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Last active August 8, 2022 01:11
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JPlayground Neural Network
NB. Neural Network Demo
NB. (roughly based on chapters 1-3 of by Michael Nielsen)
NB. The main differences with the book are:
NB. - the removal of the minibatch function and loops in favor of matrix functions
NB. - joining bias and weight calculations.
NB. *** Preparations ***
NB. install addons needed from github for reading CSV files
{{install^:(-.fexist'~addons/tables/',y)'github:jsoftware/tables_',y}}&>;:'dsv csv'
NB. require the needed addons
require 'tables/csv plot viewmat stats/base'
NB. Onehot and back (inverse)
onehot_z_ =: (0 1 (#"1)~ 1,.~ ]) :. (i.&1"1)
NB. split train/test data: x : number of random samples to take as test;
splitdat =: [ |.@split ({~ ?~@#)@]
NB. *** Data download & preprocessing ***
num =: (/: {:"1) ".&> }. readcsv '~temp/spiral.csv' NB. read data; discard column headers
data =: <: +: (%"1 >./)@(-"1 <./) }:"1 num NB. normalised: _1 < data < 1
labs =: onehot <: {:"1 num NB. labels one-hot encoded
jit =: 15%~normalrand ($data), 3 NB. data jitter to be added 3x
datext=: ,/ 0 2 1|: data + jit NB. new dataset with 3x jittered data
labext=: 3 # labs NB. corresponding labels
NB. *** Neural network class ***
cocurrent 'nn' NB. wrap in a J class.
destroy =: codestroy NB. to discard a network, do destroy__obj ''
sig =: %@:>:@:^@:- NB. sigmoid activation; note @: vs. @ makes enormous difference
dsig =: (* -.)@:sig NB. d sig(y) / d y (note: scalar)
loss =: (+/)@:-:@:*:@:- NB. Quadratic loss; assume features in rows.
dLoss =: -~ NB. gradient of loss
mpb =: +/ .* 1 , ] NB. biased matrix product
NB. Create object; called by conew; could be used to re-initialise weights.
NB. takes y: array of layer sizes, from input (=#feature dims) to output (=#~.labels)
create =: {{
sizes =: y
bw =: ([: <@normalrand@|. 1 0&+)"1] 2 ]\ sizes NB. bias ,. weight arrays.
repint =: 1000 NB. reporting every repint epochs in sgd training
0 0 $ histloss =:2 0$0 NB. keeps training & test loss
NB. Forward pass; assumes features in rows; returns labels with classes in rows
fwd =: {{for_p. bw do. y =. sig (>p) mpb y end.}}
pred =: fwd&.:|: NB. shortcut for operating on instances in rows
NB. Stochastic Gradient Descent.
NB. x takes #epochs, batch size and learning rate;
NB. if batchsize = _, it performs back prop on the tentire dataset.
NB. y is training data or training data;testing data (for display only).
NB. Data arrays have instances in rows, and columns are: features,. labels.
NB. The numbers of label columns are derived from sizes__obj.
sgd =: {{
'ep bs lr' =. x NB. epochs, batch size and learning rate
'tr ts' =. 2 {. boxopen y NB. split training and test data (if present)
tr=. ({~ ?~@#) tr NB. random shuffle training data
'fttr lbtr' =. ({.sizes) split |: tr NB. first {. sizes rows deemed to be labels
'ftts lbts' =. ({.sizes) split |: ts NB. the same for testing data
losstr =. lossts =. ep$0 NB. for keeping training loss statistics
for_e. i. ep do. NB. repeat for all episodes
(-bs) lr&backprop\ tr NB. do BP per batch of max batch size
NB. Do forward pass to compute and record loss for stats.
losstr =. losstr e}~ lltr=. (+/%#) lbtr loss fwd fttr
if. #ts do. NB. the same for testing data if present.
lossts =. lossts e}~ llts=. (+/%#) lbts loss fwd ftts end.
if. 0=repint|e do. NB. echo state at each repint interval
if. #ts do. echo 'Epoch complete: ',(":e),' losses: ',(": lltr,llts)
else. echo 'Epoch complete: ',(":e),' loss: ' ,(": lltr) end.
0 0 $ histloss=: histloss,.losstr,:lossts NB. append losses
NB. Backpropagation to update biases & weights
NB. x: learning rate
NB. y: data ,. labels (rows = instances, # columns for labels derived from sizes.
backprop =: {{
'act lab' =. ({.sizes) split |: y NB. y: inst x ft -> ft x inst
NB. ---Foward pass---
zs =. 0 $ as =. <act NB. keep z and activations; first activation is input data.
delta =. ($bw) $ a: NB. very similar to fwd above, but will keep zs
for_p. bw do. NB. and as for each layer for backward pass.
act =. sig z =. (>p) mpb act NB. activations and z's for layer
as =. as,<act NB. store them for reuse in backward pass
zs =. zs,<z
NB. ---Backward pass---
last=.1 NB. for triggering special treatment of output layer as first factor
for_L. |.i.<:#sizes do. NB. for all layers, going backwards (|.)
if. last do. NB. first factor f1 in err depends on whether the layer is last or not.
last=.0 [ f1 =. lab dLoss _1 {:: as NB. last, so get loss w.r.t. last activations
else. f1=. (|: }."1 > bw {~ L+1) +/ .* err end. NB. else, update from previous err(L+1)
err =. f1 * dsig L {:: zs NB. error, i.e. small delta in the URL above
delta =. delta L}~ < err +/ .* |: 1,L {:: as NB. get update multiplying error with activation, 1 for bias
bs =. #{.y NB. batch size for normalization
bw =: bw (- bs %~ x&*)&.> delta NB. update bw__obj for each layer
nn_z_ =: conew&'nn' NB. shortcut function for creation.
NB. Report results on data, taken as y=boxed training/test data split
report =: {{
echo 'NN training report'
'dtr ltr'=. ({.sizes) split|: 0{:: y NB. split training in data and labels
'dts lts'=. ({.sizes) split|: 1{:: y NB. Same for testing data
NB. data plots
pd 'reset'
pd 'sub 1 2'
pd 'new'
pd 'type marker; aspect 1; title #Training = ',":{:$ltr
pd&> ;/@|:&.> dtr (</.~ #.)&|: ltr
pd 'use'
pd 'type marker; aspect 1; title #Testing = ',":{:$lts
pd&> ;/@|:&.> dts (</.~ #.)&|: lts
pd 'endsub'
pd 'show'
NB. Return accuracies on training and testing data and confusion matrix
echo 'training accuracy (%) : ',": 100*(+/%#) *./ ltr=prtr =. (="1 >./) fwd dtr
echo 'testing accuracy (%) : ',": 100*(+/%#) *./ lts=prts =. (="1 >./) fwd dts
echo 'confusion matrices training; testing' NB. convert labels into indices into matrix, add all possible label combo's, <:@#/. , reshape KxK
echo conf =. (ltr;lts) ([: ($~ ,~@%:@#) [: <:@#/.~ (,~ ,/@:>@{@,~@:<@~.@,)@/:~@ ,.&(onehot inv@|:) ) each prtr;prts
NB. Show training / testing loss evolution plot.
'title Loss;xcaption epoch; key train test;keypos rti' plot histloss
echo 'decision boundary' NB. shows RGB for classes, the brighter/more pure/crisper, the better, NOTE: works only for 3 classes, since it uses RGB
viewrgb (,~@>: |.@|:@$ 256 #. 255 <.@:* [: (%"1 >./)@:(-"1 <./) [: pred [: ,/@:>@{@,~@:<@i: 1+j.) 300
NB. entropy of predicted labels: higher entropy = higher uncertainty = decision boundary
'density; mesh 0;aspect 1' plot (,~@>: $ [: -@:(+/"1@:(*^.)) [: (%"1 >./)@:(-"1 <./) [: pred [: ,/@:>@{@,~@:<@i: 1+j.) 300
cocurrent 'base'
NB. Fix funky errors preventing larger jviewmat pictures:
enclength_jzlib_=: 3 : 0
ix=. <: +/({:"1 lz_length)<:y
code=. 257 + ix
ex=. y-(<ix,1){lz_length
assert. (0<:ex)*.(300>:ex) NB. upped limit here.
code, 1000+ex
NB. Create neural network. First and last neuron count should be 2 and 3, respectively,
NB. for matching data dimensionality and label count
net =: nn 2 15 8 3
5000 _ 0.1 sgd__net spl =: 300 splitdat datext ,. labext
report__net spl
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