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Last active December 31, 2021 12:29
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This is a proposal for introducing let into for-comprehensions, after collecting feedback on an earlier proposal. This proposal introduces let in the form of a "Getting Started" guide that could be hosted on the Elixir website. The goal is to show how for can be useful to solve several problems in a format that developers may be familiar with, while still building an intuition on functional ideas. Compared with the previous proposal, this one no longer relies on implicit return of variables.

The for construct

While Elixir does not have loops as found in tradidional languages, it does have a powerful for construct, typical to many programming languages, where we can generate, filter, transform, and accumulate collections. In Elixir, we call it for-comprehension.

In this chapter, we will learn how to fully leverage the power behind for comprehensions to perform many tasks similar to imperative languages, but in a functional manner.


Let's start with a simple problem. You have a list of numbers and you want to multiply each element in the list by two. We can do this:

iex> for i <- [1, 2, 3] do
...>   i * 2
...> end
[2, 4, 6]

The part i <- [1, 2, 3] is a generator. It gets each value in the list [1, 2, 3] and binds them to the variable i one at a time. Once i is bound, it executes the contents of the do-end block. The new list is formed by the results of the do-end block.

A comprehension can have multiple generators too. One use of multiple generators is to find all possible combinations between two lists. Imagine for example you are interested in a new car. You have identifier three colors that you like: green, blue, and yellow. You are also divided between three brands: Ford, Volkswagen, and Toyota. What are all combinations available?

Let's first define variables:

iex> colors = [:green, :blue, :yellow]
iex> cars = [:ford, :volkswagen, :toyota]

Now let's find the combinations:

iex> for color <- colors, car <- cars do
...>   "#{color} #{car}"
...> end
["green ford", "green volkswagen", "green toyota", "blue ford",
 "blue volkswagen", "blue toyota", "yellow ford", "yellow volkswagen",
 "yellow toyota"]

Proposal comment: do you know how to achieve a similar result using the Enum API? :)

By having two generators, we were able to combine all options into strings.

Multiple generators are also useful to extract all possible values that are nested within other colors. Imagine that you have a list of users and their favorite programming languages:

iex> users = [
...>   %{
...>     name: "John",
...>     languages: ["JavaScript", "Elixir"]
...>   },
...>   %{
...>     name: "Mary",
...>     languages: ["Erlang", "Haskell", "Elixir"]
...>   }
...> ]

If we want to get all languages from all users, we could use two generators. One to traverse all users and another to traverse all languages:

iex> for user <- users, language <- user.languages do
...>   language
...> end
["JavaScript", "Elixir", "Erlang", "Haskell", "Elixir"]

The comprehension worked as if it retrieved the languages lists of all users and flattened it into a list, with no nesting.

The important concept about for-comprehensions so far is that we never use them to mutate values. Instead, we explicitly use them to explicitly map inputs to outputs: the lists that we want to traverse are given as inputs and for returns a new list as output, based on the values returned by the do-end block.

The :uniq option

In the example above, you may be wondering: what if we want all languages from all users but with no duplicates? You are in lucky, comprehensions also accept options, one of them being :uniq:

iex> for user <- users, language <- user.languages, uniq: true do
...>   language
...> end
["JavaScript", "Elixir", "Erlang", "Haskell"]

Comprehension options are always given as the last argument of for, just before the do keyword.


So far we used comprehensions to map inputs to outputs, to generate combinations, or to flatten lists nested inside other lists. We can also use comprehensions to filter the input, keeping only the entries that match a certain condition. For example, imagine we have a list of positive and negative numbers, and we want to keep only the positive ones and then multiply them by two:

iex> for i <- [-5, -3, -2, 1, 2, 4, 8], i > 0 do
...>   i * 2
...> end
[2, 4, 8, 16]

Filters are given as part of the comprehension arguments. If the filter returns a truthy value (anything except false and nil), the comprehension continues. Otherwise it skips to the next value.

You can give as many filters as you want, including mixed with other generators. Let's go back to our users example and add some arbitrary rules. Imagine that we only want to consider programming languages from users that have the letter "a" in their name:

iex> for user <- users, String.contains?(, "a"), language <- user.languages do
...>   language
...> end
["Erlang", "Haskell", "Elixir"]

As you can see, due to the filter, we skipped John's languages.

What if we want only the programming languages that start with the letter "E"?

iex> for user <- users, language <- user.languages, String.starts_with?(language, "E") do
...>   language
...> end
["Elixir", "Erlang", "Elixir"]

Now we got languages from both, including the duplicates, but returned only the ones starting with "E". You can still use the :uniq option, give it a try!

let value = initial

So far, our comprehensions have always returned a single output. However, sometimes we want to traverse a collection and get multiple properties out of it too.

Let's go back to our initial example. Imagine that you want to traverse a list of numbers, multiple each element in it by two while returning the sum of the original list at the same time.

In most non-functional programming languages, you might achieve this task like this:

sum = 0
list = []

for(element of [1, 2, 3]) {
  list.append(element * 2)
  sum += element

list /* [2, 4, 6] */
sum /* 6 */

This is quite different from how we have been doing things so far. In the example above, the for loop is changing the values of list and sum directly, which is then reflected in those variables once the loop is over.

However, we have already learned that comprehensions in Elixir explicitly receive all inputs and return all outputs. Therefore, the way to tackle this in Elixir is by explicitly declaring all additional variables we want to be looped and returned by the comprehension, using the let qualifier:

iex> for let sum = 0, i <- [1, 2, 3] do
...>   sum = sum + i
...>   {i * 2, sum}
...> end
{[2, 4, 6], 6}

Let's break it down.

Instead of starting with a generator, our comprehension starts with a let variable = initial expression. let introduces a new variable sum, exclusive to the comprehension, and it starts with an initial value of 0. The same way that i changes on every element of the list, sum will have a new value on each iteration too.

Now that we have an additional variable as input to the comprehension, it must also be returned as output. Therefore, the comprehension do-end block now return two elements: the new element of the list, as previously, and the new value for sum. Those elements are returned in a tuple. Once completed, the comprehension also returns a two-element tuple, with the new list and the final sum as elements. In other words, the shape returned by for matches the return of the do-end block.

If you add IO.inspect/1 at the top of the do-end block, you can see the values of i and sum as the comprehension traverses the collection:

iex> for let sum = 0, i <- [1, 2, 3] do
...>   IO.inspect({i, sum})
...>   sum = sum + i
...>   {i * 2, sum}
...> end

And you will see this before the result:

{1, 0}
{2, 1}
{3, 3}

As you can see, both i and sum change throughout the comprehension.

Given the comprehension now returns a tuple, you can pattern match on it too. In fact, that's most likely the pattern you will see in actual code, like this:

{doubled, sum} =
  for let sum = 0, i <- [1, 2, 3] do
    sum = sum + i
    {i * 2, sum}

And then you can further transform the doubled list and the sum variable as necessary.

The let qualifier allows us to accumulate additional values within for. Albeit a bit more verbose than other languages, it is explicit: we can immediately look at it and see the inputs and outputs.

Accumulating multiple values

Sometimes you may need to accumulate multiple properties from a collection. Imagine we want to multiply each element in the list by two, while also getting its sum and count. To do so, we could give a tuple of variables to let:

iex> for let {sum, count} = {0, 0}, i <- [1, 2, 3] do
...>   sum = sum + i
...>   count = count + 1
...>   {i * 2, {sum, count}}
...> end
{[2, 4, 6], {6, 3}}

Once again, the shape we declare in let (a two-element tuple) matches the shape we return from the do-block and of the result returned by for.

You could move the initialization of the let variables to before the comprehension:

iex> sum = 0
iex> count = 0
iex> for let {sum, count}, i <- [1, 2, 3] do
...>   sum = sum + i
...>   count = count + 1
...>   {i * 2, {sum, count}}
...> end
{[2, 4, 6], {6, 3}}

let can be a variable or a tuple of variables. If the variables are not initialized, it is expected for such variable to already exist, as in the example above.

Reducing a collection

We have learned how to use let to traverse a collection and accumulate different properties from it at the same time. However, what happens when we are only interested in the properties and not in returning a new collection? In other words, how can we get only the sum and count out of a list, skipping the multiplication of each element by 2?

One option is to use let and simply discard the list result:

{_doubled, {sum, count}} =
  for let {sum, count} = {0, 0}, i <- [1, 2, 3] do
    sum = sum + i
    count = count + 1
    {i, {sum, count}}

However, it seems wasteful to compute a new list, only to discard it! In such cases, you can convert the :let into a :reduce:

{sum, count} =
  for reduce {sum, count} = {0, 0}, i <- [1, 2, 3] do
    sum = sum + i
    count = count + 1
    {sum, count}

By using reduce, we now only need to return the reduce shape from the do-end block, which once again is reflected in the result of the comprehension.

In other words, for-reduce is a special case of for-let, where we are not interested in returning a new collection. It is called reduce precisely because we are reducing a collection into a set of accumulated values. Given that, you could consider let to be a "map and reduce", as it maps inputs to outputs and reduces the collection into a set of accumulated values at the same time.

Proposal comment: if this proposal is to be accepted, the :reduce option in for will be deprecated.


In this chapter we have learned the power behind Elixir's for-comprehensions and how it uses a functional approach, where we list our inputs and outputs, to mimic the power of imperative loops.

While we have used for-comprehensions to perform multiple tasks, such as computing the sum and count, in practice most developers would use the Enum module to perform such trivial tasks. The Enum module contains a series of recipes for the most common (and some also uncommon) operations. For example:

iex>[1, 2, 3], fn i -> i * 2 end) 
[2, 4, 6]
iex> Enum.sum([1, 2, 3])
iex> Enum.count([1, 2, 3])

Still, for-compreensions can be useful for handling more complex scenarios.

Note we didn't explore the full power of comprehensions either. We will discuss the additional features behind comprehensions whenever relevant in future chapters.

Proposal notes

This section is not part of the guide but it provides further context and topics from the proposal. My hope is the guide above shows how for can be both a power user tool but also useful in introducing a series of new idioms, unified by a single construct, without imposing all of the functional terminology (such as flatten, map, filter, reduce, etc) upfront. Those words are mentioned, but their introduction is casual, rather than the starting point.

Thank you to Saša Jurić and Ben Wilson for reviewing several revisions of this proposal and giving feedback. Note it does not imply their endorsement though. :)

Error messages

One additional thing I realized is that, by declaring the shape we want to return in let/reduce, we can provide really good error messages. For example, imagine the user makes this error:

iex> for let {sum, count} = {0, 0}, i <- [1, 2, 3] do
...>   sum = sum + i
...>   count = count + 1
...>   {i * 2, sum}
...> end

The error message could say:

** (ComprehensionError) expected do-end block to return {output, {sum, count}}, got: {2, 1}

Why let/reduce at the beginning?

One of the things we discovered as we explored this proposal is that, by allowing let and reduce at the beginning, it makes those constructs much more powerful. For example, we could implement a take version of a collection easily:

for let count = 0, count < 5, x <- element do
  {x, count + 1}

Or we could even have actual recursion:

for let acc = [:root], acc != [], x <- acc do
  # Compute some notes and return new nodes to traverse

While we won't support these features in the initial implementation (a generator must immediately follow let and reduce), it shows how they are generalized versions of the previous proposal.

Furthermore, the introduction of let and reduce qualifiers opens up the option for new qualifiers in the future, such as for async that is built on top of Task.async_stream/3.


One aspect to consider is how we should name the qualifiers. let could be called map_reduce but that is both verbose and somewhat ambiguous, as for with no qualifiers already stands for "mapping". One alternative considered is to use given instead of let:

iex> for given({sum, count} = {0, 0}), i <- [1, 2, 3] do
...>   sum = sum + i
...>   count = count + 1
...>   {i * 2, {sum, count}}
...> end

Variations such as with, using, map_reduce, and acc have been considered, without an obvious improvement over let or given. Other options are for reduce as a replacement for let and use for reduce_only for the reduce variant.

Parens, underscore, or none?

So far, we have used this syntax:

{sum, count} =
  for reduce {sum, count} = {0, 0}, i <- [1, 2, 3] do
    sum = sum + i
    count = count + 1
    {sum, count}

However, should we force parenthesis?

{sum, count} =
  for reduce({sum, count} = {0, 0}), i <- [1, 2, 3] do
    sum = sum + i
    count = count + 1
    {sum, count}

Or perhaps, those should be separate functions altogether?

{sum, count} =
  for_reduce {sum, count} = {0, 0}, i <- [1, 2, 3] do
    sum = sum + i
    count = count + 1
    {sum, count}

Features not covered in this guide

:into, enumerable generators, pattern matching in generators, and binary generators.

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wstucco commented Dec 21, 2021


what about for in similar to what Ecto does for queries?

or maybe for select?

last but not least, for where like in Haskell.

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