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Jonathan Freeland jonfreeland

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kpheasey /
Last active March 22, 2022 20:13
WSL, RVM & RubyMine; ubuntu on windows, bash on windows

Add inbound firewall rule for TCP 2222

  • Windows 10 has 2 new services, SSH Server Proxy and SSH Server Broker which will already be bound to port 22
  • Do not allow public connection on this rule, WSL is not proven safe


Add as cmd startup with bash.exe --login

Install the SSH server and some Rails essentials libraries in bash

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
joeriks / sample.d.ts
Last active February 5, 2021 23:35
Generate Typescript Interfaces for all types (classes) within one assembly. 1. Add reference to your assembly within a project. 2. Create file with below contents. 3. Insert your own assembly name in the tt file 4. Get the assembly with one of the types 5. Save the tt and the generator will create a interfacefile for you (somename.d.ts)
// Sample generation:
// Types in assembly: MyAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
// Generated 01/28/2013 13:11:37
module myInterfaces {
// Type: MyAssembly.Models.Client