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Created October 10, 2024 20:43
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Demo how to generate an ECDSA signature without knowledge of private key (in SageMath)
import hashlib
# ECDSA Signature without private key
# An ECDSA signature without prior commitment to the signer's key
# does not prove that the signer knows the private key
# of the pubkey for which the signature validates.
# A short demonstration:
# Setup secp256k1 curve:
p = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f # prime
n = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141 # order of the curve
Fn = FiniteField(n) # Finite field over n
secp256k1 = EllipticCurve( GF(p), [0, 7] )
# G base point
G = secp256k1.point( (0x79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798, 0x483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8) )
# Helper functions:
# Calculate hash of message for signing
def get_message_hash(msg):
# hash with sha256 and encode to UTF-8
msgHashAsHexString = hashlib.sha256(msg.encode(encoding = 'UTF-8')).hexdigest()
# return hash value as Integer
return Integer('0x' + msgHashAsHexString)
# ecdsa signature verification
def ecdsa_verify(pub_key, msg, r, s):
w = ZZ( 1/ Fn(s) ) # = 1/s
u1 = get_message_hash(msg) * w # u1 = hash_of_message * 1/s
u2 = r * w
P1 = Integer(u1) * G # G is base point
P2 = Integer(u2) * pub_key # pub_key is public key for which the signature should validate
X = P1 + P2
(x, y) = X.xy()
v = Fn(x)
return v == r
# MESSAGE to sign: :)
message = 'I am Satoshi, because we all are Satoshi :-)'
# an ECDSA signature consists of 2 scalar values: (r, s)
# Let's generate a completely RANDOM signature:
# Choose a random x coordinate r until we find one, which also has a point on the curve:
found_a_point = False
while found_a_point == False:
# create random r, will be part of the signature (r, s)
r = randint(1, p - 1) # is an x coordinate, thus upper bound p
# check if there is a point at this x-coord
found_a_point = secp256k1.is_x_coord(r)
R = secp256k1.lift_x(Integer(r)) # get the point R at x-coordinate r
# Generate a random s
s = randint(1, n - 1) # is used in point multiplication, thus upper bound n
# Our signature for the message aboce is now: (r, s)
print('Our message: ' + message)
print('Our (randomly generated) ECDSA Signature:')
print('r: ' + str(r))
print('s: ' + str(s))
# And now let's calculate the public key for which this random signature will validate:
# Q = (sR - hG)/r
h = get_message_hash(message)
Q = (s*R - h*G) * ZZ( 1 / Fn(r) )
print('And here is the pubkey for which this signature will validate:')
print('x coordinate: ' + str(Q.x()))
print('y coordinate: ' + str(Q.y()))
print('Voila.. :-)')
print('Does the signature verify? ...')
ecdsa_verify(Q, message, r, s)
# Sample output:
# Our message: I am Satoshi, because we all are Satoshi :-)
# Our (randomly generated) ECDSA Signature:
# s: 24828058834046652854540677321878462375477002606677988961933119664452896577927
# r: 104150767398129614233917872756744768266909588448171424309616024326744528822140
# And here is the pubkey for which this signature will validate:
# x coordinate: 78105301398590714238102023061657833145875102847999004320934470842361111461126
# y coordinate: 66537312592386171185922156484664526796876351425099945787863334980961115997865
# Voila.. :-)
# Does the signature verify? ...
# True
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