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diff -r edf0303cbcb5 src/noggit/mpq/archive.cpp
--- a/src/noggit/mpq/archive.cpp Tue Jan 17 23:22:44 2012 +0100
+++ b/src/noggit/mpq/archive.cpp Sun Nov 02 16:35:29 2014 -0800
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
if (SFileOpenFileEx (_archive_handle, "(listfile)", 0, &file_handle))
- const size_t filesize (SFileGetFileSize (file_handle));
+ const size_t filesize (SFileGetFileSize (file_handle, 0));
jrsa /
Created October 28, 2015 06:49
fun int[][] genPitches(int setCount, int setLength, int pitchRange)
int result[setCount][setLength];
for(0 => int i; i < setCount; i++)
for(0 => int j; j < setLength; j++)
(0, pitchRange) => Math.random2 => result[i][j];
return result;
80 => int bpm;
loading chugin 'chugl.chug'
error loading chugin 'chugl.chug', skipping
error from chuck_dl: 'dlopen(/usr/local/lib/chuck/chugl.chug, 2): Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/ApplicationServices
Referenced from: /usr/local/lib/chuck/chugl.chug
Reason: Incompatible library version: chugl.chug requires version 64.0.0 or later, but ApplicationServices provides version 1.0.0'
kernel vec4 fisheye(sampler img, float signcurvature, float lensradius)
// no constants/defines?
float EPSILON = 0.000011;
float otherConst = 1.4427;
float curvature = abs(signcurvature);
float extent = lensradius;
float optics = extent / log2(curvature * extent + 1.0) / otherConst;
A Core Image kernel routine that computes a multiply effect.
The code looks up the source pixel in the sampler and then multiplies it by the value passed to the routine.
kernel vec4 basicSharp(sampler image, float width)
vec2 center = sample(image, samplerCoord(image));
// width = 1.0 /width;
diff --git a/ b/
index 5cd32a1..1fb4612 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
-#import <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
+//#import <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
diff --git a/src/chuck_emit.cpp b/src/chuck_emit.cpp
index 7024c51..0e35cff 100644
--- a/src/chuck_emit.cpp
+++ b/src/chuck_emit.cpp
@@ -4494,7 +4494,7 @@ t_CKBOOL emit_engine_emit_spork( Chuck_Emitter * emit, a_Exp_Func_Call exp )
// handle need this
emit->code->need_this = exp->ck_func->is_member;
// name it
- emit->code->name = "spork~exp";
+ emit->code->name = exp->ck_func->name;
kernel vec4 basicBlur(sampler image, float width)
// get coordinates of the current pixel
vec2 center = samplerCoord(image);
// sum the current pixel and 4 pixels around it
vec4 result = sample(image, center);
result += sample(image, samplerTransform(image, samplerCoord(image) + vec2(-width, -width)));
result += sample(image, samplerTransform(image, samplerCoord(image) + vec2( width, -width)));
result += sample(image, samplerTransform(image, samplerCoord(image) + vec2( width, width)));
// chuck patch that takes in x, y from processing and
// uses them as complex frequency bins to be fed into
// an inverse fourier transform
IFFT ifft => dac;
0.25 => ifft.gain;
512 => int size;
size / 2 => int arraySize;
complex s[ arraySize ];
jrsa /
Last active May 26, 2023 07:44
snippets of cycript code for messing with wow's rendering (client version 3.3.5a / build 12340)
// here i am getting a pointer to the games camera, starting from
// s_currentWorldFrame which has a known address in the games memory.
// that static variable points to an instance of CGWorldFrame, which
// houses a lot of the rendering stuff, including the camera. the
// camera, among other things, has a variable for the field of view
// which is what ends up at *fovptr.
var s_currentWorldFrame = @encode(int*)(0xEEEA8C) // static pointer to active world frame
var m_camera = 32280; //offset of cgcamera pointer in worldframe object
var m_fov = 64; // offset of fov (field of view) value in cgcamera object (just a floating point number)