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Created July 27, 2020 16:36
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HomePage for Maps
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:location/location.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart';
class GooMap extends StatefulWidget {
//GooMap({Key key}) : super(key: key);
final LocationData location;
_GooMapState createState() => _GooMapState();
class _GooMapState extends State<GooMap> {
// Location
LocationData _locationData;
// Maps
Set<Marker> _markers = HashSet<Marker>();
Set<Polygon> _polygons = HashSet<Polygon>();
Set<Circle> _circles = HashSet<Circle>();
GoogleMapController _googleMapController;
BitmapDescriptor _markerIcon;
List<LatLng> polygonLatLngs = List<LatLng>();
double radius;
int _polygonIdCounter = 1;
int _circleIdCounter = 1;
int _markerIdCounter = 1;
// Type controllers
bool _isPolygon = true; //Default
bool _isMarker = false;
bool _isCircle = false;
void initState() {
// If I want to change the marker icon:
// _setMarkerIcon();
_locationData = widget.location;
// This function is to change the marker icon
void _setMarkerIcon() async {
_markerIcon = await BitmapDescriptor.fromAssetImage(
ImageConfiguration(), 'assets/farm.png');
// Draw Polygon to the map
void _setPolygon() {
final String polygonIdVal = 'polygon_id_$_polygonIdCounter';
polygonId: PolygonId(polygonIdVal),
points: polygonLatLngs,
strokeWidth: 2,
strokeColor: Colors.yellow,
fillColor: Colors.yellow.withOpacity(0.15),
// Set circles as points to the map
void _setCircles(LatLng point) {
final String circleIdVal = 'circle_id_$_circleIdCounter';
'Circle | Latitude: ${point.latitude} Longitude: ${point.longitude} Radius: $radius');
circleId: CircleId(circleIdVal),
center: point,
radius: radius,
fillColor: Colors.redAccent.withOpacity(0.5),
strokeWidth: 3,
strokeColor: Colors.redAccent));
// Set Markers to the map
void _setMarkers(LatLng point) {
final String markerIdVal = 'marker_id_$_markerIdCounter';
setState(() {
'Marker | Latitude: ${point.latitude} Longitude: ${point.longitude}');
markerId: MarkerId(markerIdVal),
position: point,
// Start the map with this marker setted up
void _onMapCreated(GoogleMapController controller) {
_googleMapController = controller;
setState(() {
markerId: MarkerId('0'),
position: LatLng(-20.131886, -47.484488),
InfoWindow(title: 'Roça', snippet: 'Um bom lugar para estar'),
//icon: _markerIcon,
Widget _fabPolygon() {
return FloatingActionButton.extended(
onPressed: () {
//Remove the last point setted at the polygon
setState(() {
icon: Icon(Icons.undo),
label: Text('Undo point'),
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Studying Maps - Zeh'),
centerTitle: true,
backgroundColor: Colors.grey[900],
polygonLatLngs.length > 0 && _isPolygon ? _fabPolygon() : null,
body: Stack(
children: <Widget>[
initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition(
target: LatLng(_locationData.latitude, _locationData.longitude),
zoom: 16,
mapType: MapType.hybrid,
markers: _markers,
circles: _circles,
polygons: _polygons,
myLocationEnabled: true,
onTap: (point) {
if (_isPolygon) {
setState(() {
} else if (_isMarker) {
setState(() {
} else if (_isCircle) {
setState(() {
alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
child: Row(
children: <Widget>[
color: Colors.black54,
onPressed: () {
_isPolygon = true;
_isMarker = false;
_isCircle = false;
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: Colors.white),
color: Colors.black54,
onPressed: () {
_isPolygon = false;
_isMarker = true;
_isCircle = false;
child: Text('Marker',
style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: Colors.white))),
color: Colors.black54,
onPressed: () {
_isPolygon = false;
_isMarker = false;
_isCircle = true;
radius = 50;
return showDialog(
context: context,
child: AlertDialog(
backgroundColor: Colors.grey[900],
title: Text(
'Choose the radius (m)',
style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: Colors.white),
content: Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(8),
child: Material(
child: TextField(
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16, color: Colors.white),
decoration: InputDecoration(
icon: Icon(Icons.zoom_out_map),
hintText: 'Ex: 100',
suffixText: 'meters',
onChanged: (input) {
setState(() {
radius = double.parse(input);
actions: <Widget>[
onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context),
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,),
child: Text('Circle',
style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: Colors.white)))
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:location/location.dart';
import 'package:maps/pages/goomap.dart';
class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {
_HomePageState createState() => _HomePageState();
class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> {
Location location = new Location();
bool _serviceEnabled;
PermissionStatus _permissionGranted;
LocationData _locationData;
void initState() {
// Check Location Permissions, and get my location
void _checkLocationPermission() async {
_serviceEnabled = await location.serviceEnabled();
if (!_serviceEnabled) {
_serviceEnabled = await location.requestService();
if (!_serviceEnabled) {
_permissionGranted = await location.hasPermission();
if (_permissionGranted == PermissionStatus.denied) {
_permissionGranted = await location.requestPermission();
if (_permissionGranted != PermissionStatus.granted) {
_locationData = await location.getLocation();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
backgroundColor: Colors.grey[800],
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Studyng Maps - Zeh'),
centerTitle: true,
backgroundColor: Colors.grey[900],
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton.extended(
onPressed: () => _locationData != null ? Navigator.push(
context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => GooMap(location: _locationData,))) : null,
label: Row(
children: <Widget>[
'Open Maps',
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black87),
color: Colors.black87,
body: Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.all(16),
child: Center(
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
'Study of google maps - Zeh',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: Colors.white),
SizedBox(height: 20),
'App to study some features of google maps: Testing markers, polygons, polylines and circles',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16, color: Colors.white),
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where do you define the shapes

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lib/goomap.dart:23:7: Error: Type 'Polygon' not found.
Set _polygons = HashSet();
lib/goomap.dart:24:7: Error: Type 'Circle' not found.
Set _circles = HashSet();
lib/goomap.dart:23:7: Error: 'Polygon' isn't a type.
Set _polygons = HashSet();
lib/goomap.dart:23:36: Error: 'Polygon' isn't a type.
Set _polygons = HashSet();
lib/goomap.dart:24:7: Error: 'Circle' isn't a type.
Set _circles = HashSet();
lib/goomap.dart:24:34: Error: 'Circle' isn't a type.
Set _circles = HashSet();
lib/goomap.dart:50:42: Error: Method not found: 'BitmapDescriptor.fromAssetImage'.
_markerIcon = await BitmapDescriptor.fromAssetImage(
lib/goomap.dart:57:19: Error: The method 'Polygon' isn't defined for the class '_GooMapState'.

  • '_GooMapState' is from 'package:chottapp_customer/goomap.dart' ('lib/goomap.dart').
    Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'Polygon'.
    lib/goomap.dart:58:18: Error: The method 'PolygonId' isn't defined for the class '_GooMapState'.
  • '_GooMapState' is from 'package:chottapp_customer/goomap.dart' ('lib/goomap.dart').
    Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'PolygonId'.
    polygonId: PolygonId(polygonIdVal),
    lib/goomap.dart:72:18: Error: The method 'Circle' isn't defined for the class '_GooMapState'.
  • '_GooMapState' is from 'package:chottapp_customer/goomap.dart' ('lib/goomap.dart').
    Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'Circle'.
    lib/goomap.dart:73:19: Error: The method 'CircleId' isn't defined for the class '_GooMapState'.
  • '_GooMapState' is from 'package:chottapp_customer/goomap.dart' ('lib/goomap.dart').
    Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'CircleId'.
    circleId: CircleId(circleIdVal),
    lib/goomap.dart:147:15: Error: No named parameter with the name 'circles'.
    circles: _circles,
    ../../../snap/flutter/common/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Context: Found this candidate, but the arguments don't match.
    const GoogleMap({
    I am getting this error

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OkomoJacob commented Mar 14, 2022

  • @josehenriqueroveda Thank you for such an awesome material 👏 👏 .It worked for me just well.
  • [1] One quick question, can you suggest a way of drawing multiple polygons in the map. If I complete the first one, then try drawing another one, it continues to draw the initial one since there's no way to complete the first one, It joins the two.
  • [2] Can you suggest how to work with polylines as well?
  • Kindly help thank you ❤️

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  • @frankMagoba I went through this and it woks just fine for me, even though not directly.
  • You'll need to have your main.dart file where you define the root of your application, from which you'll need to import your dependency files including goomap.dart etc.


can you suggest a way of drawing multiple polygons in the map. If I complete the first one, then try drawing another one, it continues to draw the initial one since there's no way to complete the first one, It joins the two.

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@josehenriqueroveda. I was able to solve it by following this youtube video. It's in Spanish but just follow the code. Hope this helps! Cheers ( )

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