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Last active November 11, 2017 22:20
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Playing around with functional calisthenics and property-based testing on the Mars Rover kata
type Direction = North | East |South | West
type Location = { x : int; y : int}
type Rover = { Location : Location; Direction : Direction}
let createRover location direction = {Location = location; Direction = direction}
type Command =
| Forward
| Backward
| TurnLeft
| TurnRight
type Instructions = Command seq
let moveForward rover =
let newLocation =
match rover.Direction with
| North -> { x = rover.Location.x; y = rover.Location.y + 1 }
| East -> { x = rover.Location.x + 1; y = rover.Location.y }
| South ->{ x = rover.Location.x; y = rover.Location.y - 1}
| West -> { x = rover.Location.x - 1; y = rover.Location.y}
{ rover with Location = newLocation}
let moveBackward rover =
let newLocation =
match rover.Direction with
| North -> { x = rover.Location.x; y = rover.Location.y - 1 }
| East -> { x = rover.Location.x - 1; y = rover.Location.y }
| South ->{ x = rover.Location.x; y = rover.Location.y + 1}
| West -> { x = rover.Location.x + 1; y = rover.Location.y}
{ rover with Location = newLocation}
let turnLeft rover =
let newDirection =
match rover.Direction with
| North -> West
| East -> North
| South -> East
| West -> South
{rover with Direction = newDirection}
let turnRight rover =
let newDirection =
match rover.Direction with
| North -> East
| East -> South
| South -> West
| West -> North
{rover with Direction = newDirection}
let move rover =
let moveRover command =
match command with
| Forward -> moveForward rover
| Backward -> moveBackward rover
| TurnLeft -> turnLeft rover
| TurnRight -> turnRight rover
let executeInstructions rover =
let execute instructions =
|> Seq.fold move rover
let northFacingRover = createRover {x = 0; y = 0} North
(move northFacingRover Forward).Location = {x = 0; y = 1}
(move northFacingRover Backward).Location = {x = 0; y = -1}
(move northFacingRover TurnLeft).Direction = West
(move northFacingRover TurnRight).Direction = East
let startingRoverEast = createRover {x = 0; y = 0} East
(move startingRoverEast Forward).Location = {x = 1; y = 0}
executeInstructions northFacingRover [] = northFacingRover
executeInstructions northFacingRover [Forward; Backward] = northFacingRover
(executeInstructions northFacingRover [Forward;TurnRight;Backward]).Location = {x = -1; y = 1}
(executeInstructions northFacingRover [Forward;TurnRight;Backward]).Direction = East
#r @"..\packages\FsCheck.2.4.0\lib\net45\FsCheck.dll"
open FsCheck
let aCommandAlwaysChangesTheRover command rover =
executeInstructions rover [command] <> rover
Check.Quick aCommandAlwaysChangesTheRover
//Only need a subset/specific case of a union type?
//Make a new type + custom arbitrary that only returns elements of the more narrow scope
type Turn = Command
type MyArbitraries =
static member Turn() =
Arb.fromGen <| Gen.elements [TurnLeft; TurnRight]
//Arb.generate<Turn> |> Gen.sample -1 10
let aTurnDoesNotChangeTheRoverPosition rover (t : Turn) =
(executeInstructions rover [t]).Location = rover.Location
Check.Quick aTurnDoesNotChangeTheRoverPosition
let fourIdenticalTurnsPutARoverInTheStartingOrientation rover (t : Turn) =
let instructions = [t;t;t;t]
(executeInstructions rover instructions).Direction = rover.Direction
Check.Quick fourIdenticalTurnsPutARoverInTheStartingOrientation
let theRoverCanHandleArbitraryPrograms rover (instructions : Command list) =
executeInstructions rover instructions |> ignore
Check.Quick theRoverCanHandleArbitraryPrograms
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