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Created December 18, 2013 08:57
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sentry php client for collection php5.5 error log
class Client
private static $_logFile;
private static $_parseOffset;
private static $_dsn;
private static $_logtailBin;
private static $_maxItem;
public static function run($options)
private static function _getInstance()
$client = new Raven_Client(self::$_dsn, array(
'tags' => array(
'php_version' => phpversion(),
'trace' => false,
return $client;
private static function _initConfig($options)
if (empty($options['logfile'])) {
self::$_logFile = '/opt/php-5.5.4/log/php_errors.log';
} else {
self::$_logFile = $options['logfile'];
self::$_parseOffset = dirname(__FILE__) . '/log/' . $options['project'] . '.offset';
self::$_dsn = 'udp://public:secret@';
self::$_logtailBin = '/usr/sbin/logtail2';
self::$_maxItem = 100;
private static function _parseMessage(& $messageString)
foreach (explode("\n", trim($messageString)) as $message) {
if (strpos($message, 'PRC] PHP')) {
yield $message;
private static function _getSendInfo($message)
$rows = explode(" ", $message);
$info['option']['timestamp'] = substr(array_shift($rows), 1) . ' ' . array_shift($rows);
$info['option']['timestamp'] = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', strtotime($info['option']['timestamp']));
$info['option']['level'] = strtolower(substr($rows[2], 0, -1));
$info['message'] = implode(" ", array_slice($rows, 4));
return $info;
private static function _sendMessage()
$client = self::_getInstance();
$command = self::$_logtailBin . ' -f ' . self::$_logFile . ' -o ' . self::$_parseOffset . ' | tail -n ' . self::$_maxItem;
$messageString = shell_exec($command);
foreach (self::_parseMessage($messageString) as $message) {
$sendInfo = self::_getSendInfo($message);
$client->captureMessage($sendInfo['message'], array(), $sendInfo['option']);
require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/Raven/Autoloader.php');
$longopts = array(
$options = getopt('', $longopts);
if (empty($options['project'])) {
die('project is required');
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