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Created April 8, 2014 11:44
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diff --git a/lib/gen_event.ex b/lib/gen_event.ex
index bc2a34f..07ca53f 100644
--- a/lib/gen_event.ex
+++ b/lib/gen_event.ex
@@ -468,8 +468,12 @@ defimpl Enumerable, for: GenEvent do
send mon_pid, { :UP, mon_ref, self() }
receive do
- { :UP, ^mon_ref, manager_pid } -> { mon_ref, mon_pid, manager_pid }
- { :DOWN, ^mon_ref, _, _, reason } -> exit(reason)
+ # The subscription process gave us a go.
+ { :UP, ^mon_ref, manager_pid } ->
+ { mon_ref, mon_pid, manager_pid }
+ # The subscription process died due to an abnormal reason.
+ { :DOWN, ^mon_ref, _, _, reason } ->
+ exit(reason)
@@ -478,9 +482,11 @@ defimpl Enumerable, for: GenEvent do
receive do
{ ^mon_ref, event } -> { event, acc }
{ :DOWN, ^mon_ref, _, _, :normal } -> nil
- { :DOWN, ^mon_ref, _, _, reason } -> exit(reason)
+ { :DOWN, ^mon_ref, _, _, reason } ->
+ exit({ reason, { GenEvent, :stream, [manager] } })
- timeout -> exit(:timeout)
+ timeout ->
+ exit({ :timeout, { GenEvent, :stream, [manager] } })
@@ -513,11 +519,9 @@ defimpl Enumerable, for: GenEvent do
# does not cause an unlinking this process would exit with the same
# reason. Trapping exits ensures that no errors is raised in this case.
Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)
- # Monitor the parent as it may die any time
parent_ref = Process.monitor(parent)
- # Receive the notification from the parent, unless it died
+ # Receive the notification from the parent, unless it died.
mon_ref = receive do
{ :UP, ref, ^parent } -> ref
{ :DOWN, ^parent_ref, _, _, _ } -> exit(:normal)
@@ -525,21 +529,30 @@ defimpl Enumerable, for: GenEvent do
cancel = cancel_ref(id, mon_ref)
:ok = :gen_event.add_sup_handler(manager, { __MODULE__, cancel },
- { self(), parent, mon_ref })
+ { self(), parent, mon_ref })
receive do
# This message is already in the mailbox if we got this far.
{ :UP, ^mon_ref, manager_pid } ->
send(parent, { :UP, mon_ref, manager_pid })
receive do
- # Should be normal unless the handler is swapped.
- { :gen_event_EXIT, { __MODULE__, ^cancel }, reason } -> exit(reason)
- { :DOWN, ^parent_ref, _, _, _ } -> exit(:normal)
+ # If the parent died, we can exit normally.
+ { :DOWN, ^parent_ref, _, _, _ } ->
+ exit(:normal)
+ # reason should be normal unless the handler is swapped
+ # (which can't happen as we don't expose this functionality).
+ { :gen_event_EXIT, { __MODULE__, ^cancel }, reason } ->
+ exit(reason)
+ # Exit if the manager dies, so the streamer is notified.
{ :EXIT, ^manager_pid, :noconnection } ->
exit({ :nodedown, node(manager_pid) })
- # This should only occur if the manager_pid is killed.
- { :EXIT, ^manager_pid, reason } -> exit(reason)
+ { :EXIT, ^manager_pid, reason } ->
+ exit(reason)
+ # Our time is over, notify the parent.
duration -> exit(:normal)
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ghost commented Apr 8, 2014


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