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Created April 5, 2019 05:09
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@types/feathersjs__feathers using `export =` instead of `export default`
// Type definitions for @feathersjs/feathers 3.1
// Project:
// Definitions by: Jan Lohage <>
// Abraao Alves <>
// Tim Mensch <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 2.3
/// <reference types="node" />
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
declare const feathers: feathers.Feathers;
export = feathers;
declare namespace feathers {
export type Id = number | string;
export type NullableId = Id | null;
export interface Query {
[key: string]: any;
export interface PaginationOptions {
default: number;
max: number;
export type ClientSideParams = Pick<Params, 'query' | 'paginate'>;
export type ServerSideParams = Params;
export interface Params {
query?: Query;
paginate?: false | Pick<PaginationOptions, 'max'>;
[key: string]: any; // (JL) not sure if we want this
export interface Paginated<T> {
total: number;
limit: number;
skip: number;
data: T[];
// tslint:disable-next-line void-return
export type Hook = (hook: HookContext) => (Promise<HookContext | SkipSymbol | void> | HookContext | SkipSymbol | void);
export type SkipSymbol = symbol | '__feathersSkipHooks';
export interface HookContext<T = any> {
* A read only property that contains the Feathers application object. This can be used to
* retrieve other services (via'name')) or configuration values.
readonly app: Application;
* A writeable property containing the data of a create, update and patch service
* method call.
data?: T;
* A writeable property with the error object that was thrown in a failed method call.
* It is only available in error hooks.
error?: any;
* A writeable property and the id for a get, remove, update and patch service
* method call. For remove, update and patch can also be null when
* modifying multiple entries. In all other cases it will be undefined.
id?: string | number;
* A read only property with the name of the service method (one of find, get,
* create, update, patch, remove).
readonly method: string;
* A writeable property that contains the service method parameters (including
* params.query).
params: Params;
* A read only property and contains the service name (or path) without leading or
* trailing slashes.
readonly path: string;
* A writeable property containing the result of the successful service method call.
* It is only available in after hooks.
* `context.result` can also be set in
* - A before hook to skip the actual service method (database) call
* - An error hook to swallow the error and return a result instead
result?: T;
* A read only property and contains the service this hook currently runs on.
readonly service: Service<T>;
* A writeable, optional property and contains a "safe" version of the data that
* should be sent to any client. If context.dispatch has not been set context.result
* will be sent to the client instead.
dispatch?: T;
* A writeable, optional property that allows to override the standard HTTP status
* code that should be returned.
statusCode?: number;
* A read only property with the hook type (one of before, after or error).
readonly type: "before" | "after" | "error";
export interface HookMap {
all: Hook | Hook[];
find: Hook | Hook[];
get: Hook | Hook[];
create: Hook | Hook[];
update: Hook | Hook[];
patch: Hook | Hook[];
remove: Hook | Hook[];
export interface HooksObject {
before: Partial<HookMap>;
after: Partial<HookMap>;
error: Partial<HookMap>;
// todo: figure out what to do: These methods don't actually need to be implemented, so they can be undefined at runtime. Yet making them optional gets cumbersome in strict mode.
export interface ServiceMethods<T> {
find(params?: Params): Promise<T | T[] | Paginated<T>>;
get(id: Id, params?: Params): Promise<T>;
create(data: Partial<T> | Array<Partial<T>>, params?: Params): Promise<T | T[]>;
update(id: NullableId, data: T, params?: Params): Promise<T>;
patch(id: NullableId, data: Partial<T>, params?: Params): Promise<T>;
remove(id: NullableId, params?: Params): Promise<T>;
export interface SetupMethod {
setup(app: Application, path: string): void;
export interface ServiceOverloads<T> {
create(data: Array<Partial<T>>, params?: Params): Promise<T[]>;
create(data: Partial<T>, params?: Params): Promise<T>;
patch(id: NullableId, data: Pick<T, keyof T>, params?: Params): Promise<T>;
export interface ServiceAddons<T> extends EventEmitter {
hooks(hooks: Partial<HooksObject>): this;
export type Service<T> = ServiceOverloads<T> & ServiceAddons<T> & ServiceMethods<T>;
export interface Application<ServiceTypes = any> extends EventEmitter {
get(name: string): any;
set(name: string, value: any): this;
disable(name: string): this;
disabled(name: string): boolean;
enable(name: string): this;
enabled(name: string): boolean;
configure(callback: (this: this, app: this) => void): this;
hooks(hooks: Partial<HooksObject>): this;
setup(server?: any): this;
service<L extends keyof ServiceTypes>(location: L): Service<ServiceTypes[L]>;
service(location: string): Service<any>;
use(path: string, service: Partial<ServiceMethods<any> & SetupMethod> | Application, options?: any): this;
version: string;
interface Feathers {
<T = any>(): Application<T>;
version: string;
SKIP: SkipSymbol;
default: Feathers;
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