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Last active August 31, 2017 15:45
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This script adds a tag or tags to a specific build in TFS/VSTS. Authentication can be performed using the current users credentials, a personal access token, or system OAUTH.
Adds a tag or tags to a TFS/VSTS build.
This script adds a tag or tags to a specific build in TFS/VSTS. Authentication can be performed using the current users credentials, a personal access token, or system OAUTH.
No objects can be piped to this script.
No objects are output by this script.
.PARAMETER TeamFoundationCollectionUri
The URI of the team foundation collection. For example: This defaults to the current team foundation collection.
.PARAMETER TeamProject
The name of the team project that contains the build to add tags to. This defaults to the current project.
The ID of the build to add tags to, this will default to primary artifact build id.
A list of tags, separated by a comma (,).
.PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken
The personal access token used to authenticate with TFS/VSTS. If omitted, the script will attempt to use the system OAUTH token or default credentials.
.PARAMETER UseDefaultCredentials
Uses the credentials of the current user to make the request.
# Set the 'Test Complete' and 'Ready' tags for build 988.
.\Add-TfsBuildTags.ps1 -BuildId 988 -Tags "Test Complete,Ready"
Author: Jeff Block <>
Param (
[string] $TeamFoundationCollectionUri = $env:SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI,
[string] $TeamProject = $env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT,
[int] $BuildId = $env:BUILD_BUILDID,
[string] $Tags = "",
[string] $PersonalAccessToken = "",
[switch] $UseDefaultCredentials
# Validate parameters
If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TeamFoundationCollectionUri)) {
Throw "TeamFoundationCollectionUri parameter cannot be null or empty."
If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TeamProject)) {
Throw "TeamProject parameter cannot be null or empty."
If ($BuildId -eq 0) {
Throw "BuildId parameter must be supplied."
If (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PersonalAccessToken)) -and ($UseDefaultCredentials -eq $true)) {
Throw "PersonalAccessToken and UseDefaultCredentials parameters can not both be supplied."
Write-Verbose "TeamFoundationCollectionUri : $TeamFoundationCollectionUri"
Write-Verbose "TeamProject : $TeamProject"
Write-Verbose "BuildId : $BuildId"
$baseUrl = "$TeamFoundationCollectionUri/$TeamProject/_apis"
If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Tags)) {
Throw "Tags parameter cannot be null or empty."
$tagsArray = $Tags.Split(",");
# Auth
$token = ""
$headers = $null
If (!($UseDefaultCredentials)) {
If (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PersonalAccessToken))) {
Write-Verbose "Using personal access token."
$creds = ":$($PersonalAccessToken)"
$encodedCreds = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($creds))
$token = "Basic $encodedCreds"
$headers = @{Authorization = $token}
ElseIf (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:System_AccessToken))) {
Write-Verbose "Using system access token."
$token = "Bearer $($env:System_AccessToken)"
$headers = @{Authorization = $token}
Else {
$UseDefaultCredentials = $true
Write-Verbose "BaseUrl: [$baseUrl]"
Write-Verbose "Token: [$token]"
If ($tagsArray.Count -gt 0) {
ForEach($tag in $tagsArray)
$tagUrl = "$baseUrl/build/builds/$BuildId/tags/$tag`?api-version=2.0"
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $tagUrl -Method Put -Headers:$headers -UseDefaultCredentials:$useDefaultCredentials
Write-Verbose "Response:`r`n$response"
If ($response.GetType().Name -eq "String") {
If ($response.Contains("Visual Studio Team Services | Sign In")) {
Throw "Unable to authenticate using supplied authorization."
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