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José Valim josevalim

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josevalim / authorize.ex
Last active April 29, 2018 09:16 — forked from jeremytregunna/authorize.ex
This looks horrible (formatter)
defmodule Api.Authorize do
alias Account.Models.User
def board?(board_id, %User{} = user, available_permissions, required_permissions) do
{:ok, board} <- Tracker.Board.find(board_id),
true <- Tracker.OrganizationMembers.user_in_organization?(, board.organization_id),
^required_permissions <-
josevalim / phoenix showdown rackspace onmetal
Last active October 31, 2022 13:59 — forked from omnibs/phoenix showdown rackspace onmetal
Phoenix Showdown Comparative Benchmarks @ Rackspace

Comparative Benchmark Numbers @ Rackspace

I've taken the benchmarks from Matthew Rothenberg's phoenix-showdown, updated Phoenix to 0.13.1 and ran the tests on the most powerful machines available at Rackspace.


Framework Throughput (req/s) Latency (ms) Consistency (σ ms)
defmodule SomeModule do
def start(host, options) do
# We are assuming SomeSup has been already started somewhere
# (ideally in a supervision tree).
{:ok, child_pid} = SomeSup.attach_to(SomeSup, host, options)
defmodule SomeSup do
use Supervisor
defmodule Exq.RouterPlug do
import Plug.Conn
use Plug.Router
plug :match
plug :dispatch
get "/queues" do
IO.puts "YOLO"
conn |> halt()
defmodule FibAgent do
def start_link do
cache = Enum.into([{0, 0}, {1, 1}],
Agent.start_link(fn -> cache end)
def fib(pid, n) when n >= 0 do
Agent.get_and_update(pid, &do_fib(&1, n))
% from my unit tests
foo = 10
assert 10 == my_macro(:foo)
assert 10 == my_macro("foo")
% macro
defmacro my_macro(some_var) when is_atom(some_var) do
defmodule Dict.Behaviour do
# It is assumed that the client module implements following functions:
# size/1, fetch/2, put/3, reduce/3, update/4, delete/2
defmacro __using__(_) do
quote do
# Following are exact copies of HashDict:
def get(dict, key, default // nil) do
defmodule ExCoder do
vars = [ { "&Tab;", " " },
{ "&excl;", "!" },
{ "&quot; &QUOT;", "\"" },
{ "&num;", "#" },
{ "&dollar;", "$" },
{ "&percnt;", "%" },
{ "&amp; &AMP;", "&" },
{ "&apos;", "'" },
{ "&lpar;", "(" },
josevalim / def.exs
Last active December 20, 2015 08:19 — forked from avdi/def.exs
def next_state do
(board, x, y) ->
cell = cell_at(board, x, y)
live_count = live_neighbors(board, x, y)
next_state(cell, live_count)
(_, x, y) when (x < 0 or y < 0) ->
def next_state do
def zip(a, b) do
list = to_list(a)
throw do
{ zipped, rest } = Reducers.reduce(b, { [], list }, fn
entry, { acc, [h|t] } -> { [{entry, h}|acc], t }
entry, { acc, [] } -> throw { :enum_zip, acc }
:lists.foldl(fn(x, acc) ->