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Created November 8, 2019 01:57
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An algorithm to build a DAG out of any directed graph.
package com.stripe.unprotonated
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet
object Graph {
* Build a DAG by merging individual nodes of type A into merged nodes of type SortedSet[A]
final class Dagify[A: Ordering](seed: Set[A], val neighbors: A => Set[A]) {
private def allNodes(toCheck: List[A], reached: Set[A], acc: SortedSet[A]): SortedSet[A] =
toCheck match {
case Nil => acc
case h :: tail =>
if (reached(h)) allNodes(tail, reached, acc)
else allNodes(neighbors(h).toList.sorted ::: tail, reached + h, acc + h)
// all the reachable nodes in a sorted order
val nodes: SortedSet[A] =
allNodes(seed.toList, Set.empty, SortedSet.empty)
* For each node, build the full set of nodes it can reach by the neighbors function
private def reachable(m: List[(A, SortedSet[A])],
acc: List[(A, SortedSet[A])]): Map[A, SortedSet[A]] =
if (m.isEmpty) acc.toMap
else {
// if A -> B, then include all the nodes B can reach
val stepped = {
case (src, dest0) =>
// expand src + dest0 by looking at all the neighbors of this set
val dest1 = dest0.flatMap(neighbors) ++ neighbors(src)
(src, (dest0, dest1))
// if the expanded set is the same as the initial set, that node has computed its full reach
// and is done, else we need to continue to expand
val (done, notDone) = stepped.partition { case (_, (d0, d1)) => d0 == d1 }
reachable( { case (k, (_, d1)) => (k, d1) }, {
case (k, (d0, _)) => (k, d0)
} ::: acc)
private def toSortedSet[T: Ordering](it: Iterator[T]): SortedSet[T] = {
val bldr = SortedSet.newBuilder[T]
bldr ++= it
// all the reachable nodes from a given node
val reachableMap: Map[A, SortedSet[A]] =
reachable( { a =>
(a, SortedSet.empty[A])
}.toList, Nil)
type Cluster = SortedSet[A]
implicit val ordCluster: Ordering[Cluster] = Ordering.Iterable[A].on { s: SortedSet[A] =>
// To make a dag, we group nodes together that are mutually reachable, these larger sets
// become the new nodes in the bigger graph
val clusterMembers: SortedSet[Cluster] =
toSortedSet( {
case (n, reach) =>
if (reach(n)) {
// we can reach ourselves, so we include everyone in this cluster that can reach us
toSortedSet(reach.iterator.collect { case n1 if reachableMap(n1)(n) => n1 })
} else SortedSet(n)
// which cluster is each node in
val clusterMap: Map[A, Cluster] = { n =>
n -> clusterMembers.iterator.filter(_(n)).next
// this must form a DAG now by construction
val clusterDeps: Map[Cluster, SortedSet[Cluster]] = { c =>
val reach = c.flatMap(neighbors)
val deps = clusterMembers.filter { c1 =>
} - c
(c, deps)
* if the original A graph was a DAG, then all the clusters are singletons
lazy val originalIsDag: Boolean =
clusterMembers.forall(_.size == 1)
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