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Created June 17, 2015 19:30
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$ find . -name "*.go" | xargs -n 1 ~/stdlibusage | pct
7.85% 448975 testing.T
4.80% 274738 fmt.Sprintf
4.35% 248967 fmt.Errorf
3.83% 219284 unsafe.Pointer
2.64% 150849 errors.New
1.58% 90341 net/http.Request
1.54% 87862 reflect.ValueOf
1.40% 79820 fmt.Fprintf
1.26% 72115 fmt.Println
1.14% 65303 time.Now
1.09% 62554 net/http.ResponseWriter
1.09% 62507 fmt.Printf
1.07% 61032 bytes.Buffer
1.00% 56924 time.Time
0.95% 54088 time.Second
0.88% 50363 reflect.TypeOf
0.88% 50326 log.Printf
0.86% 48966 io.Reader
0.83% 47492 testing.B
0.82% 46870 time.Duration
0.76% 43709 path/filepath.Join
0.72% 41321 io.Writer
0.70% 40198 net/http.NewRequest
0.70% 39831 reflect.Value
0.66% 37965 encoding/json.Unmarshal
0.65% 37275 strings.Split
0.63% 36280 path.Join
0.61% 35021 reflect.DeepEqual
0.57% 32651 net/url.Values
0.56% 32190 time.Millisecond
0.54% 31126 strings.Join
0.54% 30669 log.Println
0.54% 30601 time.Sleep
0.52% 29985 os/exec.Command
0.52% 29813 strings.Contains
0.51% 29338 os.Stderr
0.51% 29282 strings.HasPrefix
0.51% 29159 strconv.Itoa
0.50% 28419 log.Fatal
0.49% 27915 io.EOF
0.48% 27602 io/ioutil.ReadAll
0.45% 25719 encoding/binary.BigEndian
0.43% 24391 os.Exit
0.41% 23466 encoding/json.Marshal
0.36% 20782 strings.TrimSpace
0.36% 20494 net/http.StatusOK
0.36% 20355 strings.Replace
0.36% 20307 sync.Mutex
0.35% 20134 bytes.NewBuffer
0.35% 19737 bytes.Equal
0.35% 19733 strconv.Atoi
0.34% 19629 image/color.RGBA
0.34% 19441 os.Open
0.34% 19338 os.Stat
0.34% 19264 io.Copy
0.33% 18944 os.Getenv
0.33% 18886 os.RemoveAll
0.32% 18343 strings.ToLower
0.32% 18024 encoding/json.NewDecoder
0.31% 17700 io/ioutil.ReadFile
0.30% 17256 net/http/httptest.NewRecorder
0.30% 17237 regexp.MustCompile
0.30% 17015 fmt.Fprintln
0.29% 16833 math/big.Int
0.29% 16803 reflect.Type
0.29% 16626 time.After
0.28% 16112 reflect.Slice
0.28% 16051 encoding/binary.LittleEndian
0.27% 15640 net.Conn
0.27% 15478 strings.NewReader
0.26% 14714 os.Remove
0.26% 14593 os.NewSyscallError
0.25% 14552 reflect.Ptr
0.25% 14496 time.Unix
0.24% 13771 os.Stdout
0.24% 13699 log.Fatalf
0.24% 13666 strings.HasSuffix
0.24% 13661 bufio.NewReader
0.24% 13619 flag.String
0.23% 13323 os.File
0.23% 13268 os.Args
0.23% 13220 fmt.Sprint
0.23% 13158 net.IP
0.23% 12968 net/http.Error
0.23% 12883 bytes.NewReader
0.21% 12215 encoding/binary.Read
0.21% 12201 fmt.Fprint
0.21% 12184 runtime.GOOS
0.21% 12158 strings.Index
0.21% 11977 net/http.Response
0.21% 11844 net.Addr
0.21% 11770 net/url.URL
0.20% 11664 encoding/binary.Write
0.20% 11662 os.IsNotExist
0.20% 11378 os.MkdirAll
0.20% 11346 net/http.StatusInternalServerError
0.20% 11265 encoding/xml.Name
0.20% 11173 strconv.ParseInt
0.19% 11126 net/http.StatusBadRequest
0.19% 11001 io/ioutil.WriteFile
0.19% 10939 net/http.HandlerFunc
0.19% 10810 os.Create
0.19% 10691 net/http.Client
0.19% 10646 net.Interface
0.18% 10369 io.ReadCloser
0.18% 10210 net/http.Header
0.18% 10072 net/url.Parse
0.18% 10034 io.ReadFull
0.17% 9766 sort.Sort
0.17% 9727 syscall.EINVAL
0.17% 9679 strings.Trim
0.17% 9520 net/http.Handler
0.17% 9513 strconv.FormatInt
0.16% 9362 sync.RWMutex
0.16% 9266 sync.WaitGroup
0.16% 9242 strings.SplitN
0.16% 9239 io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
0.16% 9185 io.WriteString
0.16% 9126 syscall.Handle
0.16% 9098 io/ioutil.Discard
0.16% 8937 reflect.Struct
0.15% 8768 reflect.New
0.15% 8725 net.ParseIP
0.15% 8633 net/http.StatusNotFound
0.15% 8450 time.Date
0.15% 8447 math/rand.Intn
0.15% 8419 flag.Parse
0.15% 8368 os.Setenv
0.15% 8336 os.FileInfo
0.14% 8093 math/rand.NewSource
0.14% 8082 os.OpenFile
0.14% 8062 flag.Bool
0.14% 8009 math/rand.New
0.14% 8009 strings.Repeat
0.14% 7995 fmt.Print
0.14% 7859 io/ioutil.TempDir
0.13% 7679 net.UDPAddr
0.13% 7631 reflect.String
0.13% 7625 strconv.ParseUint
0.13% 7485 sort.Strings
0.13% 7438 net.Dial
0.13% 7329 encoding/base64.StdEncoding
0.13% 7302 time.Minute
0.13% 7301 math/big.NewInt
0.12% 7040 io.Pipe
0.12% 6915 syscall.CmsgSpace
0.12% 6839 reflect.Uint8
0.12% 6779 reflect.Int64
0.11% 6476 net/http.Get
0.11% 6475 net.IPNet
0.11% 6413 bytes.NewBufferString
0.11% 6349 reflect.Int32
0.11% 6243 time.UTC
0.11% 6109 net.Listen
0.11% 6060 strconv.ParseFloat
0.11% 6011 reflect.Uint64
0.10% 5992 net.TCPAddr
0.10% 5986 net/url.QueryEscape
0.10% 5983 reflect.Map
0.10% 5953 reflect.Float64
0.10% 5853 reflect.Int
0.10% 5826 path/filepath.Base
0.10% 5805 net.IPv4
0.10% 5786 reflect.Uint32
0.10% 5756 syscall.Syscall
0.10% 5717 log.Print
0.10% 5649 bufio.NewWriter
0.10% 5581 time.Hour
0.10% 5524 reflect.Bool
0.10% 5505 encoding/hex.EncodeToString
0.10% 5485 html/template.HTML
0.10% 5464 reflect.Float32
0.09% 5384 crypto/rand.Reader
0.09% 5375 math.Abs
0.09% 5362 syscall.Errno
0.09% 5358 net/http/httptest.NewServer
0.09% 5291 os.O_CREATE
0.09% 5280 syscall.EPLAN9
0.09% 5165 strings.ToUpper
0.09% 5164 bufio.Reader
0.09% 5148 reflect.Int16
0.09% 5044 net/http.StatusNoContent
0.09% 5009 syscall.CmsgLen
0.09% 5004 strings.LastIndex
0.09% 4983 time.Since
0.09% 4979 net.Listener
0.09% 4929 go/ast.Expr
0.09% 4914 io/ioutil.TempFile
0.09% 4910 net.ListenPacket
0.09% 4896 go/ast.Ident
0.09% 4865 time.Parse
0.08% 4820 log.New
0.08% 4815 os/exec.Cmd
0.08% 4714 reflect.Int8
0.08% 4707 math.Inf
0.08% 4688 reflect.Interface
0.08% 4673 reflect.Uint16
0.08% 4664 os.FileMode
0.08% 4655 image.Rect
0.08% 4630 reflect.Indirect
0.08% 4581 path/filepath.Dir
0.08% 4560 os.Signal
0.08% 4535 regexp.Regexp
0.08% 4531 net/http.HandleFunc
0.08% 4480 os.Stdin
0.08% 4408 unsafe.Sizeof
0.08% 4387 testing.Short
0.08% 4351 math.Pi
0.08% 4332 reflect.Uint
0.07% 4242 crypto/tls.Config
0.07% 4242 unicode.Range16
0.07% 4217 flag.StringVar
0.07% 4148 io.WriteCloser
0.07% 4117 log.Fatalln
0.07% 4110 image.Image
0.07% 4044 os.Mkdir
0.07% 4018 runtime.SetFinalizer
0.07% 3986 syscall.SYS_IOCTL
0.07% 3947 database/sql.DB
0.07% 3894 net.ParseCIDR
0.07% 3830 net.IPAddr
0.07% 3819 os.O_WRONLY
0.07% 3811 runtime.Caller
0.07% 3741 bytes.Compare
0.06% 3684 net/http.ListenAndServe
0.06% 3644 encoding/json.NewEncoder
0.06% 3572 runtime.GOMAXPROCS
0.06% 3562 database/sql.Open
0.06% 3555 flag.Usage
0.06% 3554 io/ioutil.ReadDir
0.06% 3530 io.ReadWriteCloser
0.06% 3484 syscall.Cmsghdr
0.06% 3482 syscall.EWINDOWS
0.06% 3444 strings.Fields
0.06% 3429 crypto/sha1.New
0.06% 3412 reflect.Array
0.06% 3409 path/filepath.Abs
0.06% 3368 reflect.Zero
0.06% 3349 io.Closer
0.06% 3349 os.O_RDWR
0.06% 3348 os.Getpid
0.06% 3336 net/http.StatusCreated
0.06% 3324 bufio.NewScanner
0.06% 3308 log.Logger
0.06% 3300 path/filepath.Clean
0.06% 3243 syscall.SetsockoptInt
0.06% 3232 flag.Arg
0.06% 3232 go/token.Pos
0.06% 3218 strconv.FormatUint
0.06% 3216 bufio.Writer
0.06% 3176 math.Sqrt
0.06% 3175 crypto/sha256.New
0.06% 3151 net/http.Handle
0.05% 3143 regexp.Compile
0.05% 3132 image.Rectangle
0.05% 3128 strings.TrimLeft
0.05% 3123 flag.FlagSet
0.05% 3113 path.Base
0.05% 3107 path/filepath.Walk
0.05% 3076 io/ioutil.NopCloser
0.05% 3060 text/template.New
0.05% 3049 strings.TrimPrefix
0.05% 3044 encoding/xml.NewDecoder
0.05% 3006 hash.Hash
0.05% 2988 net/http.DefaultClient
0.05% 2972 syscall.GetsockoptInt
0.05% 2964 net/http.Transport
0.05% 2963 math.Sin
0.05% 2922 encoding/hex.DecodeString
0.05% 2914 flag.Int
0.05% 2913 os.Getuid
0.05% 2913 os/exec.LookPath
0.05% 2879 database/sql/driver.Value
0.05% 2874 math/rand.Seed
0.05% 2870 os.IsExist
0.05% 2819 os.TempDir
0.05% 2776 database/sql.NullString
0.05% 2745 net/url.ParseRequestURI
0.05% 2736 time.RFC3339
0.05% 2728 flag.NArg
0.05% 2726 net.IPv4len
0.05% 2708 os/signal.Notify
0.05% 2707 net.UDPConn
0.05% 2682 image/color.Color
0.05% 2675 math.Pow
0.05% 2656 os.Lstat
0.05% 2652 bufio.ReadWriter
0.05% 2637 crypto/md5.New
0.05% 2600 encoding/json.MarshalIndent
0.05% 2597 fmt.Sprintln
0.05% 2584 net.TCPConn
0.04% 2568 flag.Args
0.04% 2552 flag.BoolVar
0.04% 2544 os.Getwd
0.04% 2508 net.SplitHostPort
0.04% 2506 io.ErrShortWrite
0.04% 2506 net/http.Cookie
0.04% 2498 strings.TrimRight
0.04% 2498 syscall.Stat_t
0.04% 2445 net/http.Redirect
0.04% 2428 go/ast.File
0.04% 2374 text/template.Must
0.04% 2362 math.Cos
0.04% 2357 path.Dir
0.04% 2336 strconv.ParseBool
0.04% 2333 image.Point
0.04% 2319 strconv.FormatFloat
0.04% 2297 encoding/base64.URLEncoding
0.04% 2268 bytes.IndexByte
0.04% 2263 log.Panicf
0.04% 2213 net/http.Server
0.04% 2205 os.Rename
0.04% 2200 syscall.Syscall6
0.04% 2194 html/template.Template
0.04% 2185 runtime.NumCPU
0.04% 2178 syscall.SizeofInet6Pktinfo
0.04% 2176 flag.NewFlagSet
0.04% 2140 time.ParseDuration
0.04% 2133 reflect.Uintptr
0.04% 2132 strings.Count
0.04% 2130 runtime.GC
0.04% 2118 image/color.NRGBA
0.04% 2118 reflect.MakeSlice
0.04% 2114 crypto/hmac.New
0.04% 2114 os.Interrupt
0.04% 2108 path.Clean
0.04% 2058 reflect.Func
0.04% 2036 time.NewTicker
0.04% 2032 go/ast.Node
0.04% 2011 encoding/json.RawMessage
0.03% 1998 math.IsNaN
0.03% 1978 strconv.FormatBool
0.03% 1975 strings.NewReplacer
0.03% 1972 html/template.New
0.03% 1964 crypto/rand.Read
0.03% 1963 bufio.NewReadWriter
0.03% 1958 runtime.LockOSThread
0.03% 1953 net/http.StatusForbidden
0.03% 1937 sync.Once
0.03% 1936 container/list.List
0.03% 1930 go/ast.SelectorExpr
0.03% 1905 net.InterfaceByName
0.03% 1900 net/http.StatusText
0.03% 1890 net.IPConn
0.03% 1887 net.Interfaces
0.03% 1876 math.MaxInt32
0.03% 1857 os.ModeSymlink
0.03% 1856 net/http.StatusSwitchingProtocols
0.03% 1843 reflect.SliceHeader
0.03% 1805 encoding/gob.Register
0.03% 1805 math.NaN
0.03% 1803 net.PacketConn
0.03% 1800 time.Location
0.03% 1798 math/rand.Rand
0.03% 1794 fmt.Sscanf
0.03% 1792 os.Environ
0.03% 1787 bytes.Contains
0.03% 1779 math/rand.Int
0.03% 1770 unicode/utf8.DecodeRuneInString
0.03% 1761 database/sql.Rows
0.03% 1753 bytes.HasPrefix
0.03% 1749 net/http.StatusMethodNotAllowed
0.03% 1737 net/http.StatusUnauthorized
0.03% 1729 strings.IndexRune
0.03% 1728 unicode.IsSpace
0.03% 1719 syscall.Signal
0.03% 1708 container/list.New
0.03% 1678 syscall.Setsockopt
0.03% 1674 database/sql.ErrNoRows
0.03% 1672 net/http.StatusFound
0.03% 1661 database/sql.NullInt64
0.03% 1654 flag.PrintDefaults
0.03% 1648 reflect.Append
0.03% 1635 sync/atomic.AddInt32
0.03% 1626 time.February
0.03% 1615 sync/atomic.LoadInt32
0.03% 1610 runtime.FuncForPC
0.03% 1605 crypto/x509.Certificate
0.03% 1603 strings.TrimSuffix
0.03% 1596 go/ast.CallExpr
0.03% 1596 net.ResolveUDPAddr
0.03% 1579 reflect.Chan
0.03% 1571 log.SetFlags
0.03% 1567 os.O_APPEND
0.03% 1565 go/token.FileSet
0.03% 1565 runtime.GOARCH
0.03% 1553 net/http.ReadRequest
0.03% 1539 encoding/xml.Unmarshal
0.03% 1539 go/ast.FuncDecl
0.03% 1539 net/http.NewServeMux
0.03% 1533 math/rand.Float64
0.03% 1527 syscall.SIGTERM
0.03% 1510 text/tabwriter.NewWriter
0.03% 1501 os.ModePerm
0.03% 1500 net/http.Dir
0.03% 1498 net/http/httptest.Server
0.03% 1497 os.ModeDir
0.03% 1495 bytes.Repeat
0.03% 1490 os.O_TRUNC
0.03% 1486 crypto/rsa.PrivateKey
0.03% 1486 syscall.Timespec
0.03% 1485 strings.EqualFold
0.03% 1483 unicode/utf8.EncodeRune
0.03% 1478 reflect.StructField
0.03% 1475 go/ast.Stmt
0.03% 1473 os.Symlink
0.03% 1467 path/filepath.FromSlash
0.03% 1460 net/http.NotFound
0.03% 1451 math/big.Rat
0.03% 1451 time.Nanosecond
0.03% 1440 net/http.Post
0.03% 1432 bytes.Split
0.03% 1431 os.SEEK_SET
0.02% 1429 bytes.TrimSpace
0.02% 1429 encoding/gob.NewEncoder
0.02% 1428 flag.IntVar
0.02% 1419 os.Chmod
0.02% 1409 time.FixedZone
0.02% 1407 net/http/httptest.ResponseRecorder
0.02% 1401 math.Max
0.02% 1399 encoding/gob.NewDecoder
0.02% 1397 path/filepath.Ext
0.02% 1395 image.RGBA
0.02% 1384 io.ReadSeeker
0.02% 1381 math.Floor
0.02% 1374 sync/atomic.AddInt64
0.02% 1373 log.SetOutput
0.02% 1373 syscall.SizeofSockaddrInet6
0.02% 1372 time.Tick
0.02% 1368 os.Chdir
0.02% 1367 runtime.UnlockOSThread
0.02% 1359 go/token.NewFileSet
0.02% 1355 regexp.MatchString
0.02% 1353 log.Panic
0.02% 1351 sync/atomic.AddUint64
0.02% 1350 path/filepath.Rel
0.02% 1350 reflect.Kind
0.02% 1346 log.Lshortfile
0.02% 1344 compress/gzip.NewReader
0.02% 1344 runtime.Get
0.02% 1343 database/sql/driver.ErrBadConn
0.02% 1339 path.Split
0.02% 1339 unicode/utf8.RuneError
0.02% 1332 net.DialTimeout
0.02% 1330 strconv.Quote
0.02% 1318 database/sql.Result
0.02% 1314 net/http.Flusher
0.02% 1313 math.Min
0.02% 1311 log.Ltime
0.02% 1305 crypto/tls.Certificate
0.02% 1298 math.IsInf
0.02% 1297 reflect.MakeMap
0.02% 1295 strings.IndexAny
0.02% 1294 math.MaxInt64
0.02% 1286 math.Float64frombits
0.02% 1279 math.MaxUint32
0.02% 1274 net/http.FileServer
0.02% 1273 net.JoinHostPort
0.02% 1268 math.Log
0.02% 1267 regexp.QuoteMeta
0.02% 1253 crypto.SHA1
0.02% 1250 os.PathSeparator
0.02% 1230 fmt.Stringer
0.02% 1227 go/build.Default
0.02% 1222 math.Exp
0.02% 1220 time.Local
0.02% 1216 encoding/json.SyntaxError
0.02% 1214 container/list.Element
0.02% 1213 math.MinInt32
0.02% 1208 go/parser.ParseFile
0.02% 1201 os.PathError
0.02% 1193 encoding/binary.ByteOrder
0.02% 1189 crypto/rsa.PublicKey
0.02% 1188 encoding/hex.Dump
0.02% 1187 net.ResolveTCPAddr
0.02% 1184 net.IPv6len
0.02% 1183 syscall.Close
0.02% 1175 crypto/aes.BlockSize
0.02% 1169 image.NewRGBA
0.02% 1169 text/template.Template
0.02% 1160 log.LstdFlags
0.02% 1155 sync.Cond
0.02% 1155 syscall.Getsockopt
0.02% 1154 log.Ldate
0.02% 1152 path/filepath.Split
0.02% 1149 net.OpError
0.02% 1135 go/ast.StarExpr
0.02% 1130 html/template.Must
0.02% 1129 go/ast.GenDecl
0.02% 1122 html.EscapeString
0.02% 1121 html/template.FuncMap
0.02% 1111 time.Microsecond
0.02% 1108 path/filepath.Glob
0.02% 1104 net/http.RoundTripper
0.02% 1102 go/ast.BlockStmt
0.02% 1101 image.Pt
0.02% 1101 log.Lmicroseconds
0.02% 1094 os.Hostname
0.02% 1089 bytes.Index
0.02% 1089 syscall.Mount
0.02% 1088 runtime.NumGoroutine
0.02% 1086 database/sql.NullFloat64
0.02% 1085 syscall.NLM_F_ACK
0.02% 1079 go/token.Token
0.02% 1065 runtime.ReadMemStats
0.02% 1060 strings.ContainsAny
0.02% 1056 container/heap.Push
0.02% 1055 syscall.BytePtrFromString
0.02% 1044 syscall.AF_INET
0.02% 1042 net.CIDRMask
0.02% 1042 sort.Ints
0.02% 1038 net/http.Hijacker
0.02% 1030 os.ModeDevice
0.02% 1025 encoding/pem.Block
0.02% 1022 syscall.AF_UNSPEC
0.02% 1021 path/filepath.ToSlash
0.02% 1019 database/sql.Tx
0.02% 1019 testing.TB
0.02% 1012 go/token.NoPos
0.02% 1009 path/filepath.IsAbs
0.02% 1009 unicode/utf8.RuneSelf
0.02% 1008 runtime.List
0.02% 989 bytes.Replace
0.02% 989 net/http.SetCookie
0.02% 987 time.AfterFunc
0.02% 986 image.ZP
0.02% 985 crypto/x509.NewCertPool
0.02% 979 sync/atomic.LoadInt64
0.02% 971 archive/tar.Header
0.02% 965 syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr
0.02% 960 os.Clearenv
0.02% 960 strings.Map
0.02% 957 syscall.InvalidHandle
0.02% 954 syscall.SIGINT
0.02% 953 net/http.Serve
0.02% 951 math.Float64bits
0.02% 950 go/ast.Field
0.02% 950 runtime/debug.Stack
0.02% 950 unicode/utf8.DecodeRune
0.02% 939 crypto/aes.NewCipher
0.02% 939 math.Ceil
0.02% 939 runtime.MemStats
0.02% 936 sort.Search
0.02% 930 unicode.IsLetter
0.02% 925 compress/gzip.NewWriter
0.02% 925 os.NewFile
0.02% 923 encoding/xml.StartElement
0.02% 922 io.LimitReader
0.02% 922 net.ResolveIPAddr
0.02% 922 net/rpc.Client
0.02% 918 net/url.Path
0.02% 918 sort.StringSlice
0.02% 913 syscall.AF_INET6
0.02% 909 go/ast.ImportSpec
0.02% 905 archive/tar.NewWriter
0.02% 898 net.InterfaceByIndex
0.02% 895 os/user.Current
0.02% 894 crypto.Hash
0.02% 888 time.RFC3339Nano
0.02% 883 encoding/xml.Marshal
0.02% 880 go/ast.BasicLit
0.02% 878 go/format.Source
0.02% 876 database/sql.Stmt
0.02% 874 io.ErrClosedPipe
0.02% 863 sync/atomic.StoreInt32
0.02% 861 io.MultiWriter
0.02% 858 runtime.Version
0.01% 851 os.SEEK_CUR
0.01% 839 strings.Title
0.01% 833 os.Readlink
0.01% 832 text/template.FuncMap
0.01% 826 math.MaxFloat64
0.01% 825 time.NewTimer
0.01% 822 os.ErrNotExist
0.01% 820 unicode.IsDigit
0.01% 813 flag.ExitOnError
0.01% 813 math.MaxUint64
0.01% 813 syscall.WaitStatus
0.01% 810 flag.Var
0.01% 809 io.CopyN
0.01% 804 os.O_RDONLY
0.01% 795 archive/tar.NewReader
0.01% 792 unicode.Range32
0.01% 789 io.MultiReader
0.01% 781 math/rand.Int63
0.01% 774 net.Error
0.01% 767 unicode/utf8.RuneLen
0.01% 766 os.Error
0.01% 766 path/filepath.EvalSymlinks
0.01% 766 syscall.IP_MULTICAST_IF
0.01% 766 syscall.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP
0.01% 765 encoding/pem.Decode
0.01% 765 io.ReadWriter
0.01% 761 database/sql/driver.Result
0.01% 760 time.Month
0.01% 759 net/http.DefaultTransport
0.01% 756 net/http.StatusConflict
0.01% 753 strings.ContainsRune
0.01% 752 syscall.IP_MULTICAST_TTL
0.01% 749 runtime.Gosched
0.01% 744 path/filepath.SkipDir
0.01% 743 io.ReaderAt
0.01% 741 net/http/httputil.NewClientConn
0.01% 741 reflect.Invalid
0.01% 741 sync/atomic.AddUint32
0.01% 739 net.FlagUp
0.01% 739 syscall.ParseSocketControlMessage
0.01% 735 bytes.HasSuffix
0.01% 734 go/ast.ValueSpec
0.01% 733 syscall.SizeofInet4Pktinfo
0.01% 731 image.NRGBA
0.01% 730 go/build.Import
0.01% 729 math.MaxUint16
0.01% 729 syscall.Inet6Pktinfo
0.01% 726 syscall.IPV6_TCLASS
0.01% 726 syscall.SizeofIPv6MTUInfo
0.01% 719 image/draw.Draw
0.01% 719 runtime.Destroy
0.01% 715 net/textproto.ProtocolError
0.01% 714 time.RFC1123
0.01% 709 net/url.ParseQuery
0.01% 703 net/http.StatusMovedPermanently
0.01% 696 strconv.Unquote
0.01% 694 crypto.SHA256
0.01% 692 go/ast.Decl
0.01% 687 go/ast.FuncType
0.01% 687 go/build.FindOnly
0.01% 686 flag.Flag
0.01% 684 net/http.StripPrefix
0.01% 682 crypto/ecdsa.PublicKey
0.01% 680 net/http.ServeFile
0.01% 680 net/url.QueryUnescape
0.01% 677 syscall.MS_BIND
0.01% 675 net/http.CanonicalHeaderKey
0.01% 674 os/exec.ExitError
0.01% 673 crypto/tls.LoadX509KeyPair
0.01% 673 go/ast.FieldList
0.01% 671 math.MinInt64
0.01% 667 go/ast.StructType
0.01% 667 net/http.ReadResponse
0.01% 664 net.UnixConn
0.01% 660 flag.ContinueOnError
0.01% 657 math.Float32frombits
0.01% 657 path/filepath.Separator
0.01% 642 math/rand.Uint32
0.01% 641 syscall.IPMreq
0.01% 639 strconv.AppendInt
0.01% 637 runtime/pprof.StopCPUProfile
0.01% 633 crypto/cipher.Block
0.01% 632 time.LoadLocation
0.01% 629 net/http.ServeMux
0.01% 627 go/ast.AssignStmt
0.01% 627 path.Ext
0.01% 626 database/sql.Row
0.01% 626 syscall.IP_TTL
0.01% 624 image/draw.Src
0.01% 624 math/big.NewRat
0.01% 624 sync.Pool
0.01% 623 crypto/x509.ParseCertificate
0.01% 623 syscall.IP_PKTINFO
0.01% 622 net.HardwareAddr
0.01% 619 os.Kill
0.01% 619 reflect.SelectCase
0.01% 619 sync/atomic.LoadUint32
0.01% 618 syscall.SIGQUIT
0.01% 617 go/ast.NewIdent
0.01% 617 reflect.Complex128
0.01% 617 reflect.Complex64
0.01% 616 syscall.IP_RECVTTL
0.01% 614 net.TCPListener
0.01% 613 encoding/base64.NewDecoder
0.01% 611 runtime/pprof.StartCPUProfile
0.01% 610 math.MaxInt16
0.01% 610 os.ModeSetuid
0.01% 609 crypto/subtle.ConstantTimeCompare
0.01% 609 syscall.IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT
0.01% 609 syscall.IPV6_2292PKTINFO
0.01% 608 go/ast.FuncLit
0.01% 605 syscall.SIGKILL
0.01% 604 database/sql.NullBool
0.01% 602 database/sql/driver.Rows
0.01% 599 crypto/ecdsa.PrivateKey
0.01% 598 syscall.Umask
0.01% 597 go/ast.UnaryExpr
0.01% 597 net.IPv6loopback
0.01% 597 syscall.SIGHUP
0.01% 597 syscall.Utsname
0.01% 594 flag.Duration
0.01% 593 go/ast.TypeSpec
0.01% 593 os.ModeNamedPipe
0.01% 593 os.Pipe
0.01% 593 syscall.Unmount
0.01% 591 time.ParseInLocation
0.01% 585 reflect.PtrTo
0.01% 583 mime/multipart.FileHeader
0.01% 583 net/http.StatusAccepted
0.01% 581 net.IPMask
0.01% 578 net/url.String
0.01% 578 syscall.RTM_SETLINK
0.01% 573 go/token.ADD
0.01% 572 math.Float32bits
0.01% 567 net/textproto.MIMEHeader
0.01% 563 syscall.SIGWINCH
0.01% 560 os.ModeSticky
0.01% 559 go/ast.BadExpr
0.01% 557 net/http.StatusTemporaryRedirect
0.01% 556 go/build.Package
0.01% 556 go/parser.ParseExpr
0.01% 555 runtime.Stack
0.01% 554 unicode/utf8.RuneCountInString
0.01% 553 go/ast.ArrayType
0.01% 552 go/ast.ExprStmt
0.01% 549 bytes.Reader
0.01% 549 image/png.Encode
0.01% 549 net.DialTCP
0.01% 549 os.StartProcess
0.01% 549 syscall.MS_RDONLY
0.01% 548 net/http.ProxyFromEnvironment
0.01% 547 os.O_EXCL
0.01% 547 os.SEEK_END
0.01% 541 encoding/binary.PutUvarint
0.01% 540 net/http.StatusNotModified
0.01% 540 os.ModeSetgid
0.01% 539 bytes.Join
0.01% 539 image/draw.Image
0.01% 539 net/rpc.NewServer
0.01% 539 os.Chown
0.01% 537 go/token.LBRACE
0.01% 537 syscall.RawSyscall
0.01% 536 net/http.TimeFormat
0.01% 532 database/sql/driver.Conn
0.01% 532 time.January
0.01% 531 os.ModeCharDevice
0.01% 530 go/ast.ParenExpr
0.01% 529 database/sql/driver.Stmt
0.01% 529 html/template.ParseFiles
0.01% 527 os.Chtimes
0.01% 526 math.MaxUint8
0.01% 525 go/ast.BinaryExpr
0.01% 525 os.ProcAttr
0.01% 523 syscall.ECHO
0.01% 522 bytes.SplitN
0.01% 521 math/rand.Float32
0.01% 521 net/url.Scheme
0.01% 518 bytes.Trim
0.01% 517 go/token.STRING
0.01% 516 go/parser.ParseComments
0.01% 515 encoding/asn1.ObjectIdentifier
0.01% 511 image/color.Gray
0.01% 511 math.Atan2
0.01% 511 reflect.Method
0.01% 510 net.FlagLoopback
0.01% 510 syscall.Kill
0.01% 509 go/ast.CommentGroup
0.01% 509 unicode.IsUpper
0.01% 508 crypto/tls.Dial
0.01% 506 go/token.Position
0.01% 504 net.ListenTCP
0.01% 504 net.ListenUDP
0.01% 504 path/filepath.Match
0.01% 503 syscall.IP_RECVIF
0.01% 502 syscall.IP_TOS
0.01% 501 syscall.SysProcAttr
0.01% 500 go/ast.Package
0.01% 497 index/suffixarray.New
0.01% 497 runtime.Error
0.01% 497 unicode/utf8.UTFMax
0.01% 496 encoding/json.Number
0.01% 493 math/rand.Perm
0.01% 492 go/token.RBRACE
0.01% 492 image/color.Model
0.01% 492 path/filepath.SplitList
0.01% 492 syscall.IPV6_HOPLIMIT
0.01% 492 syscall.IPV6_PKTINFO
0.01% 491 sync.NewCond
0.01% 491 sync/atomic.StoreUint32
0.01% 491 syscall.IP_RECVDSTADDR
0.01% 490 sort.Reverse
0.01% 488 image.Decode
0.01% 486 syscall.Dup2
0.01% 485 crypto/tls.Client
0.01% 485 math.Sincos
0.01% 484 syscall.ICMP6_FILTER
0.01% 483 bufio.NewReaderSize
0.01% 482 encoding/binary.Uvarint
0.01% 482 syscall.IPV6_RECVPKTINFO
0.01% 479 math/rand.NormFloat64
0.01% 478 go/ast.KeyValueExpr
0.01% 476 syscall.IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT
0.01% 476 syscall.IPV6_RECVTCLASS
0.01% 475 unicode.ToLower
0.01% 473 mime/multipart.NewWriter
0.01% 472 go/token.DEFINE
0.01% 472 io.TeeReader
0.01% 471 syscall.UTF16ToString
0.01% 470 sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32
0.01% 468 go/token.EQL
0.01% 468 go/token.LPAREN
0.01% 468 syscall.IFF_UP
0.01% 467 go/token.SUB
0.01% 467 syscall.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF
0.01% 467 syscall.IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP
0.01% 466 syscall.IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS
0.01% 466 syscall.NLM_F_CREATE
0.01% 465 encoding/hex.Encode
0.01% 465 go/ast.InterfaceType
0.01% 465 net.IPv4zero
0.01% 465 syscall.IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS
0.01% 464 path.IsAbs
0.01% 464 syscall.IPv6Mreq
0.01% 463 image.Gray
0.01% 463 io.NewSectionReader
0.01% 463 time.Timer
0.01% 462 go/ast.Walk
0.01% 461 container/heap.Pop
0.01% 460 syscall.NLM_F_EXCL
0.01% 459 io.LimitedReader
0.01% 458 go/token.SEMICOLON
0.01% 457 encoding/json.Indent
0.01% 456 go/ast.Inspect
0.01% 456 net/http.PostForm
0.01% 455 os.ModeType
0.01% 455 reflect.Copy
0.01% 452 go/ast.Ellipsis
0.01% 451 encoding/csv.NewReader
0.01% 451 syscall.RTM_NEWLINK
0.01% 451 syscall.S_IFDIR
0.01% 451 syscall.Termios
0.01% 447 go/token.RPAREN
0.01% 446 mime.ParseMediaType
0.01% 446 syscall.TIOCGETA
0.01% 444 syscall.MS_REC
0.01% 443 go/token.MUL
0.01% 443 syscall.NewLazyDLL
0.01% 442 math/rand.Int63n
0.01% 442 runtime.Create
0.01% 442 strconv.ErrRange
0.01% 440 crypto/elliptic.Curve
0.01% 440 net/url.Host
0.01% 438 syscall.NewCallback
0.01% 435 crypto/dsa.PrivateKey
0.01% 434 go/ast.Scope
0.01% 434 go/token.ARROW
0.01% 434 reflect.StringHeader
0.01% 433 os.Process
0.01% 432 net/http.CloseNotifier
0.01% 432 net/http.StatusSeeOther
0.01% 432 os.ModeSocket
0.01% 431 crypto/sha512.New
0.01% 431 syscall.RawSockaddrInet6
0.01% 429 image.Config
0.01% 428 go/ast.CaseClause
0.01% 428 go/ast.CompositeLit
0.01% 425 math/rand.Int31
0.01% 424 io.ReadAtLeast
0.01% 423 crypto/cipher.Stream
0.01% 423 database/sql.ErrTxDone
0.01% 423 syscall.SizeofSockaddrDatalink
0.01% 422 syscall.SIGUSR1
0.01% 420 crypto/rsa.GenerateKey
0.01% 420 crypto/x509.CertPool
0.01% 419 crypto/rand.Int
0.01% 416 encoding/pem.EncodeToMemory
0.01% 416 go/ast.Spec
0.01% 414 encoding/binary.Size
0.01% 414 sync/atomic.StoreInt64
0.01% 412 net/http.StatusNotImplemented
0.01% 410 math.MaxInt8
0.01% 406 go/token.EOF
0.01% 406 syscall.SIGUSR2
0.01% 406 syscall.S_IFBLK
0.01% 406 syscall.Socket
0.01% 405 encoding/xml.NewEncoder
0.01% 405 net/http/httputil.DumpResponse
0.01% 404 reflect.SliceOf
0.01% 404 syscall.MS_REMOUNT
0.01% 404 text/template/parse.Node
0.01% 402 crypto/elliptic.P256
0.01% 400 go/token.IDENT
0.01% 397 fmt.Fscanf
0.01% 394 syscall.SIGSTOP
0.01% 394 syscall.S_IFCHR
0.01% 393 expvar.NewInt
0.01% 393 strconv.AppendUint
0.01% 392 syscall.ICANON
0.01% 388 syscall.TIOCGWINSZ
0.01% 386 net/http.StatusPreconditionFailed
0.01% 385 syscall.ICRNL
0.01% 384 crypto/sha1.Size
0.01% 384 syscall.IPMreqn
0.01% 384 syscall.SetsockoptIPMreqn
0.01% 383 crypto/dsa.PublicKey
0.01% 383 reflect.UnsafePointer
0.01% 383 syscall.ISIG
0.01% 382 net/http.StatusNotAcceptable
0.01% 382 syscall.Unlink
0.01% 381 testing/quick.Check
0.01% 380 go/ast.Object
0.01% 380 os/signal.Stop
0.01% 380 syscall.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP
0.01% 379 io.ByteReader
0.01% 379 syscall.CloseHandle
0.01% 378 flag.Float64
0.01% 378 syscall.IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP
0.01% 378 time.November
0.01% 376 strconv.AppendFloat
0.01% 375 encoding/base64.NewEncoder
0.01% 375 go/ast.IfStmt
0.01% 374 syscall.NLM_F_REQUEST
0.01% 373 net.Pipe
0.01% 373 os.ExpandEnv
0.01% 372 crypto/cipher.NewCTR
0.01% 372 net/mail.Address
0.01% 367 encoding/xml.MarshalIndent
0.01% 367 syscall.IPV6_RECVPATHMTU
0.01% 367 syscall.TCGETS
0.01% 366 syscall.GetsockoptICMPv6Filter
0.01% 366 syscall.SetsockoptICMPv6Filter
0.01% 366 text/scanner.Ident
0.01% 363 net/http.DefaultServeMux
0.01% 362 net/http.NotFoundHandler
0.01% 361 crypto.SHA512
0.01% 361 go/token.AND
0.01% 360 go/token.IMPORT
0.01% 360 image.YCbCr
0.01% 359 go/ast.TypeAssertExpr
0.01% 359 time.May
0.01% 358 crypto/tls.Conn
0.01% 357 time.Ticker
0.01% 355 crypto/x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey
0.01% 355 go/ast.LabeledStmt
0.01% 355 go/ast.MapType
0.01% 353 net/http/cookiejar.New
0.01% 351 net/http.ServeContent
0.01% 351 syscall.SIGCHLD
0.01% 348 database/sql.Register
0.01% 348 net/rpc.Dial
0.01% 347 crypto/tls.X509KeyPair
0.01% 347 fmt.Sscan
0.01% 347 syscall.IPV6_CHECKSUM
0.01% 346 crypto/elliptic.P521
0.01% 344 syscall.IFLA_IFNAME
0.01% 343 syscall.IXON
0.01% 341 go/token.VAR
0.01% 340 syscall.ISTRIP
0.01% 340 time.RFC1123Z
0.01% 339 math.Mod
0.01% 338 database/sql/driver.Tx
0.01% 338 mime.TypeByExtension
0.01% 338 strings.FieldsFunc
0.01% 337 net.Dialer
0.01% 335 encoding/hex.Decode
0.01% 334 crypto/rsa.SignPKCS1v15
0.01% 334 go/token.TYPE
0.01% 333 crypto/elliptic.P384
0.01% 333 crypto/x509/pkix.Name
0.01% 331 net.FlagMulticast
0.01% 331 net/http.RedirectHandler
0.01% 331 syscall.UtimesNano
0.01% 330 bufio.NewWriterSize
0.01% 330 go/ast.IndexExpr
0.01% 330 go/token.CHAR
0.01% 329 database/sql.WriteString
0.01% 329 syscall.SizeofInotifyEvent
0.01% 327 go/token.NEQ
0.01% 327 sort.IntSlice
0.01% 326 go/build.Context
0.01% 326 syscall.IGNCR
0.01% 325 bytes.Count
0.01% 325 crypto/md5.Size
0.01% 325 syscall.INLCR
0.01% 325 syscall.TIOCSETA
0.01% 324 hash/crc32.ChecksumIEEE
0.01% 324 net.DialUDP
0.01% 324 syscall.Exec
0.01% 323 reflect.NewAt
0.01% 319 encoding/xml.Encoder
0.01% 319 text/template.ParseFiles
0.01% 318 go/ast.RangeStmt
0.01% 317 go/ast.CommClause
0.01% 317 sync/atomic.LoadUint64
0.01% 315 go/token.XOR
0.01% 315 unsafe.Offsetof
0.01% 314 strings.IndexByte
0.01% 313 os.Getgid
0.01% 313 regexp.Match
0.01% 313 syscall.CS8
0.01% 313 syscall.Chdir
0.01% 313 syscall.SIGCONT
0.01% 311 bytes.IndexAny
0.01% 310 go/token.INT
0.01% 310 net.UnixAddr
0.01% 310 os.ErrInvalid
0.01% 310 syscall.MS_NOSUID
0.01% 309 fmt.State
0.01% 309 math.MinInt8
0.01% 308 go/ast.ChanType
0.01% 308 syscall.SIGABRT
0.01% 308 unicode/utf16.Decode
0.01% 307 go/ast.IsExported
0.01% 307 go/token.QUO
0.01% 306 go/token.ASSIGN
0.01% 305 go/ast.SwitchStmt
0.01% 305 math.MinInt16
0.01% 305 syscall.CloseOnExec
0.01% 304 crypto.SHA384
0.01% 303 image.NewNRGBA
0.01% 302 syscall.PARENB
0.01% 301 runtime.GOROOT
0.01% 298 syscall.SizeofRtMsg
0.01% 297 crypto/ecdsa.GenerateKey
0.01% 296 go/ast.TypeSwitchStmt
0.01% 296 syscall.IEXTEN
0.01% 295 go/ast.BranchStmt
0.01% 295 image.Uniform
0.01% 295 net/http/pprof.Handler
0.01% 294 syscall.OPOST
0.01% 294 testing.Verbose
0.01% 294 unicode.MaxRune
0.01% 293 compress/gzip.Writer
0.01% 293 encoding/xml.Decoder
0.01% 293 encoding/xml.EndElement
0.01% 293 go/token.COMMA
0.01% 291 encoding/pem.Encode
0.01% 291 net/smtp.PlainAuth
0.01% 291 syscall.IPPROTO_IP
0.01% 290 go/token.COLON
0.01% 289 go/ast.ForStmt
0.01% 289 os.LinkError
0.01% 289 time.July
0.01% 287 go/ast.SliceExpr
0.01% 287 net/http/httptest.NewTLSServer
0.01% 287 syscall.BRKINT
0.01% 286 bytes.ToLower
0.01% 286 syscall.SIGSEGV
0.01% 286 time.December
0.00% 285 bytes.LastIndex
0.00% 285 math/rand.Int31n
0.00% 285 sort.Interface
0.00% 284 image/draw.Over
0.00% 284 sync/atomic.LoadPointer
0.00% 284 syscall.CSIZE
0.00% 284 syscall.SYS_PRCTL
0.00% 280 go/ast.ReturnStmt
0.00% 279 image/color.Black
0.00% 279 log.SetPrefix
0.00% 279 math.Log10
0.00% 279 syscall.IGNBRK
0.00% 279 syscall.TCSETS
0.00% 278 crypto/tls.NewListener
0.00% 277 io.Seeker
0.00% 277 math.Tan
0.00% 277 syscall.ECHONL
0.00% 276 fmt.Scanln
0.00% 276 syscall.PARMRK
0.00% 275 syscall.AF_NETLINK
0.00% 273 syscall.Read
0.00% 272 encoding/xml.Header
0.00% 272 net/http.StatusServiceUnavailable
0.00% 271 compress/zlib.ErrHeader
0.00% 271 net.IPv4Mask
0.00% 271 net/rpc.Server
0.00% 271 syscall.O_NOCTTY
0.00% 270 crypto/md5.Sum
0.00% 269 go/token.LSS
0.00% 269 testing/quick.CheckEqual
0.00% 268 archive/zip.File
0.00% 268 image/color.Palette
0.00% 268 reflect.ChanOf
0.00% 268 syscall.Statfs_t
0.00% 267 flag.Int64
0.00% 267 image.NewGray
0.00% 267 syscall.SOCK_STREAM
0.00% 264 encoding.TextUnmarshaler
0.00% 264 go/ast.SelectStmt
0.00% 264 syscall.SIGTSTP
0.00% 263 syscall.MS_NOEXEC
0.00% 262 syscall.SIGTRAP
0.00% 261 go/token.CONST
0.00% 260 go/ast.BadStmt
0.00% 260 os/user.User
0.00% 260 reflect.SendDir
0.00% 260 syscall.SockaddrNetlink
0.00% 259 syscall.SetsockoptByte
0.00% 259 syscall.SetsockoptIPMreq
0.00% 257 bufio.ScanWords
0.00% 257 net/url.Error
0.00% 257 reflect.SelectRecv
0.00% 257 text/scanner.EOF
0.00% 256 net/smtp.Auth
0.00% 256 runtime/pprof.Lookup
0.00% 256 syscall.Overlapped
0.00% 255 runtime.Callers
0.00% 255 syscall.SIGPIPE
0.00% 254 syscall.GetsockoptByte
0.00% 253 go/ast.Comment
0.00% 253 net/http/httptest.NewUnstartedServer
0.00% 253 syscall.SIGIO
0.00% 252 crypto/x509.CreateCertificate
0.00% 252 encoding/asn1.Unmarshal
0.00% 252 encoding/base32.StdEncoding
0.00% 252 syscall.NLMSG_HDRLEN
0.00% 252 syscall.SIGVTALRM
0.00% 251 crypto/x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey
0.00% 251 syscall.SIGALRM
0.00% 250 path.Match
0.00% 250 syscall.IPV6_NEXTHOP
0.00% 250 syscall.IP_HDRINCL
0.00% 250 syscall.SIGBUS
0.00% 249 os.Link
0.00% 249 syscall.SIGFPE
0.00% 249 syscall.SIGPROF
0.00% 249 syscall.SIGXCPU
0.00% 249 syscall.SIGXFSZ
0.00% 248 crypto/rsa.VerifyPKCS1v15
0.00% 248 flag.CommandLine
0.00% 248 go/token.GTR
0.00% 248 os.FindProcess
0.00% 248 syscall.SIGILL
0.00% 248 syscall.SIGSYS
0.00% 248 syscall.SIGTTIN
0.00% 248 syscall.SIGTTOU
0.00% 248 syscall.SIGURG
0.00% 247 syscall.Flock
0.00% 247 syscall.IP_RECVTOS
0.00% 247 syscall.Inet4Pktinfo
0.00% 247 unicode/utf8.ValidString
0.00% 246 go/scanner.ErrorList
0.00% 246 syscall.IPV6_PATHMTU
0.00% 246 syscall.Kevent_t
0.00% 245 archive/zip.NewReader
0.00% 245 net.DialUnix
0.00% 245 net/http.FileSystem
0.00% 245 syscall.GetsockoptIPv6MTUInfo
0.00% 245 syscall.IPv6MTUInfo
0.00% 244 crypto/sha1.Sum
0.00% 244 image/color.RGBAModel
0.00% 244 syscall.IP_SENDSRCADDR
0.00% 243 go/ast.Visitor
0.00% 242 reflect.StructTag
0.00% 242 syscall.ICMPV6_FILTER
0.00% 241 go/token.FLOAT
0.00% 240 crypto/sha256.Size
0.00% 240 go/ast.SendStmt
0.00% 240 os.SameFile
0.00% 240 unicode.RangeTable
0.00% 239 crypto/sha256.Sum256
0.00% 239 syscall.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP
0.00% 239 syscall.NLMSG_DONE
0.00% 239 syscall.UTF16PtrFromString
0.00% 238 crypto.PublicKey
0.00% 238 hash.Hash32
0.00% 237 encoding/json.Decoder
0.00% 237 go/token.COMMENT
0.00% 237 go/token.SHL
0.00% 237 syscall.IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP
0.00% 236 go/token.LEQ
0.00% 236 net/textproto.Conn
0.00% 236 sort.IsSorted
0.00% 236 syscall.IFLA_LINKINFO
0.00% 235 net/http.StatusBadGateway
0.00% 235 reflect.Select
0.00% 235 syscall.SetsockoptIPv6Mreq
0.00% 235 text/tabwriter.Writer
0.00% 234 go/token.GEQ
0.00% 234 math.Log2
0.00% 234 syscall.SIGIOT
0.00% 233 text/scanner.Scanner
0.00% 232 compress/bzip2.NewReader
0.00% 232 syscall.O_CLOEXEC
0.00% 231 strconv.NumError
0.00% 230 syscall.Stat
0.00% 229 syscall.ICMPv6Filter
0.00% 228 go/token.LBRACK
0.00% 227 syscall.RTM_NEWROUTE
0.00% 226 crypto.PrivateKey
0.00% 226 syscall.O_RDWR
0.00% 226 syscall.Open
0.00% 225 go/ast.DeclStmt
0.00% 225 go/token.FUNC
0.00% 225 os.NewError
0.00% 225 runtime.Compiler
0.00% 225 syscall.Statfs
0.00% 225 syscall.Uname
0.00% 225 syscall.Write
0.00% 224 encoding.TextMarshaler
0.00% 224 go/ast.EmptyStmt
0.00% 224 runtime.Exists
0.00% 224 sort.Float64s
0.00% 224 strings.IndexFunc
0.00% 224 syscall.Setuid
0.00% 223 log.Panicln
0.00% 222 go/ast.NewScope
0.00% 222 net/http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType
0.00% 222 strings.Reader
0.00% 222 unicode.ToUpper
0.00% 221 html/template.HTMLEscapeString
0.00% 221 image.RGBA64
0.00% 220 syscall.TIOCPTYGNAME
0.00% 219 syscall.ForkLock
0.00% 219 time.Weekday
0.00% 218 syscall.RTA_ALIGNTO
0.00% 218 syscall.RT_TABLE_MAIN
0.00% 217 syscall.EACCES
0.00% 217 syscall.NsecToTimespec
0.00% 215 go/printer.Config
0.00% 215 net/smtp.SendMail
0.00% 214 image/jpeg.Encode
0.00% 214 io.WriterTo
0.00% 213 go/ast.SEND
0.00% 213 go/token.RBRACK
0.00% 213 image.Paletted
0.00% 213 math.MaxFloat32
0.00% 213 net.DNSError
0.00% 213 syscall.MNT_DETACH
0.00% 212 go/ast.RECV
0.00% 212 math.Hypot
0.00% 212 runtime/pprof.WriteHeapProfile
0.00% 212 syscall.Setgid
0.00% 212 unicode/utf8.RuneCount
0.00% 211 bytes.TrimRight
0.00% 211 image/color.RGBA64
0.00% 211 math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64
0.00% 211 strings.TrimRightFunc
0.00% 211 syscall.SYS_LGETXATTR
0.00% 210 crypto/elliptic.Marshal
0.00% 210 net/http.DetectContentType
0.00% 210 syscall.NlMsghdr
0.00% 210 unicode.Is
0.00% 209 net/http.File
0.00% 209 os/user.Lookup
0.00% 209 text/scanner.TokenString
0.00% 208 container/heap.Init
0.00% 208 image.Gray16
0.00% 208 syscall.Kevent
0.00% 207 encoding/xml.CharData
0.00% 207 go/token.IMAG
0.00% 207 os.DevNull
0.00% 206 compress/gzip.NewWriterLevel
0.00% 206 syscall.MS_NODEV
0.00% 206 syscall.Sockaddr
0.00% 206 time.RFC822
0.00% 205 text/scanner.String
0.00% 204 os.IsPermission
0.00% 204 syscall.ECONNREFUSED
0.00% 203 bufio.Scanner
0.00% 203 image.Black
0.00% 203 reflect.RecvDir
0.00% 202 go/ast.DeferStmt
0.00% 202 syscall.EPIPE
0.00% 201 time.March
0.00% 200 expvar.Int
0.00% 200 go/token.REM
0.00% 200 sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32
0.00% 200 syscall.Gettid
0.00% 200 text/template/parse.CommandNode
0.00% 199 syscall.SizeofRtAttr
0.00% 198 archive/zip.Reader
0.00% 198 fmt.Scanf
0.00% 198 net/http.ErrNoCookie
0.00% 197 go/ast.IncDecStmt
0.00% 196 reflect.MapOf
0.00% 196 runtime.graph
0.00% 196 syscall.ENOENT
0.00% 196 syscall.NLMSG_ERROR
0.00% 195 archive/tar.FileInfoHeader
0.00% 195 net/http.ListenAndServeTLS
0.00% 195 syscall.IfInfomsg
0.00% 195 syscall.RtAttr
0.00% 194 go/ast.GoStmt
0.00% 194 go/token.NOT
0.00% 194 go/token.SHR
0.00% 194 unicode/utf8.FullRune
0.00% 193 database/sql.RawBytes
0.00% 193 flag.Uint
0.00% 193 syscall.Mknod
0.00% 192 go/token.File
0.00% 192 syscall.SizeofIfAddrmsg
0.00% 192 syscall.SizeofIfInfomsg
0.00% 191 log/syslog.Writer
0.00% 191 syscall.O_RDONLY
0.00% 190 math.Asin
0.00% 190 syscall.IfAddrmsg
0.00% 190 unicode.IsLower
0.00% 189 math.Modf
0.00% 189 syscall.SYS_FCNTL
0.00% 188 archive/zip.OpenReader
0.00% 188 image.Alpha
0.00% 188 image/color.Gray16
0.00% 188 index/suffixarray.Index
0.00% 188 math.Atan
0.00% 188 syscall.EV_ERROR
0.00% 188 unsafe.Alignof
0.00% 187 compress/flate.NewWriter
0.00% 187 net/http/pprof.Index
0.00% 187 syscall.TIOCSWINSZ
0.00% 187 unicode/utf8.MaxRune
0.00% 186 crypto/hmac.Equal
0.00% 184 flag.Value
0.00% 184 log/syslog.LOG_INFO
0.00% 184 strings.LastIndexAny
0.00% 183 hash/crc32.NewIEEE
0.00% 183 math.Signbit
0.00% 183 mime/multipart.File
0.00% 183 syscall.RtMsg
0.00% 182 compress/zlib.NewReader
0.00% 182 image.NewRGBA64
0.00% 181 math.Sqrt2
0.00% 180 archive/zip.NewWriter
0.00% 180 syscall.SOCK_DGRAM
0.00% 179 net/http/pprof.Profile
0.00% 179 syscall.MS_PRIVATE
0.00% 179 syscall.S_IFIFO
0.00% 178 html/template.URL
0.00% 178 net.FileListener
0.00% 178 net.LookupIP
0.00% 178 net/http/pprof.Cmdline
0.00% 178 text/scanner.Position
0.00% 177 crypto/cipher.NewCBCEncrypter
0.00% 177 crypto/ecdsa.Verify
0.00% 177 io.PipeWriter
0.00% 177 math.Acos
0.00% 177 net/http/pprof.Symbol
0.00% 177 syscall.Bind
0.00% 177 syscall.Geteuid
0.00% 176 database/sql/driver.RowsAffected
0.00% 176 syscall.RTA_DST
0.00% 176 time.Nanoseconds
0.00% 175 archive/tar.Writer
0.00% 175 encoding/asn1.Marshal
0.00% 175 net/http/httputil.ReverseProxy
0.00% 175 syscall.ENOSYS
0.00% 175 syscall.MustLoadDLL
0.00% 175 syscall.RTA_OIF
0.00% 174 crypto/tls.Listen
0.00% 174 math/rand.Source
0.00% 174 os.Getpagesize
0.00% 174 reflect.MakeChan
0.00% 174 syscall.NetlinkMessage
0.00% 173 math.Pow10
0.00% 173 mime/multipart.Writer
0.00% 172 go/ast.Var
0.00% 172 syscall.ECONNRESET
0.00% 172 syscall.Getpagesize
0.00% 171 flag.Float64Var
0.00% 171 go/token.CASE
0.00% 171 go/token.DEFAULT
0.00% 171 go/token.OR
0.00% 171 image/color.ModelFunc
0.00% 170 crypto/cipher.NewCBCDecrypter
0.00% 170 crypto/x509.ExtKeyUsage
0.00% 170 go/token.AND_NOT
0.00% 170 go/token.FALLTHROUGH
0.00% 170 net/rpc.Request
0.00% 169 compress/zlib.Writer
0.00% 169 crypto/elliptic.Unmarshal
0.00% 169 io.ErrNoProgress
0.00% 169 syscall.FILE_ACTION_REMOVED
0.00% 169 text/template/parse.Tree
0.00% 169 time.August
0.00% 168 log/syslog.Priority
0.00% 167 encoding/binary.MaxVarintLen64
0.00% 167 go/ast.Print
0.00% 167 net/http.StatusTeapot
0.00% 167 path/filepath.WalkFunc
0.00% 167 syscall.SOCK_RAW
0.00% 167 text/scanner.Int
0.00% 166 syscall.UnixRights
0.00% 165 go/parser.ParseDir
0.00% 165 image/png.Decode
0.00% 165 math.Copysign
0.00% 165 net.ParseMAC
0.00% 165 unicode.IsNumber
0.00% 164 go/printer.UseSpaces
0.00% 164 os/exec.Error
0.00% 164 strings.SplitAfter
0.00% 164 unicode/utf8.Valid
0.00% 163 go/build.ImportDir
0.00% 163 runtime/debug.PrintStack
0.00% 162 syscall.ENOTTY
0.00% 162 syscall.MAX_PATH
0.00% 161 go/token.BREAK
0.00% 161 image.NewUniform
0.00% 161 syscall.NETLINK_ROUTE
0.00% 161 time.UnixDate
0.00% 160 go/printer.Fprint
0.00% 160 reflect.AppendSlice
0.00% 159 encoding/gob.Encoder
0.00% 159 sync.Locker
0.00% 158 archive/tar.TypeDir
0.00% 158 encoding/xml.Attr
0.00% 157 encoding/json.UnmarshalTypeError
0.00% 157 html.UnescapeString
0.00% 157 net/http/httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy
0.00% 157 net/textproto.Dial
0.00% 157 syscall.Getpid
0.00% 157 syscall.Stdout
0.00% 156 encoding/json.Encoder
0.00% 156 encoding/xml.Token
0.00% 156 flag.Lookup
0.00% 156 io.ReaderFrom
0.00% 156 unicode.ReplacementChar
0.00% 155 go/token.LOR
0.00% 155 html/template.JS
0.00% 155 syscall.Lstat
0.00% 154 bytes.TrimLeft
0.00% 154 compress/zlib.BestCompression
0.00% 154 crypto/tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
0.00% 154 fmt.Fscan
0.00% 153 archive/tar.TypeReg
0.00% 153 encoding/asn1.RawValue
0.00% 153 testing.AllocsPerRun
0.00% 153 testing.PB
0.00% 152 crypto/ecdsa.Sign
0.00% 152 time.ANSIC
0.00% 151 image.White
0.00% 151 syscall.ENOTDIR
0.00% 150 compress/zlib.NewReaderDict
0.00% 150 compress/zlib.NewWriterLevelDict
0.00% 150 encoding/csv.NewWriter
0.00% 150 net/http.CookieJar
0.00% 149 crypto/x509.KeyUsageCertSign
0.00% 149 net/rpc.Response
0.00% 149 net/smtp.Dial
0.00% 149 sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer
0.00% 149 syscall.Syscall9
0.00% 148 bytes.TrimSuffix
0.00% 148 crypto/x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature
0.00% 148 encoding/json.Unmarshaler
0.00% 148 go/token.ILLEGAL
0.00% 148 image/color.GrayModel
0.00% 148 os.Getppid
0.00% 148 syscall.SYS___SYSCTL
0.00% 147 os.Geteuid
0.00% 147 syscall.MS_STRICTATIME
0.00% 147 syscall.Recvfrom
0.00% 147 syscall.Sendto
0.00% 147 testing/iotest.TruncateWriter
0.00% 146 container/heap.Remove
0.00% 146 encoding/binary.PutVarint
0.00% 146 net/mail.Message
0.00% 146 syscall.EBUSY
0.00% 145 image/color.White
0.00% 145 net/rpc.Register
0.00% 144 net.Contains
0.00% 144 syscall.VMIN
0.00% 143 crypto.MD5
0.00% 143 crypto/x509.VerifyOptions
0.00% 143 io.ErrShortBuffer
0.00% 142 crypto/tls.VersionTLS10
0.00% 142 encoding/gob.Decoder
0.00% 142 go/token.CONTINUE
0.00% 142 net/http/httputil.DumpRequestOut
0.00% 142 runtime/debug.GCStats
0.00% 142 syscall.ParseNetlinkMessage
0.00% 141 encoding/json.Marshaler
0.00% 141 html/template.HTMLAttr
0.00% 141 image.NewPaletted
0.00% 141 net/http.ConnState
0.00% 141 os.ModeAppend
0.00% 140 go/ast.NewObj
0.00% 140 net/mail.ParseAddress
0.00% 140 os.Truncate
0.00% 140 reflect.BothDir
0.00% 140 time.October
0.00% 139 archive/tar.TypeSymlink
0.00% 139 io.PipeReader
0.00% 139 syscall.SockaddrDatalink
0.00% 138 crypto/sha1.Write
0.00% 138 encoding/hex.DecodedLen
0.00% 138 go/token.CHAN
0.00% 138 go/token.LAND
0.00% 138 syscall.Getsockname
0.00% 137 go/token.GOTO
0.00% 137 hash.Write
0.00% 137 sort.StringsAreSorted
0.00% 137 unicode.SimpleFold
0.00% 136 compress/zlib.NewWriter
0.00% 136 syscall.Getuid
0.00% 136 syscall.SetsockoptInet4Addr
0.00% 135 flag.DurationVar
0.00% 134 encoding/binary.ReadUvarint
0.00% 134 errors.Errors
0.00% 134 net/url.UserPassword
0.00% 134 os.PathListSeparator
0.00% 134 syscall.ERANGE
0.00% 134 syscall.SIGEMT
0.00% 134 testing.Benchmark
0.00% 133 image/color.NRGBAModel
0.00% 133 syscall.SIGINFO
0.00% 133 syscall.VTIME
0.00% 132 net/http/cookiejar.PublicSuffixList
0.00% 132 syscall.GetsockoptIPMreqn
0.00% 132 syscall.GetsockoptInet4Addr
0.00% 132 time.April
0.00% 131 net/url.User
0.00% 131 text/template/parse.ListNode
0.00% 130 text/template/parse.ActionNode
0.00% 129 time.UnixNano
0.00% 128 container/ring.New
0.00% 128 database/sql/driver.ErrSkip
0.00% 128 database/sql/driver.Valuer
0.00% 128 net.InterfaceAddrs
0.00% 128 strings.TrimLeftFunc
0.00% 128 syscall.ParseNetlinkRouteAttr
0.00% 127 container/ring.Ring
0.00% 127 syscall.NLM_F_DUMP
0.00% 127 syscall.SetKevent
0.00% 127 time.RubyDate
0.00% 126 go/token.PERIOD
0.00% 126 io.RuneReader
0.00% 126 os.Lchown
0.00% 126 syscall.CreateFile
0.00% 125 compress/flate.Writer
0.00% 125 syscall.EINTR
0.00% 125 syscall.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
0.00% 125 syscall.IPV6_2292NEXTHOP
0.00% 124 crypto/cipher.AEAD
0.00% 124 go/token.ADD_ASSIGN
0.00% 124 sort.SearchStrings
0.00% 124 time.IsZero
0.00% 123 go/scanner.Scanner
0.00% 123 os.O_SYNC
0.00% 123 runtime.GetByName
0.00% 123 runtime.RegisterLink
0.00% 123 syscall.Fstat
0.00% 123 text/template.HTMLEscape
0.00% 122 archive/zip.FileHeader
0.00% 122 runtime.srv
0.00% 122 syscall.CreateIoCompletionPort
0.00% 122 syscall.Getgid
0.00% 122 syscall.Stdin
0.00% 121 crypto/tls.ConnectionState
0.00% 121 go/token.ELLIPSIS
0.00% 121 hash/fnv.New64a
0.00% 121 net.LookupHost
0.00% 121 net/rpc.NewClient
0.00% 121 sync/atomic.StoreUint64
0.00% 121 syscall.IPV6_DSTOPTS
0.00% 121 syscall.RTA_GATEWAY
0.00% 120 archive/tar.Reader
0.00% 120 crypto/x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth
0.00% 120 reflect.SelectDefault
0.00% 119 crypto/sha512.New384
0.00% 119 syscall.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
0.00% 119 syscall.INPCK
0.00% 119 syscall.Sethostname
0.00% 118 net/http.ProxyURL
0.00% 118 syscall.EBADF
0.00% 118 syscall.RTM_GETROUTE
0.00% 117 net/http/httputil.DumpRequest
0.00% 117 runtime.Goexit
0.00% 117 syscall.RTM_NEWADDR
0.00% 117 syscall.SockaddrInet4
0.00% 116 crypto/x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment
0.00% 116 crypto/x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey
0.00% 116 go/token.RANGE
0.00% 116 syscall.IFA_ADDRESS
0.00% 115 flag.Parsed
0.00% 115 go/token.STRUCT
0.00% 115 io.WriterAt
0.00% 115 net/url.RawQuery
0.00% 115 syscall.S_IFREG
0.00% 115 text/template/parse.PipeNode
0.00% 114 crypto/rc4.NewCipher
0.00% 114 image.NewGray16
0.00% 114 image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio420
0.00% 114 net.ResolveUnixAddr
0.00% 114 syscall.Mmap
0.00% 114 syscall.SOL_SOCKET
0.00% 114 unicode/utf8.RuneStart
0.00% 113 crypto/md5.Write
0.00% 113 net/textproto.NewReader
0.00% 113 strings.TrimFunc
0.00% 113 time.Monday
0.00% 112 go/token.RETURN
0.00% 112 image.NRGBA64
0.00% 112 image.NewYCbCr
0.00% 112 net/rpc.NewClientWithCodec
0.00% 112 os.ErrExist
0.00% 112 syscall.ENODATA
0.00% 112 syscall.FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED
0.00% 112 syscall.IFA_LOCAL
0.00% 112 syscall.LOCK_EX
0.00% 112 syscall.RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE
0.00% 111 compress/flate.NewReader
0.00% 111 go/scanner.ScanComments
0.00% 111 syscall.MS_SLAVE
0.00% 111 syscall.O_NONBLOCK
0.00% 111 unicode.IsControl
0.00% 110 go/token.GO
0.00% 110 image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio422
0.00% 110 syscall.RTN_UNICAST
0.00% 110 syscall.TIOCPTYGRANT
0.00% 110 syscall.TIOCPTYUNLK
0.00% 110 unicode/utf16.Encode
0.00% 109 container/heap.Interface
0.00% 109 go/ast.BadDecl
0.00% 109 go/ast.Fun
0.00% 109 go/token.QUO_ASSIGN
0.00% 109 syscall.RTM_F_CLONED
0.00% 109 syscall.RTPROT_BOOT
0.00% 108 database/sql/driver.Execer
0.00% 107 flag.Set
0.00% 107 go/format.Node
0.00% 107 syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE
0.00% 107 syscall.SYS_GETXATTR
0.00% 106 go/ast.Typ
0.00% 106 go/token.FOR
0.00% 106 io.WriteSeeker
0.00% 106 net/http/fcgi.Serve
0.00% 106 syscall.CLONE_NEWNET
0.00% 106 syscall.PROT_READ
0.00% 106 syscall.RawSockaddr
0.00% 106 testing/quick.Config
0.00% 105 crypto/x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey
0.00% 105 encoding/binary.Varint
0.00% 105 go/printer.TabIndent
0.00% 105 runtime/debug.FreeOSMemory
0.00% 105 syscall.MS_NOATIME
0.00% 105 syscall.SYS_SETXATTR
0.00% 104 compress/flate.DefaultCompression
0.00% 104 crypto.RIPEMD160
0.00% 104 crypto/x509/pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier
0.00% 104 flag.UintVar
0.00% 104 go/token.SWITCH
0.00% 104 image/color.RGBA64Model
0.00% 104 math.E
0.00% 104 runtime/debug.ReadGCStats
0.00% 104 syscall.EVFILT_VNODE
0.00% 104 syscall.IFLA_MASTER
0.00% 103 syscall.MS_SYNCHRONOUS
0.00% 102 bytes.IndexRune
0.00% 102 crypto/x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey
0.00% 102 go/build.NoGoError
0.00% 102 image/color.Alpha
0.00% 102 syscall.MS_NODIRATIME
0.00% 102 syscall.NOTE_WRITE
0.00% 102 syscall.S_IFMT
0.00% 101 bytes.Fields
0.00% 101 crypto.RegisterHash
0.00% 101 go/token.INC
0.00% 101 net/http.StatusGatewayTimeout
0.00% 101 path/filepath.VolumeName
0.00% 101 syscall.MS_MANDLOCK
0.00% 101 syscall.MS_RELATIME
0.00% 101 syscall.ParseUnixRights
0.00% 101 syscall.StringToUTF16
0.00% 100 log/syslog.New
0.00% 100 net/http.Head
0.00% 100 net/http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge
0.00% 100 time.StampMilli
0.00% 99 compress/gzip.BestCompression
0.00% 99 database/sql.Scanner
0.00% 99 hash.Hash64
0.00% 99 syscall.IN_DELETE_SELF
0.00% 99 syscall.S_ISGID
0.00% 99 unicode.IsPrint
0.00% 98 go/token.IF
0.00% 98 math/big.Word
0.00% 98 net/http.StatusPartialContent
0.00% 98 regexp/syntax.Regexp
0.00% 98 syscall.Dup
0.00% 97 encoding/asn1.BitString
0.00% 97 go/token.SELECT
0.00% 97 io.SectionReader
0.00% 97 syscall.OPEN_EXISTING
0.00% 96 bufio.ErrBufferFull
0.00% 96 expvar.KeyValue
0.00% 96 go/token.DEFER
0.00% 96 hash.Sum
0.00% 96 mime/multipart.NewReader
0.00% 96 strconv.IntSize
0.00% 96 text/template/parse.IdentifierNode
0.00% 95 go/token.DEC
0.00% 95 sort.Stable
0.00% 95 syscall.IFLA_MTU
0.00% 95 syscall.SYS_LSETXATTR
0.00% 95 syscall.S_ISUID
0.00% 95 text/tabwriter.Escape
0.00% 94 crypto/dsa.Parameters
0.00% 94 expvar.NewMap
0.00% 94 image.RegisterFormat
0.00% 94 image/draw.DrawMask
0.00% 94 runtime.Graph
0.00% 94 sync/atomic.StorePointer
0.00% 94 syscall.IN_CREATE
0.00% 94 syscall.IN_DELETE
0.00% 94 time.RFC822Z
0.00% 93 crypto/dsa.Verify
0.00% 93 crypto/x509.ParseECPrivateKey
0.00% 93 go/build.ImportMode
0.00% 93 net/mail.Header
0.00% 93 runtime.Func
0.00% 93 syscall.IN_MOVED_FROM
0.00% 93 syscall.IN_MOVED_TO
0.00% 93 text/template/parse.TemplateNode
0.00% 92 crypto/cipher.NewCFBDecrypter
0.00% 92 image/color.YCbCrToRGB
0.00% 92 math.Nextafter
0.00% 92 math.Trunc
0.00% 92 syscall.IN_ATTRIB
0.00% 92 syscall.IN_MODIFY
0.00% 92 syscall.IN_MOVE_SELF
0.00% 92 syscall.MAP_SHARED
0.00% 92 syscall.PR_SET_KEEPCAPS
0.00% 92 syscall.S_IFLNK
0.00% 92 syscall.Wait4
0.00% 91 net/rpc.DialHTTP
0.00% 91 os/user.LookupId
0.00% 91 syscall.SIGPOLL
0.00% 91 syscall.SIGPWR
0.00% 90 crypto/cipher.BlockMode
0.00% 90 crypto/elliptic.P224
0.00% 90 expvar.Publish
0.00% 90 syscall.ENOBUFS
0.00% 90 syscall.LOCK_UN
0.00% 90 syscall.SIGCLD
0.00% 90 syscall.SIGSTKFLT
0.00% 90 syscall.SIGUNUSED
0.00% 90 unicode/utf16.DecodeRune
0.00% 89 flag.Int64Var
0.00% 89 image.NewAlpha
0.00% 89 os.ModeExclusive
0.00% 89 syscall.EAGAIN
0.00% 89 unicode/utf16.IsSurrogate
0.00% 88 go/build.IsLocalImport
0.00% 88 hash/fnv.New32
0.00% 88 image/color.Gray16Model
0.00% 88 math.Exp2
0.00% 88 time.September
0.00% 88 unicode/utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString
0.00% 87 crypto/tls.Server
0.00% 87 go/token.AND_NOT_ASSIGN
0.00% 87 image/jpeg.Decode
0.00% 87 syscall.Chroot
0.00% 87 syscall.EISDIR
0.00% 87 syscall.SockaddrInet6
0.00% 86 expvar.Do
0.00% 86 go/token.INTERFACE
0.00% 86 html/template.ParseGlob
0.00% 86 syscall.F_GETFD
0.00% 85 crypto/x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth
0.00% 85 flag.Getter
0.00% 85 flag.VisitAll
0.00% 85 runtime.repositories
0.00% 85 syscall.Rusage
0.00% 85 syscall.Setgroups
0.00% 84 fmt.Scan
0.00% 84 net.SRV
0.00% 84 runtime.MemProfileRate
0.00% 84 strconv.AppendQuote
0.00% 84 strconv.ErrSyntax
0.00% 83 crypto/sha512.Size
0.00% 83 encoding.BinaryMarshaler
0.00% 83 go/token.SUB_ASSIGN
0.00% 83 syscall.RegQueryValueEx
0.00% 82 bufio.ScanLines
0.00% 82 crypto/cipher.NewCFBEncrypter
0.00% 82 go/ast.Pkg
0.00% 82 go/parser.Mode
0.00% 82 image/jpeg.Options
0.00% 82 math.Tanh
0.00% 82 net/http.StateIdle
0.00% 82 path/filepath.ListSeparator
0.00% 82 syscall.EMSGSIZE
0.00% 82 syscall.IPPROTO_IPV6
0.00% 82 syscall.S_IFSOCK
0.00% 82 syscall.StringBytePtr
0.00% 82 text/template/parse.NodeCommand
0.00% 81 crypto/dsa.Sign
0.00% 81 crypto/tls.VersionTLS12
0.00% 81 encoding/csv.Reader
0.00% 81 encoding/xml.Escape
0.00% 81 flag.ErrHelp
0.00% 81 hash/crc32.MakeTable
0.00% 81 net/http.StateActive
0.00% 81 syscall.FILE_SHARE_READ
0.00% 81 time.Stamp
0.00% 80 go/token.MAP
0.00% 80 regexp/syntax.EmptyOp
0.00% 80 syscall.IN_IGNORED
0.00% 80 syscall.SYS_CAPGET
0.00% 80 syscall.SYS_CAPSET
0.00% 79 go/parser.AllErrors
0.00% 79 net/smtp.Client
0.00% 79 os/user.HomeDir
0.00% 79 sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64
0.00% 79 syscall.PR_CAPBSET_DROP
0.00% 79 time.June
0.00% 79 unicode.MaxASCII
0.00% 78 compress/flate.BestCompression
0.00% 78 compress/flate.BestSpeed
0.00% 78 crypto/tls.NoClientCert
0.00% 78 errors.RequestId
0.00% 78 net/rpc.Call
0.00% 78 runtime.SetBlockProfileRate
0.00% 78 syscall.EV_ADD
0.00% 78 syscall.Rlimit
0.00% 78 syscall.SYS_UTIMENSAT
0.00% 78 text/template/parse.TextNode
0.00% 77 crypto/x509.UnknownAuthorityError
0.00% 77 mime.AddExtensionType
0.00% 77 net/rpc.ClientCodec
0.00% 77 net/textproto.NewConn
0.00% 77 syscall.Kqueue
0.00% 77 syscall.LOCK_NB
0.00% 77 syscall.MS_MGC_VAL
0.00% 77 syscall.Setsid
0.00% 77 unicode.IsOneOf
0.00% 76 expvar.Var
0.00% 76 go/token.AND_ASSIGN
0.00% 76 go/token.SHL_ASSIGN
0.00% 76 go/token.SHR_ASSIGN
0.00% 76 hash/fnv.New64
0.00% 76 log.Flags
0.00% 76 net/rpc.ServerCodec
0.00% 76 os.ErrPermission
0.00% 76 syscall.GENERIC_WRITE
0.00% 76 syscall.O_CREAT
0.00% 76 syscall.Ucred
0.00% 76 text/template/parse.VariableNode
0.00% 76 time.RFC850
0.00% 76 time.Sunday
0.00% 75 crypto.SHA224
0.00% 75 go/token.MUL_ASSIGN
0.00% 75 os/user.Username
0.00% 75 runtime.NumCgoCall
0.00% 75 syscall.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED
0.00% 75 syscall.FILE_SHARE_WRITE
0.00% 75 syscall.INFINITE
0.00% 75 syscall.Munmap
0.00% 75 syscall.RegOpenKeyEx
0.00% 74 bytes.TrimPrefix
0.00% 74 crypto/rsa.E
0.00% 74 crypto/subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq
0.00% 74 io.RuneScanner
0.00% 74 log/syslog.Dial
0.00% 74 syscall.ENOMEM
0.00% 74 syscall.EPERM
0.00% 74 syscall.ErrorString
0.00% 73 database/sql/driver.DefaultParameterConverter
0.00% 73 fmt.Formatter
0.00% 73 image/color.YCbCr
0.00% 73 net/http.StateNew
0.00% 73 os.IsPathSeparator
0.00% 73 reflect.SelectSend
0.00% 73 regexp/syntax.Prog
0.00% 73 syscall.AF_PACKET
0.00% 73 syscall.EV_DELETE
0.00% 73 syscall.Sysctl
0.00% 73 syscall.UnixCredentials
0.00% 73 unicode.Version
0.00% 72 encoding/csv.Read
0.00% 72 fmt.ScanState
0.00% 72 go/token.OR_ASSIGN
0.00% 72 go/token.REM_ASSIGN
0.00% 72 go/token.XOR_ASSIGN
0.00% 72 hash/crc32.Checksum
0.00% 72 math.Ln2
0.00% 72 math.Sinh
0.00% 72 syscall.MS_DIRSYNC
0.00% 72 syscall.Socketpair
0.00% 72 time.Wednesday
0.00% 72 unicode/utf8.DecodeLastRune
0.00% 71 archive/zip.Writer
0.00% 71 compress/gzip.BestSpeed
0.00% 71 encoding/binary.ReadVarint
0.00% 71 flag.Uint64
0.00% 71 hash/adler32.Checksum
0.00% 71 image.DecodeConfig
0.00% 71 syscall.IFLA_NET_NS_PID
0.00% 71 syscall.InotifyAddWatch
0.00% 71 syscall.InotifyEvent
0.00% 71 syscall.SetNonblock
0.00% 70 encoding/base64.NewEncoding
0.00% 70 encoding/json.Get
0.00% 70 image.Pix
0.00% 70 image.ZR
0.00% 70 strconv.AppendBool
0.00% 70 sync/atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64
0.00% 70 syscall.IFLA_TXQLEN
0.00% 70 syscall.InotifyInit
0.00% 70 testing.InternalTest
0.00% 69 go/doc.ToHTML
0.00% 69 log.Llongfile
0.00% 69 net.AddrError
0.00% 69 net.LookupAddr
0.00% 69 net/http.StatusRequestTimeout
0.00% 69 net/mail.ReadMessage
0.00% 69 syscall.GENERIC_READ
0.00% 69 syscall.InotifyRmWatch
0.00% 69 syscall.MSG_CTRUNC
0.00% 69 syscall.Mkfifo
0.00% 69 syscall.NOTE_DELETE
0.00% 69 syscall.PROT_WRITE
0.00% 68 net/http.StatusMultipleChoices
0.00% 68 runtime.Nuke
0.00% 68 strconv.QuoteToASCII
0.00% 68 syscall.FdSet
0.00% 68 syscall.SIOCSIFNAME
0.00% 68 syscall.Setrlimit
0.00% 68 testing/quick.Value
0.00% 67 crypto/cipher.NewGCM
0.00% 67 image/color.NRGBA64
0.00% 67 log/syslog.LOG_DEBUG
0.00% 67 math/rand.ExpFloat64
0.00% 67 net/rpc.HandleHTTP
0.00% 67 strings.ToTitle
0.00% 67 syscall.ByHandleFileInformation
0.00% 66 bytes.TrimLeftFunc
0.00% 66 encoding/hex.EncodedLen
0.00% 66 flag.Uint64Var
0.00% 66 go/printer.CommentedNode
0.00% 66 os.ProcessState
0.00% 66 strings.SplitAfterN
0.00% 66 syscall.ENOTSUP
0.00% 66 syscall.PathMax
0.00% 66 text/template/parse.FieldNode
0.00% 65 archive/zip.Deflate
0.00% 65 bytes.Runes
0.00% 65 crypto/x509.MarshalECPrivateKey
0.00% 65 flag.Name
0.00% 65 hash/crc32.Castagnoli
0.00% 65 path/filepath.HasPrefix
0.00% 65 runtime.root
0.00% 65 syscall.CLONE_NEWIPC
0.00% 65 syscall.GetFileInformationByHandle
0.00% 65 syscall.NameSamCompatible
0.00% 64 crypto/cipher.StreamReader
0.00% 64 net/http.StatusGone
0.00% 64 syscall.GetFileAttributes
0.00% 64 text/template/parse.NumberNode
0.00% 63 compress/zlib.NewWriterLevel
0.00% 63 crypto/rsa.EncryptPKCS1v15
0.00% 63 go/token.HighestPrec
0.00% 63 net/http.StatusLengthRequired
0.00% 63 net/url.Query
0.00% 63 net/url.Userinfo
0.00% 63 strconv.UnquoteChar
0.00% 63 syscall.CLONE_NEWNS
0.00% 63 syscall.Getppid
0.00% 63 syscall.IN_MASK_ADD
0.00% 63 syscall.PivotRoot
0.00% 63 syscall.TIOCGPTN
0.00% 63 syscall.TIOCSPTLCK
0.00% 63 testing/iotest.OneByteReader
0.00% 63 time.Thursday
0.00% 63 unicode/utf16.EncodeRune
0.00% 62 archive/zip.ReadCloser
0.00% 62 crypto/rsa.DecryptPKCS1v15
0.00% 62 encoding/binary.MaxVarintLen32
0.00% 62 html/template.CSS
0.00% 62 math/cmplx.Abs
0.00% 62 net/http/httputil.ClientConn
0.00% 62 syscall.CancelIo
0.00% 62 syscall.EpollEvent
0.00% 62 syscall.FILE_SHARE_DELETE
0.00% 62 syscall.GetLastError
0.00% 62 syscall.GetUserNameEx
0.00% 62 syscall.IFLA_LINK
0.00% 62 syscall.RegCloseKey
0.00% 62 text/template.HTMLEscapeString
0.00% 62 text/template/parse.NodePipe
0.00% 61 crypto/subtle.ConstantTimeSelect
0.00% 61 go/ast.Con
0.00% 61 go/token.PACKAGE
0.00% 61 hash/fnv.New32a
0.00% 61 math.Gamma
0.00% 61 math.SmallestNonzeroFloat32
0.00% 61 net/http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
0.00% 61 regexp/syntax.Inst
0.00% 61 syscall.Fd2path
0.00% 61 syscall.GetQueuedCompletionStatus
0.00% 61 unicode.ToTitle
0.00% 60 bytes.LastIndexFunc
0.00% 60 bytes.ToUpper
0.00% 60 crypto/cipher.StreamWriter
0.00% 60 crypto/sha256.New224
0.00% 60 math.Cosh
0.00% 60 syscall.ARPHRD_ETHER
0.00% 60 syscall.PostQueuedCompletionStatus
0.00% 60 syscall.Shutdown
0.00% 60 syscall.SockaddrUnix
0.00% 60 text/tabwriter.AlignRight
0.00% 59 encoding/json.UnsupportedTypeError
0.00% 59 go/doc.New
0.00% 59 io.ByteWriter
0.00% 59 syscall.SIOCSIFHWADDR
0.00% 58 encoding/xml.Comment
0.00% 58 fmt.Fscanln
0.00% 58 go/parser.DeclarationErrors
0.00% 58 net.FileConn
0.00% 58 net/http.StateClosed
0.00% 58 syscall.FD_CLOEXEC
0.00% 58 syscall.KEY_READ
0.00% 58 syscall.Sync
0.00% 58 testing/iotest.DataErrReader
0.00% 58 text/scanner.Char
0.00% 58 time.StampNano
0.00% 57 io.ByteScanner
0.00% 57 math.Ldexp
0.00% 57 syscall.FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY
0.00% 57 syscall.FileNotifyInformation
0.00% 57 syscall.IPPROTO_TCP
0.00% 57 syscall.MS_MOVE
0.00% 57 syscall.ReadDirectoryChanges
0.00% 56 crypto/elliptic.GenerateKey
0.00% 56 go/doc.Example
0.00% 56 hash/crc32.Update
0.00% 56 hash/crc64.MakeTable
0.00% 56 net/smtp.NewClient
0.00% 56 syscall.FILE_ACTION_ADDED
0.00% 56 syscall.PtraceRegs
0.00% 56 syscall.SHUT_WR
0.00% 56 syscall.Seek
0.00% 56 syscall.Syscall12
0.00% 56 text/template/parse.NodeList
0.00% 55 flag.NFlag
0.00% 55 flag.Visit
0.00% 55 log/syslog.LOG_ERR
0.00% 55 net.ListenMulticastUDP
0.00% 55 reflect.ValueError
0.00% 55 regexp/syntax.InstAlt
0.00% 55 syscall.PR_SET_PDEATHSIG
0.00% 55 syscall.TIOCSCTTY
0.00% 55 syscall.Timeval
0.00% 55 time.Kitchen
0.00% 54 encoding/xml.ProcInst
0.00% 54 syscall.CLONE_NEWPID
0.00% 54 syscall.CLONE_NEWUSER
0.00% 54 syscall.CLONE_NEWUTS
0.00% 54 syscall.IXOFF
0.00% 54 syscall.ProcAttr
0.00% 54 syscall.SID
0.00% 53 crypto/des.NewTripleDESCipher
0.00% 53 crypto/x509.KeyUsageCRLSign
0.00% 53 go/doc.Package
0.00% 53 go/token.ELSE
0.00% 53 hash.Size
0.00% 53 net.MX
0.00% 53 sync/atomic.LoadUintptr
0.00% 53 syscall.EV_CLEAR
0.00% 53 syscall.F_WRLCK
0.00% 53 syscall.Getrusage
0.00% 53 unicode.IsPunct
0.00% 52 compress/gzip.Reader
0.00% 52 crypto/elliptic.CurveParams
0.00% 52 expvar.Func
0.00% 52 flag.PanicOnError
0.00% 52 go/ast.FileExports
0.00% 52 hash/crc32.IEEETable
0.00% 52 net/http.StatusResetContent
0.00% 52 syscall.Fsync
0.00% 52 syscall.LoadDLL
0.00% 52 syscall.S_ISVTX
0.00% 52 unicode.IsGraphic
0.00% 51 bytes.EqualFold
0.00% 51 image/draw.Op
0.00% 51 syscall.IN_CLOSE_WRITE
0.00% 51 text/template/parse.StringNode
0.00% 51 time.Saturday
0.00% 50 encoding/json.Compact
0.00% 50 image.NewNRGBA64
0.00% 50 image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio444
0.00% 50 math.Cbrt
0.00% 50 net/http.StatusProxyAuthRequired
0.00% 50 os/exec.ErrNotFound
0.00% 50 regexp/syntax.InstRune
0.00% 50 sort.Float64Slice
0.00% 50 syscall.ESRCH
0.00% 50 syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL
0.00% 50 syscall.Getrlimit
0.00% 50 syscall.IN_ALL_EVENTS
0.00% 50 text/template/parse.DotNode
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