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Last active January 23, 2021 18:54
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%---------- Spacecraft
% Create spacecraft and define its orbit
Create Spacecraft ss_0;
GMAT ss_0.DateFormat = TAIModJulian;
GMAT ss_0.Epoch = '21545';
GMAT ss_0.CoordinateSystem = EarthICRF;
GMAT ss_0.DisplayStateType = Cartesian;
GMAT ss_0.X = 7200;
GMAT ss_0.Y = -1000;
GMAT ss_0.Z = 0;
GMAT ss_0.VX = 0;
GMAT ss_0.VY = 8;
GMAT ss_0.VZ =0;
GMAT ss_0.DryMass = 850;
GMAT ss_0.Cd = 2.2;
GMAT ss_0.Cr = 1.8;
GMAT ss_0.DragArea = 15;
GMAT ss_0.SRPArea = 1;
GMAT ss_0.SPADDragScaleFactor = 1;
GMAT ss_0.SPADSRPScaleFactor = 1;
GMAT ss_0.NAIFId = -10012001;
GMAT ss_0.NAIFIdReferenceFrame = -9012001;
GMAT ss_0.OrbitColor = Red;
GMAT ss_0.TargetColor = Teal;
GMAT ss_0.OrbitErrorCovariance = [ 1e+70 0 0 0 0 0 ; 0 1e+70 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 1e+70 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 1e+70 0 0 ; 0 0 0 0 1e+70 0 ; 0 0 0 0 0 1e+70 ];
GMAT ss_0.CdSigma = 1e+70;
GMAT ss_0.CrSigma = 1e+70;
GMAT ss_0.Id = 'SatId';
GMAT ss_0.Attitude = CoordinateSystemFixed;
GMAT ss_0.SPADSRPInterpolationMethod = Bilinear;
GMAT ss_0.SPADSRPScaleFactorSigma = 1e+70;
GMAT ss_0.SPADDragInterpolationMethod = Bilinear;
GMAT ss_0.SPADDragScaleFactorSigma = 1e+70;
GMAT ss_0.ModelFile = 'aura.3ds';
GMAT ss_0.ModelOffsetX = 0;
GMAT ss_0.ModelOffsetY = 0;
GMAT ss_0.ModelOffsetZ = 0;
GMAT ss_0.ModelRotationX = 0;
GMAT ss_0.ModelRotationY = 0;
GMAT ss_0.ModelRotationZ = 0;
GMAT ss_0.ModelScale = 1;
GMAT ss_0.AttitudeDisplayStateType = 'Quaternion';
GMAT ss_0.AttitudeRateDisplayStateType = 'AngularVelocity';
GMAT ss_0.AttitudeCoordinateSystem = EarthMJ2000Eq;
GMAT ss_0.EulerAngleSequence = '321';
%---------- ForceModel
% Define Force Model with point mass only
Create ForceModel PointMass;
GMAT PointMass.CentralBody = Earth;
GMAT PointMass.PrimaryBodies = {Earth};
GMAT PointMass.Drag = None;
GMAT PointMass.SRP = Off;
GMAT PointMass.RelativisticCorrection = Off;
GMAT PointMass.ErrorControl = RSSStep;
GMAT PointMass.GravityField.Earth.Degree = 0;
GMAT PointMass.GravityField.Earth.Order = 0;
GMAT PointMass.GravityField.Earth.StmLimit = 100;
GMAT PointMass.GravityField.Earth.PotentialFile = '../data/gravity/earth/JGM2.cof';
GMAT PointMass.GravityField.Earth.TideModel = 'None';
%---------- Propagators
% Create propgator with point mass only
Create Propagator EarthPointMass;
GMAT EarthPointMass.FM = PointMass;
GMAT EarthPointMass.Type = PrinceDormand78;
GMAT EarthPointMass.InitialStepSize = 0.5;
GMAT EarthPointMass.Accuracy = 1e-12;
GMAT EarthPointMass.MinStep = 0;
GMAT EarthPointMass.MaxStep = 86400;
GMAT EarthPointMass.MaxStepAttempts = 500;
GMAT EarthPointMass.StopIfAccuracyIsViolated = false;
%---------- Burns
Create ImpulsiveBurn TOI;
GMAT TOI.CoordinateSystem = Local;
GMAT TOI.Origin = Earth;
GMAT TOI.Element1 = 0;
GMAT TOI.Element2 = 0;
GMAT TOI.Element3 = 0;
GMAT TOI.DecrementMass = false;
GMAT TOI.Isp = 300;
GMAT TOI.GravitationalAccel = 9.81;
Create ImpulsiveBurn GOI;
GMAT GOI.CoordinateSystem = Local;
GMAT GOI.Origin = Earth;
GMAT GOI.Element1 = 0;
GMAT GOI.Element2 = 0;
GMAT GOI.Element3 = 0;
GMAT GOI.DecrementMass = false;
GMAT GOI.Isp = 300;
GMAT GOI.GravitationalAccel = 9.81;
%---------- Solvers
Create DifferentialCorrector DC;
GMAT DC.ShowProgress = true;
GMAT DC.ReportStyle = Normal;
GMAT DC.ReportFile = '';
GMAT DC.MaximumIterations = 25;
GMAT DC.DerivativeMethod = ForwardDifference;
GMAT DC.Algorithm = NewtonRaphson;
%---------- Plots/Reports
Create OrbitView GLPlot;
GMAT GLPlot.SolverIterations = Current;
GMAT GLPlot.UpperLeft = [ 0.2175843694493783 0.05272727272727273 ];
GMAT GLPlot.Size = [ 0.9911190053285968 0.9436363636363636 ];
GMAT GLPlot.RelativeZOrder = 143;
GMAT GLPlot.Maximized = true;
GMAT GLPlot.Add = {ss_0, Earth};
GMAT GLPlot.CoordinateSystem = EarthICRF;
GMAT GLPlot.DrawObject = [ true true ];
GMAT GLPlot.DataCollectFrequency = 1;
GMAT GLPlot.UpdatePlotFrequency = 50;
GMAT GLPlot.NumPointsToRedraw = 0;
GMAT GLPlot.ShowPlot = true;
GMAT GLPlot.MaxPlotPoints = 20000;
GMAT GLPlot.ShowLabels = true;
GMAT GLPlot.ViewPointReference = Earth;
GMAT GLPlot.ViewPointVector = [ -10000 -15000 3000 ];
GMAT GLPlot.ViewDirection = Earth;
GMAT GLPlot.ViewScaleFactor = 1.4;
GMAT GLPlot.ViewUpCoordinateSystem = EarthICRF;
GMAT GLPlot.ViewUpAxis = Z;
GMAT GLPlot.EclipticPlane = Off;
GMAT GLPlot.XYPlane = On;
GMAT GLPlot.WireFrame = Off;
GMAT GLPlot.Axes = On;
GMAT GLPlot.Grid = Off;
GMAT GLPlot.SunLine = Off;
GMAT GLPlot.UseInitialView = On;
GMAT GLPlot.StarCount = 7000;
GMAT GLPlot.EnableStars = On;
GMAT GLPlot.EnableConstellations = On;
Create ReportFile report;
GMAT report.SolverIterations = Current;
GMAT report.UpperLeft = [ 0.2175843694493783 0.05272727272727273 ];
GMAT report.Size = [ 0.9911190053285968 0.9436363636363636 ];
GMAT report.RelativeZOrder = 146;
GMAT report.Maximized = true;
GMAT report.Filename = 'ReportData.txt';
GMAT report.Precision = 16;
GMAT report.Add = {ss_0.UTCGregorian, ss_0.X, ss_0.Y, ss_0.Z, ss_0.VX, ss_0.VY, ss_0.VZ};
GMAT report.WriteHeaders = true;
GMAT report.LeftJustify = On;
GMAT report.ZeroFill = Off;
GMAT report.FixedWidth = true;
GMAT report.Delimiter = ' ';
GMAT report.ColumnWidth = 23;
GMAT report.WriteReport = true;
%---------- Mission Sequence
Propagate 'Prop to Perigee' EarthPointMass(ss_0) {ss_0.Periapsis};
% Burn in the velocity direction to reach an alternate Apoapsis point
Target 'Raise and Circularize' DC {SolveMode = Solve, ExitMode = DiscardAndContinue, ShowProgressWindow = false};
Vary 'Vary TOI.V' DC(TOI.Element1 = 0.5, {Perturbation = 0.0001, Lower = 0, Upper = 3.14159, MaxStep = 0.2, AdditiveScaleFactor = 0.0, MultiplicativeScaleFactor = 1.0});
Maneuver 'Apply TOI' TOI(ss_0);
Propagate 'Prop to Apogee' EarthPointMass(ss_0) {ss_0.Apoapsis};
Achieve 'Achieve RMAG' DC(ss_0.Earth.RMAG = 35781.34857, {Tolerance = 0.01});
Vary 'Vary GOI.V' DC(GOI.Element1 = 0.5, {Perturbation = 0.0001, Lower = 0, Upper = 3.14159, MaxStep = 0.2, AdditiveScaleFactor = 0.0, MultiplicativeScaleFactor = 1.0});
Maneuver 'Apply GOI' GOI(ss_0);
Achieve 'Achieve ECC' DC(ss_0.ECC = 0, {Tolerance = 0.01});
EndTarget; % For targeter DC
Propagate 'Prop 1 hour' EarthPointMass(ss_0) {ss_0.ElapsedSecs = 3600};
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