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Last active May 19, 2022 14:06
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Demonstration of a possible shim to use monad-logger-aeson from rio's Utf8Builder-based logging facilities
-- | Description: This module demonstrates the foundations of a shim between
-- @monad-logger-aeson@ and the 'Utf8Builder'-based logging system in "RIO".
-- Note that this demonstration does not provide the same level of fanciness
-- "RIO"'s logging can provide when making 'LogFunc' values via 'LogOptions'
-- (e.g. sticky logging). The demonstration also digs into
-- @monad-logger-aeson@'s internals in a couple spots.
-- Output (when formatted with @jq@) looks like:
-- {
-- "time": "2022-05-19T14:06:09.1465777Z",
-- "level": "debug",
-- "location": {
-- "package": "main",
-- "module": "Main",
-- "file": "app/readme-example.hs",
-- "line": 28,
-- "char": 3
-- },
-- "message": {
-- "text": "Doing stuff",
-- "meta": {
-- "x": 42
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- {
-- "time": "2022-05-19T14:06:09.1466995Z",
-- "level": "info",
-- "location": {
-- "package": "main",
-- "module": "Main",
-- "file": "app/readme-example.hs",
-- "line": 34,
-- "char": 5
-- },
-- "message": {
-- "text": "Done"
-- }
-- }
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main
( main
) where
import Control.Monad.Logger.Aeson (Message(..), (.@))
import GHC.Stack (getCallStack)
import RIO
import qualified Control.Monad.Logger.Aeson as MLA
import qualified Control.Monad.Logger.Aeson.Internal as MLA.Internal
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encoding as Aeson.Encoding
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
doStuff :: Int -> RIO MyApp ()
doStuff x = do
-- The 'Utf8Builder'-based logging interface in RIO requires that we convert
-- our 'Message' values to 'Utf8Builder' values.
logDebug $ fromMessage $ "Doing stuff" :# ["x" .@ x]
main :: IO ()
main = do
runMyApp do
doStuff 42
logInfo "Done"
newtype MyApp = MyApp
{ myAppLogFunc :: LogFunc
instance HasLogFunc MyApp where
logFuncL = lens myAppLogFunc (\x y -> x { myAppLogFunc = y })
runMyApp :: (MonadIO m) => RIO MyApp a -> m a
runMyApp m = do
-- Just logging to 'stdout' for the example
let myApp = MyApp { myAppLogFunc = rioLogFunc stdout }
runRIO myApp m
rioLogFunc :: Handle -> LogFunc
rioLogFunc h =
mkLogFunc \cs logSource logLevel utf8Builder -> do
(locFromCS cs)
(rioLogLevelToMLA logLevel)
(utf8BuilderToLogStr utf8Builder)
locFromCS :: CallStack -> MLA.Loc
locFromCS cs =
-- 'reverse' goofiness ensues.
case reverse $ getCallStack cs of
[] -> MLA.Loc "<unknown>" "<unknown>" "<unknown>" (0,0) (0,0)
(_desc, loc) : _ -> MLA.Internal.mkLoggerLoc loc
rioLogLevelToMLA :: LogLevel -> MLA.LogLevel
rioLogLevelToMLA = \case
LevelDebug -> MLA.LevelDebug
LevelInfo -> MLA.LevelInfo
LevelWarn -> MLA.LevelWarn
LevelError -> MLA.LevelError
LevelOther text -> MLA.LevelOther text
utf8BuilderToLogStr :: Utf8Builder -> MLA.LogStr
utf8BuilderToLogStr (Utf8Builder builder) = MLA.toLogStr builder
fromMessage :: Message -> Utf8Builder
fromMessage message =
$ Builder.lazyByteString
$ Aeson.Encoding.encodingToLazyByteString
$ MLA.Internal.messageEncoding message
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