial, buf, 1);
while (buf[0] >> 7 == 0);
while (run)
* super-debug mode: only print to screen whatever
* comes through the serial port.
if (arguments.printonly)
read(serial, buf, 1);
printf("%x\t", (int) buf[0]&0xFF);
char sysex_buf[256];
int sysex_len = -1;
while (read(serial, buf, 1) > 0) {
//note2self: the built in parser only handled up to 3 bytes!
// for var len sysex, we have to override the serial reading behaviour here...
//,and skip the rest of the parsing if we receive sysex
if (sysex_len != -1) {//we've started reading...
sysex_buf[sysex_len] = buf[0];
if ((unsigned char)buf[0] == 0xf0) {
sysex_len = 1;
sysex_buf[0] = buf[0];
printf("0x%x ", (unsigned char) buf[0]);
if ((unsigned char)buf[0] == 0xf7) {
//end of sysex; time to send it!
printf("[end] ->to MIDI!\n");
snd_seq_event_t ev;
snd_seq_ev_set_source(&ev, port_out_id);
snd_seq_ev_set_sysex(&ev, sysex_len, sysex_buf);
snd_seq_event_output_direct(seq, &ev);
sysex_len = -1; //reset read state;
continue;//don't do the other stuff...
* so let's align to the beginning of a midi command.
int i = 1;
while (i < 3) {
read(serial, buf+i, 1);
if (buf[i] >> 7 != 0) {
/* Status byte received and will always be first bit!*/
buf[0] = buf[i];
i = 1;
} else {
/* Data byte received */
if (i == 2) {
/* It was 2nd data byte so we have a MIDI event
process! */
i = 3;
} else {
/* Lets figure out are we done or should we read one more byte. */
if ((buf[0] & 0xF0) == 0xC0 || (buf[0] & 0xF0) == 0xD0) {
i = 3;
} else {
i = 2;
/* print comment message (the ones that start with 0xFF 0x00 0x00 */
if (buf[0] == (char) 0xFF && buf[1] == (char) 0x00 && buf[2] == (char) 0x00)
read(serial, buf, 1);
msglen = buf[0];
if (msglen > MAX_MSG_SIZE-1) msglen = MAX_MSG_SIZE-1;
read(serial, msg, msglen);
if (arguments.silent) continue;
/* make sure the string ends with a null character */
msg[msglen] = 0;
puts("0xFF Non-MIDI message: ");
/* parse MIDI message */
else parse_midi_command(seq, port_out_id, buf);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Main program
main(int argc, char** argv)
//arguments arguments;
struct termios oldtio, newtio;
struct serial_struct ser_info;
char* modem_device = "/dev/ttyS0";
snd_seq_t *seq;
argp_parse(&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, &arguments);
* Open MIDI output port
port_out_id = open_seq(&seq);
* Open modem device for reading and not as controlling tty because we don't
* want to get killed if linenoise sends CTRL-C.
serial = open(arguments.serialdevice, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY );
if (serial < 0)
/* save current serial port settings */
tcgetattr(serial, &oldtio);
/* clear struct for new port settings */
bzero(&newtio, sizeof(newtio));
* BAUDRATE : Set bps rate. You could also use cfsetispeed and cfsetospeed.
* CRTSCTS : output hardware flow control (only used if the cable has
* all necessary lines. See sect. 7 of Serial-HOWTO)
* CS8 : 8n1 (8bit, no parity, 1 stopbit)
* CLOCAL : local connection, no modem contol
* CREAD : enable receiving characters
newtio.c_cflag = arguments.baudrate | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD; // CRTSCTS removed
* IGNPAR : ignore bytes with parity errors
* ICRNL : map CR to NL (otherwise a CR input on the other computer
* will not terminate input)
* otherwise make device raw (no other input processing)
newtio.c_iflag = IGNPAR;
/* Raw output */
newtio.c_oflag = 0;
* ICANON : enable canonical input
* disable all echo functionality, and don't send signals to calling program
newtio.c_lflag = 0; // non-canonical
* set up: we'll be reading 4 bytes at a time.
newtio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; /* inter-character timer unused */
newtio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; /* blocking read until n character arrives */
* now clean the modem line and activate the settings for the port
tcflush(serial, TCIFLUSH);
tcsetattr(serial, TCSANOW, &newtio);
// Linux-specific: enable low latency mode (FTDI "nagling off")
// ioctl(serial, TIOCGSERIAL, &ser_info);
// ser_info.flags |= ASYNC_LOW_LATENCY;
// ioctl(serial, TIOCSSERIAL, &ser_info);
if (arguments.printonly)
printf("Super debug mode: Only printing the signal to screen. Nothing else.\n");
* read commands
/* Starting thread that is polling alsa midi in port */
pthread_t midi_out_thread, midi_in_thread;
int iret1, iret2;
run = TRUE;
iret1 = pthread_create(&midi_out_thread, NULL, read_midi_from_alsa, (void*) seq);
/* And also thread for polling serial data. As serial is currently read in
blocking mode, by this we can enable ctrl+c quiting and avoid zombie
alsa ports when killing app with ctrl+z */
iret2 = pthread_create(&midi_in_thread, NULL, read_midi_from_serial_port, (void*) seq);
signal(SIGINT, exit_cli);
signal(SIGTERM, exit_cli);
while (run)
void* status;
pthread_join(midi_out_thread, &status);
/* restore the old port settings */
tcsetattr(serial, TCSANOW, &oldtio);
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This is potentially very useful, for allowing Midi applications from unsupported/old OS platforms to run in virtual machines and emulators. Often such emulators will not provide Midi support per se, but they will allow Midi to be connected to the serial port (which could allow you to cheat and get Midi anyway).

The comments in line 28 say this version will only do sysex. Why wouldn't it work for other types of Midi messages? If so, for my application, that would give it the opposite problem from the one regular ttymidi has: Whereas it can do everything but sysex, this would be limited to sysex and nothing else. To run legacy studio applications, you would need both.

I can't see anything in the code here that actually removes the original functionality from ttymidi though. Why does it say it only does sysex? If that's so, what could be contributed to make it do both?

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You may be interested by a new version ttymidi-sysext which does full midi and bi-directional sysex.
See cchaussat/ttymidi-systext on Github.

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johnty commented May 4, 2021

very nice. thanks! @cchaussat!

@DcmbrAgnt: somehow I didn't see the original comment from a few years back, but to follow up, I added a continue statement that skips the processing of non-sysex messages - I think in that particular application we only wanted to process SysEx messages and wanted to actively block any non-sysex activity (can't remember the exact reason). But the more general solution would be to accept all valid MIDI messages!

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