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Created September 16, 2015 01:09
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IntelliJ plugin to find all recursive Scala methods in s project (can be executed using Depends on IntelliJ Scala plugin.
import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnActionEvent
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project
import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api._
import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.expr.ScMethodCall
import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.statements.ScFunctionDefinition
import groovy.lang.Closure
import liveplugin.PluginUtil._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection._
// depends-on-plugin org.intellij.scala
implicit def functionToGroovyClosure_ActionEvent[F](f: (AnActionEvent) => F): Closure[F] = {
new Closure[F]() {def doCall(event: AnActionEvent): F = f(event)}
implicit def functionToGroovyClosure_Unit[F](f: () => F): Closure[F] = {
new Closure[F]() {def doCall(arg: Any): F = f()}
doInBackground("Looking for recursive methods", () => {
runReadAction { () =>
val methods = findRecursiveMethodsIn(project)
if (methods.nonEmpty) {
show("Resursive methods:\n " + { f => f.getContainingClass.getQualifiedName + "#" + f.getName }.mkString(" \n"))
} else {
show("No recursive methods found.")
def findRecursiveMethodsIn(project: Project): Iterable[ScFunctionDefinition] = {
allPsiItemsIn(project).collect {
case s: ScalaFile => allFunctionsIn(s).filter(isRecursive)
def allFunctionsIn(scalaFile: ScalaFile): Seq[ScFunctionDefinition] = {
var result = new mutable.ListBuffer[ScFunctionDefinition]()
new ScalaRecursiveElementVisitor() {
override def visitFunctionDefinition(function: ScFunctionDefinition): Unit = {
result += function
def isRecursive(function: ScFunctionDefinition): Boolean = {
var result = false
new ScalaRecursiveElementVisitor() {
override def visitMethodCallExpression(methodCall: ScMethodCall): Unit = {
val ref = methodCall.getInvokedExpr.getReference
if (ref != null && ref.resolve() == function) {
result = true
} else {
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