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Created December 22, 2018 18:01
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add/collapse/explode bouncing balls
#!/usr/bin/env perl
=head1 NAME - add/collapse/explode bouncing balls
=head1 USAGE
Press "a" to add more bouncing balls on the screen and enjoy.
Press "esc" to exit.
Simple bouncing ball SDL example/demo for fun to watch.
Video/Screencast: L<>,
Blog Post: L<>
use 5.010;
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use SDL;
use SDL::Video;
use SDL::Rect;
use SDL::Events;
use SDLx::Controller;
use SDLx::Surface;
use SDLx::Text;
use List::Util qw(max);
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use Carp qw(confess);
my $app = init();
my $game = SDLx::Controller->new(dt => 0.2, delay => 10);
my $add_time = 0;
my $add_key_time = 0;
my $key_add_down = 0;
my $text = SDLx::Text->new(h_align => 'center');
my @balls;
sub init {
confess 'Cannot init ' . SDL::get_error()
if (SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) == -1);
my $win =
SDL::Video::set_video_mode(800, 600, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF | SDL_HWACCEL);
confess 'Cannot init video mode 800x600x32: ' . SDL::get_error()
unless $win;
return SDLx::Surface->new(surface => $win);
sub on_event {
my ($event, $app) = @_;
if ($event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) {
my $key = $event->key_sym;
if ($key == SDLK_ESCAPE) {
if ($key == ord('a')) {
$key_add_down = 1;
elsif ($event->type == SDL_KEYUP) {
my $key = $event->key_sym;
if ($key == ord('a')) {
$key_add_down = 0;
elsif ($event->type == SDL_QUIT) {
sub on_move {
my $dt = shift;
# add balls while key pressed or after some time
if (($key_add_down && $add_key_time <= time()) || (($add_time <= time()) && (@balls < 100))) {
foreach my $r_ball (@balls) {
my $transform = ball_confine($app->w, $app->h, $r_ball->{x}, $r_ball->{y}, $r_ball->{r});
$r_ball->{x_vel} *= $transform->[0];
$r_ball->{y_vel} *= $transform->[1];
# special cases when ball grows outside the range, bouncing will not help, force direction inside
$r_ball->{x_vel} = abs($r_ball->{x_vel})
if ($r_ball->{x} < $r_ball->{r});
$r_ball->{x_vel} = abs($r_ball->{x_vel}) * -1
if ($r_ball->{x} + $r_ball->{r} > $app->w);
$r_ball->{y_vel} = abs($r_ball->{y_vel})
if ($r_ball->{y} < $r_ball->{r});
$r_ball->{y_vel} = abs($r_ball->{y_vel}) * -1
if ($r_ball->{y} + $r_ball->{r} > $app->h);
$r_ball->{x} += $r_ball->{x_vel} * $dt;
$r_ball->{y} += $r_ball->{y_vel} * $dt;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @balls; $i++) {
my $cball = $balls[$i];
next unless $cball;
# check for collision
my $i2 = $i + 1;
my $oball;
for (; $i2 < @balls; $i2++) {
$oball = $balls[$i2];
next unless $oball;
my $dist_2 =
abs(($cball->{x} - $oball->{x})**2) + abs(($cball->{y} - $oball->{y})**2);
my $r1r2_2 = ($cball->{r} + $oball->{r})**2;
last if $dist_2 <= $r1r2_2;
# found collision
if ($i2 < @balls) {
# bigger ball surface will grow by the surface of the smaller one
my $cball_new_r = sqrt($cball->{r}**2 + $oball->{r}**2);
if ($cball->{r} < $oball->{r}) {
%$cball = %$oball;
$cball->{r} = $cball_new_r;
# if grown too big → explode into small balls
if ($cball->{r} > 20 && (rand(max(1, 50 - $cball->{r})) < 1)) {
while (1) {
my $nball = add_ball();
$nball->{x} = $cball->{x} + $nball->{x_vel};
$nball->{y} = $cball->{y} + $nball->{y_vel};
$nball->{r} = 2 + rand(8);
my $cball_new_r2 = $cball->{r}**2 - $nball->{r}**2;
last if $cball_new_r2 <= 0;
$cball->{r} = sqrt($cball_new_r2);
$balls[$i] = undef;
$balls[$i2] = undef;
@balls = grep {$_} @balls;
return 1;
sub on_show {
# clear window
SDL::Rect->new(0, 0, $app->w, $app->h),
SDL::Video::map_RGB($app->format, 0, 0, 0)
for (my $i = 0; $i < @balls; $i++) {
my $cball = $balls[$i];
$app->draw_circle_filled([$cball->{x}, $cball->{y}], $cball->{r}, $cball->{color});
# show number of balls
$text->write_xy($app, ($app->w - $text->w) / 2, ($app->h - $text->h) / 2);
return 0;
sub add_ball {
$add_time = time() + 30;
$add_key_time = time() + 0.3;
my $nball = {
x => $app->w / 2,
y => $app->h / 2,
r => 5 + rand(10),
x_vel => (1 + rand(100)) * (int(rand(2)) == 0 ? -1 : 1),
y_vel => (1 + rand(100)) * (int(rand(2)) == 0 ? -1 : 1),
color => [rand(255), rand(255), rand(255)],
push(@balls, $nball);
return $nball;
sub ball_confine {
my ($w, $h, $x, $y, $r) = @_;
my ($m_x, $m_y) = (1, 1);
$m_x = -1 if $x + $r >= $w || $x <= $r;
$m_y = -1 if $y + $r >= $h || $y <= $r;
return [$m_x, $m_y];
my $move_id = $game->add_move_handler(\&on_move);
my $event_id = $game->add_event_handler(\&on_event);
my $show_id = $game->add_show_handler(\&on_show);
say 'press "a" to add more bouncing balls';
say 'press "esc" to exit';
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