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Created June 21, 2018 16:47
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Backup Script for EC2 EBS Volumes - The script takes snapshots of volumes if marked with certain tags and deletes the old ones once the are older than the specified days. Perfect for Jenkins.
# The script will generate new snapshots
# every execution. It does not look at the amount
# of snapshots, only at their age.
# ---------- CONSTANTS ----------
last_date_to_back=$(date --date "$retention_period_days days ago")
last_date_to_back_seconds=$(date +%s --date "$retention_period_days days ago")
sleep_seconds=3600 # 1 hour
# Boolean var to throw an error in case any of the snapshots has finished with errors
# -------------------------------
echo "--- Starting Amazon EC2 Volumes Backup Script ---"
echo "All the volumes marked with the following tag will be backed up:"
echo "TAG=$volume_tag_backup VALUE=$volume_tag_backup_indicator"
echo "The RETENTION PERIOD is $retention_period_days days."
echo "All the snapshots taken before $last_date_to_back will be deleted."
echo "The script will wait $sleep_seconds seconds to check the status of the snapshots."
# Array to store the ids of the created snpashots
# The array will append a new id every time a new snashot is created
# by the script. This array will be used to validate that the status
# of the snapshots is "complete".
# Receives an undetermined number of strings
# Shows the strings with a timestamp
log() {
echo "[$(date +"%Y-%m-%d"+"%T")]: $*"
# Sleeps the program
# Receives the seconds to sleep the program
wait_snapshots() {
echo "Waiting $sleep_seconds seconds."
sleep $sleep_seconds
# Receives a string representing a volumeID
# Received string structure: <quotation>VolumeID<quotation><coma>
# The coma does not always appear
# Removes the comas and quotation characters
clean_id_field() {
clean_name=$(echo $1 | cut -d "\"" -f 2)
echo $clean_name
# To identify the volumes uses the tag defined in the
# constants.
# returns the VolumeIDs for the volumes required to back up
get_list_volumes_id_to_backup() {
volume_list_raw=$(aws ec2 describe-volumes --region us-west-2 --no-paginate --filters Name=tag-key,Values=$volume_tag_backup Name=tag-value,Values=$volume_tag_backup_indicator --query Volumes[*].VolumeId | grep vol)
for raw_volume_id in $volume_list_raw; do
volume_id=$(clean_id_field $raw_volume_id)
echo $volume_id
# Receive a string representing a volume ID
# Returns the list of ids of the snapshots assigned to the volume
get_list_snapshots_id() {
snapshot_list_raw=$(aws ec2 describe-snapshots --region us-west-2 --filters Name=volume-id,Values="$1" --query Snapshots[*].SnapshotId | grep snap)
for raw_snapshot_id in $snapshot_list_raw; do
snapshot_id=$(clean_id_field $raw_snapshot_id)
echo $snapshot_id
# Receives a volumeId and take and snapshot of it
# Could throw an error related with the number of consecutive
# calls to the command create-snapshot. Acceptable error
# Error expected: SnapshotCreationPerVolumeRateExceeded
take_snapshot() {
echo "Taking snapshot from volume $1."
taken_snapshot_id=$(aws ec2 create-snapshot --volume-id $1 --description "Automated Back Up Snapshot" | grep SnapshotId | cut -d ":" -f 2 | cut -d "\"" -f 2)
echo "Created new snapshot. Snapshot ID: $taken_snapshot_id"
# Add the id of the created snapshot into the global array
# of snapshots.
# Receives a snapshot ID and deletes it
# If the snapshot is in use this function will fail
# this error is acceptable
# The expected error is: InvalidSnapshot.InUse
delete_snapshot() {
echo "Deleting snapshot $1."
aws ec2 delete-snapshot --snapshot-id $1
# Uses the array with the snapshots to
# validate that the statuses.
# If the status is "pending" it will log a warning
# If the status is "erro" it will throw an error
check_status_snapshots() {
echo "Checking status taken snapshots."
# Iterate over the already triggered snapshots ids
for snapshot_taken_id in "${taken_snapshot_ids_array[@]}"; do
snapshot_status=$(aws ec2 describe-snapshots --region us-west-2 --filters Name=snapshot-id,Values=$snapshot_taken_id --query "Snapshots[*].State" | grep -Fv '[' | grep -Fv ']' | cut -d "\"" -f 2)
if [ "$snapshot_status" == "completed" ]; then
echo "SpanshotID: $snapshot_taken_id completed."
elif [ "$snapshot_status" == "pending" ]; then
echo "WARNING: SnapshotID: $snapshot_taken_id still PENDING after $sleep_seconds."
echo "ERROR: SnapshotID: $snapshot_taken_id final status is ERROR."
# Checks the global variable success_backup
# If some snapshot has ended in an error status
# shows an error message through stderr
# and ends the script with errors
if $success_backup; then
echo "Backup process finished succesfully."
exit 0
echo "Error in the backup process." 1>&2
exit 1
for volume_id in $volumes_to_back; do
list_snapshots_id=$(get_list_snapshots_id $volume_id)
snapshot_counter=$(echo $list_snapshots_id | wc -l)
if (($snapshot_counter < 1)) || [ -z "$list_snapshots_id" ]; then
echo "No previous snapshots for the volume: $volume_id"
for snapshot_id in $list_snapshots_id; do
echo "Analyzing - Volume: $volume_id | Snapshot: $snapshot_id"
start_time=$(aws ec2 describe-snapshots --region us-west-2 --filters Name=snapshot-id,Values=$snapshot_id --query "Snapshots[*].StartTime" | grep -Fv '[' | grep -Fv ']' | cut -d "\"" -f 2)
start_time_seconds=$(date --date=$start_time +%s)
if (($start_time_seconds < $last_date_to_back_seconds)); then
echo "The snapshot $snapshot_id created the $start_time will be deleted."
delete_snapshot $snapshot_id
# Take a snapshot every time the script is called.
take_snapshot $volume_id
# Sleep the program and wait
# a predefined amount of time
# allowing the snapshots to complete
# Validate the snapshot status
# This could vary between pending | completed | error
# Check if the bakcup process has finished succesfully
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