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Created November 9, 2019 01:49
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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Configuration for OnStep MaxPCB (Teensy3.5/3.6)
* For more information on setting OnStep up see and
* join the OnStep at
* See the Pins.MaxPCB.h file for detailed information on this pin map to be sure it matches your wiring *** USE AT YOUR OWN RISK ***
#define MaxPCB_ON // <- Turn _ON to use this configuration
#ifdef MaxPCB_ON
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ADJUST THE FOLLOWING TO CONFIGURE YOUR CONTROLLER FEATURES --------------------------------------------------------------
// Default speed for Serial1 and Serial4 com ports, Default=9600
// ESP8266 reset and GPIO0 control, this sets run mode for normal operation. Uploading programmer firmware to the OpStep MCU can then enable sending new firmware to the ESP8266-01
// Pin 18 (Aux1) for GPIO0 and Pin 5 (Aux2) for Rst control. Choose only one feature on Aux1/2.
#define ESP8266_CONTROL_OFF
// Mount type, default is _GEM (German Equatorial.) This allows Meridian flips and can be used for other mount types if that behaviour is desired. _FORK switches off Meridian Flips
// but allows travel across the Meridian. _ALTAZM is for Alt/Azm mounted 'scopes.
// Strict parking, default=_OFF. Set to _ON and unparking is only allowed if successfully parked. Otherwise unparking is allowed if at home and not parked (the Home/Reset command ":hF#" sets this state.)
// ST4 interface on pins 24, 25, 26, 27. Pin 24 is RA- (West), Pin 25 is Dec- (South), Pin 26 is Dec+ (North), Pin 27 is RA+ (East.)
// ST4_ON enables the interface. ST4_PULLUP enables the interface and any internal pullup resistors.
// It is up to you to create an interface that meets the electrical specifications of any connected device, use at your own risk. default=_OFF
#define ST4_ON
// If SEPARATE_PULSE_GUIDE_RATE_ON is used the ST4 port is limited to guide rates <= 1X except when ST4_HAND_CONTROL_ON is used.
// Additionally, ST4_HAND_CONTROL_ON enables special features: Press and hold [E]+[W] buttons for > 2 seconds... In this mode [E] decreases and [W] increases guide rates (or if tracking isn't on yet adjusts illuminated recticule brightness.)
// [S] for Sync (or Accept if in align mode.) [N] for Tracking on/off. -OR- Press and hold [N]+[S] buttons for > 2 seconds... In this mode [E] selects prior and [W] next user catalog item.
// [N] to do a Goto to the catalog item. [S] for Sound on/off. The keypad returns to normal operation after 4 seconds of inactivity. ST4_HAND_CONTROL_ON also adds a 100ms de-bounce to all button presses.
// Finally, during a goto pressing any button aborts the slew. If meridian flip paused at home, pressing any button continues. default=_ON
// Separate pulse-guide rate so centering and guiding don't disturb each other, default=_ON
// Guide time limit (in seconds,) default=0 (no limit.) A safety feature, some guides are started with one command and stopped with another.
// If the stop command is never received the guide will continue forever unless this is enabled.
// Set to _ON to disable backlash takeup during guiding at <= 1X, default=_OFF
// RTC (Real Time Clock) support, default=_OFF.
// Other options: RTC_DS3231 for a DS3231 on the default I2C pins (optionally wire the SQW output to the PPS pin below.)
#define RTC_ON
// PPS use _ON or _PULLUP to enable the input and use the built-in pullup resistor. Sense rising edge on Pin 28 for optional precision clock source (GPS, for example), default=_OFF
// PEC sense on Pin 23 (A9) use _ON or _PULLUP to enable the input/use the built-in pullup resistor (digital input) or provide a comparison value (see below) for analog operation, default=_OFF
// Analog values range from 0 to 1023 which indicate voltages from 0-3.3VDC on the analog pin, for example "PEC_SENSE 600" would detect an index when the voltage exceeds 1.93V
// With either index detection method, once triggered 60s must expire before another detection can happen. This gives time for the index magnet to pass by the detector before another cycle begins.
// Ignored on Alt/Azm mounts.
// PEC sense, rising edge (default with PEC_SENSE_STATE HIGH, use LOW for falling edge, ex. PEC_SENSE_ON) ; for optional PEC index
// Switch close (to ground) on Aux7 (Pin 4) for optional limit sense (stops gotos and/or tracking), default=_OFF Choose only one feature on Aux7.
// Default LOW for NO (normally open) limit switches which close when triggered, change this to HIGH if your switch is NC (normally closed) and only opens when triggered.
// Light status LED by sink to ground (Pin 19), default=_ON.
// _ON and OnStep keeps this illuminated to indicate that the controller is active. When sidereal tracking this LED will rapidly flash.
// Light 2nd status LED by sink to ground Aux8 (Pin 22), default=_OFF. Choose only one feature on Aux8.
// _ON sets this to blink at 1 sec intervals when PPS is synced. Turns off if tracking is stopped. Turns on during gotos.
// Light reticule LED by sink to ground Aux8 (Pin 22), default=_OFF. Choose only one feature on Aux8.
// RETICULE_LED_PINS n, where n=0 to 255 activates this feature and sets default brightness
// Sound/buzzer on Pin 29, default=_OFF.
// Specify frequency for a piezo speaker (for example "BUZZER 2000") or use BUZZER_ON for a piezo buzzer.
#define BUZZER 2000
// Sound state at startup, default=_ON.
#define WEATHER_BME280_OFF
// Set to _ON (or the I2C device address if other than 0x77) and wire in BME280 on the I2C port (SCL1,SDA1) for temperature, pressure, humidity. Default=_OFF.
// External temparature monitoring via DS1820 on ONE WIRE interface (uses Aux4.) Default _OFF.
// Optionally adjust tracking rate to compensate for atmospheric refraction, default=_OFF
// can be turned on/off with the :Tr# and :Tn# commands regardless of this setting
// Set to _OFF and OnStep will allow Syncs to change pier side for GEM mounts (on/off), default=_ON
// Set to _ON and OnStep will remember the last auto meridian flip setting (on/off), default=_OFF
// Set to _ON and OnStep will travel directly across a meridian flip without visiting the home position (on/off), default=_OFF (only applies if pause at home is disabled)
// Set to _ON and OnStep will remember the last meridian flip pause at home setting (on/off), default=_OFF
// Automatic homing; switch state changes at the home position (uses Aux3 and Aux4.) For MOUNT_TYPE_GEM only.
#define HOME_SENSE_OFF // Default _OFF, use _ON to have OnStep automatically detect and use home switches as follows
#define HOME_AXIS1_REVERSE_OFF // Pin Aux3 state should be HIGH when clockwise of the home position (as seen from front,) LOW otherwise; reverse if necessary
#define HOME_AXIS2_REVERSE_OFF // Pin Aux4 state should be HIGH when clockwise of the home position (as seen from above,) LOW otherwise; reverse if necessary
// ADJUST THE FOLLOWING TO MATCH YOUR MOUNT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define REMEMBER_SLEW_RATE_OFF // Set to _ON and OnStep will remember rates set in the ASCOM driver, Android App, etc. default=_OFF.
#define DesiredBaseSlewRate 1.0 // Desired slew (goto) rate in degrees/second; also adjustable at run-time from 1/2 to 2x this rate.
// The resulting step rate is automatically reduced if too high for the current hardware/settings.
#define DegreesForAcceleration 4.0 // approximate number of degrees for full acceleration or deceleration: higher values=longer acceleration/deceleration
// Default=5.0, too low (about <1) can cause gotos to never end if micro-step mode switching is enabled.
#define DegreesForRapidStop 1.0 // approximate number of degrees required to stop when requested or if limit is exceeded during a slew: higher values=longer deceleration
// Default=1.0, too low (about <1) can cause gotos to never end if micro-step mode switching is enabled.
#define BacklashTakeupRate 25 // backlash takeup rate (in multipules of the sidereal rate): too fast and your motors will stall,
// too slow and the mount will be sluggish while it moves through the backlash
// for the most part this doesn't need to be changed, but adjust when needed. Default=25
// Axis1 is for RA/Az
#define StepsPerDegreeAxis1 12800.0 // calculated as : stepper_steps * micro_steps * gear_reduction1 * (gear_reduction2/360)
// G11 : 400 * 32 * 1 * 360/360 = 12800
// Axis2 is for Dec/Alt
#define StepsPerDegreeAxis2 12800.0 // calculated as : stepper_steps * micro_steps * gear_reduction1 * (gear_reduction2/360)
// G11 : 400 * 32 * 1 * 360/360 = 12800
// PEC, number of steps for a complete worm rotation (in RA), (StepsPerDegreeAxis1*360)/gear_reduction2. Ignored on Alt/Azm mounts.
#define StepsPerWormRotationAxis1 12800L
// G11 : (12800*360)/360 = 12800
#define PECBufferSize 824 // PEC, buffer size, max should be no more than 3384, your required buffer size >= StepsPerAxis1WormRotation/(StepsPerDegeeAxis1/240)
// for the most part this doesn't need to be changed, but adjust when needed. 824 seconds is the default. Ignored on Alt/Azm mounts.
#define MinutesPastMeridianE 30 // for goto's, how far past the meridian to allow before we do a flip (if on the East side of the pier) - a half hour of RA is the default = 30. Ignored on Alt/Azm mounts.
#define MinutesPastMeridianW 30 // as above, if on the West side of the pier. If left alone, the mount will stop tracking when it hits the this limit. Ignored on Alt/Azm mounts.
// The above two lines can be removed and settings in EEPROM will be used instead, be sure to set the Meridian limits in control software if you do this!
// If you don't remove these lines Meridian limits will return to these defaults on power up.
#define UnderPoleLimit 12 // maximum allowed hour angle (+/-) under the celestial pole. Default=12. Ignored on Alt/Azm mounts.
// If left alone, the mount will stop tracking when it hits this limit. Valid range is 10 to 12 hours.
#define MinDec -91 // minimum allowed declination, default = -91 (off) Ignored on Alt/Azm mounts.
#define MaxDec +91 // maximum allowed declination, default = 91 (off) Ignored on Alt/Azm mounts.
// For example, a value of +80 would stop gotos/tracking near the north celestial pole.
// For a Northern Hemisphere user, this would stop tracking when the mount is in the polar home position but
// that can be easily worked around by doing an alignment once and saving a park position (assuming a
// fork/yoke mount with meridian flips turned off by setting the minutesPastMeridian values to cover the whole sky)
#define MaxAzm 180 // Alt/Az mounts only. +/- maximum allowed Azimuth, default = 360. Allowed range is 180 to 360
// AXIS1/2 STEPPER DRIVER CONTROL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Axis1: Pins 20,21 = Step,Dir (RA/Azm)
// Axis2: Pins 3, 2 = Step,Dir (Dec/Alt)
// Step signal wave form. Use SQUARE for best compatibility or use PULSE to allow faster step rates. Default SQUARE.
// Reverse the direction of movement. Adjust as needed or reverse your wiring so things move in the right direction
#define AXIS1_REVERSE_OFF // RA/Azm axis
#define AXIS2_REVERSE_OFF // Dec/Alt axis
// Stepper driver Enable support, just wire Enable to Pins 14 (Axis1) and 9 (Axis2) and OnStep will pull these HIGH to disable the stepper drivers on startup and when Parked or Homed.
// An Align, Sync, or Un-Park will enable the drivers. Adjust below if you need these pulled LOW to disable the drivers.
// For equatorial mounts, _ON powers down the Declination axis when it's not being used to help lower power use. During low rate guiding (<=1x) the axis stays enabled
// for 10 minutes after any guide on either axis. Otherwise, the Dec axis is disabled (powered off) 10 seconds after movement stops.
// Basic stepper driver mode setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
// If used, this requires connections M0, M1, and M2 on Pins 15,16,17 for Axis1 (RA/Azm) and Pins 8,7,6 for Axis2 (Dec/Alt.)
// Stepper driver models are as follows: (for example AXIS1_DRIVER_MODEL DRV8825,) A4988, LV8729, RAPS128, S109, ST820, TMC2208, TMC2130 (spreadCycle,)
// TMC2130_QUIET (stealthChop tracking,) TMC2130_VQUIET (stealthChop tracking & slew,) add _LOWPWR for 50% power during tracking (for example: TMC2130_QUIET_LOWPWR)
#define AXIS1_DRIVER_MODEL TMC2130_VQUIET // Axis1 (RA/Azm): Default _xOFF, Stepper driver model (see above)
#define AXIS1_MICROSTEPS 32 // Axis1 (RA/Azm): Default _OFF, Microstep mode when the scope is doing sidereal tracking (for example: AXIS1_MICROSTEPS 32)
#define AXIS1_MICROSTEPS_GOTO_OFF // Axis1 (RA/Azm): Default _OFF, Optional microstep mode used during gotos (for example: AXIS1_MICROSTEPS_GOTO 2)
#define AXIS2_DRIVER_MODEL TMC2130_VQUIET // Axis2 (Dec/Alt): Default _OFF, Stepper driver model (see above)
#define AXIS2_MICROSTEPS 32 // Axis2 (Dec/Alt): Default _OFF, Microstep mode when the scope is doing sidereal tracking
#define AXIS2_MICROSTEPS_GOTO_OFF // Axis2 (Dec/Alt): Default _OFF, Optional microstep mode used during gotos
// Note: you can replace this section with the contents of "AdvancedStepperSetup.txt" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
// Stepper driver Fault detection on Pins 18 (Aux1) and 5 (Aux2,) choose only one feature to use on Aux1/2. The SPI interface (on M0/M1/M2/Aux) can be used to detect errors on the TMC2130.
// other settings are LOW, HIGH, TMC2130 (if available applies internal pullup if LOW and pulldown if HIGH.)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAMERA ROTATOR OR ALT/AZ DE-ROTATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pins 30,33 = Step,Dir (choose either this option or the second focuser, not both)
#define ROTATOR_OFF // use _ON to enable the rotator (for any mount type,) default=_OFF (this is also a de-rotator for MOUNT_TYPE_ALTAZM mounts.)
#define MaxRateAxis3 8 // this is the minimum number of milli-seconds between micro-steps, default=8
#define StepsPerDegreeAxis3 64.0 // calculated as : stepper_steps * micro_steps * gear_reduction1 * (gear_reduction2/360)
// Rotator : 24 * 8 * 20 * 6/360 = 64
// For de-rotation of Alt/Az mounts a quick estimate of the required resolution (in StepsPerDegree)
// would be an estimate of the circumference of the useful imaging circle in (pixels * 2)/360
#define MinAxis3 -180 // minimum allowed rotator angle, default = -180
#define MaxAxis3 180 // maximum allowed rotator angle, default = 180
#define AXIS3_REVERSE_OFF // reverse the direction of Axis3 rotator movement.
#define AXIS3_DISABLE_OFF // Pin A21 (Aux5.) Default _OFF, use HIGH for common stepper drivers.
#define AXIS3_AUTO_POWER_DOWN_OFF // use _ON if you want to power down the motor at stand-still. Default _OFF.
// FOCUSER1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pins 34,35 = Step,Dir
#define FOCUSER1_OFF // use _ON to enable this focuser, default=_OFF
#define MaxRateAxis4 8 // this is the minimum number of milli-seconds between steps, default=8. In DC motor mode PWM frequency.
#define StepsPerMicrometerAxis4 0.5 // figure this out by testing or other means.
#define MinAxis4 -25.0 // minimum allowed position in millimeters, default = -25.0
#define MaxAxis4 25.0 // maximum allowed position in millimeters, default = 25.0
#define AXIS4_MIN_MOVE_RATE 10 // minimum micrometers per second, default=10. In DC motor mode power for slow movement (1-1000 range.)
#define AXIS4_REVERSE_OFF // reverse the direction of focuser movement.
#define AXIS4_DISABLE_OFF // Pin A22 (Aux6.) Default _OFF, use HIGH for common stepper drivers.
#define AXIS4_AUTO_POWER_DOWN_OFF // use _ON if you want to power down the motor at stand-still. Default _OFF. Ignored in DC motor mode.
#define AXIS4_DC_MODE_ON // enable DC focuser instead of a stepper motor. Automatically uses Phase 1 if enabled. Default _OFF.
// FOCUSER2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pins 30,33 = Step,Dir (choose either this option or the rotator, not both)
#define FOCUSER2_OFF // use _ON to enable this focuser, default=_OFF
#define MaxRateAxis5 8 // this is the minimum number of milli-seconds between steps, default=8. In DC motor mode PWM frequency.
#define StepsPerMicrometerAxis5 0.5 // figure this out by testing or other means.
#define MinAxis5 -25.0 // minimum allowed position in millimeters, default = -25.0
#define MaxAxis5 25.0 // maximum allowed position in millimeters, default = 25.0
#define AXIS5_MIN_MOVE_RATE 10 // minimum micrometers per second, default=10. In DC motor mode power for slow movement (1-1000 range.)
#define AXIS5_REVERSE_OFF // reverse the direction of focuser movement.
#define AXIS5_DISABLE_OFF // Pin A21 (Aux5.) Default _OFF, use HIGH for common stepper drivers.
#define AXIS5_AUTO_POWER_DOWN_OFF // use _ON if you want to power down the motor at stand-still. Default _OFF. Ignored in DC motor mode.
#define AXIS5_DC_MODE_OFF // enable DC focuser instead of a stepper motor. Automatically uses Phase 2 if enabled. Default _OFF.
//#define Axis3_EN 36 // Early version 1.x MaxPCB's had the option of using pin 36 for Axis3 EN
//#define Axis4_EN 39 // Early version 1.x MaxPCB's had the option of using pin 39 for Axis4/Axis5 EN
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define FileVersionConfig 2
#include "src/pinmaps/Pins.MaxPCB.h"
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