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package jredfox.main;
public class Chunk {
public Slice slice0 = new Slice();
public Slice slice1 = new Slice();
public Slice slice2 = new Slice();
public Slice slice3 = new Slice();
public Slice slice4 = new Slice();
public Slice slice5 = new Slice();
jredfox / CMM.json
Last active September 26, 2018 05:49
"text": "<",
"posX": 5,
"posY": 5,
"width": 20,
"height": 20,
"alignment" : "top_left",
"wrappedButton": 498
<!--this is a charged creeper monster spawner defintion-->
<permisionLevel>0</permisionLevel><!--no plugins are needed this allows per entity permsion level this determines whether or not the block can break at all-->
<harvestLevel>1</harvestLevel><!--this is virtual harvest level which will determine if the spawner simply breaks as normal or is harvestable note the block harvest level has to be >= to the actual harvest level-->
<!--this is for enchantments for denial per entity-->
jredfox / UniversalModificationsLicence .txt
Last active February 11, 2018 14:31
Universal Modifications Licence
You may distribute this mod only under specified conditions:
A: it is a fork/modifications and if it is < 20% of the mod changed credit has to be given to the original owner.
B: you are on the approved websites list or approved mirrors here
C: It is in a modpack, whether it be curseforge or otherwise
D: official permission given but, if you didn't read the previous variants on distribution to ask permission the special permission will get denied however if it's still in the eula it is permitted.
You May:
fork this project  If < 20% of mod not changed credit has to be given to the original owner
Modify this mod If < 20% of mod not changed credit has to be given to the original owner
Fork/Modify and re-upload without written permission but, again credit has to be given if < 20% changed to the original owner.
jredfox / links.txt
Created February 11, 2018 14:17
Official Mirror/Modification/Fork Permission Sites
<nbt>{Display:{Name:"§3Blocks"} }</nbt>
jredfox / xml.xml
Last active January 22, 2018 11:07
<resourceMessege>"§l§1✽§r§l§f `int` resources §1✽"</resourceMessege><!--the carrot is a characater flag in string to alter the string later for unicode and int-->
jredfox / SeasonsDataPack.txt
Last active November 16, 2017 13:07
Season's Data Pack Exampe
id:"aether"//although one can use the after:"id" of the season index allows for options
after:"last"//specify id of season, "first","last" you can also use the before tag if you want to do that
index:3//cancles out after if used
index_set:true//specifies whether or not to replace it at it's index or to add it at it's index
chance:50.0 // 50.0/100.0 #chance for the season to occur
days:0-51//gives out a random number between a range a fixed amount of days is also supported with just specifying int here
jredfox / Operational Technical Details
Last active August 4, 2017 22:52
Operation Aetherific Expansion The heavenly gates are open
Operation Aetherific Expansion The Heavenly Gates Are open
Promised land removed by bop let’s make this apart and maby update the other removed biomes
kether original 1.4.7
Visit the Zenith
Purple maayet’s skylands mod