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James Rudley jrudley

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jrudley /
Created July 23, 2019 12:49
Learning to build ARM templates

How to build an ARM Template

This walkthrough will show you how to build an ARM template for a simple Azure Storage account resource.

jrudley / SwitchMasterToWeb.config
Created August 3, 2016 01:28 — forked from kamsar/SwitchMasterToWeb.config
Sitecore 8 Patched SwitchMasterToWeb.config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
Purpose: This include file simplifies the setup of Sitecore CD instances by removing any references to the Master database from Sitecore configuration files.
This include file should be used only on CD servers.
Important: Include files are applied in alphabetical order. Therefore this include file cannot remove any references to the Master database
that are defined in include files that are applied later. In this situation, you must rename this include file so that it is applied after
any other include files that contain references to "master" database.