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jomontanari / rr_demo
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
RR stub demo
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'rr'
describe 'Person' do
it 'does not let you stub with RSpec 3' do
person =
stub(person).full_name { "Jo Cranford" }
jomontanari / guess-the-number.rb
Created October 28, 2011 12:47
Ruby - Day 1 - bonus problem (7l7w)
puts "What's the maximum number?"
max_num = gets().to_i
number_to_guess = rand(max_num + 1)
puts "Thinking of a number between 0 and #{max_num} ... OK."
guess = nil
while guess != number_to_guess do
puts "Please make a guess ..."
guess = gets().to_i
jomontanari / homework.rb
Created October 28, 2011 12:53
Ruby - Day 1 (7l7w)
#Print the string Hello World
puts "Hello, World"
#Find the index of Ruby in "Hello, Ruby"
"Hello, Ruby".index("Ruby")
#Print your name 10 times
(1..10).each do
puts "Jo Cranford"
jomontanari / Access-files.rb
Created October 28, 2011 16:11
Ruby - Day 2
# With block - closes file automatically"test.txt") do |file|
puts file.readlines
# Without block
file ="test.txt")
puts file.readlines
jomontanari / acts_as_csv.rb
Created November 5, 2011 22:51
Ruby - Day 3
class CsvRow
def initialize(headers, row)
@headers = headers
@row = row
def method_missing name
unless @headers.index(name.to_s).nil?
jomontanari /
Created November 16, 2011 01:10
Seven Languages - IO Day 1
1 + 1 println
(1 + "one") println
jomontanari /
Created November 17, 2011 03:25
Seven Languages - IO Day 2
loop_fib := method(limit,
fib_sequence := list(1, 1)
i := 2
while (i <= limit, i = i + 1; fib_sequence append(fib_sequence last + fib_sequence at((fib_sequence size) - 2)))
fib_sequence at(limit-1)
loop_fib(1) println
loop_fib(4) println
jomontanari /
Created November 23, 2011 04:12
IO Day 3
Builder := Object clone
Builder indent := 0
Builder writeIndent := method(for(i, 1, indent, " " print))
Builder forward := method(
self writeIndent
writeln("<", call message name, ">")
indent = indent +1
book('Charlie and the chocolate factory', 'Roald Dahl').
book('Boy', 'Roald Dahl').
book('Oliver Twist', 'Charles Dickens').
book('A Christmas Carol', 'Charles Dickens').
book('1984', 'George Orwell').
jomontanari / 1a-object-definition.js
Created April 23, 2012 02:28
Code snippets for ThoughtWorks Team Hug presentation - comparing JavaScript and CoffeeScript (part 1)
var myTeamHugSession = {
title: "CoffeeScript",
time: {
start: "2:30pm",
finish: "3:30pm"