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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Sample gulpfile
'use strict';
//gulp plugins
var gulp = require('gulp'),
inject = require('gulp-inject'),
sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'),
coffee = require('gulp-coffee'),
sass = require('gulp-sass'),
prefix = require('gulp-autoprefixer'),
wiredep = require('wiredep').stream,
argv = require('yargs').argv,
angularFilesort = require('gulp-angular-filesort'),
livereload = require('gulp-livereload'),
ngAnnotate = require('gulp-ng-annotate'),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
gulpRev = require('gulp-rev'),
flatten = require('gulp-flatten'),
del = require('del'),
sequence = require('run-sequence'),
gulpFilter = require('gulp-filter'),
watch = require('gulp-watch'),
nodemon = require('gulp-nodemon'),
plumber = require('gulp-plumber'),
spec = require('tap-spec'),
spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
tapeRunner = require.resolve('tape/bin/tape'),
googlecdn = require('gulp-google-cdn');
// stripDebug = require('gulp-strip-debug');
//initial config
var serverApp = 'api/v2/app.js',
buildPath = 'angular', // this will be changed to 'dist' in the case of a deployment build
build = false;
// get the gulp command, set env vars
if (argv._[0] === 'build') {
buildPath = 'dist', // this will be changed to 'dist' in the case of a deployment build
build = true;
var debug = require('gulp-debug');
//don't watch temporary files
var tmpFiles = '!angular/tmp/**';
//vars for various folders for watching
var paths = {
scripts: ['angular/**/*.js', tmpFiles],
coffeescripts: ['angular/**/*.coffee', tmpFiles],
css: ['angular/**/*.css', tmpFiles],
sass: ['angular/**/*.scss', tmpFiles],
tmp: 'angular/tmp/**',
php: ['./inc/built_js.php', './inc/built_css.php', './inc/footer.php', './inc/header.php'],
html: ['angular/**/*.html'],
server: ['api/v2/**/.js'],
serverTests: ['api/v2/test/**/*.js']
//pre rqeuisites are NPM
// This block sets up your local machine (or the remote server for angular/node development)
gulp.task('bowerInstallGlobal', function(done) {
require('child_process').spawn('npm', ['install', 'bower', '-g'], {
stdio: 'inherit'
.on('close', done);
gulp.task('knexInstallGlobal', function(done) {
require('child_process').spawn('npm', ['install', 'knex', '-g'], {
stdio: 'inherit'
.on('close', done);
gulp.task('npmInstall', function(done) {
require('child_process').spawn('npm', ['install'], {
stdio: 'inherit'
.on('close', done);
gulp.task('bowerInstall', ['bowerInstallGlobal'], function(done) {
require('child_process').spawn('bower', ['install'], {
stdio: 'inherit'
.on('close', done);
gulp.task('knexMigrate', ['npmInstall', 'knexInstallGlobal'], function(done) {
require('child_process').spawn('knex', ['--knexfile', 'migrations/knexfile.js', 'migrate:latest'], {
stdio: 'inherit'
.on('close', done);
//this is the main task, that combines other subtasks
gulp.task('installDeps', ['npmInstall', 'bowerInstall', 'knexMigrate']);
// end block
* Getting all JS into the right place, and compiling coffee
//concat and minify js
gulp.task('concatAndMinifyJs', ['cleanDist', 'compileCoffee'],
function() {
return gulp.src(['angular/**/*.js', '!angular/bower_components/**', '!angular/**/*.spec*'])
// .pipe(debug())
mangle: false
.pipe(gulp.dest(buildPath + '/public'));
gulp.task('concatAndMinifyCss', ['cleanDist', 'compileAndMinifySass'],
function() {
gulp.src(['angular/**/*.css', '!angular/bower_components/**'])
// .pipe(debug())
.pipe(gulp.dest(buildPath + '/public'));
gulp.task('compileCoffee', ['cleanDist'],
function() {
return gulp.src(['angular/**/*.coffee', '!angular/bower_components/**', '!angular/tmp/**'])
// gulp.task('scripts', ['moveJs', 'compileCoffee']);
* Getting all CSS into the right place, and compiling Sass
gulp.task('compileAndMinifySass', ['cleanDist'],
function() {
return gulp.src(
'angular' + '/**/*.scss',
'!' + 'angular' + '/bower_components/**/*'
// .pipe(debug())
errLogToConsole: true,
sourceComments: 'map',
// sourceMap: 'sass',
":cache_path": 'angular/tmp',
"cache_path": 'angular/tmp',
"cache_location": 'angular/tmp',
includePaths: ['angular/bower_components/']
gulp.task('moveBower', ['cleanDist'],
function() {
var distFonts = '/public/angular/bower_components';
var watchFonts = '/tmp/app/angular/bower_components';
return gulp.src(['angular/bower_components/**/*.{ttf,woff,svg,eot}'])
.pipe(gulp.dest(buildPath + (build ? distFonts : watchFonts)));
* Inject files into the right places
// injects bower dependencies
gulp.task('injectBower', ['cleanDist'], function() {
.pipe(gulp.dest(buildPath + '/bower_components'))
return gulp.src(paths.php)
ignorePath: '..'
//this places script and css tags in the php
// shouldn't need two tasks for this. The problem isn't due to the variable paths,
// but rather because of the different dependencies involved
gulp.task('injectStaticFiles', function(cb) {
var sources;
var targets = gulp.src(paths.php);
if (build) {
sources = gulp.src(
buildPath + '/**/*vendor*.js',
buildPath + '/**/*app*.js',
buildPath + '/**/*.js',
buildPath + '/**/*.css',
'!' + buildPath + '/bower_components/**/*',
'!' + buildPath + '/**/*spec*', //exclude tests
} else {
sources = gulp.src(
buildPath + '/**/*.css',
buildPath + '/**/*.js',
'!' + buildPath + '/bower_components/**/*', //exclude bower components
'!' + buildPath + '/bower_components', //exclude bower components
'!' + buildPath + '/**/*spec*', //exclude tests
var jsFilter = gulpFilter('**/*.js')
//pass JS only through the angular filesort
sources = sources.pipe(jsFilter)
return targets
.pipe(inject(sources, {
// relative: true
gulp.task('injectStaticFilesDev', ['compileCoffee', 'compileAndMinifySass'], function(cb) {
sequence('injectStaticFiles', cb)
gulp.task('injectStaticFilesDist', ['concatAndMinifyCss', 'concatAndMinifyJs', 'injectBower', 'compileCoffee', 'compileAndMinifySass'], function(cb) {
sequence('injectStaticFiles', cb)
* Clean files
gulp.task('cleanTmp', function(cb) {
del(['angular/tmp', 'angular/app/angular'], cb);
gulp.task('cleanDist', function(cb) {
del('dist', cb);
* tasks actually exposed
gulp.task('build', ['buildStart']);
gulp.task('buildStart', function(cb) {
], ['injectBower',
], cb);
gulp.task('cdnify', ['injectBower'], function() {
return gulp.src(paths.php)
.pipe(googlecdn(require('./bower.json'), {
componentsPath: './angular/bower_components'
gulp.task('clean', ['cleanTmp', 'cleanDist']);
gulp.task('watch', ['watchstart'], function() {
// watch(paths.coffeescripts, {
// interval: 500
// }, function(files, cb) {
// gulp.start(['injectStaticFilesDev'], cb);
// })
watch(paths.scripts, {
interval: 500
}, function(files, cb) {
gulp.start('injectStaticFilesDev', cb)
watch(paths.sass, {
interval: 500
}, function(files, cb) {
gulp.start(['compileAndMinifySass', 'injectStaticFilesDev'], cb)
watch(paths.css, {
interval: 500
}, function(files, cb) {
gulp.start('injectStaticFilesDev', cb);
// .pipe(livereload());
watch(paths.tmp, {
interval: 500
watch(paths.html, {
interval: 500
watch(paths.server, {
interval: 200
gulp.task('watchstart', function(cb) {
sequence('cleanTmp', ['compileCoffee', 'injectBower', 'injectStaticFilesDev', 'startNode', 'moveBower', 'compileAndMinifySass'], cb)
* Restarts node
gulp.task('stopNode', [], function(done) {
// if
require('child_process').spawn('forever', ['stop', serverApp], {
stdio: 'inherit'
.on('close', function() {
//starts it (restart)
gulp.task('startNode', ['stopNode'], function(done) {
var started = false;
var productionEnv = process.env;
if (build) {
productionEnv.NODE_ENV = 'production';
require('child_process').spawn('forever', ['start', '-o', './api/v2/console.logs', serverApp], {
env: productionEnv,
stdio: "inherit"
.on('close', done);
} else {
return nodemon({
script: serverApp,
ext: 'html js coffee',
nodeArgs: ['--debug'],
watch: './api/v2/**',
ignore: '**/node_modules**',
}).on('start', function() {
if (started !== true) {
started = true
gulp.task('test', function(cb) {
var runner = spawn(tapeRunner, paths.serverTests)
.on('close', function errorHandler(error) {
return runner.stdout
// gulp.task('removeLogs', function() {
// return gulp.src([paths.coffeescripts, paths.server])
// .pipe(stripDebug())
// //.pipe(gulp.dest('dist'));
// });
// gulp.task('convertToCoffee', function() {
// return gulp.src(paths.coffeescripts)
// .pipe(coffee({
// bare: true
// }))
// .pipe(gulp.dest('angular'))
// });
// gulp.task('deleteCoffee', function(cb) {
// del(paths.coffeescripts, cb)
// });
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