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Last active January 21, 2019 08:13
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deployinator for powershell
# inspired deployinator for powershell
# author:
Function Get-Code ([String]$REPODIR, [String]$REPO)
# controller deployinator
$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "git $REPO"
Write-Host git pull -ForegroundColor green
# change $REPODOMAIN to your hostname (eg let ssh add authorized keys ;-)
Start-Process -FilePath "ssh.exe" -WorkingDirectory "C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin" -ArgumentList "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no $REPODOMAIN uptime"
Start-Sleep -m 500
Stop-Process -Name *ssh* -Force
if (-not ( "$REPODIR"| Test-Path)) { & git clone $REPO $REPODIR }
Set-Location $REPODIR
# debug origin
# & git remote show origin
& git fetch
& git reset --hard origin/master
Write-Host git pull reset done ... -ForegroundColor green
Function Push-Code ([String]$source, [String]$to)
$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "robocopy $source $debug"
if (( "$source" | Test-Path)) {
Write-Host "robocopy $source" -ForegroundColor green
if ($debug -ge 5) {
Write-Host robocopy /E /PURGE /W:0 /R:0 "$source" "$to" /NFL /XD .svn /XD .git /dcopy:T
& robocopy /E /PURGE /W:0 /R:0 "$source" "$to" /NFL /XD .svn /XD .git /dcopy:T | out-null
Write-Host "$source not found" -ForegroundColor Red
Push-Code -source "$REPODIR\code1" -to "\\serv1\publish\code1"
Push-Code -source "$REPODIR\code2" -to "\\serv2\publish\code2"
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