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Jonas Elfström jonelf

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jonelf / gist:639589
Last active September 29, 2020 09:32
Binary tree with some boundary rules
require 'rubygems'
require 'graphviz'
@min_level = 1
@max_level = 12
@max_depth = 10
start_level = 6
@g =, :type => "strict digraph" )
jonelf / gist:908911
Created April 7, 2011 22:21
Mihai asked an interesting question on my blog on how to analyze Base64 encoded and encrypted data and this code is the result of me starting to think about that.
# 2011-04-08
require 'base64'
def caesar(text,n)
alphas=('A'..'Z').to_a*2'A-Z', alphas[n..n+26].join)
def histogram(message)
jonelf / gist:912723
Created April 10, 2011 21:08
A follow-up to now it's showing the histogram for each slice of 3 characters.
require 'base64'
def histogram(arr)
arr.inject( { |h, k| h[k] += 1; h}
def graph_histogram(h, skip_less_than){|v| v[1]>=skip_less_than}.sort_by{|kv| kv[1]*-1}.
map{|a| "#{a[0]} |#{('+'*a[1])}#{a[1].to_s}\n"}.
jonelf / gist:914326
Created April 11, 2011 20:57
Sudoku solver refactored from Luddite Geek and based on the Python solution by Peter Norvig.
#!usr/bin/env ruby
# 2011-04-11
# Sudoku solver refactored from Luddite Geek
# and that in turn is a translation from the Python solution by Peter Norvig
## Throughout this program we have:
## r is a row, e.g. 'A'
## c is a column, e.g. '3'
jonelf / gist:927782
Created April 19, 2011 13:44
Sudoku solver in CoffeScript based on the Python solution by Peter Norvig
# Sudoku solver in CoffeeScript based on the Python solution by Peter Norvig
# 2011-04-19
# Throughout this program we have:
# r is a row, e.g. 'A'
# c is a column, e.g. '3'
# s is a square, e.g. 'A3'
# d is a digit, e.g. '9'
# u is a unit, e.g. ['A1','B1','C1','D1','E1','F1','G1','H1','I1']
jonelf / gist:1029099
Created June 16, 2011 12:02
Kaprekar's constant
[i, o, n, e] = [0, '', prompt('Enter a number between 1 and 9998 whose digits are not all identical'), '']
while n!=6174
n = e + n
q = (n='0'+n if !n[3]) for x in [0..2]
n ?= q
o+=n+"\n" if i
a = n.split(e).sort().join(e)
n = a.split(e).reverse().join(e)
o += n + ' - ' + a + ' = '
jonelf / gist:1054098
Created June 29, 2011 15:32
Self-descriptive numbers
# Searches for self-descriptive numbers
module Enumerable
def all_with_index?
each_with_index{|e,i| return false unless yield(e,i)}
jonelf / gist:1335248
Created November 2, 2011 23:11
Leif in Clojure
(import (javax.swing JFrame JPanel)
(java.awt Color Dimension Graphics)
(java.awt.image BufferedImage WritableRaster))
(defn construct-frame [width height panel]
"Creates and displays a JFrame of the given dimensions with
the panel added to it"
(let [frame (JFrame.)]
(.setPreferredSize panel (Dimension. width height))
(doto frame
jonelf / gist:2009196
Created March 9, 2012 23:11
The other one is also a girl.
# Ruby
# Suppose Mr. and Mrs. Smith tell you they have two children, one of
# whom is a girl. What is the probability that the other is a girl?
1.upto(10) do |n|
siblings = []
# Create a bunch of randomized pairs of children
1.upto(10000) do
child1 = rand(2) == 0 ? :boy : :girl
child2 = rand(2) == 0 ? :boy : :girl
jonelf / gist:2011028
Created March 10, 2012 10:09
PLaying with conditional probabilities
# You've been told that the Larsson family has four children
# and that three of them are girls. What's that chance that
# the fourth one is also a girl?
# This is a brute force way to settle that.
sibling_count = 4
1.upto(10) do |n|
families = []
# Create a bunch of randomized families
1.upto(sibling_count * 5000) do