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Last active December 18, 2015 00:08
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  • Save jorinvo/5693900 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jorinvo/5693900 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
commands for un-bot
  • un-bot image me query - The Original. Queries Google Images for query and returns a random top result.

  • un-bot animate me query - The same thing as image me, except adds a few parameters to try to return an animated GIF instead.

  • un-bot mustache me url - Adds a mustache to the specified URL.

  • un-bot mustache me query - Searches Google Images for the specified query and mustaches it.

  • un-bot map me query - Returns a map view of the area returned by query.

  • un-bot math me expression - Calculate the given expression.

  • un-bot convert me expression to units - Convert expression to given units.

  • un-bot pug me - Receive a pug

  • un-bot pug bomb N - get N pugs

  • un-bot translate me phrase - Searches for a translation for the phrase and then prints that bad boy out. un-bot translate me from source into target phrase - Translates phrase from source into target. * Both source and target are optional

  • un-bot youtube me query - Searches YouTube for the query and returns the video embed link.

  • un-bot ping - Reply with pong

  • un-bot echo text - Reply back with text

  • un-bot time - Reply with current time

  • un-bot die - End un-bot process

  • un-bot kitten me - A randomly selected kitten

  • un-bot kitten me wxh - A kitten of the given size

  • un-bot kitten bomb me number - Many many kittens!

  • un-bot gob it - Display a GOB

  • un-bot throw a coin - Gives you heads or tails

  • un-bot google me query - Googles query & returns 1st result's URL

  • un-bot hangout - sends hangout url

  • un-bot md5|sha|sha1|sha256|sha512|rmd160 me string - Generate hash of string

  • un-bot show [lines lines of] history - Shows lines of history, otherwise all history

  • un-bot clear history - Clears the history

  • un-bot lyrics for song by artist - returns snippet of lyrics for this song

  • un-bot news - Get the latest headlines

  • un-bot news topic - Get the latest headlines for a specific topic

  • un-bot be nice - just gives some love :)

  • un-bot joke me - Pull a random joke from /r/jokes

  • un-bot (bitly|shorten) (me) url - Shorten the URL using

  • un-bot task add task - Add a task

  • un-bot task list tasks - List the tasks

  • un-bot task delete task number - Delete a task

  • un-bot wat - Random WAT

  • un-bot which do you prefer: thing or thing [.. or thing]?

  • un-bot !! - Repeat the last command directed at un-bot

  • un-bot cowsay statement - Returns a cow that says what you want

  • un-bot decide "option1" "option2" "optionx" - Randomly picks an option

  • un-bot roll dice - Roll two six-sided dice

  • un-bot roll xdy - roll x dice, each of which has y sides

  • un-bot get directions "origin" "destination" -- Shows directions between these locations

  • Hello or Good Day make un-bot say hello to you back

  • Good Morning makes un-bot say good morning to you back

  • haters - Returns a random haters gonna hate url

  • beer - replies with random beer quote

  • food - replies with "Mmmm... food"

  • internet - replies with random internet quote

  • try - replies with random try quote

  • zombie | zombies - Call in a zombie

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jorinvo commented Jun 2, 2013

some more nice to have commands that currently don't work:

  • howdoi
  • weather
  • whatis
  • wikipedia
  • imdb

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