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Created September 2, 2016 21:24
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Packer 0.10.1 digitalocean builder timeout
"variables": {
"do_api_token": ""
"builders": [{
"type": "digitalocean",
"api_token": "{{user `do_api_token`}}",
"image": "centos-7-x64",
"region": "sfo2",
"size": "1gb"
2016/09/02 15:44:52 [INFO] Packer version: 0.10.1
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Packer Target OS/Arch: linux amd64
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Built with Go Version: go1.6.2
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Detected home directory from env var: /home/jesse
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for parallels-pvm
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-iso
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for vmware-vmx
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for amazon-chroot
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for amazon-instance
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for parallels-iso
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for openstack
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-ovf
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebs
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for docker
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for googlecompute
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for qemu
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for digitalocean
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for file
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for null
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for azure-arm
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for vmware-iso
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for windows-shell
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for chef-client
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for powershell
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for puppet-masterless
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for puppet-server
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for shell
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for windows-restart
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for ansible
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for ansible-local
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for chef-solo
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for file
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for salt-masterless
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for compress
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for docker-save
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for docker-tag
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for vagrant
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for vagrant-cloud
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for vsphere
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for amazon-import
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for artifice
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for atlas
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for docker-import
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for docker-push
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Detected home directory from env var: /home/jesse
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Attempting to open config file: /home/jesse/.packerconfig
2016/09/02 15:44:52 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /home/jesse/.packerconfig
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[amazon-chroot:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-chroot parallels-iso:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-iso qemu:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-qemu vmware-iso:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-iso virtualbox-ovf:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf null:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-null parallels-pvm:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-pvm vmware-vmx:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-vmx amazon-ebs:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebs googlecompute:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-googlecompute file:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-file virtualbox-iso:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-iso amazon-instance:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-instance openstack:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-openstack docker:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-docker digitalocean:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-digitalocean azure-arm:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-azure-arm] PostProcessors:map[docker-save:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-save docker-tag:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-tag shell-local:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-shell-local vagrant-cloud:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant-cloud amazon-import:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-amazon-import artifice:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-artifice atlas:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-atlas compress:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-compress vagrant:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant vsphere:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vsphere docker-import:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-import docker-push:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-push] Provisioners:map[windows-shell:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-shell chef-client:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-client powershell:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-powershell puppet-masterless:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-masterless puppet-server:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-server shell:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell shell-local:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell-local ansible-local:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible-local chef-solo:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-solo windows-restart:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-restart ansible:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible file:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-file salt-masterless:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-salt-masterless]}
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Setting cache directory: /home/jesse/Packer/builds/do-failure/packer_cache
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Detected home directory from env var: /home/jesse
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Loading builder: digitalocean
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Current exe path: /home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Creating plugin client for path: /home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Starting plugin: /home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer []string{"/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer", "plugin", "packer-builder-digitalocean"}
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Waiting for RPC address for: /home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 [INFO] Packer version: 0.10.1
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Packer Target OS/Arch: linux amd64
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Built with Go Version: go1.6.2
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Detected home directory from env var: /home/jesse
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-ovf
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for vmware-iso
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for azure-arm
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for docker
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for qemu
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for vmware-vmx
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for amazon-chroot
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for amazon-instance
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for null
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-iso
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for googlecompute
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for openstack
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for parallels-iso
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for parallels-pvm
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebs
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for digitalocean
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for file
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for shell
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for chef-solo
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for powershell
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for puppet-masterless
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for file
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for puppet-server
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for salt-masterless
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for windows-restart
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for ansible
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for ansible-local
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for chef-client
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for windows-shell
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for artifice
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for docker-push
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for docker-tag
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for vsphere
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for amazon-import
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for atlas
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for compress
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for docker-import
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for docker-save
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for vagrant
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Using internal plugin for vagrant-cloud
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Detected home directory from env var: /home/jesse
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Attempting to open config file: /home/jesse/.packerconfig
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: /home/jesse/.packerconfig
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[virtualbox-ovf:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf null:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-null googlecompute:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-googlecompute parallels-pvm:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-pvm docker:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-docker amazon-instance:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-instance openstack:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-openstack amazon-ebs:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebs qemu:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-qemu amazon-chroot:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-chroot virtualbox-iso:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-iso parallels-iso:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-iso digitalocean:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-digitalocean file:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-file vmware-iso:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-iso azure-arm:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-azure-arm vmware-vmx:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-vmx] PostProcessors:map[artifice:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-artifice atlas:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-atlas vagrant-cloud:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant-cloud compress:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-compress docker-import:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-import docker-save:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-save docker-push:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-push docker-tag:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-tag shell-local:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-shell-local vsphere:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vsphere amazon-import:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-amazon-import vagrant:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant] Provisioners:map[ansible:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible ansible-local:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible-local chef-client:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-client chef-solo:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-solo powershell:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-powershell file:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-file salt-masterless:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-salt-masterless windows-restart:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-restart shell:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell puppet-masterless:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-masterless puppet-server:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-server shell-local:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell-local windows-shell:/home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-shell]}
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Setting cache directory: /home/jesse/Packer/builds/do-failure/packer_cache
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 args: []string{"packer-builder-digitalocean"}
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Detected home directory from env var: /home/jesse
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Plugin address: unix /tmp/packer-plugin207847782
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Waiting for connection...
2016/09/02 15:44:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:52 Serving a plugin connection...
2016/09/02 15:44:52 ui: digitalocean output will be in this color.
2016/09/02 15:44:52 ui:
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Build debug mode: false
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Force build: false
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Preparing build: digitalocean
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Waiting on builds to complete...
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Starting build run: digitalocean
2016/09/02 15:44:52 Running builder: digitalocean
2016/09/02 15:44:52 ui: ==> digitalocean: Creating temporary ssh key for droplet...
2016/09/02 15:44:53 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:53 temporary ssh key name: packer-57c9e4c4-9f14-ceff-857c-2ea33dfcaf49
2016/09/02 15:44:53 ui: ==> digitalocean: Creating droplet...
2016/09/02 15:44:54 ui: ==> digitalocean: Waiting for droplet to become active...
2016/09/02 15:44:54 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:54 Waiting for up to 360 seconds for droplet to become active
2016/09/02 15:44:54 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:54 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 1)
2016/09/02 15:44:57 packer: 2016/09/02 15:44:57 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 2)
2016/09/02 15:45:00 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:00 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 3)
2016/09/02 15:45:04 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:04 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 4)
2016/09/02 15:45:07 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:07 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 5)
2016/09/02 15:45:10 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:10 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 6)
2016/09/02 15:45:14 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:14 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 7)
2016/09/02 15:45:18 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:18 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 8)
2016/09/02 15:45:18 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:18 [INFO] Waiting for SSH, up to timeout: 5m0s
2016/09/02 15:45:18 ui: ==> digitalocean: Waiting for SSH to become available...
2016/09/02 15:45:33 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:33 [DEBUG] TCP connection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp i/o timeout
2016/09/02 15:45:39 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:39 [INFO] Attempting SSH connection...
2016/09/02 15:45:39 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:39 reconnecting to TCP connection for SSH
2016/09/02 15:45:39 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:39 handshaking with SSH
2016/09/02 15:45:39 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:39 handshake complete!
2016/09/02 15:45:39 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:39 opening new ssh session
2016/09/02 15:45:39 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:39 [INFO] agent forwarding enabled
2016/09/02 15:45:39 ui: ==> digitalocean: Connected to SSH!
2016/09/02 15:45:39 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:39 Running the provision hook
2016/09/02 15:45:39 ui: ==> digitalocean: Gracefully shutting down droplet...
2016/09/02 15:45:39 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:39 Waiting for up to 120 seconds for droplet to become off
2016/09/02 15:45:39 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:39 ShutdownDroplet attempt #2...
2016/09/02 15:45:39 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:39 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 1)
2016/09/02 15:45:40 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:40 Shutdown retry error: POST 422 there are currently blocking events processing for one or more of the droplets
2016/09/02 15:45:43 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:43 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 2)
2016/09/02 15:45:46 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:46 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 3)
2016/09/02 15:45:49 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:49 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 4)
2016/09/02 15:45:53 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:53 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 5)
2016/09/02 15:45:56 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:56 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 6)
2016/09/02 15:45:59 packer: 2016/09/02 15:45:59 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 7)
2016/09/02 15:46:00 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:00 ShutdownDroplet attempt #3...
2016/09/02 15:46:03 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:03 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 8)
2016/09/02 15:46:06 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:06 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 9)
2016/09/02 15:46:09 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:09 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 10)
2016/09/02 15:46:13 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:13 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 11)
2016/09/02 15:46:16 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:16 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 12)
2016/09/02 15:46:20 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:20 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 13)
2016/09/02 15:46:20 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:20 ShutdownDroplet attempt #4...
2016/09/02 15:46:23 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:23 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 14)
2016/09/02 15:46:26 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:26 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 15)
2016/09/02 15:46:29 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:29 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 16)
2016/09/02 15:46:32 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:32 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 17)
2016/09/02 15:46:36 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:36 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 18)
2016/09/02 15:46:39 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:39 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 19)
2016/09/02 15:46:40 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:40 ShutdownDroplet attempt #5...
2016/09/02 15:46:43 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:43 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 20)
2016/09/02 15:46:46 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:46 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 21)
2016/09/02 15:46:49 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:49 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 22)
2016/09/02 15:46:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:52 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 23)
2016/09/02 15:46:56 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:56 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 24)
2016/09/02 15:46:59 packer: 2016/09/02 15:46:59 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 25)
2016/09/02 15:47:00 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:00 ShutdownDroplet attempt #6...
2016/09/02 15:47:03 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:03 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 26)
2016/09/02 15:47:06 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:06 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 27)
2016/09/02 15:47:09 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:09 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 28)
2016/09/02 15:47:13 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:13 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 29)
2016/09/02 15:47:16 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:16 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 30)
2016/09/02 15:47:19 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:19 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 31)
2016/09/02 15:47:21 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:21 ShutdownDroplet attempt #7...
2016/09/02 15:47:23 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:23 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 32)
2016/09/02 15:47:26 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:26 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 33)
2016/09/02 15:47:26 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:26 [DEBUG] Waiting for up to 240 seconds for droplet to unlock
2016/09/02 15:47:26 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:26 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 1)
2016/09/02 15:47:27 ui: ==> digitalocean: Creating snapshot: packer-1472849092
2016/09/02 15:47:27 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:27 [DEBUG] Waiting for up to 1200 seconds for droplet to unlock
2016/09/02 15:47:27 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:27 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 1)
2016/09/02 15:47:31 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:31 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 2)
2016/09/02 15:47:34 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:34 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 3)
2016/09/02 15:47:37 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:37 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 4)
2016/09/02 15:47:41 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:41 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 5)
2016/09/02 15:47:44 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:44 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 6)
2016/09/02 15:47:47 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:47 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 7)
2016/09/02 15:47:50 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:50 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 8)
2016/09/02 15:47:53 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:53 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 9)
2016/09/02 15:47:57 packer: 2016/09/02 15:47:57 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 10)
2016/09/02 15:48:00 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:00 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 11)
2016/09/02 15:48:03 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:03 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 12)
2016/09/02 15:48:07 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:07 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 13)
2016/09/02 15:48:10 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:10 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 14)
2016/09/02 15:48:14 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:14 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 15)
2016/09/02 15:48:17 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:17 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 16)
2016/09/02 15:48:20 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:20 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 17)
2016/09/02 15:48:24 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:24 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 18)
2016/09/02 15:48:27 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:27 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 19)
2016/09/02 15:48:30 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:30 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 20)
2016/09/02 15:48:33 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:33 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 21)
2016/09/02 15:48:37 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:37 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 22)
2016/09/02 15:48:40 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:40 [DEBUG] Checking droplet lock state... (attempt: 23)
2016/09/02 15:48:41 ui: ==> digitalocean: Waiting for snapshot to complete...
2016/09/02 15:48:41 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:41 Waiting for up to 360 seconds for droplet to become active
2016/09/02 15:48:41 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:41 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 1)
2016/09/02 15:48:44 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:44 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 2)
2016/09/02 15:48:48 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:48 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 3)
2016/09/02 15:48:51 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:51 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 4)
2016/09/02 15:48:54 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:54 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 5)
2016/09/02 15:48:58 packer: 2016/09/02 15:48:58 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 6)
2016/09/02 15:49:01 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:01 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 7)
2016/09/02 15:49:04 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:04 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 8)
2016/09/02 15:49:08 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:08 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 9)
2016/09/02 15:49:11 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:11 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 10)
2016/09/02 15:49:15 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:15 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 11)
2016/09/02 15:49:18 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:18 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 12)
2016/09/02 15:49:22 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:22 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 13)
2016/09/02 15:49:25 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:25 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 14)
2016/09/02 15:49:28 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:28 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 15)
2016/09/02 15:49:31 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:31 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 16)
2016/09/02 15:49:35 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:35 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 17)
2016/09/02 15:49:38 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:38 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 18)
2016/09/02 15:49:41 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:41 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 19)
2016/09/02 15:49:44 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:44 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 20)
2016/09/02 15:49:47 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:47 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 21)
2016/09/02 15:49:51 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:51 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 22)
2016/09/02 15:49:54 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:54 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 23)
2016/09/02 15:49:58 packer: 2016/09/02 15:49:58 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 24)
2016/09/02 15:50:01 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:01 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 25)
2016/09/02 15:50:04 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:04 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 26)
2016/09/02 15:50:08 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:08 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 27)
2016/09/02 15:50:11 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:11 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 28)
2016/09/02 15:50:14 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:14 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 29)
2016/09/02 15:50:18 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:18 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 30)
2016/09/02 15:50:22 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:22 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 31)
2016/09/02 15:50:25 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:25 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 32)
2016/09/02 15:50:28 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:28 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 33)
2016/09/02 15:50:32 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:32 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 34)
2016/09/02 15:50:35 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:35 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 35)
2016/09/02 15:50:38 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:38 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 36)
2016/09/02 15:50:42 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:42 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 37)
2016/09/02 15:50:45 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:45 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 38)
2016/09/02 15:50:48 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:48 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 39)
2016/09/02 15:50:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:52 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 40)
2016/09/02 15:50:55 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:55 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 41)
2016/09/02 15:50:58 packer: 2016/09/02 15:50:58 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 42)
2016/09/02 15:51:02 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:02 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 43)
2016/09/02 15:51:05 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:05 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 44)
2016/09/02 15:51:08 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:08 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 45)
2016/09/02 15:51:12 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:12 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 46)
2016/09/02 15:51:15 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:15 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 47)
2016/09/02 15:51:18 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:18 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 48)
2016/09/02 15:51:22 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:22 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 49)
2016/09/02 15:51:25 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:25 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 50)
2016/09/02 15:51:29 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:29 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 51)
2016/09/02 15:51:32 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:32 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 52)
2016/09/02 15:51:35 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:35 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 53)
2016/09/02 15:51:38 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:38 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 54)
2016/09/02 15:51:42 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:42 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 55)
2016/09/02 15:51:45 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:45 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 56)
2016/09/02 15:51:49 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:49 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 57)
2016/09/02 15:51:52 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:52 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 58)
2016/09/02 15:51:55 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:55 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 59)
2016/09/02 15:51:58 packer: 2016/09/02 15:51:58 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 60)
2016/09/02 15:52:02 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:02 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 61)
2016/09/02 15:52:05 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:05 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 62)
2016/09/02 15:52:08 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:08 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 63)
2016/09/02 15:52:11 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:11 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 64)
2016/09/02 15:52:15 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:15 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 65)
2016/09/02 15:52:18 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:18 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 66)
2016/09/02 15:52:21 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:21 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 67)
2016/09/02 15:52:25 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:25 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 68)
2016/09/02 15:52:28 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:28 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 69)
2016/09/02 15:52:31 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:31 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 70)
2016/09/02 15:52:35 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:35 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 71)
2016/09/02 15:52:38 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:38 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 72)
2016/09/02 15:52:41 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:41 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 73)
2016/09/02 15:52:44 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:44 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 74)
2016/09/02 15:52:48 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:48 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 75)
2016/09/02 15:52:51 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:51 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 76)
2016/09/02 15:52:54 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:54 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 77)
2016/09/02 15:52:57 packer: 2016/09/02 15:52:57 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 78)
2016/09/02 15:53:01 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:01 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 79)
2016/09/02 15:53:04 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:04 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 80)
2016/09/02 15:53:08 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:08 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 81)
2016/09/02 15:53:11 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:11 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 82)
2016/09/02 15:53:15 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:15 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 83)
2016/09/02 15:53:18 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:18 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 84)
2016/09/02 15:53:21 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:21 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 85)
2016/09/02 15:53:25 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:25 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 86)
2016/09/02 15:53:28 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:28 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 87)
2016/09/02 15:53:32 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:32 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 88)
2016/09/02 15:53:35 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:35 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 89)
2016/09/02 15:53:38 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:38 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 90)
2016/09/02 15:53:41 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:41 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 91)
2016/09/02 15:53:44 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:44 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 92)
2016/09/02 15:53:48 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:48 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 93)
2016/09/02 15:53:51 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:51 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 94)
2016/09/02 15:53:55 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:55 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 95)
2016/09/02 15:53:58 packer: 2016/09/02 15:53:58 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 96)
2016/09/02 15:54:01 packer: 2016/09/02 15:54:01 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 97)
2016/09/02 15:54:04 packer: 2016/09/02 15:54:04 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 98)
2016/09/02 15:54:08 packer: 2016/09/02 15:54:08 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 99)
2016/09/02 15:54:11 packer: 2016/09/02 15:54:11 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 100)
2016/09/02 15:54:14 packer: 2016/09/02 15:54:14 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 101)
2016/09/02 15:54:18 packer: 2016/09/02 15:54:18 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 102)
2016/09/02 15:54:22 packer: 2016/09/02 15:54:22 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 103)
2016/09/02 15:54:25 packer: 2016/09/02 15:54:25 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 104)
2016/09/02 15:54:28 packer: 2016/09/02 15:54:28 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 105)
2016/09/02 15:54:31 packer: 2016/09/02 15:54:31 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 106)
2016/09/02 15:54:34 packer: 2016/09/02 15:54:34 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 107)
2016/09/02 15:54:38 packer: 2016/09/02 15:54:38 Checking droplet status... (attempt: 108)
2016/09/02 15:54:41 ui error: ==> digitalocean: Error waiting for snapshot to complete: Timeout while waiting to for droplet to become 'active'
2016/09/02 15:54:41 ui: ==> digitalocean: Destroying droplet...
2016/09/02 15:54:41 ui: ==> digitalocean: Deleting temporary ssh key...
2016/09/02 15:54:41 ui error: Build 'digitalocean' errored: Error waiting for snapshot to complete: Timeout while waiting to for droplet to become 'active'
2016/09/02 15:54:41 Builds completed. Waiting on interrupt barrier...
2016/09/02 15:54:41 machine readable: error-count []string{"1"}
2016/09/02 15:54:41 ui error:
==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
2016/09/02 15:54:41 machine readable: digitalocean,error []string{"Error waiting for snapshot to complete: Timeout while waiting to for droplet to become 'active'"}
2016/09/02 15:54:41 ui error: --> digitalocean: Error waiting for snapshot to complete: Timeout while waiting to for droplet to become 'active'
2016/09/02 15:54:41 ui:
==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.
2016/09/02 15:54:41 waiting for all plugin processes to complete...
2016/09/02 15:54:41 /home/jesse/Packer/bin/packer: plugin process exited
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